
Home > Romance > Savage > Page 14
Savage Page 14

by Tiana Laveen

  You look exactly like what happened… Like you’ve been fucked nearly to death.

  She tried to finger-comb her now wild and crazy hair to no avail. What she’d give to have a brush with her, or anything to get it back into shape. After cleaning her tender and slightly sore pussy lips from the incredible pounding they’d received, she washed her face with a paper towel and soap, put her clothes back on, reapplied her lipstick, and slid on her shoes. When she came out of the small lavatory, Savage stood fully dressed but with his shirt hanging open, exposing his necklace and his jacket off. His sunglasses were propped atop his head. He grabbed his cellphone, appearing to be lost in thought before retreating to the restroom. Not certain what to say, she simply took her seat, feeling a strange tension. That vulnerability washed over her again. How she hated it.

  No, I hate myself. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I was supposed to have sex and not look back, just like all the others. See? It’s happening again! Just like all of those years ago… That motherfucker! I knew better. She chided herself, crossing her legs and staring out the window into blackness. It’s all good. I knew what this was. I was just hoping that… Shit. What was I hoping? He never lied about what he was or what he wanted. But I did…

  The fact of the matter was that Zaire was tired of being alone. She didn’t want that—she never had—but she hadn’t met the right person. After her last failed relationship, she’d had enough, but her heart wanted to try again. She’d told it ‘no.’ Now here she was, thirty-seven years old with a beautiful life, pretending she was okay without a partner, someone to share all of her blessings with.

  Lies. Lies. Lies.

  He’s not relationship and DEFINITELY not marriage material. Hell, he admitted it. It’s fine. You’ve had your fun, Zaire… and hey, it was fun, wasn’t it? He served you just how you like it…

  She smiled sadly as she continued to run the gamut of her thoughts.

  He’s a great lover… truly one of the best. He actually was probably THE best. Gotta give credit where credit is due. I’ll just get home tomorrow night as planned. No worries. I have that Women’s Empowerment Conference, and that nice Purple Ladies Brunch in Colorado… Then there’s the…


  “Huh? Oh.” She smiled nervously, resting her hand on her chest. “Yeah? I was just daydreaming. What’s up?”

  He sat beside her, staying quiet for far too long. He looked straight ahead, then began to do strange things with his hands. Cracking his knuckles, flexing his fingers…

  “I want uh… I want you to come back to my hotel room with me when we get back to Vegas.” He turned and looked at her.

  It’s very late! My friends will be worried. I can’t go back to his room with him and honestly, I don’t know if my body can take anymore. His dick game is wicked; he tore my ass up. It was good, but shit, I can barely sit down!

  …Bitch, you know you want some more. Besides, it’s a long ride back. By then, my pussy will be ready again. I can sleep in the limo and be ready for action.

  “Well…” She glanced down at her wrist and realized she’d tossed her watch in her purse. She surmised it was at least four in the morning. She shook her head and laughed. “You know what? Yes! Why not? Fine. I would love to come and spend more time with you. When we land, let me call my friends, okay? Just so they know everything is cool.”

  “Yeah, yeah, of course. I was going to suggest that.” He got up from his seat and made his way towards the pulled curtain. He drew it back and cinched it open. “Thanks. I appreciate the favor,” he said in a low voice to the pilot before patting the man on his shoulder.

  “You’re welcome Mr. Savage. It’s always a pleasure to see you.”

  A pang of jealousy rang out in Zaire at that moment and it shocked the hell out of her.

  You’re welcome, Mr. Savage? Who else has he brought up here and fucked? Oh, so he just goes all Evel Knievel in airplanes, fucking random women in a single bound! It’s a bird, it’s a plane! It’s ho-ass Savage riding another bitch like a bronco! I bet he has taken hundreds of women to the desert, too! Stargazing like his name is Luke Skywalker. I wish my ass was in a galaxy far, far away! I wasn’t special. Always a pleasure to see you, huh? This motherfucker right here! She crossed her arms and huffed. He probably has a little punch card with this pilot, like the kind you get at the Subway restaurants: buy nine sandwiches, get your tenth one free. I bet I was the free one… that raggedy son of a bitch!

  Zaire, chill! This is not your man… He can do whatever he wants. Relax.

  Savage returned to his seat beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

  “What?” he asked after a minute or two of complete silence on her part.

  “Huh?” She threw him a brief glance then turned back towards the window.

  “You’re stiff, and your face is all tight like you’ve been sucking on lemons.”

  “No, I’m fine. Just tired.”

  He nodded and removed his hand from her shoulder. They sat quietly, and she tried her best to smile, to put on her best act. She was good at pretending everything was fine. She’d been doing it since she was a little girl, just how her grandmother had taught her.

  “Before we land, which will be in about seven minutes,” he glanced at his watch, “I suggest you tell me what the hell is bothering you. I don’t have time for a bunch of games. Spit this shit out.” Now his body had gone all stiff, too, as he played with his smart watch.

  “I had a good time tonight.”

  “So did I. And?”

  “I feel like… I feel like I might not be the only one you’ve done this with and it upsets me.”

  “It upsets you because you like me and don’t want to think that this is just my regular routine?”

  “Yes, right.”

  “And you want to believe that with you it was different, that you were special, but you feel that feeling that way in some way makes you fragile or juvenile?”

  She swallowed. “Yes.”

  “Okay, let’s make this short ’nd sweet. I have had sex on a plane before.” He stared at his watch. “Several times. Never this one, and never like this.” He sat straight and turned to look her in the eye. “I have never fucked a woman against the damn window of a plane though. It never lasted this long, and yeah, that’s important. I like to make women have a good time, I want anyone I fuck to cum, but with you, I really wanted to make sure I gave you everything you wanted… show you a good time.

  “I also don’t invite women back home with me, or to my hotel, or wherever I’m sleeping for the night after we fuck. I sleep alone. I prefer it that way. I am usually a ‘once I get it, I’m finished’ kinda guy. Period.” She took a deep breath, briefly closed her eyes, and clasped her hands. “Don’t trust your gut this time. It’s misleading you. Okay, that’s wrong; trust your gut always, don’t trust your mind.” He gestured to stress his point. “You’re different. I told you that. My time is fuckin’ valuable. I believe you are worth my time… I’m tryna get to know you better, if you’ll let me. Now look.” He shrugged. “I don’t know what else to say to ya. We met. We ate. We had a date. We fucked. And now, I want more…”

  “Okay. I think… so do I.”

  “If you keep on fighting me though, I’m going to get pissed off. I understood the initial hesitation, but we’re adults and there comes a time when you gotta say you’re in or you’re out. Love is like Vegas. It’s a gamble. I don’t play to lose. So, either you want to see what I’m about or you don’t. If not, fold.”

  “I do. I just…”

  “You’re scared.”


  “I understand that, I do… Don’t get me wrong. Like many women, some guys have dogged you out. It’s what we do. We’re naturally inconsiderate, all right? It doesn’t mean we’re incapable of caring. We just have to be ready for that shit. We have to want it. I know you’ve heard horror stories from your friends. Your own parents’ marriage was taxing and difficult. You were cau
ght up in the middle of that. I get it. There’s a bunch of mental shit going on, but if I,” he said, pointing to himself, “with the fucked-up background I’ve had, Eva, can still have faith in myself, then I need you to have some, too. Any woman who’s going to even consider getting to know me beyond the bedroom has got to have faith in herself, too… not the façade she shows the world. I need you to buck up and stand up to the challenge. I know who I am, and I know what the hell I want and what I can bring to the table. Now, I’m not the fall-in-love-fast type of guy. I need time… but I’m really interested in you, and that’s a starting point. I’ve already tried to prove to you that I’m not jerking you around.”

  “I know… you opened up to me. You’ve been very forthcoming. I appreciate that.” She rubbed her hand along her knee, trying to steady her nerves. He was saying what she needed to hear, no matter how rough it came out. It was there for her to latch onto and believe in.

  “Yeah. I told you things… personal things. I am just cautious about who I tell my business to… my family shit. That’s no one’s business but mine. But you asked, so I answered. I didn’t do it because I fuckin’ felt like it, or because it made me feel good. I did it so you’d feel more comfortable, so you could trust me if and when we got to this point.”

  “I understand that. I am cautious, too.”

  “I know you are, so the fact you opened up like a damn clam to me should tell you something.” How could she argue with that? “It wasn’t because I’m so damn funny, fascinating or interesting, as you’ve been saying. It’s because not only do we have incredible chemistry, we have a connection. I’ll admit when I first met you, I just wanted sex. I hadn’t spoken to you for any length of time, I didn’t know you at all, but as we’ve talked, I found out I really like you. It’s more than that now. It goes beyond sex, though the sex was fucking amazing.” She smiled at his words. “Honestly, I need you to believe that I’m worth getting to know or we can part ways as soon as we get back to Vegas. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed chasing you; it was exactly how I get my rocks off but at the end of the day, Eva, I want you to be as curious about me as I am about you.

  “And I want you to admit that shit—not only to me, but to yourself. If you don’t, I wish you well.” He threw up his hands. “I mean that sincerely. I will kiss you goodnight and that’ll be the end. After that, you’ll never hear from me again. Shit.” He lit a cigar and puffed away. “I’m not promised tomorrow. I realized something as you were pouring your guts out under those stars. We’ve got a lot in common. I realized that this time, I want somethin’ different… somethin’ real for a change. This drifting shit is getting old! I want someone waiting for me in that big fucking house of mine in California. It’s my favorite place to rest my head. Seven bedrooms, three floors, gold fixtures, marble, hardwood floors, state-of-the-art everything and empty!”

  He shifted suddenly in his seat, startling her as he clearly filled with emotion.

  “What do you truly want, Savage?”

  He hesitated for a moment. “I want… I want to smell perfume when I open my damn bedroom door, Eva. I want to see a fucking vanity covered with lipsticks, a hair brush… life in that room. I want to know that a warm ass hug is waiting for me when I walk inside, and some even warmer legs to wrap around my damn waist when I need to be deep in some soft, warm, tight pussy that belongs to a woman who calms me… is my peace. I’ve heard of this, but I’ve never had it for myself! I want a woman under that roof who I can respect, cherish and depend on. And I need her to want the same because I plan to give that to her. With this lady, I want us to complement one another and help each other and shit. We’d be best friends! I’ve never had that.”

  “Maximus, you said you didn’t see yourself getting married though, so… I’m confused.”

  “I never told you with certainty that I’m never getting married. I told you I hadn’t met a woman who made me consider it because this world is fucked up and people don’t take marriage seriously anymore. It’s not a game to me! To me, my parents are married. No, they didn’t have the piece of paper like yours did, but they showed they were married by being there for one another, through thick and thin. My mother didn’t leave my father when he got locked up for the hundredth time. My father didn’t leave my mother because she was selling herself. I had no idea they weren’t legally married until I was like fourteen years old! I just assumed they were. Look, I’m almost forty fuckin’ years old, Eva, and I’ve never had any security, no roots. Nobody to go home to! It hurts!!!” His voice vibrated with emotion. It startled her, in a good way, for it seemed to come out of nowhere. “It was my choice… but now, I’ve made a new choice. And it’s because of you.”

  She took his hand and squeezed it, then rested her head on his shoulder.

  “I don’t know where this will lead. We could end up just being friends or never speaking again after you leave, but I don’t want to take the chance of not trying to find out. You’ve opened the door at least for me even considering this. That says a lot about you as a woman.”

  “Thank you for telling me what I needed to hear, Savage.”

  “I didn’t tell you what you needed to hear. You’re too smart for that. Instead, I told you the truth. They aren’t always one and the same.”

  He squeezed her hand and lay back in his seat. Before she knew it, she’d fallen asleep. She recalled waking up here and there, but going right back into a deep slumber.

  When she awoke, she was lying in bed, naked, inside of one of the most lavish hotel bedrooms she’d ever seen. She looked about, taking note of the plush, soft, white sheets, the gold crown molding, a buffet table covered with assorted fruits and flowers, and a large television mounted on the wall. Beautiful artwork hung from the walls and there were several bay windows with heavy cream drapes, as well as a fireplace. Just as her mood lifted, her heart suddenly sank, just that fast. Savage was nowhere to be found.

  Did he just put me here and go on somewhere else? I wonder if he’s gone…

  Before she could call out after him, the man entered the bedroom sporting a white silk robe, tied at the waist. She smiled as she pulled the sheets up around herself and watched him go around the side of the bed, a smirk on his face, and slide under the sheets. He nestled close right beside her.

  “Sleeping Beauty is finally awake.” He leaned to her and gave her a peck.

  “I can’t believe I slept the whole way back here!”

  “I can. I wore your ass out.” She grimaced at his arrogance then burst out laughing. “You woke up a couple of times in the limo but you were out of it, delirious… You say some really silly shit when you’re sleepy.”

  “Oh, no…” She giggled. “Yeah, I’ve been told.”

  “Hey baby, I hope you don’t mind but I used your thumb to open your phone up. I texted Allison and Kim and let them know that you fell asleep on the way back. I gave them the room number we’re in and everything and told them their breakfast was on me, as well as anything else they wanted to do while here.” He kissed her cheek, then brushed her hair back away from her face.

  “No, I don’t mind. If you hadn’t, they may have called the police and I’m serious. They know I am fairly good about letting them know my whereabouts when I’m on dates.”

  “Yeah, I, uh, let ’em know you’d be a little busy today though…” She snickered. Sliding over on top of her, he cradled her in his arms. “Indisposed for the rest of the trip…”

  Suddenly, he disappeared under the sheets…

  “Savage… Savage?”

  Seconds later, she gripped her pillow like a lifeline. Back arched, she whimpered and sighed as he opened her pussy like rose petals with a slide of his tongue.

  “Time to eat.” His voice vibrated against her pussy. “You’re my favorite breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and dessert. I need to put this pussy in Tupperware for the entire week, save you for later, meal-prep your ass. Your pussy is life. Your pussy is Keto…” She burst out laughing as he made love to
her, and it felt oh so right…


  Beg, Borrow or Steal

  Savage stood on the huge hotel room balcony, staring out into the distance. The city was alive with the first signs of grinding, hustle and bustle. Sunday mornings tended to be a tad bit quieter than other days in the week since visitors, tourists, and the nine-to-fivers prepared to make their retreat. Meanwhile, the locals relaxed before their work weeks went into full swing—of course, if they didn’t work at one of the 104 casinos in Las Vegas. He leaned onto the railing and crossed his ankles, taking a deep breath then exhaling. He took the time to enjoy one of his cigars, sunglasses on even though the daylight wasn’t that bright yet. He turned around and looked inside the hotel room, past the blowing sheer curtains that were partially pulled to the side, and noted a hazy, soft image of a sleeping woman…

  One long mahogany leg was exposed beneath the white sheets, perfect toes painted bright bronze. Her head turned slightly to the side, eyes closed, she appeared to be in the deepest, most restful slumber. He took another drag of his cigar and blew out smoke from the corner of his mouth. His dick twitched as he took in her image. With one hand, he worked the zipper of his black jeans open and began to stroke his cock as he surveyed his prey…

  Long hair framed her in thick, voluminous spirals, tresses scattered all around the pillow and sheets like swirling black smoke in pretty patterns. Such a beautiful contrast. His breath hitched as his excitement increased by the millisecond. He stroked his cock, accelerating his pace, but then thought better of it and stopped pleasing himself before he reached the finish line.

  I’ll save this for her for when she wakes up. I’ve got some pent-up energy to expel…

  He’d taken a shower and dressed, and she’d slept through it all. The whole time, he kept his eye on her, but Zaire hadn’t budged. Their non-stop romping from their time on the plane until a couple of hours ago must have worn her out. Nevertheless, he appreciated her vigor and energy, her attempts to keep up with his manic, insatiable sexual appetite and stay afloat. She’d begged him for rest and he’d begrudgingly granted her wish. Smiling at the recent memory, he pulled his cellphone out of his pocket, taking note he’d missed several calls from unavailable numbers. He hadn’t wanted his time with her interrupted.


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