The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 80

by Lora Ann

  “Oh, wow! Look at this place,” she said in awe.

  God, if you exist, give me another way out of this.

  When Mr. R stepped onto the porch, what tiny hope I had of God dissipated like raindrops under the heat of the sun. I watched Ari stiffen instantly. Ah, so she knew who Caleb was and what he could be capable of. The flight or fight locked into her muscles as she turned to bolt. Unfortunately I was faster. You’d think after having a bullet lodged in my head there’d be some sort of aftereffect. I supposed lucky bastard was a name I’d earned. Thing penetrated my skull but my brain had been untouched by it. Still, was touch and go thanks to the bleeding, although I pulled through. Yes, I was weak and had several sessions of physical therapy that I needed. ‘Course now I’d have to do that myself. Damn good thing I was in med school. I snagged Ari’s arm and brought her against my body. Not a bright move. My cock stood at attention and breathing her in was an epic mistake. “Don’t fight me, angel.”

  She attempted to pull away. “Why are you doing this to me, Zane?” The question ripped out of her like a bandage refusing to pull free without leaving a little pain behind.

  I forced myself to compartmentalize my emotions. “Doesn’t matter,” hissing as I marched her forward.

  “It matters to me,” she murmured through a sob, locking her legs.

  Fuck. I could feel her tremble in fear as we approached the cabin. Taste the acerbity of it in the air. Terrified was too tame a word for what she was experiencing. Her scream nearly ruptured my eardrums. Mr. R stepped off the porch. “Enough!”

  Ari swallowed and shook violently as she whimpered, “Please, Zane. Please don’t leave me here with him.”

  I placed a secret kiss on the nape of her neck. “I have no other options, angel.”

  Caleb set a hard stare on me until I nudged her into his waiting hands. Out of sheer fright Ari slumped against him. He picked her up in a fireman carry and ordered, “Come.”

  “Yes, Mr. R,” I answered back, but underneath my breath I added fucker.

  As we entered the room of horrors, I spotted Darla instantaneously. She was chained in the corner. A little dirty but well fed and hydrated. He hadn’t harmed her. Or at least not physically, who knew what he’d done to her mentally. He wasn’t stable. I hadn’t been around him much in the past but that was crystal clear to the untrained eye. I walked over to my little sister. “Hey, kid. I’ve come to take you home.”

  She grinned. “Yay!”

  I looked over my shoulder as Caleb placed Ari on some sort of board that was vertical. He attached manacles to her wrists and ankles before giving us his attention. “Key is to your right. Get her to the other house in South Lake and return here.” He warned, “Cross me, and I’ll make sure your sweet sister goes to the sickest fuck I can find.”

  Darla began to cry as I unchained her and hugged her hard. “Shh, kiddo, play it cool. I won’t let anyone take you again,” I promised.

  She nodded as we made our way out of the room. I glanced over at Ari restrained and muttered, “I’m so sorry, angel.”



  There was no need for concern that Zane wouldn’t comply to my every whim. Finding Darla was my golden ticket to control him forever. Helga had been very forthcoming with information as I broke her bones. Once she gave me everything needed, I had snapped her neck. In my opinion, it was one less problem to worry about.

  Marissa pirouetted as I approached Ari. She sang, “A virgin. We get to play with a virgin.”

  “This is not okay, Caleb,” Rachel reprimanded. “She’s too young.”

  “Ah, my sweet, she is too young for intercourse,” I admitted. “Doesn’t mean I can’t play with her.”

  “Play, torture, do unspeakable things to her. ‘S all good. Stop being all prissy, Rachel,” Marissa huffed.

  “I have never, will NEVER, be all right with this. These women have done nothing wrong!” Rachel yelled so loud I had to hold my head for a moment.

  After regaining some composure, I pointed out, “Not true. Those others were prostitutes impersonating you. They had to be punished,” I declared.

  Marissa began to finger herself as she whispered, “Some whores you didn’t mind.”

  I chuckled, “Very true, my dear. You were the exception.”

  “Not the only one, though,” she pouted.

  Ah yes, she was referring to Keeley. She had been exquisite. I could still hear her screams of both pain and pleasure mixing into a lovely sonata. Unlike Marissa, Keeley had been unaware of her need and tolerance for sex with pain. And like a good addict, she’d become completely hooked on what I could provide.

  Rachel shook her head in disgust. “You’ve gone too far this time, Caleb. Ari’s father and uncles will find her.” She couldn’t contain the awe in her voice at the mention of the Strand brothers. I sent Rachel to her room. She knew better than to bring up those despicable men to me.

  Ari moaned from where I had her restrained. I walked over to her and admired the beauty before me. Unable to have sex with her, but I could sure enjoy other things. For the first time since I had watched Lilly be deflowered by the wicked medical instrument, my dick stood at attention. I thought he had finally died. I mean, he wouldn’t even participate in providing an orgasm the last few whores I had executed. Worthless. Or at least that was my assumption, until now. He was proud and straining to get to her. Out of curiosity, I grabbed a knife sitting on the table and began cutting her clothing off. That brought out an earsplitting scream as she attempted to pull free of the iron manacles holding her down.

  I stood transfixed as blood began to ooze from underneath the unforgiving cuffs. Incapable of resisting, I leaned forward and licked at her wrist. Another screech and I tore off a strip of duct tape, silencing her. Unadulterated fear was in her eyes, forcing me to release my painful erection.

  Marissa muttered in my head, “Put something in her pussy so she knows you mean business.”

  Searching the area, I found a drill and inserted only the tip but made sure she was aware it was powered and ready to go. She instantly stilled. As a reward I removed the tool, keeping it only an inch from her opening. “Scream like that again, my dear, and I’ll make sure to torture you slowly and painfully for months before I even consider death as an option. Nod if you understand,” I commanded.

  She complied nicely. As another reward I ripped the tape from her mouth, pulling skin away from how abrasive I was. The sight before me brought a hand to my cock, where I intended to stroke off on her tender lips. A noise from upstairs drew my attention. To ensure Ari didn’t alert anyone to her whereabouts, I turned the drill on knowing full well that if she shifted it would either drive through a leg or up her vagina. As long as she lie perfectly still nothing would happen, unless it slipped somehow. I didn’t want that to happen. So I anchored it with a leather strap to the board and then tucked myself back into my pants. I held up a finger, “Stay quiet. I’ll be back in just a few minutes.”

  She bobbed her head again as I turned to leave. Another crash from the opposite side of the house caught my attention. Whoever it was would wish they had never interrupted me. I’d make sure to flay the person or persons responsible. And damn if that thought didn’t cause me to ejaculate. I looked down at my trousers impressed the thing actually worked in those confines. Making my way upstairs, I dabbed the wet spot with a towel hanging in the kitchen before tossing it aside. Unprepared for what met me as I rounded the corner. Motherfucking Strand brothers would pay dearly for this. A promise I intended to keep.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Outside the log cabin I paced, waiting for Shannon and her team to tell us if we had in fact found Arianna. By far, it was the most excruciating thing I had ever done. Thanks to Nik and his mad-genius skills, Ari had been tracked with a device he’d used on Aimee. How he had suspected something like this would happen worried me. Nik knew all too well what Caleb was capable of and had taken it upon himself to
ensure that every female involved with us had high-tech GPS devices in all their clothes and shoes. My brother approached me looking like he was ready to tear someone apart. I hoped for Caleb’s sake that they kept him far away from any of us, but especially Nik. “Please stop. You’re making me crazier with that look on your face,” I pointed out.

  “Sorry, Alex. But if Reynolds has done anything to Ari like he did Aimee, I’ll fucking kill him.”

  “Excellent,” I said facetiously. “Just the visual I needed.”

  “Ah hell…I wasn’t thinking, man.” Nik ran his hand through his long hair. “Give me an A plus in fucked up.”

  Ha! I had four-point-O in fuckedupness. “Apology accepted, brother. Don’t go putting this on yourself, okay?”

  His arm came around my good shoulder as he squeezed. “We’ll find your daughter, Alex, before Reynolds can hurt her,” he vowed.

  I prayed he was right, because if the senator had harmed my little girl more than he already had in the past, I would kill him. Not a figure of speech, I absolutely meant it. To hell with the law and following protocol, my eyes met Nik’s as I affirmed, “The. Bastard. Is. Going. Down.” As if I had called on the powers that be, my cell buzzed with a text from Shannon.

  Found her.

  I took off at a dead run, Nik easily keeping stride. I had felt my phone buzz again but ignored it. All I could think was, my daughter is safe and unharmed. As we followed the voices to a lower level, I was not expecting what met my eyes. I growled, “What the fuck?”

  Shannon stepped in front of me with her arms out in a halting fashion. “Stop, Alex.”

  Too late, I had already seen a horror no father should ever witness. I yelled, “MOVE!” Rushing over to Ari, yet knowing not to touch anything that would contaminate the crime scene. I bypassed the drill that quite frankly I wanted to rip from the strap holding it and find Caleb so I could stick it up his ass at full speed. Instead, I focused on my terrified daughter, holding her fear-filled gaze.

  She swallowed, “Alex,” as I witnessed the shame play across her features.

  Oh, hell no! “Hi, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes moved down and away. I turned to a forensics investigator and asked, “May I touch her?”

  She kindly replied, “Absolutely, Mr. Strand.”

  I reached forward, lifting Ari’s chin so she had to look at me. “You did nothing wrong. Do you hear me? This isn’t something you could control. That bastard stole your choice. He’s the criminal. Not. You. You didn’t ask for this. Nothing you did cause this,” I declared.

  Tears began to trickle from the corners of her eyes as she whispered, “He didn’t rape me, daddy.”

  “Oh honey, I wouldn’t have thought any differently about you if he had.” My voice broke on the relief of hearing her confession, coupled with the fact she had called me daddy. I hadn’t lied to her; nothing would make me look at her as unworthy. I was thankful she wouldn’t have a rape locked into her memory banks for a lifetime. What had been done to her was bad enough. She didn’t need to carry more. Lest I forgot, she was all of sixteen dealing with shit most wouldn’t have to if they lived to be a hundred. Cupping her face in my hand while they released her from the wicked restraints, I whispered, “You’re going to be all right. We’ll see you through this. Strands always stick together.”

  The corners of her mouth went up slightly. “Can I legally change my name?”

  I leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Whatever you want it to be.”

  “I want to be known as a Strand.”

  My heart swelled with pride. They wrapped Ari in a robe, allowing me to take her into another room before going to the hospital for an exam. Although I wanted to question her, I acknowledged it was best to wait. Besides, I needed to contact counsel for her. She gave me a sidelong glance and asked, “Can we go outside?”

  “Let me get you something to wear,” I answered.

  Once she was dressed in some clothes we found in another room, I took her out of that house. Nik came up and gave her a huge bear hug. I fought back the emotions rising. He was her uncle and you could see the adoration already, even though she hadn’t grown up around any of us. Our family had always been this way. I could remember back to childhood and meeting a cousin for the first time. How my parents welcomed him with open arms though they hadn’t actually met him before then either. Family was everything. Their legacy of love had passed down, and now I was staring at the next generation. There was a lot of time to make up for, yet I had no doubt we couldn’t meet that challenge.

  “Can we take her home?” Nik queried.

  “Afraid our little warrior has to get the all clear from a doctor,” I replied.

  Ari scoffed, “I’m so over doctors.”

  Nik chuckled. “I bet you are.”

  “You also have to talk to the police, honey. We can stay at Even’s place until you’re free to return home.”

  She had a far off look I couldn’t quite place. Something told me there was more to it than surviving Caleb, not once but twice. Part of me wondered if it was Zane. The other, worried she wasn’t well enough to be out like this. Her face suddenly went an ashen color and Nik was fast as a snake, reaching forward to catch her before she fell.

  “Thank you,” I nodded, irritated once more that my damn shoulder wasn’t up to par.

  Medics came over and promptly placed Ari on a gurney. I turned to Nik. “I’m riding with her.”

  “Of course. I’ll follow.”

  I climbed into the back of the ambulance and sent a text to Sofie.

  Ari is safe. On our way to the local hospital. Will call from there. I love you.

  My phone vibrated.

  Thank God. Love you too.

  There was no containing my grin. I finally got the girl. And I had no intentions of ever letting her go.

  Ari came to as we arrived at Barton Memorial. “You’re going to be fine. Nik and I will be in to see you as soon as they say we can.” I squeezed her hand.

  She fought back the tears. “Thank you, Alex.”

  “For what, sweetheart?”

  The flood gates opened as she stammered, “L-l-lov-ing m-me.”

  “Mr. Strand, we need to move her,” one of the EMTs said.

  I held my daughter’s gaze. “Always,” I vowed, tightening my grip before giving a nod to the medic to go ahead and take her to the ER.

  Nik pulled in before I entered the hospital, so I waited. We walked inside together as he informed me, “Aimee and Sofie are on their way.”

  “I figured.”

  He chuckled, “E’s pissed.”

  “Wouldn’t expect anything less from him,” I affirmed.

  “I really thought Lacey would calm that temper of his,” Nik admitted.

  I laughed, “Like Aimee has yours?”

  “Up yours,” he fired back without heat.

  “You know, Nik. Actually both women have made a huge difference in you and E. Sure, you’re still hot headed, but nothing like you used to be.”

  “True that.”

  My phone rang and I stepped outside to take the call. Sofie was worried and I did my best to ease her fears. “Kjære, considering what Ari’s been through, she looks good,” I reassured.

  “What’d he do to her?” she cried.

  “I don’t have the details, yet. I’ll make sure she has a wonderful female attorney,” I declared.

  “Why can’t you be her lawyer?”

  I paused. Honestly not knowing how to answer without making her feel stupid. Thankfully she caught on.

  “Oh, duh,” she scoffed. “I’m sorry. That was an idiotic question.”

  “You’re under duress, Sofie,” I pointed out. “Please, don’t beat yourself up over something that just doesn’t matter.”

  I could hear her hiccups from crying. “’Kay.”

  “We’ll do everything in our power to make this as easy as possible for her,” I reaffirmed.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I love you, Alex.”r />
  Standing there outside in the cool mountain air, I let those words enfold me like a warm blanket. “I love you more,” I responded before ending the call.

  Back inside, I found my brother being restrained by four officers. What the fuck now? Didn’t take me long to figure it out. Reynolds, ensconced with security, was down the corridor. Why the hell did they bring him here? I focused hard on Nik. “Let it go,” I demanded.

  He growled in response. My brother was one scary ass motherfucker when pissed off. I understood the concern, but he wasn’t stupid. “He won’t hurt the senator,” I declared to the officers.

  “You sure about that?” one inquired apprehensively.

  “You have my word,” I confirmed.

  As they released Nik, I overheard Reynolds. “I did not kidnap that girl, and I have no idea who placed her in my home. But I expect you to get to the bottom of this, quickly.”

  Lying son of a bitch! I lunged forward. Nik wrapped his huge arms around my waist, yanking with enough force to cause us to stumble backwards. In my ear he whispered, “Easy there, brother. Don’t give him what he wants.”

  Yes, Nik was right. But it did nothing to calm the rage roiling inside me, like a hungry monster ready to devour its prey. “He’s insulting my daughter,” I ground out through clenched teeth.

  Nik rasped, “Y’think that’s by accident?”

  “Hell no!” I shook my head, hard.

  Nik held me tighter. “Once I know you’re not going to do anything stupid, I’ll let you go.”

  After a minute or so of deep breaths, I responded, “I got it together enough to go outside.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  He led the way towards the doors, but not before Caleb slipped up. “Take care of Zane,” he said to one of his cronies. Meanwhile, the officers were busy dealing with a fight that had started down the hallway between some couple that’d come in from a car accident a few minutes prior.

  There was no controlling my next action. To Nik’s credit, he did attempt to hold on to me; however, all I saw was red as wrath filled every molecule in my body. Fucker was going down, and I would be the one to take him. Without a word, I parried the arm of his henchman and locked my hand around Reynolds’ throat before he could call for help. He struggled to get out of my grip, which only made me squeeze tighter. Nik had made it to my side in time to disarm the other guy. Once said man was under control, my brother leaned forward and cautioned, “Is it worth jail time?”


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