The One Knight Collection (Medieval Sensual Romance)

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The One Knight Collection (Medieval Sensual Romance) Page 7

by Samantha Holt

  Itching to feel her hands upon him without the barrier of his garments, he kicked off his boots before quickly divesting himself of his braies and chausses. He heard her suck in a startled breath and he waited as she cast her eyes over him, terrified she would change her mind, and terrified that she wouldn’t.

  What would it mean for them if he took her now? Would she understand it was a need born of his love for her? That this was not just some urge that caused him to behave with such wildness.

  Her fingers grazed over the tip of his arousal and all his worries were quickly forgotten. She curled her hand around him, staring at him in awe.

  “Could I…?” she stammered. “I want to…”

  Her tongue darted out to lick at her lips and Christian understood her request. Would she ever fail to shock him?

  “Aye,” he ground out.

  He watched with disbelieving eyes as she dropped to the floor in front of him, her azure gaze never leaving his, even as she took him in her mouth. She licked at him hesitantly, become bolder at the sounds of his groans.

  Christian clutched at her hair. “Sweet Lord.”

  The heat of her mouth was just perfect and he fought the urge to thrust into it, knowing he would be lost if he did so. Each gentle touch of her tongue caused his arousal to tighten painfully but he couldn’t bring himself to end the sweet torment. The sight of her dark hair between his legs was more than even he could ever have imagined.

  Fearing he would lose control, he gripped at her elbows, drawing her to her feet. Her eyes glittered in anticipation and he placed her gently back onto the table before spreading her legs apart. Carefully, he nudged against her centre, the wet folds beckoning him in.

  Cradling her jaw in his hands, he drew her face to his. “Are you sure?”

  Sara nodded, her expression reflecting such trust that he felt his heart spasm with joy. Wrapping his hands around her hips, he kissed her deeply before easing gently into her. The slick warmth enveloped him and he moaned at the pure perfection of their joining.

  She flinched as he sank deeper and Christian traced his lips across her neck and face, attempting to soothe the sting. He waited as she adjusted to him, though it took a will that he did not know he possessed. He felt her flex around him and he went deeper still, gratified to hear her pleasured gasp.

  Placing a hand to the soft flesh of her back, he enveloped her in his arms, pinning her against him. Retreating briefly, he promptly embedded himself again as she clenched her legs around him.


  The solid heat of the knight within Sara was almost more than she could bear and, as he plunged back into her depths, she couldn’t hold back her cries of wonder. Again he thrust, each time taking her deeper and harder. She surged against him, anxious to take him as far into her as humanly possible.

  The table rocked beneath them as their movements took on a frenzied quality, Sara meeting his each thrust with an innate knowledge that had lain dormant until meeting this man. Staring up at him as he delved again, she was shocked by the strength of the feelings that seemed to lie between them.

  Her body buckled under his assault, wilting at the sensations that coursed through her. He lowered her carefully down to the table, spreading her out and eyeing her with satisfaction as his hands stroked over her before gripping onto her hips and resuming his hard thrusts.

  The room became hazy as the friction increased, and all she could focus on was the man that was giving her such pleasure. She bucked as the pleasure intensified - her body tensing until the sensual wave devoured her, the release so strong that she shook from head to toe.

  Her dark knight gave a hoarse cry as he stiffened, his face crumpling as he spent himself inside of her before collapsing gratefully on top of her. Sara smiled with satisfaction as she brushed her fingers through his hair. When his heavy pants subsided, he lifted his head and she saw the same satisfaction written in his expression.

  He withdrew slowly from her, grinning as she released a small sound of disappointment. Bundling her into his arms, he carried her to the sleeping pallet that occupied the other half of the cottage and lay her down with such tenderness that her heart swelled.

  Positioning himself next to her, she allowed him to sweep his hands across her bare body, too content to notice the chill of the cottage.

  “I love you, Sara,” he murmured in her ear as he swept aside her hair and kissed at her neck

  A flutter of delight resounded in her chest and she burrowed into him, allowing him to wrap his strong arms about her.

  Something niggled at her suddenly and she frowned to herself as she tried to determine what it was. Aye, she knew not this man, but somehow she knew his heart, so it could not be that. Vaguely, she realised she still didn’t know his name. Was he hiding something terrible? She bit her lip, wondering if she should question him before they went any further. Not that they could go much further!

  A flash of realisation came to her and she became rigid in his grasp.

  He looked at her with concern. “Is all well?”

  “Aye.” She scrabbled out of his embrace, coming to her feet in a rush as he stared at her with puzzlement. “I’m cold,” she offered with a small smile.

  He seemed satisfied with this and lay back down, watching avidly as she pulled on her dress.

  Sara looked around the cottage disconcertedly. Now what? She wanted to escape. Desperately. The small confines of the cottage amplified the intense presence of the man and she couldn’t think straight. But Sara was not one to back down from a challenge and she wanted answers.

  Lifting her chin, she secured him with her eyes, daring him to deny her the truth. “You know my name.”

  His face dropped quickly and he jumped to his feet, making towards her. She backed towards the door, his naked body suddenly seeming incredibly intimidating.

  He paused, noting her alarm. “Sara, you have naught to fear from me.”

  “And you knew where Mary’s house was. Did you know I was coming here? Did you know of my plans?”

  “Sara, I-”

  “Did you?!” she shouted, her voice amplified by the quiet night.

  “Aye.” He nodded regretfully. “But Sara, I never intended to…”

  She shook her head. What a fool she was, allowing herself to be seduced by a stranger! How did she not even realise that she’d never told him where she wanted to be taken?

  He closed the gap between them, gripping onto her arms.

  “Who are you?” she whispered.

  The knight took a breath. “Christian.”

  Sara blinked. “Not…?”

  “Aye, my name is Christian Eveque. Your betrothed,” he added.

  Drawing in a startled breath, she gaped at the man stood before her. He was the man her brother had intended her to marry in the morrow! And she had just given herself to him!

  “You knew I never intended to marry you, did you not?”

  “Aye, I caught wind of your plan.”

  Sara wrenched her arms from his strong grip, pulling back from him until she was pressed against the rough wooden door.

  “So you decided to seduce me? To ensure I would have to marry you?” Her voice shook and she could feel her hysteria building. So easily she had come under a man’s control, so easily she had fallen for his charms and now he would claim her as his.

  “Nay, Sara. ‘Twas never my intention to seduce you. I just wanted to have the chance to convince you…to make you see…”

  “I do not believe you.”

  Unable to stand the sight of him any longer, she hauled open the door, running out into the cold, dark street. Her bare feet scraped across the snow and she cursed inwardly, realising that it was not just her slippers that she had forgotten. All her money had been stitched into her mantle. Mind racing, Sara hurried between the cottages, trying to decide what to do next.


  Christian hurtled after her; belatedly realising he was still naked. Dashing back inside the hut, he hastily pulle
d on his chausses before darting back out into the night. The time it had taken to put on his clothes had allowed her to evade him and he saw no sign of her pink gown fluttering into the night.

  Hell’s teeth, what a fool he was! She felt the same as him, he was sure, and he had ruined everything. He should have told her before things went as far as they did. Or at least tried to explain himself better. Fear had gripped him when she had realised the truth and the words would not come.

  He could not leave things as they were. He had to convince her somehow. Their joining had only served to confirm what he knew in his heart and he would surely shatter should he not at least have the chance to explain to her the reasoning behind his errant plan.

  Where would she go? Not back to the keep, he was sure of that. Sara would have no wish to be forced into their marriage now. The sounds of the inn drifted through the night and Christian made towards it, convinced that Sara would likely go there in search of Mary.

  The sound of drunken laughter rang out and his heart stopped as a feminine scream reached his ears.



  Sara had quickly realised her mistake as she stepped into the filthy inn. Drunken men lay sprawled about the benches and the scent of alcohol and sweat hung in the air. Eyes glinted as they turned upon her and she gulped, backing out of the doorway.

  As she turned to make her escape, a large hand grabbed at her arm, the dampness of it seeping through her dress. She screamed as she was dragged out into the street in front of the inn, but no-one came to her aid. Instead, two other men followed them out, grim smiles stretched across their hairy, filthy faces.

  Her grey haired captor grinned in amusement as she struggled to escape, kicking at him with her bare toes. Clutching her other arm, he held her still with a chuckle.

  “What’s such a fine lady like yerself doing out at this time ‘o night?”

  His malodourous breath washed over her, making her gag.

  “Release me. If you harm me, my brother shall have your heads!”

  The men behind him laughed at this.

  “I am Lady Sara of Whitemoor. Release me, I tell you!”

  “Nay, ye are not the lady. Lady Sara would ne’er be seen in a place like this, let alone at night. I think ye are a liar. Shall we teach the maiden the consequences of lying?”

  “Aye!” The men called their assent.

  The drunkard clamped his hands around her and she scrabbled at him with her nails, scratching at his face and arms. He cursed as she scraped his cheek, drawing a faint line of blood and he backhanded her, slamming his knuckles into her cheek. The blow staggered her, sending the world white for a moment and she sagged in his grip.

  Hazily, she registered the shout of another man.

  “Let her go.”

  Christian stepped forwards and she sighed with relief.

  Sara’s abductor sneered at him before dropping her to the ground. She fell with a thud and scrabbled through the snow away from him, still too dazed to come to her feet.

  Looking up at Christian, she could see a wild ferocity in his expression as he eyed the three men. They closed in around him and Sara’s heart pounded in fear for him.

  Christian quickly defeated the first man, sending him staggering to the floor with a crushing blow to his face. The other two approached him more cautiously, successfully landing several blows before he could retaliate. Sara watched in horror as blood gushed from his lips and she climbed unsteadily to her feet, determined to help in some way.

  Spying an opportunity, she leapt onto the back of the smaller man and he staggered back at the unexpected weight. Christian took the opportunity to smash his elbow into his face as he blocked a punch from Sara’s abductor. The scrawny man stumbled slightly in her grasp and she clamped her arms around his neck as he clawed at her hands. Finally his legs gave way and he fell to the ground, out cold.

  Releasing his neck, Sara grimaced at the sight before turning her attention to the two men, who circled each other warily. Leaping forwards, the grey haired man grabbed at Christian, slamming a knee into his stomach. Christian grunted in pain but succeeded in pushing the man to the floor. They scrabbled around painting the white ground red, both trying to achieve superiority until Christian managed to cuff his jaw. The man’s grip on him weakened and Christian smashed his fist into his face again and again until the man held up his hands in surrender.

  Breathing hard, Christian released the man, whose face was swollen and bleeding, before coming to his feet. Sara ran to his side and he swung an arm over her shoulders as the man tottered back, dragging his injured friend with him but ignoring the lifeless one.

  “Ha, yer welcome to ‘er. She ain’t worth it.” He limped away, cursing Sara under his breath.

  When he was out of sight, Christian twisted Sara in his arms, looking over her desperately.

  “Did they harm you?”

  “Nay, I am well.” She reached up a hand to touch his swollen lip. “I am sorry; I did not wish you hurt.”

  He grimaced under her touch. “‘Tis no matter. I’ve had worse.”

  Sara considered the man that had just saved her, seeing naught in his eyes other than love. “Come, let us return to Mary’s so I can tend to your wounds.”

  Christian looked as if he was about to protest but obviously decided against it, allowing her to lead him back to the small cottage.


  Grinning as she ordered him to sit down, he watched as she rummaged for some old linens in Mary’s belongings. Finding some strips, she knelt and dabbed at the cuts on his face. Her cheek was red and puffy and he cursed the drunkard that had hurt her. If it was up to him, she would never come to harm again. But would it be?

  He knew not how she felt about him now her anger had dissipated. Would she forgive him for his deception?

  Brushing a finger across her grazed cheek, he watched her eagerly. “I do love you, Sara. I have loved you for a long time.”

  Her brow wrinkled in confusion as she placed down the linen. “You don’t know me.”

  He chuckled. “We met some five summers ago. I knew then that I had to have you, that we were fated to be together. Every day of my life since has been spent in the hopes of gaining your hand.”

  “How can you know such a thing from one meeting?”

  “The same way that you know such a thing from one night.”

  Sara shook her head. “Why did you not just take me back to the keep? Why this deception?”

  “I wanted to give you the chance to trust me. To see that we belonged together. I could never have earned your trust had I forced you into our marriage.”

  Sara smiled wryly. “Nay, you could not have done. But instead you decided to lie to me?”

  His thumb stroked absently on her cheek. “Aye, I admit ‘twas not the best plan, but I knew not what else to do. I could not let you leave for France without at least attempting to convince you of my love.”

  “And would you let me go to France, if you could not convince me?”

  Christian looked at her sadly. “Aye, I would. I would not hold you against your will, Sara.”

  Sara sank fully to the floor, considering his words.

  “Christian, I-”

  The door swung open suddenly and a young red-headed girl stepped in. Spying Christian and Sara, Mary smiled. “So, Sara, are we to travel to France?”


  Looking out of the thin double windows, Sara admired the scenery beneath the chateau. Built high atop a ragged hill, it reminded her slightly of Whitemoor, with the exception of much warmer weather. The village lay scattered beneath the rocks and a large river swathed its way past.

  The door creaked behind her and she turned to see her aunt step into the room. She smiled apprehensively as the older woman walked over to her, standing just beside her to admire the view.

  “Well, Aunt, what do you think?”

  Rosalie placed a hand upon her shoulder. “I think you have done very well, Sara. You shal
l be very happy.”

  Sara clutched her hand, giving it a squeeze. Her aunt’s blessing had been so important to her.

  With an affectionate pat, her aunt turned. “I shall leave you in peace for the rest of the day. I believe your husband would relish some time alone.”

  Sara flushed as her aunt gave her a knowing look before pressing past the man stood in the doorway.

  He stepped into the room, closing the door gently behind him. Sara came to her feet with a grin and dashed over to him. Uttering a sound of surprise, he scooped her into his arms, pressing grateful kisses to her face.

  “Well?” he asked her.

  Sara nodded. “She approves.”

  “Thank the Lord,” he groaned.

  “I love you, Christian.”

  “I love you, Sara. I know not what I would have done if you had decided not to marry me after all.”

  Sara giggled as he trailed his lips down her neck before dumping her unceremoniously on the large canopied bed.

  “‘Tis a good job I did then.”

  Sara cast her mind back briefly to their wedding day, so grateful that she had been given the chance to discover her love for Christian. They had been married in front of all of Whitemoor as planned and it had been a truly joyous day. Now that they had garnered her aunt’s approval, Sara felt thoroughly content.

  The impatient tugs of her husband on her dress brought her quickly back to reality and she decided to take pity on him by aiding him with her laces. Her dress was quickly whipped off, followed by her chemise. Christian admired her openly and she felt a blush rise across her body under his intense gaze.

  His clothes quickly followed and he pushed her down into the mattress, the feel of his solid body against hers stealing her breath. His hands chafed against her nipples as he sent her delirious with a powerful kiss.

  Without warning, Christian quickly sheathed himself inside of her, causing her to cry out. She never seemed to tire of the sensation of him inside of her. Hurriedly, he moved against her and Sara matched his thrust with her hips, drawing him deeper. They writhed against each other as he possessed her body with his passion.

  He pounded relentlessly against her and Sara felt her pleasure build until it uncoiled, sending her thrashing against the sheets. He swallowed her cries with a primal kiss before tensing against her, releasing a long, low groan.


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