Trixsters Anonymous

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Trixsters Anonymous Page 6

by Ahren Sanders

  Apparently, the cold weather doesn’t deter these people from an orgy outdoors. Even with the heat emanating from the heaters, it’s still chilly. They’re all naked and moving toward each other with no shame.

  Maren puts a death grip on my shoulder as we are forced to watch the grossest foreplay between these couples. There’s kissing, petting, stroking, and lots of moaning. The foursome moves to the loungers, and dread runs through my blood. There is no coming back from this.

  Don lays on a chair while Mitz sits reverse cowboy, easing down on his cock. She rocks back and forth then bends over and motions with her finger to the other man. He moves in front of her, palming his own dick, and slides it easily into her open mouth. Her head bobs and hips rotate in sync as she expertly takes both men. Newcomer positions another lounger at the head of Don’s and lays down. Her thighs straddle his face as she lowers her crotch to his mouth.

  Tears sting my eyes as I witness what plays out in front of us. We are stuck. There is nowhere to go. We now have more than enough evidence for Jean, but if we try to escape through the fence, there’s a chance we’ll alert them to our presence.

  So, we wait…

  Periodically, I’ll video some of the scene, but the only sounds are animalistic grunts and groans.

  Finally, after my eyes and ears are scarred for life, Jean’s husband, Don, bucks hard, which sets off the avalanche. Mitz cries out, even with a dick in her throat. Newcomer follows with a high-pitched scream, and the other man thrusts, throwing his head back in ecstasy. There’s a lot of heavy breathing as they all stop moving and come down from their high.

  Newcomer disengages first, rising from her position on Don’s face. “I get the dick next.” She flips her hair over her shoulder.

  They all start moving, and I scoop up our bag, ready to roll. Music streams from the outdoor sound system, and I send a silent prayer of thanks to the sky. We crawl silently to the gate and slip through.

  “Jean’s going to own him,” Maren says quietly when we’re in the car.


  “I can’t believe he bought her a car.”

  I twist my head to her with wide eyes. “Out of everything we witnessed, that’s what you can’t believe?”

  She stares at me for a split-second before bursting into laughter, falling forward, and beating on the dashboard. Her cackling is contagious, and pretty soon, I’m doing the same.

  “I think we should discuss amending our payment structure,” she gets out through wheezes, trying to catch her breath. “I may need therapy after that.”

  “Hell yes,” I agree. “Along with lots and lots of alcohol.”

  “Alcohol may not even be enough to erase that scene.”

  Chapter 5


  The instant she opens the door, the thought of going to dinner turns into a bad idea. My eyes drift over her, taking in the little black dress that clings to her perfectly, showcasing her every curve. Her hair is styled with long curls falling over her shoulders, hitting right below the dip of her neckline. My fingers flex with the urge to run through the waves and feel exactly how soft it is. I notice she’s barefoot, and her toenails are painted a glittery purple. My eyes travel back to hers, and it takes great effort not to yank her into me.

  “How’s it even possible that you’re more beautiful every time I see you?”

  Her cheeks turn pink as her smile widens. “Come in.” She waves her hand in invitation.

  I step inside and am immediately assaulted with a variety of scents. Cherry, vanilla, and coconut all fill the air from candles lit around the room. She sidesteps past me and walks to her living room, giving me the perfect view of her from behind.

  Exactly like the first time I saw her, my eyes gravitate to her ass as it sways in that dress.

  Fucking perfection.

  “I’m almost ready. Give me a few minutes.” She starts blowing out candles and makes her way around the room. “I’m sure the smell is overwhelming in here. I always light these when I work and forgot to blow them out earlier.”

  “Doesn’t bother me. What were you working on?”

  “I had some things to finish up before tomorrow. It’s an occupational hazard to jump online on Sundays. It helps Mondays run smoother.”

  “I guess fraud never really stops, even on Sundays.” I already knew she worked in insurance from what Marcus mentioned, but Friday night, I learned she’s a Fraud Analyst.

  “Today, I caught up on reports. It’s a little boring, but I like it.”

  “Somehow, I doubt anything you do is boring.”

  The blush returns as she focuses on putting things in her small purse.

  “Let me get my shoes and I’ll be ready.” She disappears down a hallway, and my eyes follow, enjoying the sway.

  “Jesus, Scott, get it under control,” I mutter and try to ignore the twitch in my dick.

  While she’s gone, I take in my surroundings, not surprised at what I find. Picture frames, knick-knacks, and books clutter her floor to ceiling bookshelves. Her oversized sofa extends on one side with a chaise lounge, and the whole thing is covered with colorful throw pillows.

  Out of habit, I analyze her windows and doors for security and scowl when I notice the door’s deadbolt is one of the easiest to break in a robbery. This may be a nice townhome community with little crime in the area, but she needs a new lock.

  I’ll mention it tomorrow.

  Thoughts of the lock flee my mind when I hear her heels on the hardwood. My breath gets caught in my throat at the sight of her. The dress, the hair, the makeup, it was all a tease. The shoes are the killer.

  One look at her legs in the crimson sky-high heels and all bets are off. She stops, her eyes growing when I stalk to her in two easy strides. One hand goes to her hair while the other circles her waist, pressing her close.

  “Walker, what—”

  “Not waiting,” I cut her off, the scent of strawberries becoming stronger as I lower my mouth to hers.

  She gives a little whimper that dies when our lips touch. I skim my lips over hers gently, using the tip of my tongue to coax her mouth open. She responds by tilting her head and parting slightly. The second our tongues meet, I grip her waist tighter.

  The kiss starts slow, her giving over control. She falls into me, her hand clutching onto my shoulder. The faint taste of mint from her toothpaste mixes with the strawberry lip gloss, and I slide my tongue deeper, wanting more.

  Burning need takes over, and I bend, slipping my arm under her ass and lifting her leg. Her free hand circles my neck as I back her against the wall. My lungs sting from lack of oxygen, as thoughts of her naked body wrapped tight around mine as I devour her mouth and drive into her relentlessly take over, but I don’t stop, kissing her harder.

  She arches her chest into mine, and my dick strains against my zipper painfully. My fingers dig into her scalp, holding her in place. Our mouths move more urgently together, both of us panting softly. Warnings fire off in my brain, telling me to reel it in before I lose all control.

  Reluctantly, I pull away, tracing her lips with my tongue and placing small kisses to the corners of her mouth. My forehead falls against hers, both of us fighting to catch our breath. Her chest heaves against mine, her heart beat racing.

  “Jesus, Emi,” I breathe out.

  “Walker,” she whispers, barely audible.

  The heat and tension in the air surround us, and the familiar stir starts in my gut. “First time I saw you, walking into that restaurant, I was in trouble.”

  “You saw me?” She leans back enough to look me in the eyes.

  “You’re hard to miss. Laughing and smiling, like you didn’t have a care in the world. I knew then.”

  “That was over two weeks ago.”

  “Yeah, it was. Lucky for me, you hauled your ass into the station spewing attitude and made it easier for me to find you again.”

  “I wasn’t spewing attitude.”

  “You were, and it took me le
ss than a second to decide I was going to handle your problem. Sometimes, even a man like me needs a little push.”

  “Man like you?” Her question comes out raspy, and fuck if it doesn’t make me want to kiss her again.

  “I’m not one to fuck around, Emi. I don’t play games. Tonight, seeing you open the door was a test of my self-control. But watching you waltz toward me, my restraint snapped. I may have waited over two weeks, but I’m done waiting.”

  She’s still in my arms, clutching onto me as I hold her close. She crinkles her eyes, and one side of her lip tips into a sideways grin when the words sink in.

  “Did you really bribe the bartender into snooping at the bar?”

  “I prefer to call it intelligence gathering.”

  “And then you paid my best friend a hundred dollars to cover my loss.”

  “Do it again in a heartbeat. Told you, I’m done waiting.”

  “Suddenly, I’m not that hungry anymore.” Her eyes drop back to my lips.

  “Dinner, Emi. Don’t tempt me.” I set her back on her feet and graze my lips over hers quickly. “I’m taking you out on a proper date. It’s what happens after that, that may not be so proper.”

  Her breath hitches as her eyes snap back to mine with a flash of hunger. My chest tightens at the effect that look has over me.

  “Dinner,” I repeat, linking my hand with hers. “Then we’ll talk about dessert.”

  “Do you want to come in?” Emi murmurs against my lips.

  I break away from her mouth long enough to see we’ve been going at it in my truck for the last ten minutes. She’s draped across my lap, her body pressed between me and the steering wheel. I didn’t bother to adjust my seat when we pulled into a parking spot and I hauled her to me. The heat inside the vehicle is thick, and beads of sweat roll down my neck and back, but I can’t seem to let her go.

  “Yeah, I want to come inside, but I don’t think it’s a smart idea.”


  “Because I know what’s going to happen when we walk through your door, and I’m pretty sure it’s bad manners to rip off your clothes on the first date.”

  “I thought you said you were done waiting.” She throws my words from earlier back in my face.

  “There are different kinds of waiting, Emi.”

  “Well, that sucks.” She huffs grouchily.

  At the word ‘sucks’, my dick lurches with a mind of his own.

  “The night’s not over yet.” I kiss along her jawline until I reach her ear. She squirms in my lap, her hip digging into my groin, and I hiss at the ache shooting through my cock.

  “Sorry.” She giggles, purposely doing it again.

  “Careful, babe.” I slide my hand up her side until it reaches the underside of her breast and run my thumb across her hardened nipple. “Two can play at this game.”

  “That’s not a threat.” She twists, bringing her lips back to mine, and wiggles again.

  I groan into her mouth when she arches her chest deeper into my hand. A war wages in my head. In under a minute, we could be inside her townhome, with her writhing against me in a totally different way. As much as I want Emi, I’m enjoying myself right here.

  Her tongue swirls with mine, the faint taste of wine and chocolate coating my mouth. She continues to grind on my lap as I caress her breast, circling her nipple. Her nails dig into the back of my neck, scraping up and down as she whimpers at my touch.

  That sound sends a surge of red-hot desire boiling through me. When she takes my bottom lip between her teeth and tugs gently, I struggle for control. Slowly, this woman is unraveling me, testing my limits.

  In the distance, I hear a door slam and then a rapping sound. Emi is oblivious, deepening the kiss further. She presses closer, tangling her tongue back with mine, and encourages me with her little hums.

  The rapping grows louder, drawing my attention to the outside of my truck. “What the fuck?” I tear my mouth away, ready to kill whoever is knocking on the window.

  Even though it’s dark outside, and my windows are foggy, I can make out two hands cupping the glass as someone tries to see inside.

  “Is someone watching us?” Emi goes stiff in my arms.

  “Slide over, baby. I’ll handle this.”

  She does as I ask and straightens her dress before nodding at me. I flick on the overhead light and reach down to grab the gun under my seat, ready to unleash on the intruder. My military and police training kicks into high gear, careful of what’s on the other side of the door. I take a quick scan out the windows, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. The glass starts to clear, and I raise my gun before slowly lowering the window.

  My words of warning to back up die when I see who’s standing there.

  Emi groans, then hisses, “Shoot her.”

  “Thank God, it was you two, or else, I’d feel like a peeping Tom,” Maren chirps, grinning wide.

  “That’s because you are a peeping Tom, you idiot! What are you doing here?”

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “It couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” Emi screeches so loud I have to shake my head to stop the ringing in my ears.


  There’s silence among us as I look between them. Wordlessly, they communicate with their eyes until Maren starts to sniff, breaking the silence.

  “Fine.” Emi’s face softens as she digs in her purse, handing the keys across me through the window. “Give me a minute. Go on inside.”

  “Sorry, Walker.” Maren gives me an apologetic glance before walking away with tears in her eyes.

  I roll up the window and turn to face Emi, who’s chewing her bottom lip. “This is so embarrassing, Walker. I swear, she’s not usually like this. She’s been doing fine, but sometimes, the humiliation that Carlton put her though gets to her.”

  “Why the hell is she humiliated? He’s the asshole. I don’t know their situation, but the one encounter I had with him, it was evident. She’s much better off. She seems like a cool woman. He’s the loser in this situation.”

  I know I’ve said something right when Emi’s face lights up. “You are such a great guy, Walker Scott.”

  Hearing her say this makes me want to drag her back into my lap and resume where we were, but then I remember her friend inside.

  “Let’s get you in there.” I jerk my head in the direction of her place before getting out and going to her side.

  “You don’t have to walk me to the door,” she tells me as I take her hand.

  “Emi…” I frown at her statement.

  When we get to her door, she turns to me, cupping my cheek as she rises up to kiss me gently. “I had a wonderful time tonight.”

  “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at seven.”

  She doesn’t hesitate, nodding in agreement.

  “Do you like steak?”

  “I love steak.”

  “Good. Now go inside and take care of your friend. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” She grazes her lips across mine again and steps back, not hiding her disappointment.

  “Hey.” I tug her back into me. “Tomorrow night, my place. I can guaran-fucking-tee that no one will interrupt us there. If they do, I will shoot them.”

  She giggles, her smile returning.

  I watch her go inside and wait until the lock turns before walking away. Hopefully, tomorrow night, there will be no walking away.

  Chapter 6


  I fall back against the door and close my eyes, the scent of Walker lingering on me. Being pressed so close had many advantages, and his smell on my dress is only one of them.

  “You’ve got it bad.” My eyes pop open to see Maren strolling from my kitchen with two glasses of wine.

  “I’m going to kill you. What the fuck is so damn important you had to disrupt the best night of my life?”

  “The best night of your life is about to get better.” She sits on the sofa, offering a glass to me.

  I contempla
te pouring the wine over her head but think twice. “I highly doubt you can top making out with Walker Scott. Nice play, by the way; the tears at the end nailed it.”

  “I had to do something. Didn’t want him to get suspicious.”

  “No, after I explained you were still wretched about the break-up, he told me you were pretty and that Carlton is the loser. So, of course, I melted inside because he was being so awesome about my best friend—even though I was lying to him.”

  “You told him I was wretched about my break-up?” She crinkles her nose. “That’s repulsing.”

  “Hell yes! What was I supposed to say with your fake tears and sniffles? I couldn’t exactly say you were here to discuss our secret moonlighting business.”

  “You couldn’t come up with something else?”

  “No, Mare! You started it.”

  “Ugh! Next time you see him, tell him something different. I do not want people to think that dick-douche is even a factor in my life.”

  “Well, until we find another cover for you peeping in his window at ten on a Sunday night, we’re using the Carlton ruse.”

  “That’s going on the top of my to-do list tomorrow.”

  “Great, now, can you tell me why the hell you’re here?” I take a sip and look at her expectantly.

  “Jean Wills is why I’m here.”

  “Oh shit.” My stomach drops with the possibilities of how this could be very bad.

  “Oh shit is right, but in a good way. I uploaded all the information to her this morning, and she wasted no time. Once she saw the video and pictures, she went ballistic. She also became chatty. There are four separate messages on my TA phone from her.” Maren grabs her phone from her back pocket. “Want to hear?”

  “No, I want the Cliff’s notes.”

  “Your loss. You really should listen to this woman on a tear. I want to be her when I grow up.”

  “Was she devastated?”

  “No! She is pissed and ruthless. According to her, she knows the other man, too, and that was not his wife with him last night. She left her kids at her parents’ house and came back to town. First stop was the other wife’s house. She shared the evidence we collected, and it was on. Jean had a lawyer on speed dial and started the process of drawing up divorce papers. For both women!”


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