Trixsters Anonymous

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Trixsters Anonymous Page 11

by Ahren Sanders

  Mr. Trek explained they’ve been married nine years, but he noticed changes about six months ago. She joined the gym and hired a trainer, started losing weight and spending more time away from the house. He’s tried to get her to talk to him, knowing something was happening, but she insisted he was overreacting. Then, two weeks ago, he found a shopping bag with lingerie hidden under her back seat.

  He waited patiently for her to show him any sort of affection, holding hope that the lingerie was a sign she was rekindling their diminishing intimacy. The time never came. Then she approached him with the trip to Myrtle Beach, presenting it as a fitness and wellness retreat. That’s when he emailed us.

  Maren was able to hack into Cyndi’s email and confirm there was no retreat scheduled for this weekend in Myrtle Beach. There was, however, forwarded confirmations for this hotel.

  He asked for absolute evidence if she was cheating. He needed something hard and concrete because he was going for primary custody of their son.

  I get the impression he thinks he’s dealing with a man on this assignment because, in one of his emails, he says, ‘I’ve been told you are the best man for the job.’

  Maren and I agree this is a good thing. It’s one more layer of our anonymity.

  “Okay, I’m going to get the pen so we can download the information.” She throws on a hoodie and starts to lace her tennis shoes. “Be back soon.”

  I turn my attention to her computer screen and watch a few minutes later as she comes into view. She jogs right past the Jacuzzi, stopping at the table I was sitting at earlier, and pretends to tie her shoelace. To anyone watching, it looks like she’s out for an evening run, but I know the instant she swipes the pen because the screen goes black.

  While I wait for her to get back to the room, I consider calling Walker, maybe apologizing for acting snitty. Instead, I lift my feet in the air and snap a picture of my freshly polished, electric blue toenails and text it to him.

  Me- Perfectly safe… Massages and pampering was fun. See? No trouble here.

  I hit send and wait less than five seconds before the bubbles appear and I know he’s replying.

  Walker- Night is still young. Who knows what can happen? Get back to me with no incidents and we’ll talk.

  Me- You’re going to eat your words. We’re being angels and thoroughly behaving.

  Walker- Get back to me with no incidents, and I’ll be eating more than my words.

  Holy Shit! My stomach and chest constrict at the same time, sending a thrill up my spine. I picture him lying on his sofa watching his gigantic TV in his athletic shorts and nothing else, that damn tattoo on display that begs me to touch it every chance I get. My fingers tingle at the thought. I type my response before losing my courage.

  Me- Is that a promise? Or a tease?

  Walker- I don’t tease

  I grow a little bolder, biting my lip as I respond.

  Me- I could disagree. Maybe we should go on that stakeout?

  Walker-You’re playing with fire

  Me- Who’s playing?

  Walker- In about 20 hours, we’ll see who’s playing

  Me- Can’t wait

  Walker- Waiting isn’t my style

  Me- Could have fooled me.

  Walker- Tomorrow, 5 p.m.

  Me- Goodnight, Walker

  Walker- Night, Emerson

  The door opens, and Maren eyes me wearily. “What’s wrong with you?”


  “You’re flushed, like really flushed.”

  “I was flirting with Walker.”

  She rolls her eyes and goes back to her computer. Once the information is uploaded, she loads it to Dropbox for my records. We each log into our assigned VPN Proxy servers and send Mr. Trek the information from today. When that’s complete, she emails the remainder of our invoice.

  “Done.” She shuts down her computer and sits across from me on her bed. “What now?”

  “Now, we order room service and watch really bad TV.”


  Two hours later, we’re tipsy, cackling uncontrollably as we watch the train wreck unfolding on Bad Girls Club.

  One thing is for sure, no matter what Maren and I get into, we have nothing on these crazy women. Both of us jolt out of bed when we hear the banging in the hall. Together, we creep to the door and crack it open to see several men in a semi-circle in the hallway. I recognize Mr. Trek, who knocks forcefully on the door in front of him.

  “Oh shit, I guess he got the video,” Maren whispers and crouches down, lodging herself below me to get a better view.

  The boyfriend from earlier opens the door, clearly drowsy, and is ready to yell until he sees who it is.

  “Tell my wife I’m in the hallway,” Mr. Trek informs the man who disappears out of sight.

  Cyndi appears, visibly shaken, pale as a sheet, and clutching her robe around her. “Rob—” she starts but closes her mouth when Mr. Trek raises his hand for silence.

  He jerks his chin to the men in suits, who go to the elevator and haul suitcases back, lining them against the wall.

  “You’ll find all of your personal belongings have been packed. If anything was left behind, you can have your lawyer contact mine and I’ll have them shipped to wherever you are. As of tonight, you are not welcome back in our home unless invited. I suggest you hire counsel soon so we can make this as swift and painless as possible. There’s five thousand dollars in your personal account. I’ve canceled all our joint credit cards, and the bank has been given instructions for any withdrawals to have my approval.” He’s stone still, his voice full of so much acid and fury, I get a chill.

  “What are you doing, Rob? Let me explain.”

  “Let you explain what, Cyndi? How hours ago, you fucked a man in a public hot tub with my fucking wedding rings shining in the light?”

  Her face goes even whiter at his declaration. “How did you—? What do you think you saw—?”

  “Save me the stupidity. How and what is inconsequential. I gave you a chance to explain what was happening in your head. That time is over. We are over. I told you when we dated, I have room for a lot of things, but infidelity is not one.”

  “You can’t be serious.” She tightens her robe and glances around, becoming aware of the audience of men.

  “I’m dead serious.”

  “Can’t we talk about this like civilized adults? You can’t understand how I feel. You’re never around. My life became nothing but play dates and corporate dinner parties. I wanted to feel wanted, loved.”

  “Wrong thing to say, Cyndi. I’m around, always have been. You and Billy are my life. You were always wanted and very loved. But don’t worry about play dates and corporate events anymore. I’m lifting that burden from you.”

  “You can’t take my son.” She grows angry, her eyes burning into him.

  “No, I won’t take your son, because no matter what, I think he needs a mother. But I’m going after full custody and limited visitation until you get your life straight and settled. He will not be exposed to your whoring around.”

  The weight of his words sinks in, and her shoulders sag as she starts to tremble. “You can’t take my son.” Her voice cracks.

  “I gave you everything in my power, Cyndi, a beautiful home, high-end cars, expensive trips—anything you wanted. All I asked for in return was for you to love me and take care of our family. That’s all I ever wanted. If you couldn’t do that, you should have come to me.”

  “Rob, please don’t do this.”

  “It’s done. Have your lawyer contact mine.” He turns to leave but stops mid-twist and snaps his fingers, returning to face her. “I like that robe, Cyndi. Liked it when I found it hidden in your car as well. Hope your new boyfriend got a kick out of fucking you endlessly in the lingerie I paid for. That’s the last luxury you’ll ever get out of me.”

  On that, he spins and walks away, leaving Cyndi to fall into a wailing heap on the floor. Her boyfriend appears at her side, tryin
g to console her.

  Quietly, we back away and shut our door.

  “That was… intense.” Maren stands, looking a little pale herself.

  “You okay?”

  “Yes, but I think I may have just fallen in love with Rob Trek. Did you see him? Dominant, powerful, no-nonsense, and unforgiving. It was totally hot.”

  “Are you still drunk?”

  “Maybe, but Cyndi’s a dumbass.”

  “Oh, yeah, she’s stupid.”

  “This is going to sound morbid, because in less than two weeks, we’ve torn apart two marriages, but we’re kinda good at this.”

  I nod in agreement. It may be morbid, but we are good at this.

  Chapter 11


  I barely have time to brace before Emi leaps on me, legs linking around my waist, arms around my shoulders, fingers fisting my hair. Her lips pepper my face with kisses before landing on mine.

  “Hi,” she says between kisses.

  “Hi yourself.”

  “I’m sorry I got an attitude with you yesterday.”

  “If that was your attitude, I think I’ll live through life amused.”

  “I’d rather you be amused than annoyed.”

  “This how you’re gonna apologize every time you sling attitude?” I squeeze her ass firmly. “Because, if so, I’ll try my best to piss you off often.”

  She leans back and grins, skimming her nails on my scalp. “I may have gotten a little excited to see you.”

  “Excited is good. Can we get out of your doorway so your neighbors don’t get a show when I kiss you properly?”

  Her eyes light up as she nods.

  I carry her inside, kicking the door shut, and stop in her foyer. “Did you have a good time?”

  She hesitates for a short second, her grin slipping before she nods again. “Yes, it was relaxing.” Something’s off in her tone, but I don’t question it because there are more important things to discuss.

  Since our text last night, I’ve had nothing but her on my mind. Those flirtatious messages led to X-rated images in my brain.

  “Seeing that you’re wrapped around me and not howling in pain, I take it your groin is better?”

  “All better.”

  “You sure?”


  “Good,” is all I say before I crash my mouth to hers, sliding my tongue inside and tangling it with hers.

  She meets me stroke for stroke, latching tighter and grinding her hips into mine. Little whimpers escape her throat when I back her into the wall and rock my aching dick against her center.

  “I think you may have mentioned something about teasing. Does this feel like teasing?” I say into her mouth. The thought of fucking her against this wall crosses my mind, but I know it will never be enough. I want to savor every minute before, during, and after I have Emi for the first time.

  No doubt, I’ve had my share of easy fucks in my life, but Emi will never be one of them. She deserves to be cherished and shown exactly how a man like me takes care of his woman, and a hard fuck against a wall is not how to prove that.

  I swivel my hips into hers again, a little more forcefully, making sure she feels exactly what she does to me. “Does it feel like I’m teasing now?” I repeat.

  “No,” she hums on my tongue.

  My plans of waiting until I got her to my house are no longer an option. But I need to hear the words.

  “I want you, Emi. Tell me you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready.” Her hushed response is all I need to start moving.

  No more is spoken as I walk us back to her room. With each step, my cock grows harder, begging for relief. For one solid week, blue balls and cold showers have become a part of my daily routine, but tonight, that ends.

  Carnal and animalistic need burns in my veins as I lay her back on the bed and skim my hands from her ass to her waist.

  My mouth trails across her lips, cheek, and jawline until it reaches her ear.

  "Last chance, Emerson, tell me if I should stop."

  "Please don't." She arches her neck and leans into my chest.

  "You're completely healed?" I refer to her injury.

  "Yes, you won't hurt me."

  "Never, I'll never hurt you. But I want to be the reason you can't walk tomorrow, not some fucking yoga sprain."

  Her only response is to tighten her thighs around my hips.

  I brace on my elbows and gaze down at her. My pulse starts to race at the sight below. Her face is flushed, lips pink and slightly swollen, but it's her eyes that hold me hostage. They are staring back at me brightly, the honey-brown glowing amber with a mixture of desire and need that can only be described as radiant.

  It's a look I want to see again and again, specifically when I'm buried deep inside her. I want that look reserved only for me for the rest of my life.

  "You are so beautiful," I tell her and watch her cheeks grow pinker.

  Slowly, I lean down to skim my lips along hers then start kissing my way down. As if she anticipates my movements, her legs loosen and drop, allowing me to go lower down her body, stopping at her stomach.

  Her t-shirt has risen, exposing the skin between her belly button and the elastic waistband of her leggings. Something shiny catches my eyes, and I lift the shirt with my teeth to reveal a purple jeweled ring.

  "Fuck," I hiss through my teeth, staring at the piercing.

  "What's wrong?" She props up, looking at me nervously.

  "This fucking ring."

  "You don't like it?"

  "I fucking love it. Trying to figure out how you've kept it a secret for this long."

  "It's not a secret, you just haven't tried to undress me before."

  At her statement, one hand circles her back to support her, while the other lifts the hem of her shirt. In a flash, the shirt is gone, leaving her in a nude lace bra. Her nipples poke through the lace as goosebumps spread across her skin.

  “Shit.” I lick my lips.

  All the teasing, playfulness, and flirting from last night spins through my mind.

  The slow burn leading up to this moment erupts into a raging fire. The hand at her back inches up, pinching the clasp of the bra undone. The straps slip down her shoulder and she sheds it quickly.

  My mouth starts to water, and I close the inches between us, flicking my tongue over one nipple and then the other. Her hand comes to my head, fingers threading through my hair and her breast arching into my mouth. The taste of her skin sends my blood racing through my veins. One by one, I suck her nipples into until the need to taste her everywhere kicks in. Slowly, I kiss down the center of her breasts, taking a second to roll the navel ring with my tongue.

  I free the hand behind her back and peel her pants off, getting a quick glimpse at the matching nude panties before I toss them aside.

  “So fucking beautiful.” I’m now kneeling below her with a visual of her entirely naked body.

  She drops her thighs open, exposing herself to me. I look up to her for any sign of hesitation, but there’s none. She’s staring down at me with smoldering eyes.

  I start by kissing the inside of her thighs until I reach her smooth center, and swipe my tongue along the slit. Her skin is like silk against my tongue, and I repeat the action several times before thrusting it inside her. She moans softly, her nails digging in my scalp as I graze my lip over her clit.

  I’ve never had a problem with making a woman come with my mouth. To me, it’s a challenge to see how far I can push her with only my lips and tongue. But with Emi, it’s more than that. A savage hunger boils from deep inside with a need to have her go wild for me.

  I close my eyes and lick, kiss, and suck her as deep as possible until she starts to squirm, her thighs closing in on my head. My cheeks and chin scrub lightly along her sensitive area, my scruff marking her.

  Little cries of pleasure fill the room as I continue to devour her. My dick strains against my jeans, begging me for some type of release.

e bucks into my mouth twice, and my eyes fly open in time to see her head, neck, and back curl off the bed as she screams into the room. Her taste floods my mouth, and if I wasn’t so desperate to get inside her and see that image over and over, I’d stay right here until she came again.

  Her legs fall, her hand releases my scalp, and she tumbles back to the bed, her chest heaving.

  I kiss my way up her body again, until we’re face to face, and prop up on my elbows above her.

  “Look at me, baby.”

  She lazily opens her eyes, which are glassy and shimmering.

  “Are you on the pill?”

  Understanding of what I’m asking registers on her face, and she nods.

  “Tell me if you want me to use a condom. I will, but I’m clean, and I don’t want anything between us.”

  “I trust you,” she says with absolutely no hesitation.

  I undress quickly, throwing my clothes everywhere, and lower myself back over her.

  “Wait, I want to—” She licks her lips and dips her eyes to my very anxious cock.

  “Babe, I swear to God, I never want to turn you down, but the only thing I need you to do right now is let me inside you.”

  She cups my face, latches her ankles around my waist, and helps ease me inside her. My eyes stay locked on hers as I slide in gently, inch by inch, stretching her slowly. She bites down on her lower lip when I’m almost there.

  “Relax, baby, let me in.”

  Her muscles loosen, allowing me to ease in further until we’re skin to skin. Sweat breaks out on my chest and neck, as electric sensations shoot up and down my spine. The air in the room changes, sexual tension growing thick when I start to move.

  Nothing has ever felt so right. A sense of intimacy swirls around us as I glide in and out, feeling her suck me back with every retreat.

  Her lips part and her eyes roll closed as she rocks her hips into mine. Together, we create a rhythm, and the blood scorches in my veins as I fight to hold on. She’s gripping me tightly, milking every stroke until I have to close my eyes. My dick grows thicker, and she moans in pleasure when I swivel my hips.

  Her hands slip around my neck, and she pulls her face up to mine. I open my eyes to find her gaze has transformed into a molten blaze. Her breath hitches when I surge deep and she cries out.


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