The One Knight Collection (Medieval Sensual Romance)

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The One Knight Collection (Medieval Sensual Romance) Page 5

by Samantha Holt

  Her ears attuned to the sound of rustling and her heart skipped, hoping that he was removing his clothes. Male musk permeated the air, a smell so delicious and tantalising, but she had little time to savour it as the bed dipped and the heat of his body came up beside hers.

  Reaching out blindly, she gasped as her hand connected with hard male flesh. She heard the sharp intake of his breath as she explored him, spreading her fingers across the lithe muscles that awaited her touch. It was no wonder she had not been able to escape his grasp. Even in the dark she could sense the pure strength of him and from what little she could tell of his body, it was one of a warrior.

  Feeling emboldened and curious, she continued her exploration downwards, following the trail of rough hair beneath his stomach. The velvety softness of his manhood combined with such power shocked her and she drew back. Feeling foolish, she reached out again, this time ready for the feeling of him and she clasped it carefully, delighting in his groan and the instinctive thrust of his hips. She massaged it gently, unsure of herself, but being guided by his appreciative sounds and movements.

  Abruptly, he snatched her wrist, pressing it back against the bed. His weight came across her and her mind went hazy at the feel of his sleek flesh aligned with hers. Before she was even aware of it, she found her other handed trapped above her head as he clasped both her wrists in one large hand.

  Katherine considered how likely it was that she would be able to escape, and she concluded that she would have little chance with his body squashing her into the mattress. But did she even want to? As his finger traced a path along the tender skin of the underside of her arm, she decided that she needed to find out where this went.

  Was she really considering giving herself to a stranger? Aye, she was. It was not as if she was saving herself for marriage, so why not. The only other man she’d considered lying with was James and he was interested in naught more than friendship. So why not this seductive, sensual stranger?

  “Who are you?” she whispered, more to herself than him.

  He didn’t answer, not that she expected him to, but she felt him smile against the side of her breast. His tongue flicked out, trailing a path across her skin until he reached her nipple. Pausing to blow across it, he promptly surrounded it with his mouth, the sensation so intensely wonderful that her back came away from the bed.

  Using the opportunity she gave him, his other hand came underneath her, clasping her to his mouth. Writhing, she moaned as he flicked from one rosy tip to the other, desperate for her hands to be released so she could clutch him to her.

  Finally he released her hand so that he could fondle at her breasts as his lips trailed a path across her stomach and thighs, his lips tickling at her sensitive skin.

  Impatiently, she tugged him back up to her breasts, securing his head against her.

  “You enjoy that, do you not?” he murmured.

  “Oh, aye…” she sighed as his mouth closed again around her breast while his hand moulded the other one, flicking at the aching tip.

  Realising she had his face in her hands; Katherine shifted her fingers down across his face, trying to imagine what the stranger looked like.

  He must have comprehended what she was doing as Katherine found herself suddenly flipped over, her face thrust into her pillow. Turning her head to the side with a gasp, she sank into the mattress as his muscular body covered hers, his manhood pushing against her bottom.

  His lips came to her ear. “Behave yourself, damsel.”

  Katherine moaned with frustration as his hands came to rest on top of hers, trapping her hands against the bed. Why did he wish to keep his identity a secret? Surely he did not think she would give him up to the law now? Or mayhap he was hideously ugly. But she found that hard to believe - from what she had felt he had a strong jawline and his body was naught short of magnificent to touch.

  The moisture from his hot breath registered on the back of her neck and she shivered as his lips danced ever so lightly across the sensitive skin.

  “Will you behave now?”

  She nodded frantically, praying he would do something to end her suffering and bring back some of the delightful sensations.

  His hands left hers, but she remained where she was, laid out with her hands above her head and her bottom reaching for his touch. A lone finger followed the curve of her spine, lingering just above the soft flesh of her bottom before his lips shadowed the path, sweeping over her bottom and placing a sound kiss to each cheek.

  That teasing finger dipped between her cheeks, toying ever so lightly in the slippery softness that begged for his touch. She muffled her squeal of exasperation by burying her head into her pillow as her bottom intuitively lifted to his touch. His fingers plunged suddenly inside her, startling her, before withdrawing and leaving her bereft.

  Suddenly the heat of his body was back across her and he lifted her hips off the bed slightly, his member meeting the folds of her sex and Katherine realised this was it. He was going to take her now.

  She suspected she should feel nervous or even frightened, but heady desire had her in its clutches and all she could think about was having him inside of her.

  He seemed hesitant, pressing lightly against her and then retreating.

  “Take me.”

  It was all he needed and he buried himself in her, groaning as he did so.

  “Sweet lord,” he growled.

  Katherine was caught up in her own rapture. He filled her so completely, so perfectly, it was as if he was made for her. Just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, he withdrew, before pumping back in.

  Gliding easily in her slick heat, they surged together, Katherine meeting each of his thrusts with her bottom, trying to bring him deeper. Over and over, he lunged until they were slick with sweat and Katherine could do little other than shudder with pleasure as each thrust brought her closer and closer to the edge.

  “I need to…” He stopped suddenly, withdrawing and putting a hand under her hip so he could turn her to face him.

  Before she could ask him what he wanted, his mouth descended upon hers with a frantic, passionate kiss and he grabbed at her thighs, wrapping her legs about him as he joined with her once more.

  Katherine kissed him back with relish, her nails digging into the rolling muscles of his back. Setting up a fast, desperate rhythm, they moved together so seamlessly it was as if they were always intended for one another.

  Bucking her hips against him, she delighted in his hard heat filling her and the increasing friction that was building. Their heavy panting seemed to echo off the stone walls until her muscles clenched, and she held her breath, letting out a silent scream against his throat as the shattering release took hold of her.

  Her dark lover thrust several more times before stiffening in release, a harsh cry emanating from his lips.

  The feeling of utter satisfaction claimed Katherine’s body and she lay languidly beneath him as he remained inside of her, pressing his damp lips to hers in gratification.

  “Ah…Kitty…” he murmured against her lips.

  Shock boiled up inside of Katherine and she shoved desperately at his heavy body, trying to escape his hold.


  She slipped free, scrabbling for the candle on her table and lighting it. Holding it aloft, she turned back to face the bed.


  He sat naked and glistening with his hair in disarray, blinking in the light.

  Her mouth fell open. Sweet Mary, it had been James. Of course it had, she should have known his scent, she had relished it enough times. And his grating voice? He’d deliberately disguised it. He had been toying with her!

  Remembering her own nakedness, she snatched the sheet from the bed, crying with aggravation as it remained pinned underneath James’ naked body. He moved at her sound of vexation and allowed her to pull the sheet across herself.

  “James, how could you…? What were you…?”

  She placed dow
n the candle as it wobbled precariously in her wildly gesturing hand. Katherine could barely make sense of what had just happened. First she was giving herself to a complete stranger and now she discovered it had been her best friend. She would surely lose him now for how could they ever remain friends after this?

  He edged tentatively forwards, swinging his legs over the side of the bed before standing in front of her, heedless to his own nudity.

  “Kitty, I never intended…” He swallowed, fixing her with his eyes. “I never intended for it to go so far. I just wanted…” he trailed off with a frown. “But you…you reacted with such fire. You were…”

  “Wanton! A wanton fool!” she exclaimed, angry at herself and angry at James for playing such a dangerous game.

  “Nay, you were amazing. And beautiful. And passionate.”

  Katherine shook her head as she felt the sting of tears and humiliation in her eyes. “What have you done, James? Now I shall lose you forever.”

  His brow creased and he reached for her hand, but she turned slightly, avoiding his touch.

  “Why should you lose me?”

  “You will marry soon, which is bad enough, but now we shall not even be able to remain friends. Not after this.”

  His hands came upon her shoulders and he turned her forcefully to face him, bringing his hand under her chin to raise her eyes to his.

  “I will not marry. Not unless you will marry me, Kitty. For if you will not, then I shall have no-one else. Either way you will not lose me.”

  Katherine blinked, trying to absorb his words. “You wish to marry me?”

  He laughed at her confusion. “Aye, you. And only you. I love you. I have loved you for a long, long time.”

  She gaped at him. He wanted to marry her? He loved her? Katherine’s heart swelled with joy, threatening to burst.

  “Say something, Kitty.”

  She giggled at the concern in his expression. “I love you too, James.”

  He sagged with relief. “Thank the Lord. So you’ll marry me?” he asked hesitantly.

  Nodding eagerly, Katherine found herself pulled into his embrace and kissed thoroughly.

  Breaking the kiss, James held her back slightly, reaching to unpeel the sheet from around her.

  “I have not seen you properly. You only gave me the briefest of glimpses,” he scolded.

  Katherine flushed under his intense gaze as he took in every part of her, his eyes lighting with desire.

  Raising her chin, a smile played on her lips. “Will I do? Are you sure you still want me as your wife or shall I blow out the candle again?”

  Grinning and sweeping her into his arms, he placed her onto the bed before lying out next to her, running his eyes up and down her length as if savouring the sight.

  “‘Twas a dangerous game you played, James.”

  “I thought you wanted danger?”

  His fingers curled around her breast and she couldn’t hide her gasp of delight.

  “Aye, so I did. And excitement…”

  “Shall I be enough excitement for you?” he asked as he lowered his mouth to her throbbing breast.

  “Oh,” she said lightly as she gripped at his head. “I expect so…”


  White Knight

  Sneaking out of the castle was no easy feat. The grey stone walls were well guarded and there was no way to persuade the watchmen to raise the portcullis. Sara was never allowed anywhere unaccompanied and it would be nigh on impossible to convince them that she had been permitted to leave the castle walls by herself, let alone on the eve of her wedding.

  Purpose filled her as she considered her impending future. Skirting the curtain wall carefully, she kept herself in the shadows, drawing her thick black mantle over her head. She would not be wed to a stranger, that much she was sure of. She had never even met her betrothed, her older brother having made all the arrangements, and nor did she have any intention of doing so.

  Sara’s parents had unusually wed for love and she was determined to do the same. Nay, she would not marry some faceless lord in a bid for power and wealth. Her brother, Thomas, loved her, but he could not understand her preoccupation with love and had set about arranging an advantageous match. He claimed it was his duty to do as much in his role as guardian, a position he took seriously since the death of their parents. In spite of her pleas, the banns had been announced and her betrothed was to arrive at Whitemoor keep a sennight ago. Word of his delay had been sent and Sara prayed he would not arrive at all, but her hopes had been dashed when it was confirmed that he would arrive this night.

  Approaching the small drainage grate in the wall, Sara was pleased to note that the snow had not built up around it. What had once been a hiding spot as a child would now prove to be her gate to freedom. Tugging at the iron bars, she winced as they squealed in protest until they finally gave way, causing her to tumble to the ground. She held her breath as she darted a glance around but no shouts of alarm or pounding footsteps sounded.

  With a last look at the grey keep, she slid through the small hole and out onto the surrounding rocks. Blanching slightly as she looked down, Sara wondered if all this would be worth a broken ankle or mayhap worse. Whitemoor was situated high upon a rocky outcrop, overlooking the surrounding village. Large grey rocks jutted out of the snow covered mound and Sara knew from experience that this would be an arduous climb. Grateful she had forgone her chemise, she clutched at her skirts and bundled them around her legs, tying them in a knot. With a grit of her teeth, she began the gruelling descent.


  Christian had watched Sara’s escape with amusement. Though it was dark, the moon was bright enough so that it shone off her pale legs and she had foolishly worn a pale pink dress, mayhap assuming it was covered by her dark mantle.

  From his position near the base of the rocks, he could see her clearly but he doubted she saw any sign of him. More used to hiding out from potential enemies, his dark clothing merged with the bushy undergrowth surrounding the back of the mound. Several times, he watched her slip in the iciness and his breath caught in his throat as he waited for her to come tumbling down. However, Sara showed great fortitude and clung to the rocks determinedly.

  What a surprise she would have when he greeted her after her daring feat. He doubted she would recognise him for he had been naught but a lowly squire when he had first set eyes on Sara. Even at the age of sixteen, he had recognised his fate. At just fourteen, she had captivated him and he had become determined to prove his worth. Five summers later, he had gained land and power but had yet to gain the love of Sara.

  He had seen her but once since his return from the crusades, her beauty beckoning to him from across a crowded room. Her glossy black hair and bold blue eyes had merely skimmed across him with disinterest, barely even registering the presence of him or any other man, and he wondered why she so fiercely ignored the male of the species. She had not even danced with anyone that night, for which he was almost grateful for he could not have endured the sight of any other man’s hands upon her.

  And now fate was bringing her to him.


  Sara breathed a sigh of relief as she reached the bottom of the rocks, relatively unscathed. Bending to untie her skirts, she vaguely registered a rustle in the undergrowth before a large arm closed around her waist, hauling her up onto a mare. Another hand quickly clamped across her mouth before she had the chance to scream and she merely succeeded in emitting a muffled cry.

  Unwittingly, she shuddered as a breath whispered across her ear while her captor spoke. “You should not be out so late, my lady. There are all manner of dangerous creatures just waiting for the chance to harm a fair maiden.”

  His voice was deep and rumbling, and it sent a tremor to her toes, though for some reason Sara did not think that it was a sensation born of fear. He smelt clean and she could feel the steel of his hauberk pressed into her back. A knight, she surmised. But was he friend or foe? With his hand pressed o
ver her mouth, she could hardly believe he was coming to her aid.

  She fought the urge to battle him, knowing she would likely tumble from the mount and injure herself. His embrace was strong and she doubted she would even manage to achieve as much anyway. She would wait until he was convinced of her compliance and then she would strike. There was no way she was walking from the clutches of one man into another.

  As she remained still within his grasp, his large hands seemed to relax.

  “Will you stay quiet if I remove my hand?”

  Sara nodded.

  Carefully, he removed the hand, waiting for her to scream out. Sara remained silent. The guards would never reach her in time and she didn’t particularly want to attract their attention anyway. She would have to find a way out of this herself and she was naught if not resourceful.

  “What do you want with me?” she whispered.

  “To help you.”

  She twisted in his grip, attempting to face him, but he would not allow her to, so all that she could do was turn her head. Out of the corner of her eye he was little more than a dark profile and she gave up, turning back again.

  “I thank you for your assistance, kind sir, but I have no need of your aid. If you will just let me go, I shall be on my way and you will have no more need to tarry here.”

  The man chuckled. “‘Twould speak poorly of me if I left a lady to the mercy of the night. Shall I see you back to the keep?”

  “Nay!” she squealed. Checking herself, she quietened. “Nay, do not take me there. I have an urgent matter and I have no wish to be delayed. Pray release me; I can take care of myself.”

  “Then I shall escort you to wherever it is that you wish to be.”

  Sara scowled. “Am I to trust a faceless man that skulks in the shadows?”

  There was a silence for a moment as he seemed to consider her words. Rather abruptly, he brought his other hand to her waist and twisted her to face him. Her hands landed on his chest and she stared up at his darkened features.

  His eyes bore into hers, their colour indistinct in the night, but they were surrounded by a strong, handsome face. Long, dark hair curled at the base of his neck and Sara found herself struggling to breathe. As she noted the solidity of his chest beneath her hands, she drew them away with a start. Fighting to control her reaction to him, she drew in an unsteady breath.


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