The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set Page 94

by Lora Ann

  “That’s enough,” Mom chastised. “You’re both angels.”

  Keeley winked at me in the mirror and mouthed: My wings are black. She’s just color blind.

  I smacked her hand and whispered, “Stop it. You are an angel.”

  She leaned over to grab the eyeliner and under her breath I heard, “Maybe a fallen angel.”

  The decision not to make a fuss brought a smile to my lips, but inside my concern for Keeley only grew more acute. Something was terribly wrong. This little show she was putting on didn’t fool me for an instant. She ought to know by now I wouldn’t rest until she’d told me what it was. For now, I’d give her a reprieve. But this wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.


  We pulled up in front of the Misión San Francisco de Asís. Our wedding would take place in the basilica. Mom had phoned in a few favors to make this happen for me. Father Lane and Pastor Sherman, a friend of my parents, would officiate together. E and I had attended some classes beforehand. I’d fallen in love with the gothic church the first time I saw it. Once I’d taken a tour, I knew it would be where my wedding was held. The driver announced, “Stay here and let me make sure your groom is nowhere in sight.”

  I clutched my mother’s and Keeley’s hands tightly. My sister leaned in and whispered, “Quit worrying. You truly are an angel, and Even is fully aware of what a gift you are.”

  “What if,” I swallowed, “He grows tired of me?”

  Mom’s, “Nonsense,” made me jump. “Have you not seen how that man looks at you? How he can’t get enough of you?” she inquired. “You are the center of his world, sweetheart. Don’t ever doubt that.”

  Keeley added, “His adoration for you, Lace…it’s the very thing epic love songs are written about.”

  I inhaled deeply as the driver opened the door with an, “All clear, Miss Kincaid.”

  Mom gasped, “Oh dear! This is the last time you will be called by your daddy’s name.”

  Tears began to slide down my cheeks. “I wish…” The words caught in my throat.

  Mom nodded, “I know, me too.”

  Keeley pulled out a beautiful, old lace handkerchief, dabbing under my eyes. I stilled her hand with a tilt to my head. She answered my unspoken question. “It was Gran’s. Your something old.” My fingers slid along the delicate lace that just so happened to match the pattern of my wedding dress.

  We stepped inside and Mom turned to me with a jewelry box in her hand. I opened the worn velvet lid, inside was nestled a stunning pair of sapphire and diamond earrings. “I remember these,” I exhaled shakily.

  “My first anniversary present from your father.” She hiccupped through her sob, “Y-your som-som-thing borrowed and blue.”

  Keeley intervened, “Look at you two! Let’s go fix the makeup. Chop. Chop.”

  She hadn’t fooled me; I saw the dark smudges under her eyes, too. “I love you so,” declaring as I wrapped my arm around her.

  There was a knock at the ladies’ room door. Aimee peeked her head in, “Are you ready?” She then paused and covered her mouth on an, “Oh!” Keeley quickly handed her a box of tissues. “You are absolutely gorgeous,” she gushed, catching tears as they fell. “Sorry. These pregnancy hormones are a bitch.” She gasped, “Uh…Mrs. Kincaid…I—”

  “Said it correctly,” Mom filled in. “I remember how crazy my emotions were carrying these two.” She inclined her head toward Keeley and me. “And the cravings were nonstop as well.”

  Aimee giggled, “Still throwing up, so those haven’t started yet.”

  “They will, trust me,” Mom affirmed as Sofie entered the small restroom.

  “Ah, this is where the ceremony is,” she joked. “Come now, ladies. We have an anxious groom out here.” She winked at me.

  I shook my head to clear the fog and stepped out first. Ari greeted me with the beautiful bouquet of white and deep pink roses, mixed with pale pink peonies that had yet to reach their peak bloom, along with an assortment of other flowers in soft pinks and white along with gorgeous green sprigs throughout. As if a garden had just been placed in my hands, I breathed in their intoxicating scent.

  We were met in the entryway by Nik’s right hand man in the Chicago office and best friend, Franco. He escorted Mom down the aisle as Johann Pachelbel’s “Canon in D Major” was played on the entirely electronic organ, which famous organists from all over the world came to play. Peeking around the corner, I couldn’t help but take in my surroundings. Gorgeous arches above the altar where Jesus hung on the cross above. The coat of arms for the diocese of San Francisco flanked the left side, while on the right was the cloth canopy, only a basilica could have one made of fabric. Gina, Franco’s stunning wife, ensured every hair was in place for my sisters before they stepped up to the door, waiting for their prospective turn as “Marry Me” by Train played. I’d never been one for traditional wedding music, other than the piece Mom walked to, neither was E. I’d let him select the song I marched towards him to. There wasn’t any way I could control the tears as Dave Barnes’ “God Gave Me You” began. With a deep inhalation of the frankincense permeating the air, I walked slowly towards my gift from God. Taking in the words to one of my favorite love songs, I realized the symbolism in me doing this trek on my own. I may be by myself now, but God had handpicked my perfect mate who was only a few steps away.

  We were before the altar, before God as two, but would leave here as one. E took the hankie from my hand and gently stroked my face with it. That was when I saw his tears as well. I wiped his away with the pad of my thumb. Due to so much emotion, we chose to go with traditional vows. More than grateful for that, I barely got through repeating after the pastor and answering with, “I do.” Neither of us were Catholic—although E’s parents had been when they first came to this country—so Father Lane was kind enough to permit a shorter ceremony. He pronounced us Mr. and Mrs. Even Kristofer Strand. E yanked me against him, kissing me with so much passion we were going to need a room if one of us didn’t break the moment. We broke apart, barely, and turned. I couldn’t stop myself from looking up at the special collection of stained glass missions and Blessed Serra. We led the way out with the other couples behind us. As we stepped out into the late afternoon sun and watched them exit, one would have to be blind not to see all the love radiating off them. Well, all except Keeley and Tar, though I did see a hint of it in his eyes. My sister was an entirely different story. More pictures were taken before we could head over to the reception.

  Our reception was actually at The Strand Hotel but we weren’t planning on staying the night. E had the flight scheduled to depart San Francisco International on Strand Industries’ Gulfstream G650 around one in the morning. Still had no clue where he was taking me. Honestly, I didn’t care as long as we were together. E pulled me into another hotter-than-hell kiss as the driver drove us down to the wharf. How we didn’t consummate our vows in that limo was a true test of control. Part of me was proud of E’s restraint. The other, wanted him to lose his battle with that beast and release him on me. As if the form fitting wedding gown would’ve survived that romp. Hell. No. And despite that my husband could be an animal, he’d chosen to be a respectable gentleman on our wedding day. I’d just have to see if I could shake things up a bit. I mean, there was a reception, a ride to the airport, and a flight to parts unknown. Oh yeah, just call me Mrs. Temptation.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Everything in me was on lock down. I stared at my beautiful wife and snapped the leash, hard, on the fiend that wanted to devour and conquer. Holy hell. If she looked at me like I was her favorite dessert one more time, I’d not be responsible for my actions. And I was pretty damn sure she wouldn’t be forgiving if the stunning gown, Sofie had made just for her, were torn. Fit her like a glove was a fucking understatement. She was beyond breathtaking and that was the only thing helping maintain my desire. I ran my finger along the sexy-as-hell lace collar around her delectable throat and whispered, “Mine.”

  Our gazes met as I noted hers had lost their gorgeous, deep blue. Now almost black from her own lust she exhaled a challenge, “Show me.”

  I had her pinned to the back seat when we came to a stop. Grabbing her arm and pulling her upright just in time for the driver to open the door, our friends and family greeted us. Damn, five more minutes and they would’ve had an impressive display of coupling. Lacey was still flushed, making her even more gorgeous. As if that were possible. Until that moment, I would’ve said no.


  We entered the ballroom hand in hand. There were cheers and whistles as I dipped her low and worshipped her mouth. We came up for air when the DJ said, “Anyone have a keycard to their room?”

  Laughter erupted. We had to take more photos before the food was served. Nik and Alex gave a toast as well as Keeley. Unable to stop myself from watching her closer than usual, she hadn’t taken a sip of the champagne. Every time Tar approached her, she would ignore him. I wasn’t thoroughly convinced it was a good idea for him to remain her bodyguard if she were constantly searching for ways to get away from him. I was just about to have a word with him about that when it was announced, “Time to cut the cake.”

  Lacey and I had a great time smushing cake in each other’s faces. I especially enjoyed licking it off her lips. The garter toss almost undid me. She had on a sweet white and light blue one just below her right knee. Of course being the ass that I was, I’d put my head under her dress. Inviting my gaze to climb higher was a sensual silver garter around her left thigh just below the belt holding the spectacular nylons in place. Her sex was fully exposed, which shocked the hell out of me. My wife was beyond naughty. As if she’d known I would do this and she could one up me. With her leg up on a chair, she was slightly opened. I fought like hell not to put my mouth to her lips. Instead my fingers traveled up, dipping inside for only a second. She was a champ, not moving or giving away what I’d done in front of our guests. I came out from underneath the gown, lightly rubbing my finger along my bottom lip. Holding her gaze, I licked my lips before turning and shooting the garter as far as it could go. Tar caught it without trying.

  After we all had a good laugh, teasing the shit out of him, it was time for the bouquet toss. Should’ve known Keeley would catch it—again, someone who wasn’t even in the crowd of singles wanting to try for it. Lacey shot me a level look when her sister eased through a door along a dark hallway. I gave the signal with a nod of my head to Tar. Who discretely followed her.



  Fate had a sick sense of humor I thought, plucking petals from the flowers in my hand. Didn’t the bitch know girls like me and happily ever after would never happen? Wait! Maybe she did know and mocking me with it was her game. I wiped away the stupid tears that wouldn’t do anyone any good. A presence was felt as I turned towards the dark corner. Icy chills ran along my spine. Shadows began to taunt, messing with my imagination. I pivoted, deciding it was best to return to the reception, when I ran into a massive form. “Tarius,” I exhaled.

  “Viper. You can’t just disappear like this whenever you feel like it.”

  The confession came unbidden. “I needed air.”

  “I feel you.”

  He’d put his hand at the small of my back. New shivers trekked their way up my spinal cord as heat seared into my skin. The gothic tattoo under his fingers bubbled under his touch. No consideration whatsoever, I turned into him reaching for his neck. However, I hadn’t thought about our height differences. Or size for that matter. He was a giant of a man. And I was tiny. Although something in him must have known what I wanted. He bent his knees and placed his hands on my waist, lifting me up. I threw everything I felt into that kiss: Confusion. Anger. Hurt. Fear. Lust. Need. His lips were equal to mine as teeth collided and tongues sparred. Sure we’d kissed before, but not like this. What we were doing wasn’t kissing; it was fucking with our mouths. I needed his dick inside me so bad that my legs went around his waist. Tar grunted, slamming me against the wall. I wanted him to do it again, harder. But I knew this wasn’t the time or place to release the demon chomping to get out. He pushed my dress up to my waist and was welcomed by my panty-less, bejeweled pussy. Making quick work of his fly, he rammed that big cock in me in one hard thrust. “Fuck,” I cried out.

  He paused, “Did I hurt you?”

  “Hell yes.”

  The swallow he gave told me that wasn’t his intention.

  “A little pain isn’t going to break me, Tar.” I wanted a lot of pain but couldn’t tell him that. “Now screw my brains out before someone shows up looking for us.”

  Whoa, did he ever. The man was hung like a damn horse and his full on fucking was bringing the pain I craved.

  He came on a growl, bringing me right along with him. Wow. I didn’t know that was still possible after all the damage there. We heard the door open to the hallway. Tar stood in front of me, helping get my dress back in place and zipping himself up.

  Nik asked, “You two alright out here?”

  “Yes,” we answered in unison.

  “Did either of you see Aimee come this way?”

  “No,” Tar replied. “Let me help you look for her.”

  I smiled. “I’ll go to the nearest ladies’ room and check for you.”

  The guys went one way as I took another. Again the feeling someone was there, watching, couldn’t be ignored. As I turned to face whoever was following me, a woman darted past me. She didn’t look familiar at all. Bleach blonde hair, tan skin, though her face was a bit red and swollen. Maybe the shadows were playing tricks on my eyes? Though there was no mistaking her unusually blue irises as they met mine. Colored contacts instantly came to mind. Nothing odd about that, many wore them. I turned to go back the way I’d been heading when she said, “Didn’t mean to startle you. Have a pleasant evening.”

  The hairs on the nape of my neck stood at attention. That voice. I know that voice! For the life of me, I couldn’t recall where I’d heard it. But something felt beyond frightening, like I had just faced a full on assistant of Satan. Oh shit, shit, shit. I bolted back to where I’d split up from Tar and Nik, finding them not far from the ballroom. Nik had Aimee in a sweet embrace. So much love between them I felt dirty watching, as if I’d somehow contaminate them by being there. Tar looked me up and down. “What’s wrong, Keeley?”

  Yeah right, as if I could explain the complete feeling of doom roiling inside of me. “Nothing,” I lied. “Just got a little spooked is all.”

  His gaze said he wasn’t buying my bullshit. Dammit! Not like I could tell him the thoughts that woman had just brought on. By the way, I assisted Viv in torturing Senator Caleb Reynold after we kidnapped him. I left knowing she was going to murder him. I didn’t tell a soul because the monster absolutely, positively deserved to die. My only regret…I wasn’t the one to do it. Big question was, why here? What now? Sure I lived with it daily, or should say nightly, but not this déjà vu.

  Aimee saved me with, “Hotels are always a tad creepy in the dark.”

  I nodded vehemently. “See.”

  Nik chuckled. “Let’s get back in there before E comes searching for us himself.”

  I was a step behind everyone, glancing over my shoulder to see if the woman would still be there. Somewhere deep inside she felt familiar. Yet, nothing, I was coming up blank. My terror skyrocketed and there was no way to bring it back down to earth. There was no one to tell, either. This was beyond a nightmare. Fuck my life.



  Lacey had refused our first dance as husband and wife until everyone was accounted for. When I saw our family and Tar reenter the ballroom, relief filled me. “See there, sweetness. Everyone is fine.”

  Her brows shot up with a really? expression. She emphasized, “Then why does my sister look like she’s seen a ghost?”

  Keeley looked disheveled as if she and Tar had a little fun, but studying closer I saw it. Her bottom lip trembled and she was un
usually pale. “What the fuck?” I growled, marching over to where Tar stood. “Start explaining.”

  “Look, man,” his hand raking his hair, “something scared the shit out of her. But she ain’t givin’ up what it is.”

  “And the just fucked appearance?” I ground out through clenched teeth.

  “Is what it is.”

  “Motherfucker! How could you mess with a girl who’s been through so much?”

  “Hey, back the fuck up. First off, I happen to care for her far more than I want to. Plus, I am not the reason she’s frightened.”

  “You yankin’ my chain?”

  “Hell no.” He looked at me appalled.

  I went to join Lacey and Keeley. Lacey was rubbing her sister’s tiny shoulders as she spoke, “Kee, if you don’t tell me,” she looked over at me, “us, what has you so upset, we can’t help you.”

  Keeley glanced at me before she answered, “I’m fine. Just got a little freaked out is all. Now,” she put Lacey’s hand in mine, “go out there and dance as Mr. and Mrs. Strand.”

  Lacey shook her head. “We’re talking before I leave.”

  Keeley plastered a smile on her face. It was so fake she might as well have popped a porcelain mask in place. I eyed her carefully. She stepped behind us and pushed. Everyone around began encouraging with, “Dance. Dance. Dance.” I gave a sidelong glance at Lacey. “Shall we?”

  She beamed, “Yes.”

  I nodded to the DJ as he announced our first dance, sweeping Lacey into my arms while Bruno Mars sang “Just The Way You Are.” As we swayed, I serenaded my wife. Her soft look and tears in the corner of her eyes spoke nothing but love, and not just to my heart but also to my cock. As if it only responded to her. In fact, that was the absolute truth. I kissed her deeply as the song came to an end, wanting more than anything to find a quiet place to make love. Who the hell was I kidding? With all the anticipation that’d been building between us and the teasing we had done, our first time would be wild, passionate fucking. Her eyes widened as my dick made sure she knew it, too. With a sexy, “Soon,” she straightened her dress.


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