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Savage Page 25

by Tiana Laveen


  “There are so many unwanted children out here. They didn’t ask to be here. It’s not right.”

  “I have to agree with you about that.” She sighed, still reeling from his confession.

  “You’re upset, aren’t you?”

  She shrugged and looked away.

  “I’m disappointed, not necessarily upset. I just, well, I must’ve assumed from some of your previous comments that you wanted children. I misunderstood, apparently.”

  “Listen to me.” He made her face him. “I don’t know. I can’t say either way. Since I’m not sure, I refuse to do it until I am sure. Do you get that? It’s not that I’m trying to mess up your plans or anything like that, and I don’t want to waste your time. This is something that has to be discussed further is all.”

  “Yeah, I get it. I know that one day I’d like to have at least one child though. But I would never want to make someone have a baby by guilting them or anything like that, if they’re not totally on board with it. Nothing worse than feeling unwanted, or like a mistake.” She shook her head. “No child wants to know that their mother or father was tricked or manipulated into parenthood.” They pressed their foreheads together and swayed in the water to the music. A sense of peace fell over her, a blanket of love.

  “I’m sorry, Eva… just being honest, baby.”

  “I know… I know.” She pressed her lips against his. This was not the swim lesson she’d expected. The old her might have ranted and raved, stating she’d been misled, but in fact, she’d simply heard what she’d wanted to hear. When she played back their prior conversations, she had to admit he was right. He was on the fence. Liking children and wanting them were two different things. Was this a deal breaker? That concept seemed to be floating around quite a bit this afternoon… She wasn’t certain.

  I’m being silly. I don’t even know if I am going to be with this man for an extended period of time. Hell, we may break up next week. Who really knows? I can handle his job, I can handle his over the top personality, I can handle him, period. But there are plenty of reasons why we might part ways, and not all of those reasons would be the result of some calamity. It could simply be a decision based on the realization that we’re seeing life and our personal journeys in two different ways. Him being the best lover I ever had is not enough to sustain a relationship… though I know damn well we have so much more than that. I hope we’d always remain friends, but I am putting far too much emphasis on this one thing. Funny how you never know how much something means to you until the threat of it being snatched away comes into the picture. I knew I wanted kids eventually but it’s not something that occupies my thoughts day and night. But now.. after this, it worries me… I’m falling in love with him! That’s why this jarred me…

  She shook her head, confusion taking a seat inside her. What could she say? She rested her face against his chest once again, hiding herself. She didn’t want him to see the disappointment on her face, now morphing into so much more.

  “Baby, you can’t trust me about this.”

  “Huh?” She slowly faced him again. “What do you mean I can’t trust you about this?”

  “I’m still trying to sort it out. I didn’t want a girlfriend either, remember? You weren’t necessarily looking for a boyfriend, yet here the hell we are. So who the fuck knows what the future holds, right? Shit, this time next year I might say, ‘Fuck this condom!’ and go up in you raw without a care in the world! Just bust wide open! Nut all up in that pussy, shootin’ sperm in you left ’nd right! POW POW POW!”

  “You are so nasty!” She chuckled. He looked so proud of himself.

  “My pull out game with you would be weak as fuck, Eva. I couldn’t imagine trying to pull out of you. Trust me, it’s good that I always strap up. You’d be pregnant every ten months fuckin’ around with a motherfucker like me if condoms didn’t exist.”

  They smirked at one another then burst out laughing.

  “You’re so stupid and crass.”

  “I’m serious! I can only imagine what you’d feel like flesh to flesh… especially since you feel as good as you do now, when I’m wearing a Magnum. I think about that sometimes, you know that?” His smile slowly dissipated. “I can’t wait until we can make love without barriers. Shit, I wanna feel your pussy grip me, baby, and those soft, wet walls squeeze my dick so fucking bad, you have no idea. That takes time though… for you to feel comfortable enough to let me do that to you, be inside of you like that…”

  He gripped the back of her head, brought her close, and snatched a kiss from her very soul. When he turned her loose, the intensity in his eyes was tenfold. “This connection is something I’ve never had with any other woman, but with you, I want to experience that, making love in the purest of ways. I plan to have you just in that way because I love you, baby…”

  His eyes turned to slits as the love and lust poured from him into the air. Her pussy pulsed at his words. He’d never told her that before. The ‘L’ word had never escaped his lips.

  “All the bullshit and jokes aside, Eva, I have no idea what the future holds. I think I’d make a good father if and when the time comes, so I’m not doubting my abilities. That’s not the issue. I just have to be ready, ya know? I have to truly want it.”


  “Who knows what the future holds, right?”

  “You said that already.” She smiled.

  “And I’m saying it again.” He grew serious again. “Give me time. Let me figure this out. This is all new to me. But I can tell you this much: if I did get someone accidentally pregnant before I felt I was ready, I wouldn’t be mad if that person was you. In fact, that would give me some peace.” She smiled at his words. “I wouldn’t have to worry about whether the baby would be wanted, loved, and cared for. You’d be a great mother. There’s no doubt in my mind.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, back to your lessons. Enough of this shit… How in the hell did we even get into this heavy discussion in the first damn place?! My father gettin’ old, unprotected sex, my mother avoiding me… what tha fuck?!” They both burst out laughing as he waded about in the water. He dipped under the surface and popped back up a few seconds later, shaking the excess water from his head. “I want you to do a lap around the pool. I don’t care if you doggy paddle—just move without me.”

  “Oh, I’m not ready for that. I can’t!”

  “Yes, you can. You’re ready. Come on.”

  Ten minutes later, much to her surprise, she was doing it. Sure, she had adult floaties on her arms and she was certain she looked like a damn fool, but she was giddy about her progress.

  “I’m swimming! Look!” she yelled.

  “Yup. You sure are. A few more lessons and you’ll be exactly where you need to be.”

  “Oh, let me get this straight right now. I know what usually happens when we go back to my house after a day out. Don’t expect to swing by my place for any nookie. I can feel cramping and I am about to come on my cycle any second now, so I should probably get out of this pool.”

  “Right now?! I mean, we don’t even have a few hours, you think?”

  “Nope.” She winked at him and giggled, delighted with how irritated he suddenly looked. She loved to annoy him.

  “Not so fast. This isn’t a surprise to me but I will be coming over because your mouth isn’t broken. My dick is rated P.A. M. – pussy, ass, and mouth open for business. It’ll take any of those at any time, cashier’s checks accepted, too.”

  “Go to hell!”

  “I’ll be expecting another steak and a BJ then tonight. Medium rare with a baked potato, loaded. You don’t get off that easily. I expect service.”

  “See? You’re taking advantage now. I cook naked for you one time, and now you’ve been ordering food and sex left and right! So far, you’ve gotten steak and shrimp from me, chicken alfredo, and homemade deep dish pizza. You’re spoiled!” She loved it though. She truly enj
oyed cooking for him and watching him scarf it all down… then her, too, right afterwards. She rarely had leftovers when Savage hit the dinner table.

  “And don’t get it twisted, baby. I won’t eat it when it’s covered in hot sauce, but I will fuck that red sea into oblivion in a New York second! You know what I am. A little blood isn’t going to scare me away!”

  “You make me sick, Savage!” She suppressed another bout of laughter. The man was ridiculous.

  “So, either way, you still owe me a blow job and some ass if you are adamant about not giving me the snatch tonight,” He glanced down at his watch. “Let’s finish this lap… you’re almost there… and get out of here. It’s almost time for lunch. I can take you to that Chinese place you like.” He made his way towards the pool steps. “Hey!” he called out, pausing as he held onto the rail. She looked over her shoulder at him.


  “I want you to spend the night over at my house sometime soon. It’s time.”

  “Really? What made you change your mind?” She reached the end of the pool, then pulled herself up, resting on the side to take a breather.

  “I know I said that there are a lot of cameras and shit, things that might make you uncomfortable, but you need to see where and how I live, okay? This is just how it is, so you might as well get used to it.”

  “Okay, I definitely agree. I’d love to come by.” Excitement filled her. The man had pretty much made it clear that his home was a practical fortress after some disturbing altercation had gone down on the premises. That incident had driven him to go to Vegas in the first place. After giving her the Cliff’s Notes of the situation, she had tamped down her desire to see the place. But, as time passed, her curiosity got the best of her. In fact, she’d become paranoid, sometimes wondering if he could be hiding a wife and kids, but after running a background check on the bastard, as she encouraged all her callers to do when becoming serious with a new fellow, she found out he was clean as a whistle. No marriages, no domestic violence charges, no felonies, no children, and the property in question was in his name. Exclusively. He’d been telling the truth.

  Minutes later, they were dried off and dressed, walking hand in hand to his Ford Mustang. It was a gorgeous vintage car; she’d never had the pleasure to ride in one until that day. He opened her door for her, like a true gentleman, then leaned in close. Biting his lower lip, he looked her up and down before snatching his sunglasses off his head and shoving them on his face.

  “You know they say a good fucking relieves cramps. I’ve got just what you need to turn that pain into pleasure.”

  “This again?” She smirked as she ran her fingers along his chin. He grabbed her hand and kissed it, then slid one of her fingers into his mouth, licking and sucking it. The heat of his mouth and the softness of his tongue sent her into overdrive.

  “And I change my mind. I’d eat your bloody pussy in a heartbeat. Call me gross, I don’t give a fuck. There’s nothing on you that I wouldn’t devour, any time of the month, and don’t you forget it.” He slammed her car door and walked off to the other side. Soon, they were speeding down the road, their hands linked, entertained by the sounds of Danny Brown screaming his sick lyrics of ‘Die Like a Rockstar…’


  The Bee’s Knees…

  …Three weeks later

  The air smelled of desperation and revenge. Savage was only familiar with the latter, but the first had a distinct stench he was becoming accustomed to.

  This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever done.

  Savage stuck his head out of the car window as anger set in. He placed one of his guns at his side, just in case someone decided to grow a pair and try something dumb and dangerous. Up ahead on a hill, a white and slate stone mansion towered, a black iron gate barring the way to it. The structure made his house look like an ant hill in comparison.

  He pressed his finger on the buzzer once again, knowing damn well the bastard behind the Wizard of Oz curtain was well aware of his presence at the front gate. He swiped his hand across his brow then smoothed it along his wrinkled black Iron Maiden wife beater as he waited for what felt like a lifetime. As he checked his surroundings, he pulled his shades down from his head to shield his eyes from the sun, which had started to set behind the mountains. There was no guard at the post; perhaps the entire crew was inside waiting for him like well-trained wolves salivating for a soon-to-be slaughtered lamb.

  “Come on, fucker…” he murmured, jamming his finger over and over on the red buzzer, out of pure annoyance at this point. “Longhorn! I’m leaving! You’re not doin’ me any favors!” He tried the buzzer one more time, then kicked his car in reverse. Before he could pull away, the scratchy crackle and snap of broken soundwaves carried on the wispy wind, and an aged voice tinged with a slight British accent came through. The tone held a twist of snobbery and a dash of arrogance.

  “I apologize for the delay, Mr. Savage. I was on a call. Thank you for accepting my invitation. I’m certain you recall the routine, but just in case, place your right hand against the panel next to the signal for scanning. Then you will gain entry and the gate will open, allowing you to drive up and park. You’ve been cleared for entry.”

  “Accepting your invitation?” Savage smirked as he followed the instructions. “Why so formal? Is this a party or somethin’, Longhorn? Should I prepare for some line dancing? A birthday party for five-year-olds? Gonna be red balloons and shit there, too?” He heard a loud sigh, but he’d had about enough. “We all float down here, motherfucker… Look, Pennywise, ya fuckin’ clown, I didn’t come all this way to boogie with you and what do you mean I’ve been cleared for entry? You removed my clearance from before? You’re a sensitive motherfucker, aren’t you? Do you rub your nipples in the shower? How petty can you be?” He stared at the damn speaker, wishing he could just rip it from the wall and stomp the hell out of it, just because.

  “Mr. Savage, this is not really—”

  “You keep me out here waiting so gotdamn long I could’ve grown out a full head of hair, shaved it off, and sewn it into a fuckin’ sweater just in time for Christmas. And then you have the fuckin’ audacity to come on here actin’ all pretentious and hoity toity. Let’s get something clear. I haven’t been calling you; you’ve been calling me!”

  He was met with silence, but wasn’t a bit surprised. Disgusted, Savage slid a cigar out of the pocket of his leather jacket and lit it.

  “You appear to be agitated so I am giving you the floor. Is there anything else you’d like to say, Mr. Savage? Any other senseless rants you wish to get off your chest?” the man asked wryly, sounding as though he was tempted to yawn at any moment.

  “Nope, I’m finished for now. Just open this fuckin’ medieval fortress of a gate of yours and the front door once I drive up in this bitch and if you or your little weasel-faced sissies try anything, have the coroner on speed dial.”

  “Very well. Mr. Savage, are we finished with this discussion now so that we can proceed?”

  “Nah.” Savage puffed out loops of solid white smoke from the corner of his mouth. “I’m just getting started. I got back from Jamaica a short while ago. Can you believe it?” He chortled. “That’s not even our fucking territory. They sent my ass out of the country to do their bidding. I’m telling you that because I’m irritated, Longhorn. I don’t have the time for any of your shit right now. I’m tired. I’m hot. I’m bothered. So the last thing I feel like doing is adding you and your little buddies to my list of DOAs. But I will if I have to. I’m never too tired to lay a motherfucker out.”

  “There is truly no need for any additional threats or paranoia, Savage. We’re all on the same team.”

  The gate slowly swung open, revealing an elaborate garden with perfectly trimmed vibrant green bushes, an assortment of colorful flowers in full bloom, ostentatious twin stone fountains, shaped like children, in the center of two ponds, and a double stone staircase leading up to massive red and frosted glass double doors
. Savage hadn’t been by Longhorn’s place in years, and that had been for a dinner party where he’d been whisked away and questioned about an incident regarding a bow and arrow. Ah, the memories…

  Savage put his gunmetal and black Porsche 911 GT2 RS in drive, and made his way up the long, winding driveway towards the incredible estate. In a flash, he was parked and jogging up one side of the stone staircase. Light classical music could be heard pouring from inside. Once he reached the front door, he gave it a hearty tap, though he was fully aware that at least five men would be surrounding it, watching his every move.

  The doors clicked and opened, and as soon as he stepped one foot inside, two men in dark suits and red ties reached out for a pat down.

  “Don’t touch me,” Savage stated gruffly, tossing the butt of his cigar on the floor. He waited for them to stop. They didn’t. He raised his gun and swung it.

  “Ahhh!” one of them screamed, blood splattering from his nose. The men drew their weapons, locked and loaded.

  “He broke my fucking nose!” the poor sap cried out.

  Savage could see Longhorn way at the end of a very long hall, standing in his dark gray suit with a matching dark gray scarf wrapped about his turkey-like neck.

  “Mr. Savage,” Longhorn stated calmly, his loud footsteps echoing on the granite floors… “Please relax.”

  He knew the bastard didn’t order his hounds to double down only because he needed him for something. Whatever it was, it must’ve been the motherload.

  “Call them off before someone gets hurt. Again,” Savage ordered.

  Longhorn paused in his steps, but said nothing. The men’s eyes glowed with anger as they kept their weapons drawn.

  “They need to check you. Surely you can understand that.”

  “Check me for what?! Didn’t you just say we were on the same team? How quickly we forget. I don’t like people touching me, Longhorn. I didn’t give any of these fuckers permission to touch me.” Savage studied all the guns pointed his way, assessing the situation.


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