The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 32

by Lora Ann

  “You need to stay away from me,” he warned. “But I can’t seem to let you go. You tell me what I’m supposed to do?” I could hear the anguish in his voice.

  Part of me wanted to give in. The more sensible side won the battle, barely. “Just let me keep dancing here. Nothing else.”

  “That’s probably for the best,” he agreed as he backed away from me. Without him pressed against me, I suddenly felt cold. I walked towards the door. “Will you at least tell me your name?” he requested.

  I smiled before I peeked over my shoulder and answered, “Lacey Kincaid.”

  “Pretty Irish name.”

  “Thank you for everything, Mr. Strand.”

  His lips curved up slightly. “Call me E.”

  “Alright then, E, I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  “Yes, you will, Lacey.”

  There was promise in those four little words. How in the world was I going to stay away from him? Worst part, I really didn’t want to. Oh boy!

  Chapter Four


  My damn head needed to be examined. To take her right there in my office was logical. This idea I could somehow resist my own body was ludicrous. Never had I done so in the past. Why I would start now was beyond me. Although a little known fact was, I hadn’t had sex in almost a year. Yes, I pleasured and was pleasured; however, actual intercourse had lost its thrill for me. Until now. Lacey would’ve given in to me. Whether she was aware of it or not, the woman was a natural submissive. Of course, my dick jumped at the thought. Holy hell! I really was an idiot. The knowledge that I could have her whenever I wanted did help some. She may be a virgin, but I turned her on. She couldn’t deny it. And that gave me solace. Besides, for some unknown reason, I wanted to be friends with her—at least right now. If I really thought about it, the only females I was friends with were in love with other men. Looked like I was about to change that. For better or for worse, my intentions were somewhat noble. Who would’ve thought I had such a character trait. Your mother would have been proud. Yeah, I guess she would’ve. Though I wasn’t sure how long it would last, considering I walked around with a persistent hard-on anytime Miss Kincaid was near. Who was I kidding? Just the thought of her brought on a raging erection. Crap!

  What I should’ve been doing was figuring out the whole sister mess. Problem with that, I had to have more info before I could help out. This meant, the next time I saw Lacey we were going to have to have a heart-to-heart. Deep down I knew this was a taboo subject for her. But surely she would realize I couldn’t very well assist her if I didn’t have the 411. My mission would be to convince her I could stay on the down low with whatever she shared. Bottom line, we needed to have reliance in one another implicitly. Shouldn’t be too hard since a successful Dom/sub relationship demanded trust, something I excelled at. Always had. “Loyal to a fault” as my brother, Alex, would say. Once I had some information on the missing sister, I would make sure I had legal counsel from Alex. Nice having an attorney in the family.

  Jules walked in with Henry. They sat down across from me at the table, and I inquired, “How’s Brianna?”

  Jules answered, “She’ll be fine.”

  I exhaled loudly before I spoke, “Glad to hear it.” I nodded for emphasis.

  Henry asked, “What about the asshole who did that to her?”

  I reassured, “Taken care of, my friend.” He knew what I meant without any further explanation. From time to time we dealt with scum that was in this lifestyle to hurt women, unfortunately. Shouldn’t ever be about that—hurting someone with malicious intent was unacceptable. At least it was on my watch. I couldn’t say the same for others. Then again, I didn’t run a prostitution ring. This was a place where consenting adults could explore their sexuality, for instruction on how to walk the fine line between pain and pleasure, along with a safe environment to get their kinky on. Yeah, it was a profitable business, but that wasn’t why I did it. A long time ago I had learned my tendencies for eroticism, as well as my need for total control. Never had I hurt a sub. My motto: no permanent marks were to ever be left. For those into bloodletting, there were ways to achieve their goal with minimal to no scaring. But never on an innocent! I swear if I ever see Nash again, I would personally castrate the bastard.

  Jules pulled me from my thoughts of retribution. “What are your plans for the girl, E?”

  “I’ll make sure her tuition is covered for the next four years, along with room and board.” I smiled when she gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. I didn’t miss the tears pooling in her eyes, either.

  Henry saved me from having to speak at the moment. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and affirmed, “It’s the right thing to do, baby.”

  I only shrugged.

  She chimed in, “What a wonderful thing to do for her.”

  I bowed my head. Always, I took care of the women in my life—whether they were my responsibility or not—which meant, my former subs were well cared for, too. Guess that was part of my upbringing. “No big deal, Jules. I have the means, and she should’ve never been here in the first place.”

  “I know eighteen is legal age, but I’m with you, boss.” Henry agreed, “That’s way too young.”

  “Problem is, she wants to explore what she has been introduced to.”

  “I’ll personally keep an eye on her,” Jules acknowledged. “When I think she’s ready, I’ll let you know.”

  “Good.” I stood up. “Now if you’ll both excuse me, I need to head back over to my brother’s place to check on Aimee.”

  “Have a good night,” Henry called as I made my way out of the club.


  I hadn’t been at Nik and Aimee’s place very long before my gorgeous sister-in-law made herself known. She walked into the library where I had been searching through some less-than-pleasant details on the seedier side of San Fran. I had been away from the street side of things for years, so I needed a fresh look into things. I welcomed the interruption until her hands went to her hips. Shit! I was about to be read the riot act.

  “Back on babysitting duty, are you?” Aimee hissed.

  “Ah, beautiful, Nik wouldn’t be happy with me if I didn’t keep an eye on you.” Unable to control my smartass side, I raked my gaze over her curvaceous body. Mmm…too bad she met my brother first. Where the hell do these inappropriate thoughts come from? Wrong or not, I bet she would be amazing in the sack.

  She huffed, “Nor would he be all right with the ‘beautiful’ endearment, so, cut the crap.”

  Damn, she was hot when pissed off. Huh…wonder if that was my indicator about Lacey. Did I prefer a feisty woman? I couldn’t control the chuckle that escaped, which got me a blazing look of warning. Thin ice, indeed. I attempted to defuse the situation. “You would be accurate. And we both know Nik could abso-fucking-lutely kick my ass.”

  That brought a grin to her luscious mouth. Watch it, E. You cannot lust after your brother’s wife! I wouldn’t necessarily call it lust—just a simple appreciation of a stunning woman. One whom I had come to care for deeply in the short time I had known her. Her hands dropped to her sides as she replied, “At least you admit it. I would say that makes you more of a man than most.”

  My eyes widened. “With Nik? Please! Most men I know wouldn’t even think about messing with him or his.”

  She chortled, “Not even his brother.”

  “Exactly,” I affirmed as I saluted her with the glass in my hand.

  Her face grew serious as she confessed, “He makes me so mad, E.”

  “He loves you.” I pointed out, “There’s nothing wrong with him wanting to keep you safe.”

  “I know he does. And no, there isn’t.” She heavily sighed, “Still…”

  I finished her unspoken thought. “It’s too much.”

  “I love him dearly, so the need to protect me makes perfect sense.” She nodded. “But dammit, E, we don’t know for sure if it was Caleb who ran me off the road.”

  “And y
ou think until we have solid evidence you’re not in danger.”

  “Well, yeah. I suppose that’s it.”

  I stood and glared at her. “Are you fucking nuts?”

  She took a step backwards—smart girl—though when her hands came up in a surrendering fashion, I was appalled. Could she really think I’d hit her? I was angry, yes, but I would never harm her. I really needed to consider Aimee’s past more frequently.

  She continued, “I just don’t see where Caleb would benefit from any of this.”

  “Obsession and stalking don’t come with rhyme or reason, Aimee.” I barked out a humorless laugh. “Pull your head out.”

  Her lips pursed at the phrase. “You agree with Nik, don’t you?”

  “And then some,” I assured. “I’ve seen Reynolds in action. Yes, I was a boy at the time, but I remember. Plus, I know every stunt he’s pulled with you. A no brainer if you ask me.”

  She threw her hands up in exasperation. “I hate this!” she roared.

  I went over to comfort her. With my hands resting on her shoulders, I reassured, “I know you do. Give Alex time to follow the lead.”

  She turned into my body and began to softly cry. After a few minutes, I lifted her chin. “Shh, we’re going to catch him, Aimee,” I vowed. Nothing was going to stop Nik, Alex, or myself from holding Reynolds accountable for his crimes. We would get him.

  She wiped at my wet shirt. “I think I ruined it.”

  “I’ll buy a new one.”

  She stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. “You’re a good man, Even Strand. I know you don’t like to show it, but you are.”

  I scoffed, “You’re full of crap. You know that, right?”

  She playfully swatted at my chest before backing away. “Am not!” Then she surprised the hell out of me. “When are you going to tell me about the woman that has you so tied up in knots?”

  “What woman?”

  Aimee held my gaze intently. “Don’t play ignorant with me.”

  I had to give her credit, she was intuitive. “There’s nothing to tell,” I answered.

  One brow arched at me. “Really,” she said to emphasize the look she was giving me.

  I blew out a breath. “I’ve recently met someone that I’m interested in. Happy, now?”

  She smiled, “I knew it! Did you meet her up at the lake?”

  I was dumbfounded. “Whoa, sis, you really don’t miss a thing, do you?”

  She shook her head. “If I’m overstepping my bounds, just tell me.”

  “It’s not that.” I shrugged. “I’m not sure where it will lead, so I don’t wanna discuss it. Yet,” I added for good measure since the truth was Aimee was someone I would confide in.

  “Fair enough,” she conceded.

  “When I am ready, you’ll be the first one I talk to,” I promised. “Deal?” I stuck out my hand.

  She grabbed it and shook. “You’re on.” Then she walked towards the door. “I’ll see you later?”

  “You can count on it,” I affirmed.

  After that, she quietly left the room. In the meantime, I sat there contemplating just how I was going to handle Lacey Kincaid.


  The next night as I watched Lacey dance, I once again questioned my sanity. Seriously, how would I control my baser self when she moved her body like that? A fucking virgin was heating my blood like no other woman ever had. How was that even possible? She was clueless to what her body was capable of. Ah, but I would love to show her. Teach her just how much pleasure she could endure, and in return, reach heights that even I hadn’t been able to achieve before. The simple fact was, when I brought a woman to an earth shattering orgasm, I was well pleased. If she didn’t enjoy herself, neither did I. Our pleasure was intertwined. One of the reasons I was monogamous when I took a sub. The contract made sure that was reciprocated with no exceptions—ever. Helloooo, I am a man who enjoys a good time, just needed to be on my terms. I was only involved in other people’s “playtime” to assist, not partake.

  Once Lacey had finished her set, she joined me at my table in the back. Already, I had a bottle of water waiting for her. I smirked, “You are a terrific dancer.”

  She was already flushed from the exertion on stage, but, somehow, she managed to blush. Confession: that pleased me immensely. “Thank you,” she replied.

  Unable to control my naughty side, I drawled, “Whenever you’re ready to take care of your little problem, just let me know, sweetness.”

  “What problem?” she asked as confusion knitted her brow.

  Ah, shit. I shifted to find a more comfortable position. Unlike anything I had ever experienced, her innocence was what truly turned me on. Who would’ve thought?! Though I had never been one to back away from a woman, so I honestly responded, “Your virginity, of course.”

  “Oh,” she gasped. Now her cheeks were a brilliant shade of red.

  Hot damn! The visual of how I could light up the rest of her body almost undid me. That was something which hadn’t happened since I was thirteen, and, even then, it was only one time. Control was something I mastered young. I began to question that, though, while Lacey sat across from me looking so fuckable. Right…time to change the subject. “Tell me about your quest to find your sister.”

  Her demeanor changed instantly. Gone was the blushing innocent. The woman in front of me now was hurting and in horrible turmoil. To hell with keeping my distance. I moved to her side and gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She tentatively laid her head against me and worked on bringing her breathing under control. In that instance, every cell in my body wanted to protect her. She needed more than help, she needed a partner. Someone she could rely on, trust. Sure, I could offer those things to her, but the question was: could I keep it platonic? She interrupted my thoughts. “Keeley has to be found before it’s too late.” She confessed, “My fear, it already is.” The tears began to slide down her lovely cheeks.

  I squeezed her a little tighter and kissed her hair. She smelled of apples. My throbbing erection made our closeness damn near unbearable. I scolded myself, knock it off! She needs a friend. Only a friend. “Talk to me, Lacey. Together we’ll figure it out.”

  She pulled back and intently held my gaze. If I was gaging her expression accurately, I would say she was sizing me up. I must’ve passed because suddenly she spoke, “What I’m about to tell you has to stay between us. Promise me.”

  I vowed, “I won’t utter a word until you say I can.” Then I added, “Unless I feel my brothers can help us.” Her eyes widened. “But never without your permission, okay?”

  “I can live with that,” she nodded. After she took another healthy swallow of her water, she started, “Keeley is my fraternal twin. Where I’m tall with dark hair, she’s petite with blonde hair. I have the deep blue eyes, and she has the warm brown ones. My skin is alabaster, and hers is golden.” She chortled, “So, no, we look nothing alike; although, we do share the freaky twin connection.”

  I inquired, “You mean, you are exceptionally close?”

  “Yes. Well, we were until drugs and alcohol stepped into the picture.” She was wiping the tears away. “Now I don’t really know her. At all,” she sighed.

  I reached out to hold her hand. More than once, I had witnessed what happened to a person who became an addict. Not a pretty picture. Unfortunately, those who loved them were usually the ones hurt the most. “I’m getting a fairly clear picture. Correct me if I’m wrong, she has reached a point where she’s selling her body for the next high.”

  Her breath caught on a sob. After a pregnant pause, she answered, “I think so. I mean, basically that’s what she’d been doing with the rich men she was hanging out with. But now…”

  “Her standards have lowered,” I finished.

  She bobbed her head once and turned to look away. That I wouldn’t tolerate. I cupped her chin and turned her to face me. “No. You are not to blame. There is nothing to be ashamed of.”

  She barely whispe
red, “Alright.”

  I went on, “So, we need to be on the sleazier side of town. That way, we can gather intel and hopefully find her before she really does something stupid. Do I have it right?”

  “Yes.” She held my gaze. “But why are you willing to help me?”

  Damn good question. “I don’t know,” I honestly answered.

  On a loud exhale she added, “It may be all for nothing.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “I lost her in Tahoe.” She admitted, “E, I have no idea where she could be.”

  I half-smiled at her, liking that she used such familiarity with me. “One step at a time,” I confirmed. “When’s your night off?”

  She looked up at me with hopeful eyes. “The night after next.”

  “Good. That’ll give me time to put a plan in action and ask around.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  I stroked her rosy cheek. “You just did.”

  Her head cocked to one side as she queried, “I’m not sure what I did?”

  With sincerity I replied, “You trust me. I neither take that lightly nor do I plan on letting you down.”

  This time she ran her fingers along my jaw. “I have a feeling I could trust you with everything,” she confessed.

  There was no forethought as I enfolded her against me. She had no clue what her reliance on me meant. But she would soon enough; because I had a feeling I wouldn’t let her go anytime in the near future. If ever. Whoa, easy there. Just what are you implying? As if you couldn’t figure that out for yourself? Ah, damn it all to hell. Yup, I’d say that about summed it up.

  Chapter Five


  The security of E’s arms coiled around me was immeasurable. I had been lonely for far too long; although, until this moment, I didn’t recognize it. Considering I’d been on my own for quite some time now, I should have. Honestly, it had been years since I’d felt connected to another human being. My sister was lost long before she took off. And my parents, well, they had distanced themselves from the situation and their daughters at the same time. Dear Lord, I had missed the well-being that a simple hug could offer. To be perfectly truthful, I was feeling way more than comfort in E’s embrace. He made me feel alive. Vibrant. Sexy. Until I’d laid eyes on him that night in Lake Tahoe, I had been walking through life like a zombie. The sensations running through my body were about to send me into overdrive. If I wasn’t careful, I would crash and burn. Yet, the thought of burning for Even Strand only made me want him more. I knew I should be leery, careful, on guard, but everything in me demanded his attention. Friends only didn’t seem possible, nor was it probable. Because I knew if I remained in his arms a second longer, I would succumb to the desire racing through my veins.


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