Eternal Soulmate

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Eternal Soulmate Page 9

by Brooklyn Taylor

  I didn’t say anything to him. I just turned around while shaking my head and ran out the door. I jumped on my bike and started to pedal my pedals as fast as I could to find her. I knew the route he usually came home. I was scared for her that she wasn’t okay. Not knowing whether he hit her on the way home or if he pushed her out of the car moving or actually stopped to let her out, made me sick. Every single scenario was going through my head. What if she was hurt?

  I found mom about two miles from home. She was skinned up and red as a tomato. He did push her out of the car, but at least it wasn’t going at a high speed. Her whole right body had road burn. She was crying, but more of a mumble than a hysterical cry. I pulled up to her on my banana seat bike that she bought me and stopped. I dropped down my bike and wrapped my arms around her.

  “Mom are you okay? I mean I know you’re not okay; we’re never going to be okay are we?”

  She didn’t say anything, but just looked at me sadly. She doesn’t have to answer me. We both knew the answer to this question.

  “I came to get you. I can either pedal you home or you can pedal me. We’ll figure it out. We’re in this together.” She grinned at me but there really were no words to reassure each other.

  Mom got on the bike and motioned for me to get on the handle bars so she can pedal me. She pedals like an old pro and I giggle as the wind was blowing through my hair. All is good in the world, when we are alone together. I smiled, but it only lasted a short time knowing the smile was going to be wiped off my face as soon as we pulled up in the driveway of our living hell.



  I swung by the house to change my clothes, brush my teeth, take a quick shower and shaved to get ready to head to work. Nana had already gone to Bingo for the day and I was a little disappointed because I wanted to talk to her a bit about Ashlynn. Am I having too many feelings too quick? I guess it’ll have to wait.

  I got to the office and sat for a matter of minutes before I received a call to a home in the greater Austin area. I walked by the break room to get Beau and we headed out. I knew exactly what I was going to see and it wasn’t going to be good.

  Today’s first call was no exception. Unfortunately, a lot of the calls we go to more than not are repeat offenders. The wife/girlfriend usually won’t press charges because they were afraid of retaliation. Hopefully, there are witnesses, but that’s usually not the case. Sometimes we are lucky enough to be able to have neighbors or the eldest child write a statement. If we can get the older child talking, we’re able to get the mother to talk. Even if we are successful in getting the woman to press charges and we can arrest the abuser, she still has the option to drop the charges. The man usually scares her enough that she drops them. It’s a continuous cycle and until we can get the victims the help and assistance they need, they’re stuck. Add in that the husband is a respective business owner of a high end restaurant called Scott’s Bistro which is extremely upscale. It’s the restaurant all elite citizens attend. This restaurant specializes in their privacy. You can only imagine how my work becomes complicated at this point.


  ~Ashlynn ~

  Over these last couple months, I have had this awkward feeling that someone was watching me. Max has been acting differently too. Not barking, but whining and pacing back and forth. Normally I have no issues walking outside to take Max out for a walk, but, I feel nervous about it tonight. I can see my mother rolling her eyes in my head now.

  I know I I’m just being paranoid. I walked Max out in the front yard but stood on the porch. I hear a car engine and turn around. I see a truck driving a little down my street. It was just now turning on its lights, which alarmed me. I see it’s a man, but I couldn’t really see much more. It looked like the same truck I saw in the parking lot at work yesterday with a man sitting in it. Now that I think of it, was the same truck I saw two days ago in the parking lot and also the same truck at the gas station. I never saw him go into the gas station or get gas. He was never close enough to see who it was. Could someone be following me? I called for Max who was still barking and led him to the backyard instead after making sure the doors were locked. Should I call Cooper? Should I call McKoy?

  I saw headlights about ten minutes later and saw McKoy pulled up. It’s not like McKoy to come over so late without texting me or calling. I met her at the porch and to give her a huge hug. She hugged me and was slow to let go.

  “What’s wrong, McKoy?”

  “I’m not sure, I just have this really bad feeling, and I am not sure what is going on. It might be nothing but I just wanted to see you, so, I drove out here.”

  “I feel the same way McKoy, I don’t know what is going on. Max has been acting different and I have seen the same truck now three different times at work, here and at the gas station. I feel like I am being followed. I really didn’t think about the truck until I saw it tonight. Should I bring it up to Cooper? I hate to sound so paranoid.”

  “Yes Ashlynn, Cooper is a police officer. He can look into it. Even if he wasn’t a police officer I would say yes when it comes to Cooper. He’s going to protect you at all costs.”

  “Yeah you’re probably right Mc. I just don’t want to burden him or make him think I am a basket case. Lord knows, after I tell him about my mom, he’s going to probably think that anyway.”

  I invited McKoy to stay the night. We hadn’t had a sleep over in ages and we sat in the living room watching our favorite movies. Pretty woman, and Dirty Dancing. We talked about some of the old things we did and laughed. We played a game of gin and gambled each other for pickle chips. I love her so much. She has been with me through everything. We pass no judgment on each other. McKoy had her own challenges growing up. Her parents are still together, but she has her own family issues. She’s in love with the only man she has been with. Her parents have told her many times they will not support her decision to commit to him. They’ve threatened her inheritance and anything they could take away to make her unhappy. She was willing to give up everything for Beau at all costs.

  I finally got up the nerve to ask her about Beau.

  “So McKoy what’s going on with Beau? I have respected you not wanting to talk about it for as long as I can. Fess up sister!”

  “Ashlynn, he has me up and down and sideways half the time. I found out during the times we have split up from him being an idiot, he actually slept with two different women. I was so damn mad. I know we weren’t together at the time but shit, I would give up anything for him. Anything! Hell, half the time my family won’t even talk to me, but my grandpa. He says he was drunk and just lonely, but I don’t think that’s an excuse.”

  “Anyways, I finally decided I’m done. He has to make up his mind. He now is calling me like crazy, totally trying to court me. It is cute and loving, but he has to really work for it. I’ve got to see he’s grown up and ready to commit. He’s got to prove it. If we don’t work it out this time, we are over. I will not forgive him again and I can’t keep putting myself through this.”

  “Mc I am glad you confided in me. I’m here for you and I hope Beau does get it figured out. I think he will. Just hang in there and McKoy, follow your own advice too and just let him in. Don’t push him away and regret it the rest of your life”

  You bet your ass I pulled out the big guns.

  “Ash tell me more about Cooper? While you’re giving me this great advice, I know you’ve been spending time with him. No one wants you to be happy more than me. I have seen you go through so much and make it through so much.”

  I’ve been smiling and not even sure why, well I know why, we’re talking about Cooper. Everything is coming to my mind, his touch, his smile, his smell, and his presence.

  “I am falling in love with him. I’m not sure how my heart is letting him in. It has to be right though, if that is happening right? He makes me feel like the only woman in the world. I’ll be honest though, as if I could lie to you any way, he is a police officer. You know how
I have issues with APD. I was abandoned by law enforcement for years. They let me and my mother down for years. I know he is a good guy, but I have this trust issue with men and then now with knowing he’s a police officer scares me. I haven’t told him about everything that happened. I know I have to, but I fear it will change things. We haven’t even made love yet. I have never wanted a man so bad in my life.”

  As she continues, McKoy starts tearing up and laughing at the same time. “I invited him to stay the night last night and I would’ve made love to him but HE stopped us! I was pitiful Mc, you would’ve laughed your head off.”

  “I’m happy for ya sweetie, I really am. I don’t think it is going to change anything for Cooper though. I saw the way he looked at you the night at the dance hall and he looked like he worshipped you. Now I know I don’t know him, but I usually have a pretty good instinct and read on people. I think he’s the real deal.”

  “What are the chances that Cooper and Beau would know each other? Cooper just seems like he has grown up faster than Beau. Like Beau is still a boy in so many ways maybe he’ll rub off on Beau. You are so lucky you found Cooper or he found you.”

  We decide to head to bed and cuddle up with Max in between us. I texted Cooper a quick text letting him know I was thinking of him.

  My Cooper.

  “I am going to bed but wanted to tell you I’m thinking of you. I miss your smell already on my pillows. Hope you had a good day at work. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow night, I miss you terribly. Be careful. XOXO”

  Two minutes later I get a response.


  “Hey babe, I’m still at work, trying to finish up and head home. I miss you too more than you know. Excited to see you tomorrow. I’m always careful. BTW love the XOXOXOX sweetheart. Right back at you!”

  Tomorrow would be a better time to mention the odd feelings me and McKoy were having. I really need to tell him about mom. I drifted off to sleep thinking about Cooper in my life and my heart and hope it doesn’t get shattered.

  Chapter 17


  I finally found exactly what I needed to finish up my night. This bastard was going down. I’m just waiting for the right moment to step in. I’ve confronted the prick before. He reeks of two day old booze. I’ve seen several of his victims beat plum to death. Only one time have I had the pleasure to come face to face to with him and I’m very much looking forward to seeing him one final time.

  I got in my mustang to drive home and couldn’t keep Ashlynn off my mind. She told me to be careful tonight like she actually cared for me. The only other person that had said that to me is Nana. Of course, it was totally different with her telling me this, but it showed how genuinely sweet she was. I’m one lucky man. I can’t believe I had enough self control to stop myself from ripping that damn little tank top and panties off her last night. Damn she could make anything look good. She has got the most beautiful olive skin with her brown hair. I won’t ever forget those damn panties either with the little bow in the front. I would’ve loved to take those off her with my teeth. Okay here we go, it is going to be a long night. I’ve been listening to country a bit in the car since I have been dating Ashlynn. Many of the songs I used to laugh at remind me of her and now I am listening to them in a different frame of mind and smiling. All I could think of was Ashlynn. She has quickly become my world.

  I got home and was excited to see that Nana was still up. I kissed her on the cheek and gave her a hug. She’s such an important part of my life.

  “Nana, I wanted to talk to you about this girl I met. Her name is Ashlynn Ellis. I know I told you a little about her when I got home from my little trip, she’s the one that I met on the plane. Well, I ran into her when Beau and I went to Copeland Dance Hall. We had dinner last night, and I stayed the night with her. Not anything other than sleeping happened, before you say anything.”

  Nana was already giving me a look of disapproval.

  “She isn’t the type of girl to give away the milk for free before you ask. I know what you are thinking, but I totally respect this woman. There is no way I’d do anything less than what she deserves. Anyway, I’m really getting these strong feelings for her. I think about her all day, my heart is getting way ahead of my brain. I’ve fallen for her. Is this normal? I know I have had relationships with other woman but this is crazy.”

  I find myself pacing back and forth with my hand on my head as if this would stop my over thinking.

  Nana smiled at my misery and let out a chuckle. “Coop, when you find the real thing, the right one, that’s how it is. Your heart will lead you and your brain will basically have nothing to say in the matter. That’s how it was with your grandfather. It’s truly not something you can search for or force, it will happen when it happens and when it does you better grab onto it, hang on to it with a death grip and never let it go.”

  My Nana only loved one man her entire life. She knew I’ve been hurt, but wanted me to find the love of my life like she did. She has always told me I was pure hearted and when I found the real thing I would fall hard.

  She kissed my forehead and gave me a hug before walking to her bedroom. “I love you Coop, let your heart lead you and take the risk. It’ll be worth it. Don’t think so much about this.”

  “I know nana, I love you too. I just wanted to hear it.”

  I went to bed myself and texted a quick text to Ashlynn.


  “I hope you’re already asleep and this doesn’t wake you up, but I wanted you to know I’m thinking of you right now. I think you’re the most beautiful stunning woman I’ve ever met. I won’t tell you tonight in a text all the things I love about you, but, I will tell you tomorrow in person. Sweet dreams sweetheart. XOXOXOXO”

  I took a quick shower and lay down in my bed. I hoped Ashlynn has come into my life to stay for good.



  I woke up before Ashlynn and slid out of the bed so I wouldn’t wake her. I kissed her on the cheek and told her to call me later. She was still sleeping with a smile on her face. I bet she was dreaming of Cooper. Lucky girl!

  I was so happy for her and hoped he really was what he seemed and nothing jeopardized her happiness. The feeling I had that led me to her house last night, I’m hoping was just a fluke. We’ve finally lived normal lives in the last couple years. Yes, the death of her mother was bad, but as far as everything else in our lives had seemed normal. I hoped she talked to Cooper about her feelings and also about the mutual feeling we had going on last night. I tried to reassure myself again that it was just a feeling and nothing else but something told me someone was watching Ashlynn and I have a horrible feeling I knew exactly who it was.


  ~Cooper ~

  I called Ashlynn excited to invite her to meet the only other two people that I love. I want them to meet the person I was crazy about.

  “Ashlynn I would like you to go with me to my family dinner Friday at Charles Steak House. Have you ever been there?” Shit, she’s not answering me.

  “Ash…. Are you there?”

  “No I haven’t. I don’t know Coop…Is it too soon?”

  “I get that you might think it is too soon but I’m falling in love with you and want them to see who has stolen my heart. I know they’ll love you as much as I do.”

  “Of course I’ll go for you. I’ve already fallen for you Cooper. I want to meet them too. I just hope they don’t disapprove or think we’re moving too fast. This all feels so right. What if they don’t like me?”

  “Not going to happen sweetheart, trust me.”



  I picked up Ashlynn and I could see she was nervous as hell. “Damn, babe you look beautiful. I can tell your nervous, stop it. They’re going to love you. Look at me, everything is fine. They already love you. This is just a formality.” I held her face in my hands and made her look at me.

  We drove in silence and I could see the wheels
turning in her head as we pulled up to the restaurant.

  I took Ashlynn’s hand and led her to the table where my Nana and Uncle Neil were already waiting. He stood up and shook her hand. Nana hugged her and whispered something in her ear. Ashlynn just smiled and shook her head yes. We all took our seats and I ordered us drinks. We talked lightly over everyday things. I saw how Nana kept looking at me and then at Ashlynn. Nana’s eyes were glistening with tears. Ashlynn really looked beautiful tonight. The blue she was wearing made her brown hair stand out even more. I felt like one lucky man.

  Uncle Neil finally tried to break the ice and make her comfortable. “You know Ashlynn, you have smiled since the minute you walked in this place. You are a smiley thing aren’t you?”

  “Sir, I have a lot to smile about lately. Cooper has made me very happy.”

  “Oh well sweet Ashlynn you have made our Cooper very happy as well. The happiest he’s ever been in fact. Has he brought you out to the farm yet? You know he wants to build there. Do you like the country?”

  “Yes sir he has and I loved it. It was dark so I couldn’t see too much but it was so quiet and peaceful. I have always wanted the country life. Hopefully one day I’ll get it.”

  They all smiled at each other and Cooper winked at me. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. He put his mouth to my ear and whispered “Ashlynn you will baby. I’ll give you everything you want.”

  Nana said, “Cooper has told us about the amazing work you have done around the shelter and how he sends women there. I bet that is hard work Ashlynn, but I couldn’t be more proud of you that you are helping people just like my Cooper.”

  I smile and sat back into my seat. “Thank you Mrs…”

  “Call me nana, sweetie.”

  “Okay nana, I am the lucky one getting the privilege to work with the women at the shelter. They make me a better person as much as I help them.”

  Dinner was served and went well and Ashlynn began to relax. My uncle made her laugh. I was 100 percent confident in bringing her to meet them. Usually they hated anyone I dated although they’d only met one of my past girlfriends. Ashlynn had it all. You can tell that about her when you met her. She has a way of making you relax around her. There are millions of reasons why I have fallen for this woman, but her smile is in the top 10.


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