
Home > Young Adult > Focus > Page 14
Focus Page 14

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “Show me your wings.”

  “My wings?”

  “Yeah. I kind of have a thing for them.”

  He grinned. “You really are meant to be with a Pteron. I’m guessing it’s true what they say about certain humans being tailor made for us.”

  I ignored his comment, even though I wanted him to explain it. I had to keep things moving along.

  I gave him the most flirtatious look I could muster. “Aren’t you going to show me your wings now?”

  He pulled off his t-shirt, tossing it to the ground. I took in a breath as I waited for his wings to appear behind him. Now came the tough part.

  “Can I touch them?” I bit my lip. Maybe I was overdoing it, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  “Yeah, you can touch them. But then I get to touch you.”

  I smiled and moved closer to him. I reached behind him and ran my hand over one wing. “Nice.”

  “My turn.”

  “Not yet.” I slowly moved around him until I was directly behind him. “I need the full effect.” I knew I only had seconds. If he figured out what I was doing, I was as good as gone.

  I put my hand on the exact spot Jared had shown me and pushed up.

  “What the fuck?” He reached to move my hand but I pushed harder and held it. He cursed but didn’t struggle. He couldn’t move.

  I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Levi. “I’m in the warehouse district, on Tchoupitoulas Street. It’s directly across from some church. Come now.”

  “Are you okay? What happened?” He sounded panicked. He knew I was missing.

  “Just get here now.”

  “On my way.”

  I hung up. I hoped the effect wouldn’t wear off too soon. I had no plan B.

  “They’ll never believe you,” Bryant snarled.

  “Shut up.” Levi would believe me. If I didn’t trust in that, I was really in trouble.

  Minutes later, the door barged open and Levi, Jared, and Jett Florence walked in.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Jett moved toward me, but Levi and Jared were faster. Jared covered my hand with his, easing mine out so he could take over.

  “He kidnapped me. He was going to give me to the Blackwells.” I decided to leave out the other option he’d offered.

  “Bullshit. The bitch is lying,” Bryant snapped.

  “I am not. Why else would I be here?”

  “I never gave you permission to go near her. What the hell are you doing with her, Bryant?” Levi’s eyes were solid black. He was ready to attack.

  “Bryant, this has to be a misunderstanding. What’s really happening?” Jett watched his son with a look of desperation.

  “Other than the fact that Levi’s mate was about to fuck me to avoid going to the Blackwells, not much has been happening.”

  Levi punched Bryant in the face. Blood oozed out of his nose.

  I could taste bile. “You know it was an act. I had to get to your wings.”

  “How the hell did you learn to do that?” Bryant sneered.

  I glanced at Jared. He nodded. “You needed that sooner than I expected.”

  “Are you really working with the Blackwells?” Jett had his head in his hands.

  “Don’t look so surprised.”

  Jett shook his head and made a call.

  Evidently, punching Bryant had calmed Levi down, because he was suddenly at my side. “I’m sorry I let this happen. I thought you were still in the safe room.”

  “I just wish I hadn’t been stupid enough to go with him.”

  “Why was it stupid? You knew he was Jared’s brother.”

  “Yeah, but something felt off. You wouldn’t have arranged for me to leave like that without saying goodbye.”

  “I’m glad you realize that, but there’s no reason to feel stupid. But for future reference, no one but me, Owen, Jared, or Hailey is taking you anywhere.”

  “Did you really catch Martin?”

  “Yes. We were interrogating him this morning. That’s the only reason I left. I’d just discovered you were missing when you called.”

  Two men entered the warehouse. They bound Bryant, freeing Jared from his position at his back.

  “What are they going to do with him?”

  Levi ran his hand through my hair. He always found ways to touch me. “Interrogate him. We need to figure out what he was planning and how he ties to Martin. I thought they hadn’t spoken in years, but this can’t be a coincidence.”

  “Can we go home now?”

  “Sure, but I want to stay with you for a while. You’ve been hurt way too much in twenty four hours.”

  “I wasn’t hurt.” Even as I said it, I rubbed my wrist.

  Levi picked up my wrist and kissed it. Sometimes he surprised me with his sweet side.

  “Nice job incapacitating him, by the way.” He watched me intently.

  “Don’t get mad at Jared. It wasn’t his fault.”

  Levi’s lips curled up into a smile. “I knew.”

  “You knew?”

  “You didn’t really think I would have kept the truth from him, did you?” Jared appeared beside me.

  “You acted like it. You made it sound like you were afraid of Levi finding out.”

  Levi held me tightly against his side. “I actually thought it was a good idea. I just didn’t get why you didn’t ask me.”

  “You’re not mad, are you?”

  “No. I’m just glad you asked someone who could teach you well.”

  “Yeah, he is a pretty good teacher.”

  Levi laced his fingers with mine. “Any chance I can take over the lessons now?”

  I thought it over for a second. Maybe it was for the best. “Can you both train me?”

  Levi laughed. “You’re really serious about this, huh?”

  “Considering what just happened, I don’t see why you’re laughing.”

  “You’re amazing, Al. That’s all.” He ran a hand down my back.

  “So what about taking me home?”

  “Absolutely, but I’ll have to borrow a car. I obviously flew.” There was no other way they could have made it so fast.

  “Take Bryant’s car. He won’t be needing it.” Jared tossed a set of keys to Levi.

  As much as I didn’t want to get back in that car, I wanted to go home.

  “All right, let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Are you okay?” Hailey was waiting for me when Levi parked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I tried to smile at her reassuringly.

  She hugged me. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t with you.”

  “Where were you, Hailey? Did you take Anne back?” Levi asked.

  “Yes.” Hailey avoided his eyes when she answered.

  “Okay.” Levi looked skeptical, but he didn’t push it. “Let’s get Allie upstairs.”

  “I’m fine. You can go.”

  “Not a chance. I already told you I’m staying for awhile. You might have a delayed shock.” He put an arm around me as we walked toward my dorm.

  “I’m not in shock. I think I’m starting to get used to getting kidnapped.”

  He stiffened. “That isn’t funny.”

  “I wasn’t joking.” I didn’t want to upset him, but the truth was that he put me in danger the moment he decided to give me the ring.

  On Levi’s insistence, we took the elevator. It was that or let him carry me upstairs. It was with relief that I collapsed on my bed. Levi nudged me over so he could lie next to me. At least he took his shoes off first.

  “Ugh, I forget how uncomfortable these beds are.”

  “You don’t have to sleep on it, so it’s not an issue.”

  “You don’t either.” He touched my cheek.

  “Yes I do.” I sat up on an elbow so I could see Hailey over Levi. “How’s Anne? Have you heard anything about Tiffany?”

  “Anne’s fine. She’s taking it well.”

  “I’m actually not surprised.”

i laughed. “You took it well too, Al.”

  “I guess I did…”

  Hailey sat down on her bed. “And Tiffany is okay. They kept her overnight to check for inhalational burns, but everything came back clean. She really is lucky.”

  I felt sick just thinking about it. “Or unlucky for being my friend. She was only in danger because of me.”

  “That’s not true.” Levi turned to look at me.

  “He’s right. You can’t start blaming yourself for everything,” Hailey said softly.

  “Easy for you to say.” I yawned. I guess everything with Bryant made me tired.

  “You can close your eyes. I’ll be right here.” Levi played with a strand of my hair.

  “You really don’t have to stay.”

  “I want to.”

  “Do you guys want privacy?” Hailey stood up, ready to leave the room.

  “No, that’s okay.” I answered quickly. Levi nodded.

  “If you’re sure.” Hailey sat down at her desk.

  I fell asleep to the sound of her typing.

  I woke up a few hours later tucked under my covers. Levi was gone. I sat up disoriented. Hailey was playing a game on her phone.

  “What time is it?”


  “Six o’clock at night? You let me sleep all day?”

  “You needed it.”

  I stretched. “When did Levi leave?”

  “A few hours ago. He fell asleep too.” She tossed me her phone. “Check out this picture. I already emailed it to you both.”

  I glanced at her phone. There was a picture of Levi and I snuggled up asleep. I had to admit it was cute. “You sent it to Levi?”

  “I figured it would earn me brownie points. I have a feeling I’m in trouble.” She leaned up against the wall.

  “Why? Why are you in trouble?”

  “I shouldn’t have left the hotel without you. I should have waited.”

  “You took Anne home, and you thought I was safe. You can’t be with me all the time.”

  “I should have come back after dropping Anne off, but I didn’t.” She bit her nail. I’d never seen Hailey do that before.

  “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  “This stays between us, okay?”

  “Of course.” I looked at her nervously. That opening was usually a bad thing.

  “I got lunch with Cole.”

  “Cole? You mean the bouncer from Bruno’s?” We’d run in to him a few times, and it was obvious he had a thing for Hailey.

  “Yes.” She still didn’t meet my eye.

  “Why is that a secret?”

  “Remember what I told you about Pteron’s dating?”

  “You aren’t supposed to get serious with anyone but a human.”

  “And you’re definitely not supposed to date lower shifters…” She trailed off.

  “Wait, what’s Cole?” I’d always assumed he was a Pteron because he seemed part of the inner circle.

  “He’s a Grizzly.”

  “He’s a bear?” I’d figured out that most shifter names related to the type of animal they were.

  “Yes. In terms of shifters he’s high up, especially because his grandfather saved Levi’s grandfather, but he’s still below a Pteron.”

  “So that’s why he had such a good seat at the meeting.”


  “I’m guessing that doesn’t change the dating rules?”

  She sighed. “No.”

  I crossed the room and sat next to her. “I’m sorry, Hail. You like him, huh?”

  She evaded my question. “It’s not a big deal. But it makes my screw up even worse. My parents are going to kill me.”

  “They won’t find out.”

  “Yes they will.”

  “Give me a second.”


  I picked up my phone and called Levi.

  “Hey, how are you feeling, Sleeping Beauty?”

  “You really like to call me princess names, don’t you?”

  He laughed. “Well, you are my princess.”

  “I guess that’s true. The reason I’m calling is because of Hailey.”

  “What?” She stood up.

  I waved Hailey off.

  “She wasn’t there because she was taking care of Anne, and making sure she wasn’t going to tell everyone about The Society. Hailey should be rewarded for being so careful, don’t you agree?” Levi was usually really good at reading me, so I hoped he understood what I was doing.

  “Absolutely. I’ll make sure her parents know.” I could hear him smiling through the phone. He really could be a decent guy sometimes.

  “Great, talk to you soon.” I hung up.

  “Now you can stop worrying.”

  She let out a deep breath. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “Want to make it up to me?”

  “Yes, anything.” She looked at me eagerly.

  “Order us something good and greasy for dinner. I need it.”

  “I can definitely do that.”

  “Good.” I loved my best friend.


  I folded my laundry and took my time putting it away. As soon as I finished, I’d be out of excuses not to call my mom. She was going to kill me. Thanksgiving was just as big as Christmas to her. It was bad enough I’d stayed in New Orleans for school. Now I was canceling my first trip home.

  I finally built up the nerve to call her. “Hey, Mom.”

  “Hey, honey. I haven’t heard from you in a while. How’ve you been?”

  “I’m doing fine, just busy with school.”

  “Have you decided when you’re coming home?”

  I swallowed. “I’m not coming, Mom.”

  She sighed into the phone. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. I just have too much work.”

  “You can get plenty of studying done here.” I could hear the pleading in her voice.

  “Not without distractions.”

  “Do you want us to come there?”

  “Who’s us?” I played with a feather that had come loose from my down comforter. It was overkill for New Orleans, but I loved the shade of blue.

  “Steven, Andrew, and I.”

  I wasn’t sure I’d ever get used to the idea that my mom was seriously dating the father of a guy I hated in high school. “No, it’s okay. I’ll see you in December anyway.”

  “We’ve never spent Thanksgiving apart.” The disappointment in her voice hurt, but I didn’t see any way around it. It had only been a few weeks since the fire, and although the buzz was finally dying out on campus, I wasn’t over it. I couldn’t believe that because of me, hundreds of people could have died, including a good friend.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “If you weren’t okay, you’d tell me, right?”

  “Yes.” I hated lying, but I didn’t have any choice.

  “You need to do what you need to do. You’re an adult, and I can’t force you to do anything anymore. If you change your mind, you know we’d love to have you.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  I wanted to go, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to go home if it meant bringing guards with me, and taking the chance of endangering the people I loved. It was bad enough my friends were involved.

  I hung up and tried to fight off the tears I knew were threatening to spill. I gave up the fight just as I heard a soft knock on the door.

  “Are you okay?” Tiffany took a seat next to me on my bed.

  “Yeah, sorry.”

  “Do you still want to go for manicures, or do you want to skip?”

  “I want to go.” I wiped my eyes.

  “Is there anything you want to talk about?”

  Tiffany had to be the nicest friend I’d ever had. I loved Hailey, and Anne was cool, but Tiffany was just so sweet.

  “I had to tell my mom I wasn’t going home for Thanksgiving.”

  Tiffany put a hand on my arm. “Oh, I’m sorry. That must have been roug
h. Are you sure you can’t just ask Levi to go with you?”

  “Theoretically, I could, but he’s so busy with his dad right now, and honestly I don’t think I’m ready to bring him home.”

  Some people might have pushed me, but Tiffany just smiled. “Well, at least you get to spend it with Hailey and Owen. That should be fun, right?”

  “Definitely. I’m curious what a Pteron Thanksgiving is like.” I loved that I didn’t have to hide The Society from my friends anymore. Tiffany had taken it about as well as Anne. She said she always knew there was something different about the guys and Hailey.

  “Speaking of Hailey, where is she? Isn’t she coming with us?”

  “Nope. She had to meet for a group project.”

  “Wait, so they’re actually letting you out on your own?”

  I laughed. “Yeah right. Let me out without a chaperone?”

  “Then who’s coming with us?”


  The look of horror that crossed Tiffany’s face was almost comical. “Jared’s coming with us to get manicures?”

  “Well, I doubt he’s going to get his nails done. When Hailey cancelled, I had to find an alternative. Jared was more than happy to oblige when he found out you were coming.”

  Tiffany blushed. “Come on, that’s not true.”

  “Yes it is. I don’t know what happened the night of the fire, but he’s been acting even weirder than usual ever since.”

  “I already told you, I don’t remember what happened. I just remember feeling really dizzy and light-headed and the next thing I knew, I woke up in the hospital.”

  “I know. But I think Jared was scared he was too late.”

  “I can’t believe I slept through a hot guy flying me to safety.”

  I laughed. “It was more than sleeping. But if you want to try flying, I’m sure Jared would oblige. But, I’d make him swear to be on good behavior.”

  “Sometimes I think this is all a dream. Like I fell asleep reading one of my Paranormal Romance’s or something.”

  “Don’t I know.”

  “Are you ready to go?”

  I got up. “Sure. Jared’s waiting.”

  Before we could walk out the door, my phone rang. I debated picking up when I saw my dad’s name on the screen, but I was tired of fighting with him.

  “Hi, Dad.”

  Tiffany gestured that she’d wait in her room.

  “Hi, sweetie. I owe you an apology.” His voice was soft, and I could tell he meant it.


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