The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 3

by Lora Ann

  I accepted the drink he handed me. “Thank you for everything.”

  There was a ghost of a smile on his perfectly etched lips. Heavens, the man was pure masculine perfection. I wondered what his face would look like with a full megawatt smile. I was willing to bet it would be panty dropping. I held the sifter in my hand and tried not to stare at him. He gently removed my glass and set it on the coffee table. With his fingers stroking my jaw, he turned my face towards him. “Why don’t you tell me how you know Reynolds?” He spoke Caleb’s surname as an expletive. There was definitely some bad blood between the two.

  Instead of answering his question, I asked one of my own. “What happened to make you hate him so much?”

  His steely gaze held mine. Unbidden, an image of a Viking came to mind. Fierce. Powerful. Oh, this man was a force to be reckoned with. And God help me, I was more than a little turned on. He countered, “I asked first.”

  Yes. Yes, he did. “Point taken,” I conceded. I looked down at my hands for a moment and willed myself to spit out my story. I knew once I did, he would want nothing to do with me. I reached over for my glass and downed the rest in one gulp. His eyes widened in surprise. I replaced it on the coffee table and squared my shoulders. “He was my client.”

  “Client?” he inquired, “What business are you in?”

  Inhale. Exhale. “I’m a high-priced call girl.”

  His brows hit his hair line. “Say what, now?”

  That would’ve been funny if I wasn’t so damn attracted to him. “A prostitute,” I clarified.

  “I know what a call girl is, sweetheart,” he snorted.

  Shit! I didn’t mean to insult him. “Sorry.” I confessed, “I had no intentions of insulting your intelligence.”

  That earned me a slight curve of his lips. “I’m not insulted,” he acknowledged, “However, I am confused. What was the proposal all about?”

  I stood and walked back over to grab the decanter of brandy. I was going to need more alcohol for this conversation. I returned back to the sofa and offered, “Refill?”

  He nodded and held up his sifter. After I filled both glasses, I sat back down and took a healthy swallow. I continued, “I haven’t been with anyone else in six months.”

  “Because he paid you to be only with him?”

  “Yes. He asked me to marry him three months ago, but I refused. Obviously, he didn’t give up. He finally found a way to get me to capitulate.”

  The room temperature dropped a good fifteen degrees. I hugged myself tightly, rubbing my hands up and down my arms. Then it hit me, the chill was coming from him. His gaze was hard as ice, and his voice was laced with violence. “He threatened you?”

  “You could say that.”

  He glared at me. “How?”

  I eased away from him before I answered, “The usual. Career, family, friends—basically anything that means something to me.”

  He was flabbergasted, but that didn’t stop his inquisition. “He knows your real name?”

  “Yes. I never used an alias because I wasn’t living a double life. I did, however, use a different last name strictly for protection. Though, he eventually learned my real one. But how are you aware that’s common practice in my line of work?”

  He dubiously replied, “I wasn’t born yesterday, Aimee.”

  “Fair enough. The point is, I was trying to get out and start my career. I had a sweet job lined up in San Francisco. I never intended to do this long term. I always had a plan.”

  He graced me with a genuine half-smile. Fuck. Me. It was the kind of smile that would make any woman do anything he asked of her, and she would do so just to please him. I had to wonder what kind of damage a full smile that reached his eyes would do to me, or anyone else of the female persuasion. I actually lost my train of thought. What were we talking about? “And your plan was?” he prompted.

  Oh right, now I remembered what I was saying. “I’m going to own and operate at least one hotel and resort.”

  He leaned back with a smug expression on his face. “Do tell.”

  “My degree is in business and hotel management. Unfortunately, I need some hands on experience before I dive right in. So, I was going to work for a small five star hotel in San Fran to get my feet wet. They were fully aware of my plans, and the agreement was to meet with the silent partner at the end of the year. If all went well, I’d own my first hotel.”

  “Which hotel?”

  “The Fairmont.”

  “You don’t say. I find this information interesting.” He steepled his fingers in front of his mouth. “You said ‘was,’ not are. What changed?”

  What was that look about? I could not read his face, but I had a feeling he knew something I didn’t. Grr! “My instructions from Caleb were to cancel all of my arrangements. Therefore, I had to inform my prospective employers there had been a change in plans.”

  “I see.”

  “Yes, well.” I sighed heavily.

  “Was he specific in what he would do to your family and friends?” he inquired.

  “Not really. I mean, let’s face it; he could make their lives a living hell if he chose to. I can’t live with that. I won’t. So really, what choice did I have?”

  “Is your family aware of your present job?”

  “It’s not my job any longer. I’m serious about leaving it all behind and starting over, which had been my intention all along. I was only going to escort. But then my dad lost his job, and that meant no insurance to pay for his chemo. They needed money, and I wasn’t about to tell them where it was coming from. It would break their hearts.”

  “Why escorting?”

  “Student loans. And my dad was diagnosed with cancer.” I sighed. “My best friend talked me into it.” I hoped it didn’t sound like I had just blamed Renée for my circumstances.

  He only nodded, deep in thought. “I can help you,” he declared.

  I was not expecting that. Honestly, I was growing skeptical. What if he offered to hire me? Yes, I was more than attracted to him, but I was no longer hiring myself out. That chapter of my life was over—the end. “How, exactly?”

  Again with the half-smile—Dear Lord—he replied, “Marry me.”

  “Excuse me? Look, this is the twenty-first century. A woman doesn’t get married because some asshole threatens her. Come on! That’s just absurd.”

  Well, that did it. Now he was furious. He stood up so fast I thought he was going to knock over the sofa and me with it. Then he began to pace while he growled, “I’m fully aware of the century, Aimee. The point is, that ‘asshole’ can wreak havoc on your life like you’ve never seen. You cannot ignore him and hope he’ll go away. You need protection, and I can provide it. It’s really that simple,” he apprised.

  Now I was angry. “First off, don’t talk down to me. I’m not a child. I’m obviously aware he can ruin my life. That was why I had agreed to stay with him in the first place. I have plenty of money to hire my own protection. I damned sure don’t need your help, Mr. Strand.”

  He grabbed my upper arms. “Yes, Ms. Taylor, you do need me.”

  “You know what…Piss off!” I broke free of his grasp and marched over to the elevator to push the call button. The door opened immediately.

  I heard Nik bellow, “Aimee. Get your ass back in here, now!”

  As the doors slid closed, I flipped him off. Just who did that man think he was? I would figure this out myself. I was sick and tired of these powerful, commanding men telling me what to do with my life. They could all go to hell.


  Once I reached the lobby, I had the doorman call me a cab. A short time later, I arrived at my apartment building and went straight to Renée’s. I didn’t want to be alone, and, quite frankly, I needed some girl time. She opened the door in her pj’s with her sleep mask pushed up on her forehead. “Hey, girl. What’s up?”

  “I’ll tell you in the morning,” I proclaimed. “Can I crash on the couch?”

  “Of course you
can,” she replied.

  As I made myself comfy, she gave me a huge hug. “It’ll all work out for the best, Aims. You’ll see.”

  I scoffed, “No, Rens. It won’t. But I don’t wanna talk ‘bout it now. I love you.”

  She shook her head. “Silly girl, you need to have some faith. I love you, too. Sweet dreams,” she called as she padded towards her bedroom.

  All night, I tossed and turned. Everything that’d happened in the last twenty-four hours replayed through mind. “Have faith,” Renée had said. She really had no idea how fucked up my life truly was. Worst part, it was my own doing. Life really did suck.

  Chapter Three


  Holy hell. Was she that delusional? Caleb was one mean son-of-a-bitch. I should know. I’d had him in and out of my life for almost twenty years now. Fate had apparently decided that yet another woman was to be the object of both of our affections—or obsession, depending on how you’d like to look at it. No, I refuse to revisit the past. So, what to do with a problem like Aimee? I was beginning to see she was fiercely independent. Not that I didn’t understand. I had been doing things my way for quite some time. I wouldn’t take kindly to someone deciding to take control over my life; therefore, I couldn’t blame her. Problem was, I had to have control of anything and anyone involved in my life. Whether she liked it or not, I fully intended for her to be very engaged. She needed my protection, and I had the means to provide it tenfold. However I wasn’t a fool. Aimee would not capitulate easily. No, I fully expected a challenge—one that I had every intention of rising to. She really had no idea whom she was up against.

  I poured myself another two fingers of Courvoisier and sat down in front of the fire, contemplating my next move. The idea of marriage terrified me, and, honestly, I wasn’t cut out for intimacy. Yet I had to have Aimee close. It didn’t make sense to even me, so how did I convey it to her? Fuck. What was I doing? I cannot marry again. I furiously stood, threw the glass at the rock fireplace and then stormed into my home office.

  I grabbed the phone and punched the numbers so hard on the keypad I was surprised it didn’t crack. A deep timbre voice answered, “Hello.”

  “Get over here, now,” I ordered.

  “Why, Nik, so nice of you to call,” he mocked.

  My brother thought he was funny. “Shut the hell up, Alex.”

  He chuckled, “I’ll be there shortly.”

  I slammed the handset back into its cradle and then sat there staring out the window. As memories tried to resurface, I shoved them back into their box inside my mind. I would not allow myself to go there. I refuse!

  A short while later, Alex sauntered into the room. “To what do I owe this pleasure, brother dear?”

  “Sit,” I commanded.

  He smirked. “Domineering as always, I see.”

  “I didn’t call you here to bust my chops.” I clarified, “I need some advice.”

  He sarcastically replied, “Awesome. How may I assist the almighty Nik Strand?”

  “Fuck you,” I said with no heat. My brother knew how much his opinion mattered to me.

  He laughed, “No, thanks. I’m really not into that sort of thing. Besides, incest is illegal,” he pointed out.

  “Hardy har har. You’re so damn funny,” I sardonically proclaimed.

  “I do my best.” He ran his hand through is hair. “What’s going on, Nik?”

  “I met a woman.”

  His brow arched. “Well, that’s not so surprising. Considering, you don’t date the same one twice.”

  “I don’t date, period,” I asserted.

  “Yes, I know.” His look betrayed his concern for me.

  “Here’s the thing, Alex.” I leaned forward and steepled my fingers in front of my mouth. “She’s engaged.”

  “Not like that has ever been a deterrent to you before.”

  “True.” I added, “But there’s more.”

  “Do tell.”

  Such a smartass. “She’s engaged to Reynolds.” I held my hand up to silence him. “It’s being forced on her, Alex. She in no way wants anything to do with him.”

  “Then, why?” I could see the confusion in his eyes, not to mention the worry etched in his face. Caleb was bad news for me, and Alex knew it.

  I took a deep breath before I explained, “He’s threatening her.”

  “Ah, hell!”

  “Now, you understand?”

  He pushed back from the desk and stood. Then he began to pace. “This is bad, Nik. Really bad.”

  “You don’t think I know that? Why do you suppose you’re here in the middle of the night?”

  “Oh, I know you’re fully aware of just how fucked up this is. Question is, what’re you planning to do about it?”

  “Hence, the reason I called you.”

  “You want legal advice?” he inquired.

  I countered, “Is there anything she can do legally?”

  He shrugged. “Depends.”

  My ire was up. “Expound, please.”

  He shook his head. “Did he actually threaten her? Or was it perceived? If actual, was it verbal or written?”

  “What the…? Look man, I need your expertise, not your legal mumbo jumbo.”

  He had the audacity to laugh. I growled. He sobered up and deadpanned, “I’m not trying to be difficult.”

  “Point taken. Then, let’s assume all of the above. What can she do about it?”

  “If verbal, file a police report. If written, again, file a report with the note. If perceived, she’s shit out of luck. Gut instinct does not hold up in a court room.”

  I ran my hand through my hair out of pure frustration. “You and I both know that a woman’s sixth sense is spot on nine times out of ten.”

  “True,” he agreed. “Yet, it still won’t hold up. What do you think you can do for her?”

  I grumbled, “I offered to marry her myself.”

  “Say, what?!” he passionately exclaimed.

  I sighed heavily and then elucidated, “I can provide ‘round the clock protection for her. Although I highly doubt she will consent to it.”

  “Why not? She seems to understand that Caleb’s trouble.”

  “Yes. But she doesn’t see the complete danger involved. Get this…she thinks he’ll only go after her reputation, career, family and friends. She has no concept that she’s the one in danger.”

  “While I get that he’ll take whatever means possible to get her to comply with him, how would her reputation matter?”

  Dammit all. Here goes nothing. “She’s a call-girl.”

  “Is this a joke, Nik?”

  I laughed with no humor. “I wish.”

  “Fuck me.” He ran his hand along the side of his jaw. “She’s in way over her head.”

  I couldn’t put into words how much I appreciated that my brother didn’t even bat an eye at the fact I just shared Aimee was a prostitute. This was one of the many reasons why I loved him so much. He also understood that Senator Caleb Reynolds had a notorious reputation for “bringing prostitutes to justice,” as he liked to call it. It was just this side of legal what he’d been known to do with ladies of that profession. For years we’ve been waiting for him to make a mistake, because truth be told, I had a gut feeling there was more to it than what we knew. And he was good, damn good, at covering his tracks. “Yeah, you could say that.”

  “Marriage, Nik? Can you even do that again?”

  “I don’t know. But I can’t see another solution.” I implored, “Can you?”

  There was a pregnant pause before he finally sighed and shook his head. “No. I’m sorry, I don’t see another alternative. I wish to hell I did, for your sake.”

  I bowed my head in defeat. “Me too, little brother.” I lifted my head and made eye contact with him. “Me, too.”

  Alex stood and began pacing. “What if I help? What if E helps out as well? With your connections, surely you could round up some bad MOFOs. There must be another way, Nik.”

bsp; While I appreciated his faith in me, and our youngest brother, E, I didn’t see that as enough of a diversion for Reynolds to keep his distance from Aimee. Plus, he comprehended my issue with marriage. Damn it all to hell, what was I going to do? My emotions must have played across my face—something I normally didn’t let happen unless I trusted you—because he suddenly clasped my shoulder and proclaimed, “Talk about a serious case of history repeating itself.”

  I nodded and affirmed, “Got that right, brother.”

  “Do you think…?”

  I cut him off. “Don’t,” I growled.

  Surprised by my abruptness, he assuaged, “Hey. I didn’t mean to bring her up. Sorry.”

  The “her” he referred to was my late wife, Rachel. Shit. Fuck. Damn…I can’t think about her. Not now. Not ever. Some things needed to stay buried. I ran both of my hands through my hair. Even though I still loved Rachel, I was exigently drawn to Aimee. There was no explanation for why. It just was. Something elemental existed between us, as if my body recognized hers, though I didn’t recall ever meeting her before tonight. Still…? I appeased, “’S alright, Alex.”

  “No, it’s not. I’m truly sorry.”

  I squeezed his shoulder. “Change the subject. Please.”

  He quirked a brow. “You still haven’t dealt with it, have you?”

  “Shut up, Alex.”

  “Fine,” he reconciled. “As for this mess with…?”

  “Aimee,” I provided.

  “Ah, yes. Aimee. If you really don’t think all three of us can keep her safe, then you’re right, marriage is your only solution.”

  When I answered, “Let’s try it your way first,” I surprised myself.

  His jaw dropped in shock. “Are you actually saying I’m right?”

  I grumbled, “Don’t let it go to your head.” I poured another drink and slammed it back in one hard swallow.

  He stepped towards me with his hand out for my glass. “How many of these have you had?”


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