Filthy and Rich: A Billionaire Menage Romance Box Set

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Filthy and Rich: A Billionaire Menage Romance Box Set Page 4

by Opal Carew

  Blake slid his arm under her knees and swept her up. She felt him carrying her, their mouths never parting. Evan opened the patio doors and Blake carried her inside, then set her on the leather ottoman in front of the couch. She was sitting, but he pressed her back until she was lying back, her feet still on the floor. He pressed her legs wide and knelt on the floor in front of her.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, sweetheart,” Blake said.

  His low murmur sent her heart pounding faster. She felt his cock brush her opening, searing hot and hard as stone. It pressed against her slit, his tip pushing inside. It was a teasing agony of pleasure and she just wanted him to push forward.

  “Oh, yes. Fill me with your big cock,” she pleaded.

  “Whatever you want, sweetheart.” Blake moved deeper.

  The feel of him stretching her tight passage . . . slowly pushing inside her . . . sent her heart pounding.

  He stopped only a little way in, then pulled back. She groaned. He pushed in again and she held her breath, but he stopped only a little farther, then pulled back. She squeezed him inside her, trying to stop him from escaping. When he pushed forward again, she arched.

  “Please go deep. I want to feel all of you.”

  His eyebrow quirked up. “You sure? Sometimes women find me too long.”

  She nodded. “All the way,” she pleaded.

  He was long, but she wanted to know what it felt like. To have every last inch of this incredible man inside her.

  This time he didn’t pull out. But he didn’t thrust deep, either. He moved with a slow and steady stroke. Painfully slow. She rocked her hips, trying to encourage him, but he kept his pace, refusing to be hurried by her.

  Then finally he stopped and she realized he was all the way inside her. She squeezed him, then groaned at the exquisite sensations tingling through her.

  “You feel good inside me,” she said, gazing into his deep midnight eyes.

  He smiled. “That’s good, because I love being here.” His velvety voice sent quivers through her.

  He drew back. She moaned at the rippling pleasure as his cockhead stroked her canal. Then he glided forward again. Her whole body ached with the need he was stoking inside her. Once he was all the way inside again, he rocked his hips, pulsing his cock into her in short strokes.

  She clung to his shoulders, staring into his gorgeous eyes as blissful sensations threaded through her belly, coiling along her canal as his cock caressed it. First in bursts of short strokes, then shifting to long, deep thrusts.

  “Oh, God. That’s so good.”

  He pumped, driving her need higher and higher, as pleasure built up inside her like a giant storm, ready to spiral out of control. He swirled his hips, then drove deep again and she gasped.

  Oh, God, she was teetering on the edge, then . . .

  He thrust again and ecstasy burst through her. Her whole body tightened, then expanded in an explosion of bliss.

  She rode the wave, moaning as he pumped into her again and again. Then he erupted inside her, igniting an even more powerful orgasm. He slumped on top of her and held her close as she shuddered beneath him.

  His lips brushed her neck, then glided along her throat to her lips. His kiss was passionate and intense.

  Finally, he slid from her body. But before she could feel the emptiness at the loss of his big member inside her, Evan took his place, kneeling in front of her, then pressing his thick cockhead against her.

  When he drove deep inside, she gasped.

  “You okay, baby?” Evan asked, concern shimmering in his emerald eyes.

  She nodded vigorously, wrapping her legs around his waist in encouragement. He laughed, then drew back and thrust deep again. Still quivering in the aftermath of the orgasm Blake had given her, she felt new pleasure rippling through her.

  “God, you are so sexy,” Evan said.

  She arched against him, already feeling the orgasm pulsing forward.

  “I’m going to come again,” she rasped in disbelief.

  “Yes. Come for me, baby,” Evan insisted, his green eyes dark as a forest.

  She shot into bliss yet again, her whole body shuddering in ecstasy.

  He pumped hard and fast, then groaned as he nailed her to the ottoman. She shook as he erupted inside her, filling her with a delicious heat. The reedy sound of her own moans filled her ears. Her body quivered and she felt as though a fireball had burned straight through her, searing every nerve ending. An epically delightful sensation.

  Evan stroked her face, then his lips found hers. The kiss was tender and yet intense. His lips moved on hers in a deep and caring way.

  “That was incredible. You are incredible,” Evan said.

  She simply stared into his warm green eyes.

  “Thank you. So are you.”

  He laughed, then eased back.

  “I’ve got to admit, when I heard that loud drilling this morning and set out to find the source, I never dreamed it would lead to us drilling such a beautiful, exceptional woman.”

  “Amen to that,” Blake agreed.

  She just lay there, catching her breath. She never thought any kind of drilling could be as delightful, or satisfying, as what she’d just experienced.

  Danni sat on the couch, sipping her hot coffee. She’d slipped out of bed earlier than the men, used to getting up at dawn, and had found their fancy coffeemaker just finishing brewing a pot.

  She settled back on the couch, staring at the bright blue sky outside and the brilliant sunshine. Maybe she’d talk them into a swim before they ousted her out of here. Surely by now they must be tired of her company.

  When she set her cup down on the coffee table, the invitation caught her eye. She leaned forward and picked it up. Her mother, who was on the committee for the worthwhile cause that helped feed starving children the world over, had asked Danni to help address the envelopes. Mom felt that hand-addressed envelopes gave an important personal touch. And it wasn’t just to help convince the receiver to attend. Mom really appreciated that these important people gave up some of their busy time to attend an event like that and she truly wanted to honor them by putting in this extra effort. It was one of the things Danni loved about her mom.

  Danni had actually addressed this envelope to Blake. And the one to Evan, too. She remembered because that’s when her stepfather had gone on and on about how important the two men were, and how it would be a real coup for him—and her mother, of course—if these very influential men attended. He’d stared over her shoulder as she’d written the addresses, as if waiting for her to make a mistake.

  Mom didn’t care about the influence her position on the charity committee brought, of course, other than to raise as much money as possible for the children the event was intended to help.

  “Good. You found the coffee.” Evan wandered past her toward the kitchen.

  He wore just his boxers and she couldn’t help but admire his muscular body, longing to stroke the lion on his chest again.

  She dropped the invitation back on the stack of mail.

  “I think something about that party is bothering you.”

  Chapter Five

  Danni started at the sound of Blake’s deep voice behind her. He walked around the couch and sat down beside her. He wore a robe, tied loosely around his waist.

  She shrugged. “I just hate big parties like this. Everyone dressed up. Having to act just so.”

  “You stepfather puts a lot of pressure on you, doesn’t he?”

  “Not really. Usually he just ignores me, but with something like this . . .” She nudged her head toward the envelope. “Well, he takes his networking opportunities very seriously, and he’s afraid I’m going to embarrass him.”

  Evan set a cup of coffee in front of Blake and sat down in the armchair across from Danni.

  “He probably doesn’t actually feel that way,” Evan said. “Maybe you’re just feeling insecure.”

  Her gaze locked on his. “When my mom first insisted I
go, he said outright, ‘Don’t embarrass me.’”

  “Ah, well, that’s pretty clear.”

  “The guy’s a jerk,” Blake added. “I’d say you shouldn’t worry about it, but I’m sure that won’t help. When someone treats you that way, it hurts.”

  She sat up straighter, her back stiffening. “Nothing that man does can hurt me.”

  Blake said nothing, but his intense gaze unnerved her. As if he could see far more than she wanted him to.

  He leaned back, sipping his coffee. “What is he worried about with you going to the event?”

  She sighed. “I don’t know exactly. How I’ll dress is one thing. He knows I won’t go like this”—she gestured to the threadbare denim shorts and well-worn shirt—“but even when I dress up, he never likes my choice of dress or shoes. And he hates how I apply makeup.” She didn’t do it very often, so she could understand that one. “And then there’s any time I open my mouth to talk. Aside from the fact he lives in terror that I’ll actually tell someone I work in construction, he thinks I’ll talk like a workman instead of being entertaining with scintillating conversation.”

  “Are you worried about these things?” Blake asked.

  She frowned and stared down at her coffee cup.

  “Well, I don’t like to feel out of place.”

  She hated admitting that. Hated showing her vulnerability. But these two men had accepted her just as she was, and being with them made her feel comfortable with who she was. She could open up to them.

  “How about this?” Evan asked. “Why don’t we coach you? Help you pick out a perfect dress and shoes, arrange someone to do your makeup.”

  “And send me in with a fashionable gag on so I can’t embarrass myself or Jerrold by saying anything?” she asked, eyebrow raised.

  “Hmm.” Evan’s eyes lit up. “I like the idea of a fashionable gag. Maybe black leather with studs.” He grinned. “And maybe a blindfold and a few leather restraints.” His lips turned up in a devilish smile. “But not for the party.”

  Blake chuckled. “I like that idea, too. But to prepare for the party, we could coach you how to interact with this type of crowd.” He smiled. “I don’t think you have a problem talking to people. I think you just don’t have a lot in common with those who’ll be attending the event, so you feel self-conscious.”

  “It’s nice that you want to help me, but . . . why?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? I want an excuse for you to keep on seeing us.”

  She narrowed her eyes. She would have thought that after last night, they’d have had their fill of her and be happy for her to be on her way. But maybe the threesome thing held enough novelty that they didn’t want it to end just yet.

  She sure as hell didn’t. And the talk of gags and restraints had triggered unusual urges inside her. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to be on the giving or receiving end.

  Or a little of both.

  “What do you say, Danni?” Evan asked.

  Finally, she smiled. “Okay. I guess I don’t mind spending a little more time with you two.”

  On Monday, Danni got out of her car and walked to the restaurant where she was meeting Evan and Blake for lunch. She’d arranged to pull in some overtime next week so she could take the afternoon off and go out shopping with them. She’d insisted they pick somewhere casual because she’d be heading there straight from work and didn’t want to have to get dressed up in something fancy at the job site. She didn’t want the men she worked with to see her as anything other than one of the guys.

  Once in her car, however, she had slipped off the oversized shirt she wore and pulled on a sleeveless cream blouse in a soft, chiffon fabric that she’d found in a Goodwill store a few months ago. It was designed so the sleeves dropped off her shoulders, draping casually on her upper arms.

  She didn’t ordinarily wear things like that, but when she’d seen it, she’d just had to try it on. And when she had, it had made her feel soft and feminine. She’d bought it on a whim, knowing she’d probably never wear it. But today . . . it just felt appropriate.

  When she opened the door and stepped inside, she told the host that she was meeting two gentlemen there. He led her to a table by the window. Evan glanced up at her and his jaw dropped. Blake turned around. She sat down in the chair between the two of them at the square table.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “Nothing’s wrong. You just look . . . different,” Evan said. “Very nice,” he added quickly.

  “I’m wearing jeans and a summer top,” she said wryly, though she was elated he’d noticed. “You didn’t think all I had to wear were denim shorts and a plaid shirt, did you?”

  “Of course not,” Evan said. “It’s just that you look quite feminine in that top, with the soft fabric and all.”

  She waved to the waitress and ordered a drink, then picked up the menu.

  The waitress came by and took their food order.

  “So where are we going this afternoon?” Danni asked.

  “I thought we’d start at E.V.’s. The staff there will help us pull together the perfect dress, shoes, and accessories for you,” Evan said.

  Danni had heard of E.V.’s. It was an exclusive store for the very wealthy. No one knew what the initials stood for and only a select clientele could shop there. You had to be on the list to get in. She knew that because Jerrold had been incensed when he had been refused membership.

  He would be livid if he knew she, of all people, had been allowed to shop there.

  “Then we’ll take you to a salon,” Evan continued, “where they’ll discuss your hair and makeup in preparation for your appointment before the event on Friday.”

  “Do you think they’ll want to cut my hair?” she asked nervously, running her hand through the dark brown tresses. She liked her hair long.

  “I’ve already warned them that if they try and talk you into cutting it, I’ll have them blacklisted in our social circle.” Blake lifted a coil of her long locks with this finger. “I love your hair long.”

  “You didn’t really do that.”

  He smiled, but didn’t answer her.

  Lunch arrived and they enjoyed their gourmet burgers and sweet-potato fries, then she accompanied the men to their car. They had the driver take them to E.V.’s.

  When she walked in the front door, her eyes widened. The woman who greeted them, dressed in an expensive black designer dress tailored perfectly to her svelte body, her blonde hair coiled behind her head, welcomed them pleasantly and introduced herself as Karri. Then she turned and led them down a wide hallway. The dark hardwood floors reflected the light from the large, glass block walls and the skylights above. Light fixtures with glittering crystals lined the walls, sending rainbows cascading across the cream ceiling.

  Karri opened a door and gestured them into a large room with quilted leather sofas in a soft taupe. Danni sat down in one and almost moaned at the softness of the leather. A bottle of champagne sat on the glass coffee table in front of them. The pedestal that held the glass tabletop was a stunning sculpture of a swimming mermaid, her body curled upward, her bare breasts visible, and her long hair swirling around her as it would in the sea.

  Karri opened the champagne bottle and poured them each a glass. The tall flutes were cut crystal and glittered in the sunlight from the large windows.

  Suddenly, Danni became very aware of her slightly frayed denims and her secondhand top. She drew in a breath, feeling spectacularly out of place.

  Their hostess didn’t seem to notice, however. Of course, Karri wouldn’t show any sign of disapproval. Not when Danni was a guest of Evan Swift and Blake Hawkins.

  Danni sipped her champagne while Karri explained that their team had picked out several outfits to show them. Karri assured them that in any one of these gowns, Danni would outshine everyone else at the party.

  Danni knew it was just a sales pitch, but when Karri ushered in the sales staff with each of the outfits displayed to perfection on spec
ial racks, Danni realized the woman was right. The gowns were exquisite. No one would even notice her face or hear what she had to say while she wore any one of those gowns. In a way, she’d be invisible in plain sight.

  When Karri asked her which one she’d like to try on first, Danni turned to Evan and Blake questioningly.

  “Which do you think?” she asked.

  “You heard what Karri said,” Blake replied. “Any one of these will be perfect, so pick the one you like best.”

  “I think the red color really suits you, so why not try that one last?” Evan suggested.

  She gazed at the different dresses, some adorned with sequins, some with lace, one just an amazing concoction of fine, liquid silk. This was not what she was used to. It was overwhelming.

  “Uh . . . I’ll start with the green one, then the blue, and after that the red,” she said.

  Karri gestured her to a dressing room across from the couches. Danni opened the door as Karri followed her with the green dress. The dressing room was as big as Danni’s whole living room.

  She peeled off her camisole before she realized that Karri was still in the room.

  “That bra won’t show off the dress to its full potential.” Karri picked up a phone and told the person on the other end to bring in a bra and panty set, giving a model number and Danni’s exact bra size.

  How she knew that Danni wasn’t sure. Someone knocked on the door and a young woman brought in a gorgeous bra set in black silk with wide lace trim. The lovely silk seemed to shimmer in the light. The woman left and Karri waited expectantly for Danni to remove her bra. It felt odd changing in front of this stranger, but Danni stripped off her bra and dropped it on the leather bench.

  Karri handed her the new bra and Danni slipped it on. Oh, God, it not only fit perfectly, but it was so comfortable. She turned to the mirror and adjusted the straps. Her eyes widened as she saw how wonderful it made her breasts look, lifting them and making them look rounder and fuller.

  Danni dropped her jeans to the floor and stepped out of them, then laid them on the bench, too.


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