Seducing Her Boss

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Seducing Her Boss Page 4

by Beverly Rae

  “Not a chance, baby. I’m the one who started this.”

  “It wasn’t like I didn’t want you just as much.” Her heart pounded in her chest, threatening to break apart. “Wait. You said three options. What’s the other one?” She didn’t dare hope. If she did, she was bound to be disappointed.

  “The third option isn’t going to happen.”

  It was her that reached out for him next. “Tell me.” She had to protect him, had to make him see that his position was more important than hers ever would be. Maybe he could help her find another job. “Tell me.”

  He held back again until she squeezed his hand. “The third option—which I’d never do—is to not only fire you, but to label you as an employee who seduced me. I’d have to say that you and Lucy were working together to blackmail me and, when I didn’t pay up, you two sent the pictures to get your revenge.”

  “But that’s a lie.” Had his father suggested that as a solution? “No one would believe it. At least, no one who knows me.” The media, however, would jump at anything if it meant getting a great story.

  “True, but the world doesn’t know you and they’ll be more than happy to brand you as a seductress.” Wrapping his arms around her, he snared her to him, then rubbed her arm, comforting her. “But, baby, if you’re going to be with me, you have to know the shit people will sling at us. Some people want to think the worst of anyone who’s privileged.” He tightened his hold on her. “Don’t worry about it. I’m going to take care of it.”

  She clung to him, an emptiness descending into her, telling her the worst was yet to come. “This is so wrong. Why can’t we be together? Carter, I don’t want to lose you.”

  He took her by the arms and pushed her back, his expression determined. “And you’re not going to. If I can’t get them to change the outdated policy, then I’ll leave. Trust me to make this good.”


  The flight home was tense and quiet. Carter was on the phone much of the time, talking to board members, convincing them to meet with him as soon as they landed. Lauren kept her head down, her gaze fixed on her laptop, trying to concentrate on work. Yet she couldn’t keep wild thoughts from buzzing around her head. Would she lose her job? She couldn’t let Carter sacrifice himself for her, but how could he convince the board to stand behind him when he’d broken their policy and brought scandal to the company?

  Whenever she glanced up, she found Carter either immersed in a conversation or staring at her with the same longing that twisted her gut. He was, without a doubt, worth losing her job for. She was prepared to leave her job, even if they never saw each other again. What he’d given her, the tender way he’d taken her virginity, was a gift she’d repay.

  By the time they landed in New York, she’d resolved to do just that. She’d take the blame and save his job.

  With both of them lost in their own thoughts, the trip from the airport to the office was just as quiet as the plane ride. If she could’ve asked for anything, it would’ve been to feel his arms wrapped around her and his cock inside her one last time.

  She slid out of the limo while Carter got out on the other side and hurried around to take her hand. Although she tried to yank it away, he was having none of it.


  “Carter. Sir. Stop.” She darted her eyes toward the driver who was doing his best to pretend he hadn’t noticed.

  “Bullshit. I don’t care who sees us together. Come on.”

  He led her inside through a side door, avoiding the paparazzi waiting at the front entrance, then onto the private elevator that would take them to the penthouse. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t I wait for you somewhere else? Or go home?”

  “Not a chance. I’m not letting you out of my sight until this thing blows over. Besides, I want to show the board what I’m leaving for.”

  “Carter, no, you can’t. Please, don’t do this.”

  “Baby, when someone pushes you against the wall, the best thing to do is push back.” He kept leading her, his grip hurting her hand, until they were outside the huge double doors of the executive conference room.

  “Carter, please—”

  His kiss cut her off, clearing her mind. Her body thrilled at his touch and leaned into his. She’d found the man she’d love for the rest of her life, even if that was the last kiss they’d ever share. He was a stand-up man, a man willing to lose everything he’d worked for if it would keep her with him. But she was just as determined as he was. If he wouldn’t give her up to save his job, she’d make the sacrifice for him.

  When he took his lips from hers, her body was warm, her lips plumped, and her pussy ready for his cock. Touching the stubble on his jaw, she silently said good-bye.

  Carter pushed open the doors, taking her along with him to face the eleven members of the board and his father. “Gentlemen, thank you for coming on short notice.”

  The other men, most of them in their fifties or older, remained silent as Luther Kensington settled his stern gaze on her. “What’s she doing here?”

  “She’s here because she deserves to be.” Carter let go of her hand to hold his up and silence his father. “I know you’re all aware of what the media is saying.” He paused, pulling himself to his full height, ready to do battle. “And it’s true. My assistant, Lauren, and I are together.”

  The grumble of their voices, all talking at once, was like the growing buzz of a swarm of angry bees. Lauren moved toward the wall and wished she could hide. Carter’s gaze swept over the group, then met hers. “It’s true, but it’s not the whole truth. I’ve loved Lauren Williams for six months. My only regret is that I didn’t act sooner on those feelings.”

  He loved her. He hadn’t said the words to her, but it didn’t matter. Instead, he’d made a public declaration. She swallowed, fighting back tears of joy. “And I love him, too.”

  “That doesn’t negate what’s happened, Carter.”

  “No, it doesn’t, Dad.” The knock on the door had Carter striding over to open it.

  She couldn’t see who it was, but when he closed the door, he was holding something small in his hand. His father’s furious gaze met hers and she tucked her head.

  “The sensational story out right now will soon be replaced with another one. One that will explain why we did what we did. Afterward, if you still believe I’ve sullied the company’s reputation, then I’ll resign.”

  “No. He won’t have to.” She stepped forward. “I’ll quit and I’ll tell them it was all my fault. I…I seduced him and tried to blackmail him.”

  “The hell you will.” Carter moved in front of her, then went down on one knee. “They’ll know it’s not a seduction or any kind of blackmail when they learn that the woman is my fiancée.” He took her hand, then held up the small black box. “Lauren Williams, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Everything from that point on became a blur. The tears she’d tried to hold back ran down her cheeks as she said yes, then let Carter slip the huge diamond ring on her finger.

  He took her into his arms and spun her around. Then came the kiss that promised not only one night but every night from then on. The voices of the men around her were muted by the pounding of her pulse and the wild fluttering of her heart.

  It felt like a lifetime and yet it was still too soon when Carter put her back on the ground and pulled her protectively against him. “Gentlemen, I leave it in your hands. Fire me, keep me on, do whatever you wish. But for now, I’m going to take the woman I love home with me.”

  She squealed as he picked her up and strode from the room. “Carter, you should stay and find out what their decision is.”

  “Naw. I already know. They’ll use the engagement to squash the other story.”

  She clutched the hair at the nape of his neck. “Tell me you didn’t ask me to marry you just to get out of this mess.” She knew that wasn’t the case, but she still needed to hear it from him.

  “Of course not. Like I said, I should’ve to
ld you how I felt months ago. I should’ve claimed you as mine before now. But don’t worry. I plan on making up for lost time.”

  “Good.” She peeked at him underneath her eyelashes. “Take me home, Carter. Then I’ll show you what a real seduction looks like.”

  The End

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