The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 42

by Lora Ann

Every time he laid claim to me, my heart beat a little faster. My blood flowed a little hotter. And my determination to walk away from him once Keeley was safe, faltered a little more. Did he know? Was he aware that the only thing he hadn’t possessed was my body? Could he comprehend how much I already felt for him? He released my hands and my chin simultaneously, then wrapped his hand around my wrist and tugged. “Come. I see who we’re meeting.”

  Never in a million years had I expected the person we were consulting with to be a woman. She was about my height with a fuller figure. Her black corset accentuated the luscious curves and revealed the gorgeous dragon tattoo, wrapping her entire right shoulder. Its fire licked towards her breast. I imagined it probably went all the way to the tip. On closer inspection I found I was correct, for her pierced nipple actually peeked through a hole. She was scary and beautiful all at the same time. In her six-inch CFMPs, she was level with Even. I had to admit, seeing them together made me wonder what I thought I could give him. She fit him, notwithstanding the type of woman I assumed he was comfortable around. Her flaming red hair framed her face as she warmly greeted, “E, so nice to see you again.” Then, she cupped his face and brought his lips to hers.

  I turned away as a jolt of jealousy shot through my system. Before I had time to bring myself under control, he had pulled back and was introducing me. “Madam Sasha, this is my Lacey.” With a tug, he brought me into his side and wrapped his arm possessively around my waist.

  “Hmm,” she said, studying me. “Little too lean, but nice. Very nice. Can I have some?”

  A part of me wanted to slap her silly. What the heck! I’m not a thing. I’m a person. I wanted to rail vehemently at her. As if E knew the thoughts slamming around in my head, he gentled me with a squeeze to my hip before he replied, “I won’t be sharing this one. She’s special.”

  “Ah. One of those,” she acknowledged with a wistful look. “It’s been a while since I’ve had the pleasure of such a gift.”

  He bowed his head in deference as his fingers dug uncomfortably into my flesh. Ow! Yet, I was fully aware that my crying out would not draw in the attention I desired. Therefore, I stood statuesque as the conversation continued. At that point, I checked out and took in more of my surroundings. To be perfectly honest, many of the carnal acts on display excited me in ways I didn’t understand. What I did know was that I really hoped E intended to do such things with me. Naughty? Yes. But dammit, he brought it out of me. Coupled with the profanity I was learning to use, I yearned to discover how sexual I was capable of being. Just how comfortable would I be with kinky favors? Well…erotic tendencies that had lain dormant— until now—were becoming prevalent. More than anything, I longed to explore. E was worried I didn’t trust him. On the contrary, I completely trusted him and was ready for him to teach me.

  E pulled me from my erotic thoughts when he commanded, “Stop moving like that.”

  My body instantly responded to him. I bit back a “or what?” and instead responded, “Sorry, sir.”

  He nipped my throat and then leveled a look at me. “You have no idea just how desirous you are,” he drawled.

  Goodness, I needed to remove my sopping wet panties. “Thank you, sir. May I use the restroom?”

  He shook his head. “Not without me.”

  Before I could exclaim he captured my mouth with his, murmuring against my lips. “They’re community stalls. In order to keep you safe, I have to stay with you.”

  Crap! I didn’t want an audience of any kind, but I comprehended his warning. So I reluctantly replied, “If that’s the way it has to be.”

  He proceeded to lead me to the very crowded area and did his best to give me some form of privacy to do my business. Again, he impressed me with his kindness and loyalty. After tossing the panties, I went to wash my hands. E came up behind me, close enough that I felt his erection against my bottom. Oh, my. It was nice to know I caused this reaction from his well-controlled body. Confidence blossomed with the knowledge that I had such power over him. Ninety-nine point nine percent of the time it was he who overpowered me.

  He caught my saucy grin in the mirror and growled, “I need to be inside you.”

  Leaning back, I turned my face into his jaw and whispered, “Please.”

  With his hands on my hips, he steadied me and then took a step backwards. There was no disguising the hurt in my eyes. He hadn’t missed it when he acknowledged, “We have a job to do, right now.” Then with a wink, he added, “Later…you will be mine.”

  He was correct: we were here for a reason. After we found information on Keeley’s whereabouts, we could have our fun. The butterflies beat frantically in my stomach with that thought as we made our way towards Madam Sasha.

  Chapter Twenty


  Unsure of how much more my body could take from the beatings, I sagged in my restraints. Mr. R had worked me over for hours. As he came over to me and yanked me by the hair, he panted, “Very well done, Keeley.”

  I hoped he wasn’t expecting a verbal response, because I didn’t think I’d be able to give him one. Instead, he began to run his hands over my naked body, tugging violently on the rod pierced through the hood of my clitoris. If he pulled any harder, he would rip me asunder. I cried out from the pain. “Yes,” he growled. That’s what I want—your pain.”

  At that point, I thought he would rape me. But, like the times before, he masturbated instead, spewing his hot seed all over my blood and sweat drenched body. Sad thing was, I wanted his invasion. Craved it, actually. How sick did that make me? Although I missed the fire in my veins, the pain was bringing about a new kind of high. I wanted more. When I moaned, he bit my lip, hard.

  “I have to leave soon, my pet,” he purred. “I will be back next week, and then I’m all yours for a little while.”

  “Yes, Mr. R,” I managed to cough out. “Thank you.” My voice so full of gravel I wasn’t sure he heard me. Then he tweaked my nipples and caught my scream with his mouth Yeah, he heard me all right. After he’d had his fill, he swatted my ass on his way out.

  A few minutes later, Viviane came in to let me down. She had to call in Joe to carry me back to my cell. By this point, I was in and out of consciousness but was pretty sure I heard her say, “…if he decides to fuck her, she won’t make it.”

  “Affirmative,” Joe replied.

  That was all I heard as the buzz in my ears ratcheted up to a deafening volume, and I finally passed out.


  The next few days were a blur of pain. For the most part, I stayed unconscious—my body’s way of providing a natural anesthetic. Thank, God. Otherwise, I wasn’t completely sure I would have survived. As I sat there inspecting my wounds I had to wonder, how much more could my body endure? Emotionally? I had learned long ago to disconnect. Mentally? From time to time I struggled, but more so with a need for jones than the torture. Lest I ever tried to rename it, I had to remember that much—I was being tortured. Problem was, my desire for heroin totally disappeared when I was in the throes of Mr. R’s madness. Yet, I did ponder, was he truly certifiable? Or was that the only way he could get off? What would intercourse be like with a sadist? Good Lord, I can’t believe I just asked that question. Seemed I might be the one with mental instability. Before I could dive into that further, Viviane entered the room.

  “Ah…I see you are recovering quite well,” she approved. “Mr. R will be pleased.”

  There had been some questions weighing heavily on my mind, so I inquired, “What’s his actual name?”

  She recoiled like I had burned her with a hot poker. What the hell? When her eyes met mine, there was fear and not a little bit of awe. “We mustn’t speak his given name. Ever,” she warned.

  Well, crap. That wasn’t going to help me. I mean after seeing him the first time, I had a glimpses of him while detoxing, but ever since he had stayed in a mask. Why was that? In for the penny, in for the pound, I continued, “He looks familiar for some reason.” I added, “Would I kn
ow who he is?”

  That earned me a hard slap, pitching my head at an uncomfortable angle. “If you know what’s good for you,” she spat out, “You’ll hold your tongue and never utter such things again.”

  WTF? Was she telling me I would die if I knew his identity? Oddly enough, I had already made peace with my elimination. Something told me, he’d never let me out alive. I pointed out, “Who would I tell that doesn’t already know?”

  “True enough.” She nodded. “Still…if he wants you to know, then he will be the one to divulge the information.”

  For whatever reason, her answer unnerved me. Unsure of my survival the next time I saw him, I pled, “Please. His first name isn’t going to matter one way or the other.”

  She scoffed, “I value my life, even if you don’t yours.”

  With that, she yanked me up roughly and proceeded to take me to the locker room for a most unpleasant shower.



  The very sight of her brought my cock to full attention. What did she possess? How could such a mere wisp of a woman have so much control over me? Had every second with Marissa been pleasurable? Absolutely. Was my love and adoration for Rachel all-consuming? Without a doubt, it was the most fulfilling of emotions. So, what did Keeley have over them? The axiomatic were her features. All of my beauties had blonde hair and were petite. I was drawn to nothing else. Even my “playthings” fit that bill, for their likeness was what made them punishable in the first place. To misrepresent my lovely Rachel was beyond the pale and had to be dealt with accordingly. That revelation brought forth another who had impersonated her. Aimee. Yes, it was time to handle that loose end. What future could I have with the knowledge she still lived? Her debt must be paid—soon.

  While I had tired of wearing masks, I couldn’t let Keeley know who I was. Not yet, anyway. After this weekend, I would be able to judge whether or not she could continue to live. She was the first drug addict I had been drawn to sexually. Truth be known, I had neither the desire nor the will to have intercourse since Marissa’s untimely death. White-hot rage burned within me as I reflected on how Aimee had caused it all. Bitch would pay, I vowed to Marissa as she sat calmly in the corner of my mind filing the edge of a blade. I grabbed a medieval sword on my way to the “playroom.” It was time to find out just what Keeley was made of.

  For twenty-four hours, I put Keeley through her paces. Sleep deprived as she was, she held on like a true champion. Though I was exhausted myself, I would not rest until I felt the squeeze of her vaginal walls around my penis. She was restrained on the table with barbed wire. Her crimson life force flowed freely from her entire body. If she remained still, the barbs would not bite into her deeply. If not, well, that would be her disciplinary action. She would learn from her errors and be much better for it. Keeley didn’t crave me the way Marissa had. Though I was positive once I presented myself to her, she would accept wholeheartedly. If she didn’t, I would find another. Rape did not excite me, only pain was able to do that. This, however, was not about her pain for my pleasure. I needed to have sex with her. The whys didn’t matter.

  I unzipped my leathers and stroked my massive erection, regarding her. “Tell me, my pet,” I rasped lustfully. “Would you like this inside you?”

  “Yes,” she moaned, “please, Mr. R.”

  “Good girl,” I declared as I petted her sweat soaked hair.

  As I worked my hands down and over every wound on her body, I paused to pinch and twist that amazing bar she had through her clitoris. I had made the decision to put matching ones through her nipples about an hour ago. Oh, the shrill scream she’d given still excited me. Her yelp from my ministrations almost caused me to ejaculate prematurely. I punished her thoroughly for that before I mounted her and thrust home. Her squeal from the forceful invasion caused me to warn, “I’ll pull out and whip you again. Now, no more sound until I’m finished.”

  She gave me a deferential head bob as I continued. Before long, I had fully emptied my seed inside of her. Then and there, the decision had been made. She belonged to me until I had no more use for her. Once I pulled out of her body, I crooned, “I’m well pleased with you, my pet. From now on you will address me as Master. You have earned the right to stay alive.” When she smiled, I slapped her. “That can change in a moment’s notice,” I informed as I made my way to the shower. But before I had fully exited the room, she acknowledged, “I am grateful, Master, to fully serve you.”

  I smiled widely and then spoke, “Rest up for my next visit.”

  I passed Viviane on my way down the hall. “You may move her to a bedroom and show her where she is allowed to be in the house above.”

  She hid her smile well, but I could tell Viv was happy with my decision. If I were honest with myself, I was well-pleased too. If, by chance, I had misjudged Keeley, Viv and Joe would handle it accordingly. When I returned, I would test every limit she had—and then some more. Perhaps if all went well, Keeley would be my wife. Lord knows, my advisors were pressuring me to marry. Ever since that debacle with Aimee, my ratings in the polls were down. They had a point, staying single would destroy my career. It was another reason why I had to take care of Mrs. Strand. Quickly and permanently. The sooner she was dead, the better.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  What a fucking waste of time this trip had been. Our hope of getting a bead on Keeley was lost on this lot. Aimee’s contact had yet to show up, but I had a feeling we weren’t going to get anything tonight even if she did. Ignorant of me to think we would score on our first real night of investigating. Still, I had no desire for Lacey to be exposed to this scene any more than possible. The notion that I was her pimp wouldn’t abate. And that made me feel dirty. Something I did not relish. Although, I would be the first to admit that this evening wasn’t a total bust. Beyond a shadow of doubt, I knew I would have her. Tired of fighting myself over the issue, I politely thanked Madam Sasha and led Lacey towards the exit. Sooner we were away from this sex pool, the better. Right before we reached the elevator, Aimee’s contact appeared. “’Bout damn time,” I murmured as we took a seat in a private booth to the left.

  My words were heard loud and clear when Delilah apologized, “Sorry. I had a time sensitive issue that had to be handled.”

  Subtext: I had a wayward sub that needed to be whipped immediately. Not for the first time in my adult life, I loathed what some did in the name of pleasure. I didn’t judge, and I never would. However, I had never approved of abuse in any shape, form, or fashion. By the glint in this Domme’s eyes, I knew this female dominant had taken things further than I was comfortable with. Damn it. Why the hell was Aimee acquainted with a bitch like this? Then subtly a voice in my head reminded me, Renée’s her best friend. This would be the crowd she’d run with. FFS, I hated that my sister-in-law had seen no other solution to her money woes. My stomach actually flipped and threatened to empty its contents. Yeah, that wouldn’t paint a pretty picture. Holding her gaze intently, I proceeded, “You know why we’re here?”

  She inclined her head in respect. “Yes, sir.” Then she turned her attention on Lacey. The Christmas-morning-gleam in her eyes wasn’t lost on me. I growled in response as she lowered her eyes. That’s right, don’t you ever forget who’s in control here. “Might I ask a few questions?” Delilah respectfully queried.

  Good thing for her, because I was more than willing to drive home the point you didn’t look at my Lacey like that. Ever. The question was directed to me. So when Lacey almost answered, I squeezed her hand firmly. “You may,” I replied.

  “Thank you, sir.” With her head still bowed in deference, Delilah inquired, “Your sister once worked here in the city?”

  “Go ahead,” I encouraged Lacey, “Maybe she can give you the answers you seek.”

  Her sidelong glance spoke volumes and I gently patted her thigh for reassurance. She looked over at Delilah and responded, “For a short time. Unfortunately, I have no idea where. By the t
ime I had reached San Fran, she had made her way to Sacramento.”

  “And then up to Lake Tahoe,” Delilah finished. “That’s where she went MIA?”

  Lacey’s brow scrunched in confusion for a beat before she answered, “Yes. She went missing without a trace.”

  Delilah’s lip curled up for a moment—no doubt in response to the TV show reference. “Do you have a picture of her?”

  I reached into my wallet to provide the photo requested. As she studied it, I looked over at Lacey to see how she was holding up. Dammit, she was on the verge of tears. I grabbed a napkin and gently dabbed under her eyes. With the moisture, they were even a more vivid blue, reminding me of sapphires. Yes, I would have the stone on her collar switched after tonight. WTF?! She’s not your sub, idiot! Minor setback. Once Delilah passed the picture back over to me, she affirmed, “I haven’t seen her in any of these establishments.”

  Lacey’s face gave away her emotions: pain, fear, anger, distress. Anger prevailed as her molars ground tightly. I rubbed calming circles around her back while I continued, “So what are you saying?”

  “I’m not presuming anything if that’s what you’re asking. Though it is obvious from that photograph, the girl has a drug problem. Judging from the look in her eyes, I’d say her poison of choice is smack.

  What little leash I’d held Lacey by snapped. “You do not get to judge my sister,” she barked.

  While I was proud of her lioness response, it would only hinder us. The knowledge that we were on full display, and had now attracted attention, was not lost on me. We were playing a role here and Lacey had just blown it with that little outburst. It was up to me to bring her to heel. I only hoped she understood why. I wrapped the hair hanging down her nape and tugged her head back. The move brought her off-balance and she had to lean backwards. With wide eyes, she looked up at me. The fear I saw there was unmistakable. I hated that she was afraid of me, but this was necessary for her cause. “You do not ever speak out of turn like that again.” My voice was soft yet threatening. “Do you understand me?” She blinked several times, trying to bring her emotions under control. “Answer me,” I growled.


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