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MuTerra Page 1

by R. K. Sidler


  R. K. Sidler

  After a life altering event, the Earth is transformed into an inhospitable host to every living thing on it. Some humans have survived in subterranean shelters, while others have been transformed by their unforgiving environment above ground. One group fosters the hope of optimism for a new and better future, the other looks no further than the daily harsh reality of survival. Can both groups co-exist? Or will fear of the unknown, distrust, and the necessity to work together foster the competitive spirit of men to once again adopt the attitude of dominating one another for the benefit of the few?

  R. K. Sidler



  Prophecies foretelling the end of the world have permeated society for centuries, whether through entertainment, religious belief, or scientific study. While the predicted trigger is often a cause of derision, the outcome is widely accepted in unspoken acknowledgement. Some have prayed for God to return to exact judgment upon mankind, others have feared a nuclear holocaust resulting from the recklessness of world governments, and still others have imagined a major earth changing event caused by our over-consumption of natural resources. They were all wrong.

  The study of the sun’s activity revolved around a base eleven-year cycle. Solar maximum and minimum variations were analyzed and catalogued. This solar cycle was used in the prediction and preparation for earth-impacting events. These events are not as widely published as the more popular tracking of comets, whose trajectories rarely come within any perilous proximity to the earth. However, contact with the earth is not the only way to kill a planet.

  The anomaly was first seen in the Canary Islands using the Gran Telescopio. Thrilled at her finding, Dr. Rosa Alves took pleasure in naming the newly discovered comet Ignatio-17; it was the name of her ex-husband and the number of months he remained faithful to her. With the calculated path of the comet already determined by Dr. Alves, she believed her relationship with the comet would be as fleeting as her marriage. It would not come close enough to the earth to attract the attention of anyone outside of her department, nor would it elicit any attention from the media or popular scientific journals. But, the thrill of discovery consumed her as she documented and collated her findings for future consideration when she would once again return to view this amazing piece of rock, traveling in excess of twenty-thousand miles per hour, at its closest proximity to the earth. The reports were made, the congratulations of co-workers offered, and all other observatories worldwide were notified per standard procedure.


  The reports were often disregarded as ‘conspiracy theories’ when dealing with underground facilities constructed by world governments. While the larger facilities of Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, U.S.A., and the Russian complex at Yamantau Mountain are readily recognized and accepted as military installations, the remaining, fourteen-hundred plus Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB), were known only by a few: the contractors who built them, the politicians who allocated funding for them, the wealthy financiers who appropriated space among them, and the civilian and military staff who maintained them.

  They were of varying sizes, with the largest containing rail systems, vehicle motor pools, and extensive tunnel and housing sections. Food storage, water extraction from deep earth aquifers, fuel storage, manufacturing centers, science labs, education centers, and even health spas, complimented the more elaborate designs. The latest contribution to an extensive facility in the western U.S. was the invention of the geo-fusion reactor, which extracted energy from the planetary core. This produced both safe and limitless energy; far in excess of any current or future demands for the population potential of the facility itself.

  The laboratories were running non-stop. Scientists and researchers were all sworn to secrecy. They knew that any leak would result in dire consequences. The threat was only a small deterrent; however, the promise to remain in safety with one’s family in the event of a catastrophe was enough incentive to do the job at hand while maintaining secrecy. Playing a part in this unprecedented research was also an incentive for cooperation. The achievements being attained were decades ahead of the modern world. This was not for the benefit of mankind as a whole, however, but only for certain privileged members; a membership those who had even a small role wished to secure.

  Food was not only genetically modified it was genetically produced. Medical practices, drug development, and disease control studies advanced rapidly as they were unencumbered by common law restrictions. They frequently tested the results on unknowing volunteers under different university studies, and sometimes through controlled public releases within small communities where the population numbers were easy to monitor. The private agencies supporting these studies knew nothing of the truth behind them. The political offices of oversight approved the programs through the FDA and the CDC, while the business elite benefited financially from production. It was all carried out in the interest of the chosen few.

  It was a literal microcosm of society, which experimented on, and used, the general populace to facilitate their needs, all kept secret from civilization as a whole. Those who attempted to expose what little they actually knew or suspected, were ignored, ridiculed, or for those unfortunate enough to get too close, eliminated.


  It was five months to the day when Dr. Alves finally rediscovered Ignatio-17. The comet was not where it was supposed to be, and it took Dr. Alves nearly three weeks to track it down. Not only was she embarrassed, assuming her work was in error, she was also curious as to what caused such a significant change in its previous path. When Dr. Alves finished her new calculations, a look of concern covered her face. She did them again, and again, and yet a third time before she called on a colleague to do the same. After they were positive of the results, they contacted other colleagues.

  No fewer than twelve different scientists and mathematicians computed the figures and they had all concluded the same thing; if Ignatio-17 remained on its present course, it would come within hundreds of miles of the sun.

  Now, Dr. Alves and her department were getting a lot of attention although none of it was being presented to the public. This control was imposed by the highest authorities. She was promised due recognition after Ignatio-17 safely passed by the sun; but until then, it was classified top secret as a development concerning both national and international interests.

  One by one, all other large observatories around the world were either taken over by their respective governments, or were simply closed down for an unspecified duration. Questions were not being entertained, and information was not to be disclosed. Those who violated this protocol were dealt with discreetly and efficiently.


  Professor David Eccles reached for his cell phone as he pulled into traffic for the five-hour ride home. His dented and well-traveled Subaru was still as reliable as the day he drove it off the lot. His wife refused to ride in the vehicle anymore in protest for his continuing to hold on to it, so he mostly drove it when going to class or on trips such as this one. He was leaving the Kitt Peak National Observatory following one of his semi-annual visits from Northern Arizona University. Unlike all previous occasions, this outing ended abruptly when a handful of men, all attired in professional, if not strikingly similar, suits, escorted everyone out of the facility in a rather polite but firm manner, even though one of the senior staff members present was becoming quite infuriated over the prospect.

  Professor Eccles was following up on an entry made a few months prior involving yet another discovered comet. He was thinking of incorporating this new find as a class project for the upcoming semester. When he first noticed the commotion outside his borrowed office, he determined that what was happening was not only quite irregular
, but that his work would be affected. Before anyone could reach his office, he pressed the ‘send’ button on his computer so he could finish his work once he returned to the university.

  “Hey honey, it looks like I get to do some of those things you put down on that list after all,” Eccles said into his phone.

  “What do you mean,” his wife replied.

  “We’ve been thrown out of the place.”

  “What are you talking about David?”

  “I know, it sounds crazy right? There were a bunch of men, government types, all dressed up and serious, chasing everyone out of the building. It was like being in a movie or something,” he said.

  “Are you serious,” she asked.

  “Yes honey. I’ll explain it to you when I get home. I should be there around dinnertime.”


  “Do you think you could talk your mother into watching the kids tonight? If so, I‘ve got a few ideas on what we can do afterwards,” he said playfully.

  “I’ll bet you do.”

  “Alright honey, I’ll see you in a while.”


  Two hours after the intruders arrived, all electronic information in regards to Ignatio-17 was removed from data storage devices along with the few hard copies that had been made. None of the most current information had been found, only the initial reporting, which generated nominal interest evidenced by what was collected. The one loose end seemed to be with their weekend visitor.

  As he walked up to the agent in charge, he looked into the soulless eyes of the man nicknamed ‘Nosferatu.’ Of course, this name was never spoken in range of his hearing, at least not by anyone who took his or her career seriously. “I think we have a small problem,” the agent said.

  By way of a reply, the young man was given a raised eyebrow to indicate he was acknowledged, and should continue.

  “Dr. Eccles, who we released earlier, was visiting from N.A.U. Agent Culver said he believes the doctor sent an email with attached material; most likely to his office, but he could also have an automatic forwarding system in place to other devices. Culver wasn’t able to delete it and remove it from the mailboxes because it had been ‘trashed’ and cleared. We’re not sure what it contained but it seems suspicious because he didn‘t remove any of his other emails,” he finished.

  Without a word, Special Agent in Charge Trent Gibbs reached into his jacket for his cell phone, scrolled down its electronic number listings, and pushed the send button when he found the one he was looking for. The call was answered on the second ring.

  “Dr. Eccles, professor N.A.U.; retrieve all electronic mail, and determine if compromise exists. Take care of it,” was all that he said into the phone before hanging up.


  For a man accustomed to hazardous duty infiltrating foreign governments, the university campus was not very challenging. Senior faculty members were not on campus to teach the few students who were. It took no more than fifteen minutes from the time he parked in the staff parking lot, until he returned from having cleared the email account in question, and further erasing the entire hard drive.

  Now it was a time of waiting. He had an unimpeded view of his target location and glanced at his watch one final time before exiting the vehicle. It had been two hours since the lights had gone out. The night was clear and calm, with only the occasional car passing by to break the silence. The neighborhood was motionless as he made his way, appreciating the invisibility that the nine to five suburb provided.

  He walked to the rear of the two-story home, through the well-manicured lawn, and effortlessly gained entry through the locked door of the kitchen. He waited inside the door, looked, and listened. The only sounds present were those of battery-operated clocks ticking as each second passed by, and that of his own heartbeat. He saw no identifiable signs indicating the presence of a dog either outside or inside the house. The design of the house usually meant there were several bedrooms upstairs, with the possibility of a master suite downstairs. He was counting on finding what he was looking for in the latter.

  As his eyes adjusted to the relative darkness, he made his way through the home. After padding through the carpeted floors of a living area, he located what he believed was the master bedroom. He was not distracted by the novelties on the walls, or stands, that he passed, as general theft was not his purpose. The bedroom was obviously occupied by the Dr. and his wife. The light from the alarm clock provided enough illumination to see two figures lying in the bed. They were asleep, but neither was snoring and he kept this in mind in the event they were light sleepers. He continued through the hallway hoping to find what he was looking for, deciding not to risk any unnecessary noise by using the stairway unless it was unavoidable. He found the office two doors beyond their bedroom.

  After he walked into the room, he moved the door until it was almost closed to contain any noise he made, while still being able to see any movement in the hallway. He reached into his jacket and placed the silenced pistol on the desktop quietly as he sat in the chair. He took care not to move the chair itself as experience had taught him that all office chairs make unpleasant and distinct noises. Before turning the computer on, he unplugged the speakers. It seemed quite loud to his senses, but he knew from experience that the noise generated from the internal fans would not be enough to attract any outside attention. While he waited for all the systems to come online, he reached into another pocket and came out with a flash drive. This he inserted into the USB port to allow him access to the overrides necessary to retrieve what he was looking for.

  As the program began downloading, he did a cursory search through the desk drawers, and glanced on occasion at the doorway. Download complete, he now had control over the system. The only evidence of Ignatio-17 was on a forwarded email. It was unopened. He deleted this, and removed all traces of the downloaded program from the computer prior to shutting down.

  As he stood up, he saw a man standing in the doorway looking straight at him. There was no look of fear on the man as could be seen by the ambient light available, but rather a look of mingled curiosity and anger.

  Between the time he was able to utter the word “Wha…,” and his subsequent collapse to the ground, he was shot three times. The first round took him in the throat silencing any further speech. The second two were in his chest. The noise from his fall was too loud. He quickly walked past the dead man, went to the door of the bedroom, and saw the wife sitting in bed not fully awake. Two muffled shots later, she lay motionless on the bed.

  It was not what he planned for, but it happened. He looked through the closets until he found a suitable bag. He then went through the jewelry boxes he found in their bedroom, and collected other valuable articles placing them in the bag. He worked quickly, but efficiently. This was not the first time he had to do this kind of thing, and the adrenaline rush he experienced now was short lived. He walked back to the office, disconnected the computer tower and placed it along with everything else he could fit into the bag. It had to appear to be worth the trouble of killing.

  When he was done, he arranged things to look like both a robbery, and an attempted breakup of the robbery. He locked the kitchen door on his way out, and pulled it closed behind him. Then he took a large pocketknife from his waistband and pried it between the door and its frame until he was able to defeat the lock. He left the door ajar as he returned unseen to the rented car carrying his bag full of items he would later dispose of.


  From the Arizona Daily Sun:

  Home Invasion & Robbery Leaves Two Dead

  A robbery gone wrong has left two dead in a Southside residence Saturday evening. A North Arizona University faculty member and his wife were found dead Sunday evening when authorities were alerted by family members whose repeated phone calls had gone unanswered. Police are asking for anyone having information concerning this incident, to please contact the local police department. Your information can lead to a reward, and you may remain anonymous

  Reporting from Radio 7.7 Tenerife San Cristo’bal de La Laguna, Spain:

  Sunday’s fatal traffic accident on the Autopista del Norte, just south of the Tenerife North Airport closed down traffic for more than an hour while emergency crews attended the scene. Authorities have not released the names of the two victims, although records have been obtained showing one of the vehicles was registered to a Miss (Dr.) Rosa Alves from 19 Calle de las Llaves, Tacoronte.

  From the Associated Press:

  Notorious Conspiracy News Blogger OD’s

  The Internet lost one of its most famous conspiracy news pioneers this week to an apparent overdose of prescription pain medication, and over consumption of alcohol, police reports say. Victor James, owner and publisher of the web blog “What is Really Going On,” was found dead in his London flat Tuesday morning by his longtime girlfriend Alicia Newberry. Mr. James’ immediate family insists Victor did not drink, and they were unaware of his being on any type of pain medications. Miss Newberry affirmed these statements. Police have ruled the incident a suicide, and are planning no further investigations.

  In related news, the website, “What is Really Going On,” was shut down yesterday after a legal injunction was administered by the English High Court. While it is rare indeed that the High Court would be involved in such action, Mr. James had been involved in an ongoing criminal investigation involving several foreign governments claiming security violations, espionage, and theft of government property. Attorneys for the prosecution asserted that all information contained on Mr. James’ blog were “embellished fabrications of fictional reports.”


  Western United States

  Tuesday 2 pm

  The routine days were starting to become monotonous. The training was fine, but Captain Keith Bishop did not become a green beret just for the training. At the age of twenty-eight, Keith would normally be considered a rather imposing figure standing six foot three inches tall, while carrying his muscular two-hundred and fifteen pounds with ease, if it was not for his mild and friendly demeanor. This quality, however, did not affect his cool determination and accomplished skill, which earned him recognition for valor in all three of his previous deployments in both South America, and Southwest Asia.


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