Eternal Soulmate

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Eternal Soulmate Page 15

by Brooklyn Taylor

  “Ash, you looked amazing out there. You were making me want you, just watching your moves. I’m pretty sure every man was staring at you.”

  “They weren’t watching me Coop, but you are sweet for saying so. Even if they were, I don’t care about any man watching me, but you.”

  “I was watching you for sure sweetheart.” He moved closer to my ear and whispered “I was thinking about taking you in your bed tonight when we get back to your place and how you’re not wearing any panties. You’re lucky with your moves out there, I didn’t come out and toss you over my shoulder. You my woman!” Cooper grunted.

  I laughed at him and he pointed to himself and smiled. Yes, he was possessive and I loved every bit of it. I was just as possessive of him. You weren’t going to hear me complain over that. To be cherished and protected was a new one for me and one I didn’t take for granted.

  A slow song came on and Cooper asked me to dance. He started humming along with the song that sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it. He continued to move me slowly on the floor and sway me back and forth to the beat of the song. He stopped and my eyes teared up. He kissed me gently and held my face in his hands.

  “Baby you know I don’t like country, but, I heard this song the other day and thought of you. I can’t get it out of my head. It’s “Carried Away” by…”

  I interrupt “George Strait.”

  He smiled. “It says the perfect words about how I feel about you. You have completed me and I love you so much. This song says the perfect words.”

  “Cooper, I love you so much. I hope you know that when I say those words it’s not me just saying them. I mean them more than I have ever meant them in my life.”

  We stayed on the dance floor through four more songs. I loved being in his arms. The world feels like it stops when we’re together. Nothing else matters. He made me feel beautiful and not damaged. The song ended and I stopped and looked in his eyes.


  “Yes baby?”

  “Take me home and make love to me. Show me how much you love me.”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice baby.”I’m going to show you all night. It’ll be my pleasure.”

  I led him to where the girls were sitting with Beau and Kyle. I walked up to the girls and hugged and kissed them good night. I grabbed Cooper’s hand and pulled him towards the door. “Take me home, Handsome.”

  He led me to the mustang and took off. We didn’t turn anything on in the car. We just listened to the shifting as he drove. He knew I loved the sound of it. I loved watching him shift through the gears too. We pulled up to my house and I reached for the handle to open the door.

  “No sweetheart. I open the door for you. You’ll never be treated anything less than my lady.”

  “Cooper it’s not that big of a deal. I was just anxious to get in the house.”

  He walked around and opened the door. He took my hand and helped me up closing the door. He picked me up in one motion and carried me to the house and put me down. I opened the door and shut it. As soon as I do, he kissed me so hard I nearly fell to the floor. I felt the love coming from his lips. I let him have total control and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt his excitement and started to rub against him. Damn. He is too sexy for words. He smelled like the best smell in the world, My Cooper.

  He undid my shorts and let them fall to my ankles. He didn’t try to take off my boots or my bra. Bending down he lifted my feet up one at a time to get my shorts off my legs. He picked me up off the ground and walked us over to the couch. He layed me down softly and unbuttoned his jeans shoving them down. He has the hottest body I have ever had the privilege of touching. I rubbed my hands over his chest and down his stomach, ready for him to fill me. Looked like someone else decided to not wear underwear. Thank you! I couldn’t be more thankful. He came down on me and started to kiss me again with more passion and want that I damn near forgot my name. I loved his strong arms. I traced my nails up and down them. I submitted to him. He had proved to me in every way possible he was around for the long run. I loved this man more than oxygen. He eased in me while kissing my neck and lips.

  “I love you Ash so much it hurts. You feel amazing. You are the only woman I want for the rest of my life.”

  He started to move with perfect skill in and out touching my sensitive spot with just enough pressure. He had my body memorized now. He knew my sounds and my breathing, how I felt inside when I needed more. I didn’t have to say a word. This man knew my body and my soul. We moved back and forth in perfect rhythm until we both finish. He lay on top of me, but, held his weight up so as to not put too much pressure on me.

  “Baby that was probably the best love making I have ever had. It just keeps getting better and better with you. I love you.” I could still feel him shaking in his arms.

  “Ditto Cooper. I think you were sent to me from heaven. You make me feel things I never thought would be possible, inside and out.”

  He rolled over beside me and held me in his arms. We both fell asleep from our passionate love making. Max woke us up a bit later and we took him out and then headed up to bed. I was so happy. I felt like dancing on the roof. I had risked it all to get it all and with Cooper I got it-ALL! I loved him with all my heart. If it falls apart, at least, I got to love him and got love from him that I would’ve never thought I deserved in a million years. We lay in bed and I said my prayer to God thanking him and then added in at a whisper, “Thanks Mama.” Cooper heard me and kissed my nose. “Ill second that baby. Good night.”

  Chapter 27

  One month later

  ~ Ashlynn~

  I skipped into my house and ready to get my bags packed. Me and Cooper were finally going on a weekend trip to a bed and breakfast. All this work stress and the feeling that someone had been following me had taken a toll on me. He always wanted to fix everything for me. Cooper was driving me crazy trying to protect me. He almost acted like he knew something I didn’t.

  Ever since the night I told him that truck was in my driveway and Nick’s full name he had seemed more obsessive about my safety. I knew with him being a cop, he probably had an intuition and I should trust that. I have never had someone in my life that wanted to remove my hurt like this man. I had some important news to tell him when we got to our destination. I couldn’t wait to see the look in his eyes.

  I walked to my bedroom. As soon as I lean up against the door to open it, the door flew open and someone grabbed my neck. I couldn’t breathe at all. Someone was holding me by my throat. Breath Ashlynn, breath Ashlynn, breath Ashlynn.

  “Hi Ashlynn, long time no see, bitch!”

  I couldn’t talk, I just struggled to breathe. I knew exactly who was talking to me. He had the same distinct smell he always had. I started to gag and I could feel the vomit rising in my throat. The first thing that came to my mind was Cooper. My heart felt like it was being pulled out of my chest. Oh my sweet Cooper, the love of my life. I got to love a man wholeheartedly. Even if I don’t get to live the rest of my life with him, I got the chance to love a man that loved me back and was willing to give me the world. How many women can say that? If I died tonight, I had met the love of my life and was loved by him. My mom had got her wish for me to love.

  I wasn’t going to try to analyze things anymore, right now. I knew damn well that Nick was going to kill me tonight.

  “You were hard to find, but I knew I would eventually find you. See, women are stupid and you’re just like your mother. I knew it was only a matter of time.”

  “Please don’t do this, please don’t…….”

  He let go of my throat and just as I was catching my breath he punched me in the face. I fell to the floor and tried to pull my body in a fetal position to protect my head and my stomach like my mom used to. I couldn’t see anything in front of me, and I was starting to see spots. Oh God please no! Don’t let me lose conscious. I had to fight this maniac. Mom, if you can hear me now, please do something. I can’t do i
t alone.

  My phone rang and I heard it. It was my ringtone for Cooper and I started to cry. Oh No, My Coop.


  Why in the hell was Ashlynn not answering her phone? She had never not answered the phone when I’ve called her. I had been waiting at McKoy’s for her for a bit now and it wasn’t like her to be late. Every thought was running through my mind. Things were finally starting to go our way and I was petrified something was going to happen. I could feel the anger building up in me just thinking about her past and the trials she has had to make it through. She’d made it through more than any person should have. Something wasn’t right here and I felt it. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for this woman. NOTHING. I tried to mentally stop my mind from wondering to all the places it was taking me. Maybe she was okay and she was showering or walking Max or something. I always assumed the worst. Please Ash, be okay, please be okay. My heart was beating so hard and fast I felt like it was going to pump out of my chest.

  I drove like a bat out of hell and got to her house faster than I ever had. I’m lucky I didn’t get killed driving so reckless, but, at this moment I don’t care. It was a total blur. When I pulled up to her house I saw her truck sitting in the driveway and the house looked closed up. I jumped out of my car as fast as I could and walked up to the door. I walked in the door quietly and heard a man talking. I drew my gun and tried to follow his voice.

  They were in Ashlynn’s room. I was not prepared for what I was about to see. In all my years, nothing could have prepared me for the fight I was about to encounter for the love of my life.


  I kept my body rolled up in a fetal position hoping he’d take the hint that I was hurt and not continue beating me. No such luck. He came up to me and got right down in my face, and asked me to look at him in the face. I did as I am told and then he pulled me up by my hair and punched me again in the face. Ouch. It hurt so badly and I could feel the blood dripping. He started to laugh, and then started talking again. I wished there was a way for me to close my ears like I could my eyes.

  “Real smart Ashlynn, to get involved with a police officer. You were always as stupid as your mom. He has been snooping around asking about me. You see, I have a buddy that works at the police department and told me about it. With my buddy’s help, I’ve never been taken to jail. He helped keep me on the run.”

  He laughed a wicked laugh, that even after these years of not seeing him, I still couldn’t forget. I felt the vomit rising in my throat again right before he kicked me in the head. I yelled out in pain and he started laughing again. My vision was starting to fade and I saw stars. Keep your eyes open and on him Ashlynn. Concentrate so you can see when he is coming at you. This man was the devil. I could see the hate in his eyes. I layed still just hoping he would stop. Please God make it stop. I knew from the past, he loved to see me cry so I was trying so hard not to. The pain was almost unbearable. It hurt so badly. I kept picturing my Cooper waiting for me at McKoy’s. I was going to leave Max there while we were gone, so I had suggested we meet there instead.

  I was so torn because I wanted him to come looking for me, but, then I didn’t. I wanted to see his face one more time, but I would never want him hurt or want him in danger because of me. I would gladly die to keep him from being hurt. He was my life. A light bulb went off in my head and I understood. I finally understood. That’s why my mom took the beatings. I was her life.

  “Ashlynn, do you know I’ve had many dreams about how I would kill you. I should’ve taken care of you when you were younger. Your mom would beg me not to touch you. The only reason I didn’t was because, when she begged, I could get her to do anything.”

  He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to sit on my bed. He pointed a gun to my head and I felt the tears falling down my face. I was biting my tongue in my mouth to try to move the pain there instead of my head and stomach from being kicked. I knew I was bleeding from my head and I was pretty sure there was bleeding down my right leg. I remembered Nick loved the site of blood. I hoped it wasn’t as visible as it felt.

  I heard footsteps and I knew its Cooper. I knew it was only a matter of time before he showed up. I knew he’d be worried and would try to come find me. Nick lets down his gun and walked over to the window and saw Cooper’s car. He smiled and laughed.

  “Look Nick. Please just don’t do anything to hurt Cooper. You have me and that’s what you came for. Please just let him be. He‘s not a part of this.”

  “A pig needs to learn a lesson about snooping in things that aren’t his business just like a woman needs to know her place. He made this personal a long time ago. I would think you would have learned to watch your surroundings. Since I found out he was snooping, I’ve been following you off and on with the help from Russell telling me exactly where you were. You see Ashlynn, Cooper and I go back a ways. He has put his nose in my business before where it didn’t belong. I intend to teach both of you a lesson that neither of you are going to forget, well that is, if I let either of you live which isn’t looking too good for ya.”

  I could think of nothing…. My mind went blank. With all the pain and anger I felt, I screamed so loud I could’ve broken glass. It scared the shit out of Nick and he stepped back just far enough for me to kick him in the groin. I pulled back, kicked, and screamed again. Now I just had to distract Nick enough to keep him busy until Cooper came in and catch him off guard. I knew that Cooper size-wise and strength-wise could take Nick. One thing Cooper didn’t have was crazy. Nick had nothing to live for and would fight to the end. He wouldn’t think twice about it. Nick was still hunched over holding his groin and I took the opportunity to kick him in the top of the head with a grunt. I wasn’t fast enough though. He grabbed my leg and twisted my foot to the point where I thought it was going to break off.

  “Fuck you Nick!”

  I wiggled my leg to try to get free and failed at it miserably. I was trying to kick him even as he was holding onto me.

  “You bitch! Stop moving or I’ll cut your fucking head off.”

  Just then Cooper came through the door. He was pissed as hell and had his gun drawn. His eyes looked like they had so much hate in them. I had never seen this. “Let go of her you, asshole, now!” My poor Cooper was seeing me in the hands of the man that made my life a living hell. I never wanted him to see me like this. I could only imagine what I looked like and how much blood he saw.

  “Fuck off Pig! We meet again! I won’t let her go until she’s dead. I’m not leaving here with her alive. The little bitch should’ve been killed years ago when I tried to kill her mother. She’s useless just like all women. She’s here for only one reason and that is to do as she is told. See, Ashlynn has never been good with following instructions. She interfered with me and her mother for years. I’ve known where she was for months now, but I had decided to let her be. Well, that is until you, Cooper, started to put your nose in my business.”

  Cooper looked even more pissed. Nick had been following me. He did it right in front of my eyes. I had this feeling that I had been followed and know I knew why I had been getting that feeling. I should have listened to my instincts long before now. None of that mattered now.

  Nick was holding me by one arm and one leg now. I couldn’t move any longer, my body was exhausted from fighting. I looked over at Cooper and he was watching Nick’s every move. I knew Cooper had been in this situation many times and I hoped somehow, someway he could get us out of this. This would be the only time experience from this would help.

  Fuck it! If I'm going to die I’m gonna die trying. I looked up to Nick and with my good arm punched him in the nose as hard as I could. I knew I couldn’t hurt him badly, but I was just hoping it was enough to stun him for a minute. Every minute counted right now. He screamed out in pain then I started kicking. I didn’t know what I was kicking at, but, I was just kicking the shit out of the air. I knew any pain I inflicted on him would only be worse for me. The pain he felt was just enough for him to
let go of me for a second.

  Nick was still holding his gun against my neck when then I heard it drop. I heard two gun shots and a thud on my hard wood floor. I felt splatters off hot fluid on my face. My chest felt like it was on fire and I couldn’t speak. Nothing came out. I was falling to the floor and I had no control over my body. The last thing I saw before my eyes closed for the last time was Cooper with tears in his eyes. I whispered “I love you Cooper…….” I knew this was the last time he would hear it from my mouth and I hoped to God he heard it across the room.

  Cooper screamed and was leaning over me crying and screaming for me not to leave him. It sounded like he was a distance away. No matter how hard I tried I wasn’t able to open my eyes. I couldn’t move anything. I had no control of my arms or legs. All the worrying about having control all my life and here I lay dying.

  “Ashlynn I love you so much. My heart won’t will not beat without you here with me. Please hold on baby. Please fight Ash, please be strong.”

  I wished I could tell him I was trying. I wished there was something I could do to show him to fight too. I didn’t have enough time with Cooper. I begged God to let me stay with this man that he created for me and never thought I would find. God sent him to me finally and now I was dying in front of him. The one man that promised he would never let anything happen to me. I heard sirens everywhere and Cooper screaming.

  “I AM NOT leaving her side! She is my life and she needs me with her.” He was crying and inconsolable.


  I stood watching the love of my life being assessed by the paramedics. I promised to protect her and she was almost dead. My sweetheart.

  “Sir, you need to move so I can work on your girlfriend. I can’t help her if you don’t let me do my job. She’s bleeding a lot and I need to stop it. Her pulse is very weak. Hopefully, she won’t have internal injuries.”

  I stepped back to give them a little room, but not too far back that I couldn’t see what was going on.


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