Eternal Soulmate

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Eternal Soulmate Page 17

by Brooklyn Taylor

  “Ash, absolutely, I couldn’t agree more. I could always arrange for us to get married on the plane?”

  “Hell no, Coop. You know better than to even ask.” I smiled back at him but he knows I was as serious as a heart attack. No way in hell was that going to happen.

  South Padre beach was the place. The place I had good memories as a child, (the few I could recall). The place I spread my mother’s ashes. The place I fell in love with this man. The place he proposed to me. Finally, the place we would say our vows to each other and promise each other eternity. In my heart I’d already done that. I was his. This beach held the best days of my life. Cooper was determined to make nothing but good memories on this beach and he succeeded.

  Grace and McKoy helped plan the to do as fast as possible. We did a little over the phone, but most had to be made there. I wanted to wear a simple white dress and Cooper to wear a white shirt and white linen shorts. We would both be barefoot. I refused to wear a frilly dress, it wasn’t me. I was already starting to show and wanted the world to know. It was a little baby bump but I felt blessed. To me, it was like wearing a badge of honor. I wanted my maid of honors to wear any dress they wanted but they had to coordinate it. McKoy jumped right on that. I wanted to carry a bouquet of hibiscus flowers. The hibiscus flower symbolized me. It was closed and then opened up into the sun as I did when I finally met Cooper. He was my sun. A small ceremony with just Nana and Uncle Neil, my two girlfriends, Beau and Kyle.

  The girls helped get me ready in their room and Cooper got ready in his room with his Uncle and Beau.



  “Beau, have you seen my Ashlynn?”

  “You bet your ass I have, and damn she looks amazing. You are one lucky man Coop. I don’t know how you got so lucky to get her. I’ve seen this girl turn into a woman. I assure you whatever you’re doing you are doing it right. I am downright jealous of what you have. You better hang on to it.”

  “Beau, man, if you are betting on my failing you better forget it. I ain’t letting her go. I almost lost her once and that’ll never happen again.”

  Uncle Neil walked up to Cooper and put his hand on his shoulder.

  “Cooper, I know I don’t tell you enough how proud I am of you. You have come through so much as a child and grown into a well respected man. You have worked for everything you have and you’re the son I never had. I am so proud of you. I know you and Ashlynn will last till death do you part and I could not be happier for you. I love you son.”

  “I love you too, Neil. I wouldn’t be the man I am without you. You and Nana made the difference. I only hope I can be as good of an example to my peanut as you were to me.”

  Neil cleared his throat. “You will be Cooper. You have always been a caring loving man and I have no doubt.”

  Beau hit me on the back. “Time to go get you hitched my friend.”

  Cooper smiled, “I have never been more ready for something in my life.”



  McKoy and I promised Ashlynn that we wouldn’t make a big fuss and upset her as we were getting her ready to become Cooper’s wife. I was so happy one of my girls was getting married. It had just been the three of us for so long and to see Ashlynn being the first one walking down the aisle, filled me with so much joy.

  “Ashie, I told you I wouldn’t make you cry and I’ll try my damnedest not to, but, I just want you to know how much I love you. I am so happy for you and wish you years of joy. You and Cooper are made for each other and I have no doubt you’ll be together for eternity. I couldn’t have asked for a better man for my girl.”

  “Thank you Gracie, you better hold your horses there! I’m already tearing up and won’t be able to hold back these tears for too long. Once the faucets start, they don’t stop. You know that better than anyone!”

  McKoy hugged me then started, “Well, I better say my peace too then. Ash, we’ve grown up together and I have never seen you so happy. I wish your mom could be here to see it too. I know she is looking down at you and smiling. You’re doing it Ash. You are getting your happily ever after, what you thought you never would have and you thought you didn’t deserve. My heart is so full of happiness for you. I couldn’t have found a better man for you if I picked one out myself.”

  We all three came in for a hug.

  “Alright, get it together ladies. Let’s get our Ashlynn down the aisle.” Grace demanded.

  Chapter 31


  “From This Moment On” played as I walked down the aisle to Cooper. I thought I would be nervous, but when you were staring at the man that holds your heart and soul, it’s pretty easy. The music was low so I could still hear the waves hitting the shore. Pastor Vaughn was standing right in front of the water as the waves crashed. Our feet were barefoot as we wanted to feel the water come up as we say our vows. I got to Cooper and smiled to our friends and family we had standing beside us. I handed my flowers to McKoy and Cooper took my hands. He stared into my eyes and mouthed “I love you, baby.”

  I mouthed,” I love you more”.

  “We are gathered here today, on this happy and joyous occasion, to join Ashlynn and Cooper in holy matrimony. Marriage is a solemn institution to be held in honor by all. It requires of those who undertake it a complete and unreserved giving of one's self. It is not to be entered into lightly, as marriage is a sincere and mutual commitment to love one another. This commitment symbolizes the intimate sharing of two lives and still enhances the individuality of each of you.”

  “Ashlynn you first,”

  “I, Ashlynn, take you, Cooper, to be my beloved husband, to have and to hold, to honor, to treasure and to be at your side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times, and in the bad, and to love and cherish you always. I promise to never take you for granted. I promise you this from my heart, for all the days of my life. You are my hero Cooper. You saved my life.”

  “And you Cooper,”

  “Ashlynn, from the moment I first saw you, I knew you were the one who I wanted to share my life. Your beauty, heart, and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be. I promise to love you for eternity, respecting you, honoring you, protecting you, being faithful to you, and sharing my life with you.”

  We finished our vows and Cooper kissed me. He took me in his arms and scooped me up. I laughed and kicked playfully. Our plan was to take a walk along the beach after we kissed everyone and received our congratulations. I never was happier in my life. For once, I didn’t think about anything bad happening.



  Ashlynn and I walked hand on hand on the beautiful beach. She kept looking out to the waves and I was looking at her. My heart and mind knew that she was my one. My life. My heart feels it and my brain knows it. We walked in silence for a bit and I could tell she was thinking of her mother. I wished she was here for her. We walked to a spot that I had Beau leave a little beach bag. I led her to it and opened it up.

  “Cooper what’s this?”

  “ I had Beau bring us some sparkling apple juice and your mother’s beach blanket to sit on. It is my little way of bringing her close to you for today. I know she’s here with us. I know it isn’t the same as her being here but, maybe, it will bring you some peace.” I looked at my beautiful bride and saw her eyes fill with tears and a smile on her face. She rubbed her hands on her stomach and I placed mine over hers.

  “Thank you Cooper. You always seem to surprise me. I love you. I never knew what true love was until I met you. You have taught me so much and shown me unconditional love. I will never know how I got so lucky.”

  “Baby, I know you have had so many things you have had to get over in your life, but, I am not one of them. I will spend my life loving you for eternity, please know that. I know you didn’t have people to trust and love you the way you should have been loved, but, I assure you that it will be my honor to do for you the rest of my life.”

  I sat down and leaned back
so she could lean up against me. I poured us some sparkling apple juice and we made a toast to us and our peanut.

  We walked down to our hotel on the beach to see our family in the restaurant waiting on us. We had dinner and said a toast to our lives together. It didn’t go unnoticed that McKoy was allowing Beau to sit beside her the entire time. I saw her smiling at him and he at her. When she wasn’t looking, you could see the love in his eyes for her. Maybe there was hope for him yet. McKoy had loved that damn jackass since freshman year. Kyle had not taken his hands or eyes off Grace since the ceremony. His eyes said it all. He is head over heels for her. It was no secret Grace has the same feelings. I selfishly wanted my girls to have the love me and Cooper have, but I wasn’t naive enough to think it will really happen. It takes two and unfortunately, for them Cooper was one of a kind. Fortunately for me too. We sat at dinner and he didn’t stop touching my body the entire time- My hand, my thigh, my back, my shoulder, my stomach where Peanut rested. Anything to keep us joined the entire time.

  I leaned over when I saw everyone finishing up with dinner and Cooper yawned for the second time. I whispered “Coop, baby wait until you see what I have on for you tonight. I can’t wait to show you, so, don’t get tired. I see you keep yawning.”

  I saw Cooper adjust himself under the table and he smiled at me. “Oh Ash, I won’t ever be too tired for you. I can’t wait to see what you have on under your wedding dress. Even more, I can’t wait to feel you and taste you.”

  Holy shit. How can a man that I have only known for months still have this affect on me? Every time we make love, it kept getting better and better.

  Cooper stood up and started to make a closing toast and to say we were tired and needed to head up to our room. Everyone started laughing at us and I blushed. He wasn’t the least bit embarrassed and started raising his eyebrows.

  Cooper took my hand and we walked off to the hotel room. I was ready to make love to my husband for the first time and I couldn’t wait. Cooper carried me over the threshold into a room that was made for a honeymoon. It had candles lit, rose petals all over the bed and strawberries with sprite on the night stand.

  I lay on the bed and Cooper pulled my feet into his lap and started to rub my feet. His touch was heaven. I excused myself to the bathroom as the baby already was making me pee every cotton picken 10 minutes. I came back out to find Cooper lying on the bed propped up on the pillows. He was wearing only his white shorts that he wore for the ceremony.

  As soon as I opened the door his eyes found mine. His eyes traced my body from the top of my head to my toes. I am wearing a sexy lace white bra and a white thong with white thigh highs. I didn’t wear them for the wedding but I knew how much he loved them, so, I wanted to add them to the evening. I pulled my hair half up so he could see my neck. That was one of his favorite parts of my body. I crawled on top of him and started kissing down his body. I pinned his hands down so he could not touch me. Every time he tried I told him no, not yet. It was making me want his touch even more so it had to be working for him too. I rubbed against him a few times and felt I had the effect I was aiming for. I then started to kiss his neck and ears. I finally released his hands. He touched me and kissed me frantically. He took my bra off and ripped my thong to get them off as fast as he could. Okay. I guess I won’t be wearing those again.

  “Baby, lay down. I want to look down and see you for the first time as I make love to my wife- Mrs. Cooper Brooks.”

  I did as I was told and was on cloud nine as he eased his way in me. I smiled and giggled just a minute and Cooper asked me what’s so funny.

  “I was just thinking I am making love to you as Mrs. Cooper Brooks. I’m a married woman making love to my husband.”

  He smiled and kissed me so gently I thought I was going to melt.

  He took his sweet time with me showing me with his movements how much he loved and cherished me. He was so skillful with his hands and the way he moved his body with mine.

  “I love you Mrs. Cooper Brooks. You are my everything. I will do anything for you and Peanut and will love you till the day I die.”

  We finished together and I was so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open. He kissed me and he moved his finger up and down my arm. His finger felt like a feather to my skin. His touch gave me tingles.

  I dazed off and woke up to Cooper cleaning me gently with a warm wash cloth. My sweet man was taking care of me.

  We spent the next three days at the beach or the room. It was heaven on earth. We made love everywhere.

  On the balcony, in the bath, on the beach, in the…… well, you got the idea. I was lucky I could still walk. I hadn’t worn a full set of clothes in almost a week. I thought Cooper would keep me like this if he knew no one else could see me. I’d always heard that when you are with someone you get bored or lose attraction to them the longer you are with them. For me, every day I fell further and further for this man, Mr. Cooper Brooks.

  Chapter 32

  6 months later


  Everything had gone perfectly. The stars had finally lined up. I had my pregnant wife, my job that had graciously let me cut back my hours, our home in Taylor that was almost complete just in time for peanut. I felt like our honeymoon had just begun. This woman was a horny hot mess, pregnant, but me being the good citizen that I was, I happily eased her ache. She jumped me everywhere. I couldn’t get enough of her. I could live with this!

  The old barn on my uncle’s property was almost complete. I had done most of the work myself along with some help from Neil, Beau and Ashlynn. She loved to get out there and work even though I wasn’t thrilled about it. She wanted to know she helped build our home with her own hands. It was the perfect country home. I still couldn’t believe that it turned out as good as it did. Peanut’s room was ready too. That was a huge relief for me and Ashlynn. In just two months, we would have our baby living with us in our home that we had both wanted all of our lives but didn’t know it.

  We together were breaking the cycle of abuse and choosing love, passionate love at that. To love passionately for every single person, you love. To forgive and move on and to not second guess the people that God put in your life. We both thought we were never going to find this love but once you do, you hold onto it and you appreciate it. We weren’t sure where we will go from here and what obstacles will be put in our way, but, we do know together we’ll make it.

  Why are we so sure? Because we are survivors. Man and wife that survived through the odds that were set up against us. The hate, the abuse, the abandonment, the doubt, we beat it all. When you have a husband and wife that are determined to prove the world wrong, you have everything. You have eternal soul mates.

  From this moment on, you become one. One heart, one soul and one being.



  Thank you first and foremost God! You gave me the will and spirit to write when I was insecure about starting. You knew I had a story to tell and pushed me when I simply had no more energy.

  To Angie, creator of my book cover! You turned my picture into a work of art. Thank you girl!

  Becky Vaughn, my editor, you are awesome and although I wanted to kill you when I went through a million edits you brought my story to life. You knew exactly what I wanted to say and were brutally honest. You are my official editor for life!

  My gorgeous husband (my Cooper) that supported me through all this. You encouraged me, read my rough drafts, and let me bounce endless ideas off you. You let me talk about my book for hours on end and never got sick of me. I love you and I would not have accomplished this without you.

  My beautiful children giving up your time with me so I could write. You listened to many days/nights of mom saying “sorry I’m busy writing.” You two are my heart and I can’t wait for you to read it. (When you are 18, Loves!) I love you more than words.

  Pablo, you know I love you! You pushed me and were my grammar police. You read my first official copy with m
inimal edits. I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. I loved to hear your excitement when we talked about my book and ideas. You gave me the power to push on!

  Amber Tatum, you were my #1 supporter and always gave me encouraging words. Many days I wanted to give up and you would Demand I didn’t. You made me reach for the moon and I can’t believe I did it! I’ll meet you at Starbucks!

  Kelly Elliott and Elle Casey, Thank you for your advice and your words of wisdom. Your books made me want to write so badly and your kind words made me believe I could do it. You showed true “writer friendship” and I could not be more thankful.

  To all my friends and family that have been waiting and giving me inspiration you will never know how much I love you and appreciate you. Everyone of you are an important part of my life!




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