The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 45

by Lora Ann

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The week I’d been given to heal wasn’t enough. I was now in a beautiful cabin—at least that was what Viv had called it. I’d say it was a mansion, and, nevertheless, I had a huge bedroom to call my own. Plus, I had been given free reign of the estate. So I would like to think Mr. R was pleased with my performance. While he awoke sexual desires in me I didn’t even know existed, he always hurt me and never ejaculated unless he had caused that pain. And I thought I was fucked up. For some unknown reason, the perverse things he did to my body made me crave more. Like what he was doing to me had become my new drug of choice. Though in the back of my mind a little voice reminded, he’s abusing you, Keeley. He kidnapped you. You need to escape before you can’t. I knew all of it was true, yet I couldn’t bring myself to explore ways out of the place. What did that say about me, exactly?

  Viviane interrupted my introspection when she entered holding a suitcase. “What’s that for?” I queried as I slowly walked towards her. Crap, I ached. Some of the gashes Mr. R had made needed stitches, which meant scars. Holy hell, I couldn’t think about that.

  “All I know is I’ve been told to help you pack for a few days.”

  “Oh,” I gasped in surprise. On the one hand, I was ecstatic I got to leave my gilded cage. On the other, I was concerned what this might mean to my survival. I mean it wasn’t like I was a guest, so he couldn’t very well parade around with me. Therefore, I had to wonder if this was leading to my demise. Someplace more secluded where no one knew him. Shit!

  “Go shower while I take care of this,” she ordered.

  I did as I was told, trying to keep my bandages out of the direct line of the spray. Once I was out, Viv entered the bathroom. “Let’s go ahead and put dry gauze on those.” She motioned towards the wounds. Like a good girl, I sat on the toilet lid and let her play nurse. Honestly, she was pretty good at what she did. Often I had wondered if she had professional training. Although I’d learned early on not to ask too many questions around here, so I watched her work without saying a word. In the long run, it was for the best. She didn’t appear to be in a good mood. When she finished rewrapping my lacerations, she stood and washed her hands. “Hurry up and get dressed, Joe will be here in five.”

  Okay, that answered one of my questions. I guess I wasn’t going to see Mr. R today. Elation should’ve been my dominate emotion, not melancholy. Stupid, I chastised myself.


  The drive made me a bit carsick, and I was more than grateful when it was over. Moreover, Joe was not an easy person to be around. There was no shaking the feeling he would rather kill me and dispose of my body along the mountainous road than play chauffeur. We pulled up alongside a log cabin off a dirt road. It was beyond secluded, which ratcheted up my fears from earlier. Mr. R could do anything to me in this remote location, and not only would no one hear my screams, but they wouldn’t even know where to look for me. I gulped in the fresh, cool air as I tried in vain to slow my pounding heart. Lord, now would be a great time to help me out here. I’m sorry if I was ever somewhat attracted to this man. I finished praying as the door swung open with a loud clap against the cabin.

  Mr. R stood there with a wild gleam in his dark brown eyes. I swallowed the lump in my throat. He normally wore a mask in my presence, other than in the beginning while I’d been detoxing. Needless to say, it’d been quite some time since I had seen his handsome face. Oh boy, it was that and then some. He was beyond attractive, just as I had remembered. Nice to know those weren’t hallucinations. As fast as that realization hit me, another was on its heels: What if he didn’t care that I could identify him because I wouldn’t survive what he had planned to do with me? Ah, fuck. My eyes took in the area searching for some form of an escape route.

  “Quit trying to figure out how to get away from me, Keeley,” Mr. R acknowledged.

  Busted. “I…” I started and then figured it was best to be honest. “Well, if I knew why you brought me here, I wouldn’t have to.”

  He smiled big enough for it to crinkle his eyes. “I like your directness. Come,” he ordered.

  Without hesitation I went to him. He stroked my head and whispered, “Good girl.”

  I knew better than to make direct eye contact. He tugged me against his rock hard chest and directed, “Leave, Joe.”

  “Yes, sir,” he replied before I heard the car door slam shut.

  My eyes were still on my master’s feet as the car drove away. Alone. I was completely at the mercy of my captor. Dear God, would I live to tell about this?

  “On your knees,” he commanded.

  I complied as he unzipped his trousers and his cock sprung free. My mouth actually watered from the sight. Before I could think too much about that fact, he popped my mouth open by my chin and shoved himself to the back of my throat. I gagged from the invasion, but it didn’t detour him whatsoever. On the contrary, he pulled out to the tip and jammed back inside with more force while he groaned, “Suck it hard.”

  All the while I fought the urge to throw-up. Not because I didn’t enjoy the taste of him on my tongue, but the fact that I hadn’t eaten in hours, coupled with the winding drive which already had my stomach protesting. A larger than average dick choking me did not help matters one iota. He spewed his seed and I swallowed hard to keep from losing it. He yanked my hair by the roots to pull me up. “You’re a good little bitch. Now, go brush your teeth and take off your clothes.” His smile was a tad malevolent as he finished, “Lie on the bed spread eagle.”

  Shit. What would he do to me now? With my eyes downcast, I answered, “Yes, Master.” And then did as I had been ordered to do. In the meantime I told myself, we will get through this. Lacey won’t give up on you. I only hoped she was still searching for me.


  Thoughts of pain and torture were all that consumed me once I was returned back to the other house. How I had survived the worst two days of my life I would never know. I supposed it was a miracle. Kind of like when I came through detox without the aid of medication. Damn, that’d been pure hell. But this, this was as if the devil himself had decided my body was his play zone—which, technically, was precisely what had happened. No longer did I live in a fairytale where my captor fell in love with me. Puh-leeze! That monster was incapable of any such emotion. I knew now that I had to get away from him. Problem was, I couldn’t walk on my own. A groan escaped as Joe walked quickly with me in his arms into the infirmary—a room I was all too familiar with. Unlike Humpty Dumpty, I honestly doubted Viv could put me back together again.

  Joe, ever so gently, laid me down on the exam table as I screamed until my throat was raw, attempting to get off the thing ASAP. He grimaced and tried his best to calm me down. “Hush now, baby. Mr. R is not here. We won’t hurt you,” he vowed as I searched over my head.

  The door flew open with a loud bang against the wall as Viv ran into the room. My eyes locked on hers as her hand came up over her mouth to stifle her shock. With the confirmation that I must’ve looked as bad as I felt, tears began to stream and pool beside my neck. I heard her whisper to Joe, “Holy hell. What has he done to her?”

  I didn’t want an answer. Thankfully Joe shook his head at her and requested, “Can you give her pain meds.”

  My head began to thrash back and forth as I squawked out, “No.”

  Joe knelt down beside me and stroked my hair. “You can’t be awake for surgery.”

  Well, crap. He had a point. “Knock me out then. But…” I took a fortifying breath. “Afterwards no narcotics, okay?”

  He looked over at Viviane before he turned his attention back to me and answered, “If that’s the way you want it.”

  I held his gaze intently as I fisted the sheet below me from the ripple of agony that shot through my pelvis. I barely murmured, “Yes,” as Viv placed an IV in my arm. I continued to stare at Joe while the anesthesia did its job. My last conscious thought was, had I really once thought he was a barbarian?
Silly me, it was never the ones who looked the part.


  Recovery was a bitch. If all went well that day, Viv was going to help me walk down the hall. I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her as the memory of Mr. R’s visit played through my mind.

  He was sitting beside my bed tenderly feathering his fingers along my arm. When I awoke and realized who was there, I tried to get away. But there was nowhere to go. He squeezed my hand a little too tightly while his eyes narrowed. “I have business to take care of. I won’t be back for a week or so.” He smiled at me as he leaned down to kiss me. Bastard. He whispered against my mouth. “You’ve done exceptionally well, my dear. I have big plans for you when I return.” Before he could continue, Joe entered the room. They glowered at each other for a few moments, and then Viv came to the rescue shooing them out. Mr. R stood to leave. At the door he looked back over his shoulder and promised, “I’ll be back soon. Then, we can continue where we left off.”

  A cringe traveled up my spine as I pulled out of my reverie. Unsure of how I would manage, but knowing, with all my heart, I had to escape before his return. When Viv entered the room, I attempted to stand. I was wobbly and my head spun from the effort, but I held my own.

  She scolded, “You should’ve waited for my assistance.”

  I slightly shrugged. “I can do it.”

  She nodded. “Let’s see what you’re capable of.”

  And with that, we began our trek with my IV pole in tow. I was slower than I wanted to be, yet grateful once again I had no broken bones. Son-of-a-bitch had made sure he tore my insides to hell and back, but it looked like I was truly on the road to recovery. Please help me heal fast so I can get away from here. The prayer had become my mantra as I pushed my body, reminding myself it was all mind over matter. Sure hoped that was fact and not fiction.


  The night Mr. R returned, Viviane and Joe were busy attending another girl. I had no idea where she had come from or who had hurt her, but it was touch and go for a solid twenty-four hours. Though I wanted to help, there was no way I was capable of being any assistance. Still unable to walk more than ten feet without aid, I was for all intents and purposes a prisoner to my hospital bed. They couldn’t even move me up from the dungeon to my bedroom. Which sucked!

  I did my best to keep my mind off the horror transpiring down the hall and focused on strengthening my muscles with some exercises Viviane had approved. Straining from the exertion, I didn’t hear him enter the room. Once I saw Mr. R watching me intently, I swallowed back the scream and schooled my expression. “Keeley,” he spoke thoughtfully, “Should you be doing those, yet?”

  He hadn’t fooled me. His only concern was if I would injure myself further so he couldn’t torture me more. I had learned a while back that he wanted me healed before he “played.” Why, I would never know. In my opinion it didn’t matter, pain was pain. At least on this front, he seemed to care. I grunted out, “What does it matter?”

  “Believe it or not, it does,” he acknowledged as he grabbed a chair and sat down.

  I attempted to ignore him, but he wouldn’t have that. He placed his hand on my upper thigh to still me. I fought the cringe with all I had in me. I knew if he saw the change in me, I would be terminated. With a loud exhale, I held eye contact and queried, “Why are you back if you knew I was in no condition for your machinations?”

  He smiled, “I missed you.”

  I tilted my head to one side. “Why is that?”

  “Your straightforwardness is quite a gift, my pet.” He looked off into the distance for a moment and then took me in from head to toe before he declared, “I needed to see how you were doing?”

  “I’m healing,” I stated matter-of-factly.

  “From what I understand, faster than expected.” He leveled a look at me. “I’m very pleased.”

  I shrugged. “I’m young.”

  “True.” He stood and began to fiddle with my IV. “I have a surprise for you.” After that, he put his hand behind my back to help me off the bed. As we walked down the corridor he said, “I think you’ll enjoy this.”

  I swallowed back the retort that threatened to fly out of my mouth and simply nodded. He escorted me into a room I knew all too well—the room of doom. Yes, that was my name for this awful place of pain and torture. I heard a moan from the wall and quickly looked towards the sound. I gasped out, “She looks just like me.”

  Mr. R gave me a malevolent grin. “Close enough.”

  “Why is she here?” Surely this wasn’t the girl Joe and Viviane had been operating on.

  He turned towards me and gripped my shoulders tight enough to make me groan. There would be bruises left. “I need release and you’re out of commission.” He shot me a look, as if I wasn’t playing with a full deck.

  Maybe I wasn’t. Did he mean I actually had to watch him beat and fuck another woman? This time, I did cringe back from him. Another moan from the shackles on the wall brought me forward. I took a few steps until I could see her eyes clearly. Oh my God, she was strung out. From the looks of it, her drug of choice was mine—heroine. In rapid succession it all became crystal clear: she would be punished for her drug addiction and for choosing the life of prostitution, just as I had been. Exactly how the others had been when I arrived here and was going through detox. If memory served me correctly, he never had sex with any of them. Only me. I looked over my shoulder as he approached in his preferred clothing for such acts: leather pants, leather gloves, leather mask. “You won’t fuck her.” Not a question, but a statement.

  “Never would I place myself inside a tainted whore.”

  “But…I was one when you took me,” I pointed out.

  “No.” He shook his head for emphasis. “You weren’t working when I offered you a ride that day.”

  Wait! What? My mind was still fuzzy on details. As I thought about it, I remembered walking on the sidewalk in front of the casinos and a white SUV pulling up beside me. I glanced over at him, and, sure enough, he was the one driving that day. The realization shot through my brain in rapid fire. OMG, I hadn’t been kidnapped. Though I was being held against my will now, that day I went with him voluntarily. Shit! “Yet once you knew what I had done to pay for my addiction, you still screwed me.”

  “You’ve been punished adequately for your choices. Now…she must be.”

  He pulled over a chair for me and I sat down heavily. Actually, my legs gave out as I processed what he meant. Before he grabbed his device of torture, I queried, “Why do we have sex?”

  He growled, “I like you. And your blood work came back clean.”

  “I see.” Sad thing was, I did comprehend. This poor girl was going to pay the ultimate price for her sins. He wouldn’t stop until she was dead. There was no sexual gratification in what he was doing. He felt he had to right the wrong she had done—plain and simple. As fucked up as it sounded, I understood his madness. What did that say about me? Maybe I was better off with him than trying to escape. The possibility that I could never be normal or have a normal relationship with a man overtook me, until I was pulled from my musings with a gentle hand cupping my chin.

  “It’s over, darling. She just didn’t have the stamina you do.”

  I refused to look over at that wall. Instead, I stared deeply into his eyes. They were without emotion. He had just murdered a woman, and yet, there was nothing to say he cared one way or the other. I swallowed the lump in my throat and asked, “Would you have fucked her if she could’ve handled the beating.”

  “Of course. That’s always my test. But only one other has passed it…besides you.”

  “Where is she now?”

  He waved his hand through the air. “Gone.”

  Full recognition hit, a neon sign flashing across my brain. I was only here until he had his fill of me, or I did something to piss him off. Or, he found another one he preferred more. What the hell am I going to do? I reached up, stroking his cock. One thing was for sure: if I pleased
him, I lived another day. Bottom line, I had to live to escape. I wouldn’t allow myself to worry about anything or anyone. This was survival 101. And I would get out of this hellhole, one way or another. I would have to deal with the aftermath later. For now, I was determined not to be another one of his victims. With the need to survive humming through my veins, I hit my knees and released his dick into my hands. He may be a monster, but he has a fine piece of equipment; I reminded myself as I began to suck him off.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  We had hit a dead-end. Mentally, I was kicking myself for having hope that this would lead us to Keeley. I glanced over at E, once again, grateful for his willingness to help. He was trying to give me space by staying quiet. While I appreciated that, I needed him. Well, what I really needed was his dominance, but had no clue how to voice such a thing. I reached over and laid my hand on his rock hard thigh. He graced me with a lopsided grin. He either thought I was being sweet or just needed contact. There had been a time when I would’ve let it go. This was not that time. I boldly inched up towards his package. When he looked over at me, there was heat in his eyes. Wow! It was like silver sparks shooting out of them. My hooha clenched in response. I began to stroke his erection as he groaned out, “If you keep doing that, I’m going to embarrass myself by coming in my pants.”

  His dirty words did naughty things to me. In response, I slid my other hand underneath the waistband of my pants, inside my panties, and along my slippery crevice. I moaned out, “Then we come together so neither of us is embarrassed.”


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