A Baby for the Alien General: Dohan Warriors Book 2

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A Baby for the Alien General: Dohan Warriors Book 2 Page 1

by Hunter, Luna

  A Baby for the Alien General

  Dohan Warriors Book 2

  Luna Hunter

  Copyright 2020 Luna Hunter.

  Published by Luna Hunter at Amazon.

  This work of fiction is intended for mature audiences only. All characters represented within are eighteen years of age or older and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This work is property of Luna Hunter, please do not reproduce illegally.

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  Dohan Warriors

  A Baby for the Alien Warrior (Book 1)


  1. Thokar

  2. Kayi

  3. Thokar

  4. Kayi

  5. Thokar

  6. Kayi

  7. Thokar

  8. Kayi

  9. Thokar

  10. Kayi

  11. Thokar

  12. Kayi

  13. Thokar

  14. Kayi

  15. Kayi

  16. Thokar

  17. Kayi



  Also by Luna Hunter



  “I do not want to leave,” Xaldur growls loudly. He slams his fist down on his desk. “I should be the one to face the Council! It is my duty!”

  “Think of your child,” I insist. “Think of your mate. You know what the Council said before they exiled us?”

  “Yes,” Xaldur says.

  “Repeat it for me.”

  My commander makes a throw-away gesture. “Something something… punishable by death,” he sighs. “I wasn’t paying attention to the exact wording, I was too consumed by rage.”

  “But you got the gist?”

  “Of course, Thokar,” Xaldur says.

  “That is why I’m invoking my veto,” I say, spreading my feet and taking on a proud warrior stance. “As your second-in-command, I am forbidding you from facing the Council. The chance that they will kill you, or worse, harm Riley and your unborn child, is too great. You must hide, while I bring them the news.”

  Xaldur leaps from his chair and stares me down, his chest rising with every heavy breath. He’s stubborn as a Chenti goat, but even he can see reason.

  I’m hoping. If not, I’ll chain him right to his chair and force the crew to drop only me off on our homeworld. I’ll have to defeat the legendary warrior in combat first, of course.

  Not an easy feat.

  But if any Dohan can do it, it would be me.

  “You’d dare to invoke your veto?” He growls. “That should only be used for the most egregious of mistakes!”

  “You don’t think endangering the first Dohan baby of an entire generation counts as an egregious mistake?” I counter, not giving him an inch.

  My commander’s eyes shimmer for a moment.

  “You are… correct, Thokar,” he says. “As always. That is why you are my second.” Xaldur sits back down and sighs deeply. “Are you sure you can handle those old bloodsuckers?”

  “Please. I’ve been dealing with the Council since you were still sucking on your mother’s teat,” I scoff. “They are stubborn bastards, yes, but I’m used to dealing with you. It’ll be as easy as shaving a Harkin.”

  Xaldur cracks a smile. “Fuck. I don’t like it, but you’re right. I can’t risk it. The duty to my mate and my child comes first.”

  He reaches out and grabs my lower arm. I return the gesture.

  “Thank you, Thokar. I am proud to call you my second. You’re a great warrior, and an even better advisor,” he says.

  “Your gini has made you weak,” I smirk. “The last compliment you gave me was five rotations ago.”

  “If I had known you were going to be such a dick about it, I’d have kept my mouth shut,” Xaldur grins. “My gini has made me strong. I pray yours will do the same for you. The red one, yes?”

  “Kayi,” I say.

  Even saying her name makes my twin hearts thump loudly. Whenever I see her, adrenaline courses through my veins. The urge to claim her is so strong it overwhelms me.

  I have kept my distance for she is shy and when her beautiful eyes, the color of a Doxhar sunrise, land on me she quickly turns away and hides from my sight like a frightened gyzel.

  I do not wish to frighten her. I wish to worship her. To peel away her clothes and feast upon her naked body, to watch her cheeks turn the color of her red hair as I mate with her for an entire rotation.

  She does not share the same wishes, that much is clear to me. No matter. I will protect her life as if it were my own all the same.

  “You seem troubled, Thokar,” Xaldur says.

  “My gini fears me,” I say, squaring my shoulders. “How does one… reach the human females?”

  “I locked Riley in my quarters,” Xaldur reminds me. “Not a strategy I advise. She was extremely agitated.”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  The entire ship remembers that.

  “You must remain patient, Thokar,” Xaldur says. “The sacred bond cannot be denied. With time, the red one will see the truth.”

  “But what if it can be denied?”

  I vocalize the question that’s been hanging over me like a dark cloud for many days. The urge to mate with my gini grows stronger with every passing day. It has started to interfere with my duties.

  I often find myself distracted, my mind thinking only of her.

  Of her red hair, sprawled out on my dark sheets.

  Of her green eyes, which flood with bliss as I sink my tongue between her legs.

  Of her perfect hips wrapped tightly around my waist.

  For the first time in what feels like my entire life there is fear in my twin hearts. I know in every fiber of my being that I will never hurt her, not even a single hair on her head. That much I know for certain.

  But, if Kayi rejects the bond that binds us…

  I will become a savage beast.

  * * *


  “I guess this is goodbye, girls.”

  Riley looks at us with tears in her big brown eyes. My stomach clenches.

  “What? No!” I say.

  “Yeah, that’s bullshit!” Viliana says. “Where the hell are you going?! We’re about to reach Doxhar!”

  We’re only a few hours away from docking at Doxhar, the Dohan homeworld. The alien warriors have been telling us stories about its beauty all week, but it still terrifies me. A planet that produced such tall, fearsome, indomitable warriors like the Dohan must be a scary, dangerous place.

  “Yeah, we need you!” Sarina says. “You can’t just leave us!”

  “I’m sorry,” Riley says apologetically, “but Xaldur insists that we split up. He says it is for my own safety. And for… the baby’s.”

  My eyes grow as big as saucers. “You’re pregnant?!”

  Riley nods. “The doctor has just confirmed it. Xaldur is very protective of me, and even more of the little one,” Riley says as she places a hand on her belly.

  She’s right — Xaldur is so protective, he doesn’t even like it when she hangs out with us. He merely tolerates it. Having such a jealous mate would drive me mad, but Riley and Xaldur are the happiest couple I know, so it obviously works for them.

  I couldn’t deal with it, though. I’ve had my fill of controlling boyfriends. I’m done with that shit.

  “But… you’ve got to stay,” I say. “You’re our leader.”

  The only reason why being abducted by aliens hasn’t triggered the mother of all panic attacks is because Riley always knows what to do. She stays calm under pressure, and
she always has a plan.

  Riley kicks ass.

  Me? Not so much.

  “You’ll be fine without me,” Riley says as she places her hand on my shoulder. “I won’t be gone forever. Xaldur promised me that. We’ll just be laying low for a little while.”

  “I don’t like that one bit,” Viliana says.

  “Me neither,” Riley says. “But it’s his homeworld, I trust his judgement. I’ve got to go now. You all take care, alright? And I’ll see you soon. Promise.”

  We each take our turns hugging Riley tightly, and then she’s off. Silence fills our little cabin, the small room that’s started to feel like our home. Just when I was starting to get used to life here onboard the Dohan ship, everything is about to change once again.

  “What do you think Doxhar is like?” I ask.

  “Dangerous as fuck,” Viliana says. She doesn’t ever mince words. I admire that about her — I don’t find it as easy to voice my opinion as she does.

  Whenever I’ve had an opinion, my so-called boyfriend ridiculed it. He did it enough times that I just shut up now. I walked away when he got physical — something I should have done years before.

  Even now that he’s long gone, I still find it hard to speak up.

  That’s why I’m so happy to have found Riley, Viliana and Sarina. The circumstances aren’t exactly ideal, with the whole Uttux chaining us up and parading us around naked and all, but I’m glad to have found them. They accept me for who I am.

  They don’t force me to speak. And when I do, they listen.

  “I just hope none of the Dohan think about knocking us up,” I say.

  “You’ve seen how that general looks at you, right?” Sarina teases me.

  “Don’t remind me,” I say.

  The last thing I need right now is a Dohan warrior calling me his eternal mate.



  “Are you ready?” The general asks.

  Thokar is his name. His massive body fills the entire frame of the door, and I have to crane my neck up just to meet his intense gaze.

  Not that I like to do that. Whenever our eyes meet, his shift color instantly, from dark blue to a bright orange. It makes my stomach flutter and my heart beat louder than I’m comfortable with.

  I’d much rather be in bed with a good book, but that’s off the table for now. The Dohan are taking us down to the surface of their homeworld, Doxhar.

  That’s why we’re all wearing orange jumpsuits, heavy boots, and large, tinted helmets.

  The helmet I quite like, because now I can look at Thokar freely. He has also changed his look. Gone are the leather pants and naked, broad, tatted-up chest.

  The alien warrior is clad in something that’s right between a spacesuit and leather armor. Even in something bulky as that, his massive muscles are still visible. Nothing can contain them.

  “Are these suits really necessary?” Viviana asks. “Are you firing us out of the airlock or something?”

  Thokar shakes his head. “No, there shall be no firing today. The suits are a precaution. You are too valuable.”

  “Yeah, because of our uteri, right?” Sarina says as she rolls her eyes.

  Thokar’s gaze instantly shifts to me. Heat rises to my cheeks, which I hope the helmet masks.

  “You are much more than mere breeders to us,” Thokar says loud and clear. It feels like he’s speaking to me specifically. “You are not our prisoners.”

  “Yeah, but you’re not taking us home, are you?” Viliana says. “You’re taking us to your homeworld, whether we like it or not. I don’t blame Riley for hooking up with Xaldur, but I don’t want to be here.”

  “Earth is not safe,” Thokar growls. “The Uttux have abducted you before. They will abduct you again. You are safe with me!”

  The Dohan warrior takes a deep breath to calm himself. For a second he seemed like he was about to lose his temper.

  “But, you will be free to return to Earth after we visit Doxhar,” he says. “It would be foolish to do so, but the choice will be yours. Now. Are you all ready?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Viliana says. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “Yep,” Sarina says.

  Thokar turns his gaze towards me.

  “What about you, Kayi?”

  “I’m ready,” I mumble, looking down at the ground.

  His gaze lingers on me a moment longer, causing my stomach to clench. Finally he moves away, and I breathe a sigh out of relief.

  “Cat got your tongue?” Viliana teases me as we follow the general down the hall.

  “Sorry?” I ask. Thokar’s massive shoulders distract me.

  “Exactly,” she laughs. “You know, just because I give these guys a hard time, doesn’t mean you have to feel embarrassed for… you know.”

  “What are you talking about?” I whisper.

  “Oh come on. It’s written all over your face. You want to jump Thokar’s perfectly sculpted bones. Admit it.”

  “I want no such thing!” I whisper so loudly that Thokar turns around. He cocks one of his eyebrows up and smirks at me. Did he just hear me? I hope he didn’t! Or did! Ah, I don’t know!

  I’m happy to board the shuttle that’ll take us down to the surface of Doxhar, because at least Viliana will stop quizzing me. I park myself in front of the window as the ship vibrates and takes off.

  Space is so gorgeous it takes my breath away every time.

  “Quite a view, hm?”

  Thokar stands next to me. I hold in my breath automatically.

  “You need to breathe, Kayi,” he says after a long silence.

  “Yes! Sorry!” I say while gasping for breath. “Just, uh, testing myself in case the window breaks and we’re out of air!”

  “In that case I would save your life, little one,” Thokar says. “Do not worry about it.”

  I look over my shoulder only to see Viliana and Sarina both giving me enthusiastic thumb-ups. Unbelievable.

  “Where is your homeworld?” I ask as I gaze upon the infinite darkness of space. “I thought we were landing there?”

  Thokar points at a speck of light in the distance.

  “Do you see that?”


  The alien kneels next to me and grabs my hand. I freeze up as his chiseled face is mere inches from mine. He opens my hand with his strong grip, and places my finger against the cool glass.

  “There,” he says, his voice a mere whisper, but it sets me on fire. “That is where I come from.”

  “Why did we stop so far away then?” I ask, trying my hardest to keep my voice from shaking.

  “Because it is not safe, little one.”

  “What? But it’s your homeworld?” I ask, confused.

  “Yes,” Thokar says, his voice solemn. “That it is. You will see soon enough what I mean, Kayi.”

  He stands back up and squares his shoulders, his gaze focused on the speck of light in the distance. Slowly but surely it grows and grows as the shuttle picks up speed.

  Minutes later the surface of Doxhar comes into view. To my surprise, the surface of the planet is littered with craters.

  Absolutely colossal craters, the size of entire countries.

  “Whoah,” I say. “What happened there?”

  “War,” Thokar growls.

  His face is set in stone, his gaze focused on the scarred planet. I’ve never seen him look this intense before.

  “When the Dusk fell, the Clans started fighting,” he explains. “We destroyed our own planet, only hastening our demise.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, not knowing what else to say.

  “It is okay. You will help us rebuild, human.”

  “Is the war still going on?” I ask, a trickle of fear sliding down my back. I do feel safe next to Thokar, but I thought the Dohan were taking us somewhere safe. Not a freaking war-zone.


  “Who won?”

  “No one.”

  The alien is silent. I feel the sudden
urge to cheer him up.

  “Are you happy to see your homeworld again?” I try. “Even in the state it’s in?”

  He chuckles, but there is no joy there. “No. I was exiled. I risk death by returning.”

  “What?” I say. “Then why are we going?!”

  “To save my people,” he answers.

  “But you can’t risk death!”

  “A Dohan warrior risks death every moment of his life, little one,” Thokar says. “Only in a glorious death can a Dohan earn his true warrior name.”

  A dark pit forms in my stomach. Thokar is so different. The Dohan are so, well, alien. I don’t want to risk death ever! Not for a single moment, let alone every moment of my life!

  My fists ball up and my lips form a tight line as I make up my mind.

  Thokar may be the sexiest man I’ve ever laid my eyes upon, but I want to return back home. Now, if I were looking for an alien to knock boots with, Thokar would be number one on my list. No questions. But, there is no such list, and so my boots shall remain unknocked.

  I just want to go back to the Deep. To the dark tunnels below Earth’s surface that are the only world I’ve ever known. I didn’t have much, but at least I knew what I had.

  The moment I left that little bubble of safety my world has been turned upside down. Abducted by the creepy Uttux. Stripped naked. Paraded around in front of their leadership like a lamb being led to the slaughter.

  Luckily the Dohan came for us and saved my life, but…

  It doesn’t seem like my life is going back to predictable anytime soon.




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