Home > Other > MINE FOR THE WEEK > Page 2

by Kelly, Erika

  Damn, that rang true. Just hearing the words relieved some of the pressure. His friend was right. He did need to go hard.

  Jake spun around. When he spotted Dixon at the bar, he waved him over.

  Dix gave a jerk of his chin in acknowledgment, then whispered in his companion’s ear before making his way to them. “What’s up?”

  “Our man here needs a little help selecting tonight’s entertainment.” Jake shoved his hands in his pockets and turned to the dance floor. “Who’s a good starter chick for a guy who’s been monogamous the last six years?”

  “Cut the shit.” Ryan had ended things with Emma over Christmas break. “I’ve been single for three months.”

  They ignored him, as Dixon checked out the dance floor. “You want someone like Emma? Blonde, skinny?”

  “I’ve been with other women besides Emma. We’ve broken up a lot over the last six years.”

  “Not the point. You always had Emma in the back of your mind. This time, you’re totally free.” Jake turned to him. “You are totally free, right?”


  “Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about.” Jake pointed to a curvy woman striding around the perimeter of the dance floor. “And see, the thing is, you can have fun with her tonight and not have to hang out with her tomorrow. She won’t want to.” His finger shifted to a woman who looked very much like Emma. Slender, long blonde hair, fragile. “Look at the way she’s eyein’ you, bro. Hungry little minx. I’ll bet she’s a tiger in the sack. What do you say? Feel like kickin’ back and lettin’ her do the work?”

  Jake had no idea how appealing that sounded. After six years on-and-off with the same woman, Ryan had had enough of the dead fish routine. He’d loved Emma, of course, but begging for sex? Never again.

  “That one.” Jake’s feral gaze landed on a sexy blonde with an hourglass figure, half-lidded eyes, and shiny red lipstick. “Now that’s my kind of woman.”

  Irritation whipped through him. He’d had enough. “Have at it, man.” He stalked off.

  With all this energy barreling through him, he needed to go for a long, hard run. The moment he headed out, he saw a dark-haired woman kneeling on a bar stool, surveying the area with a concerned expression. In her white shorts and pale pink tank top, she didn’t look anything like the other women in the bar. Her oversized white sweater drooped off one shoulder and didn’t cover the ample breasts straining against the top. Her round ass stretched the cotton of her shorts, and when she licked her pink lips, biting down on the bottom one, a jolt of energy blasted through him.


  He got the rules of this place now, understood no one came here for conversation. That suited him just fine.

  Bailing on his team might’ve cost him a shot with the scouts. Bailing on his ex might cost him his lifelong relationship with her family—and her dad was practically a father to him. Even he could see that, for the first time in his life, he wasn’t making the smartest decisions. But just then?

  This woman with her rosy complexion, sexy as fuck mouth, and body so ripe he wanted to sink his teeth into her ass? He knew exactly what he wanted.

  With every step he took toward her, his heart beat faster. When he reached her, electricity flashed across his skin. She was beautiful and undoubtedly the sexiest woman he’d ever seen.

  It went against his nature to be so blunt, but what the hell. He’d play by the resort rules. He stroked a finger down her thigh.

  She jerked, looking down at him. “What the hell?”

  Holding her fiery gaze, his breath froze in his lungs. “I want you.” And, oh, man, did he want her.

  “Excuse me?”

  Not exactly the reaction he’d expected. A little outside my comfort zone here. But he wouldn’t give up. “You. I want you.”

  “Are you high?” She let out a huff of breath, yanking the sweater back up her shoulder. “Wow. That was super classy.” Confusion turned to humor. “Yeah, for sure. Let me just shuck off my clothes and we can do it right here. Or did you want to drag me by my hair to the nearest cabana?”

  Yes. But the outrage in her eyes doused his lust, leaving him flustered and uncomfortable. “Take it easy. I didn’t mean…” He shook his head. “What a night.”

  She laughed. “Well, if that’s been your approach, no wonder your night’s not going so well. Little tip for ya? Start off with a simple hello. Then maybe offer to buy a girl a drink. Jeez.”

  Ryan tipped his head back and dragged a hand through his hair. What the hell was he doing here? He’d rather be sitting alone in his room working on code than trying to navigate the waters of an exclusive singles resort.

  “Fuck it. Never mind.” He struck off, thinking he’d check with the concierge for a good running route. But he didn’t get more than a few feet before he realized he’d been a jerk. He turned back to apologize and found her climbing off the stool, her round ass hoisted high, her leg reaching for the floor. He took her arm, helping her.

  Once she had her footing, she looked up at him. “Thank you.”

  Her long, dark hair gleamed in the yellow lights, and her blue eyes were lit with intelligence and an irresistible spark. And he felt like a total ass for treating her the way he had. “Look, I’m sorry for touching you. I don’t…I’m not like that.” He let out a breath and scratched the scruff on his chin. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  Her good humor seemed to fade. “Three things. I don’t drink, I have zero interest in a one-night stand, and I really need to find my friend right now.” Her phone clattered to the wood floor, and they both crouched at the same time to retrieve it. When she leaned forward, her breasts plumped in the top, and a surge of lust rushed him so hard his dick pressed uncomfortably against the buttons of his jeans.

  He handed her the phone, his whole world narrowing to this woman who smelled like vanilla and flowers and looked so luscious he wanted to do filthy things to her.

  She gave him a distracted, “Thank you,” before touching the screen of her phone as she stood.

  Following her out of the bar, he couldn’t help catching her conversation. “Hey. I don’t see Laura anywhere, and she’s not answering her phone.” She paused. “I said I can’t find Laura.” She was nearly shouting now. “I know, but she’s got my wallet.” Another pause. “I handed her my bag when we got off the boat so I could take some pictures. Anyhow, I’ll go to the front desk and see if they’ll loan me some cash, but then I’ll jump in a taxi and come get you. Are you going to be all right until I get there?”

  They were both headed to the lobby, so he couldn’t miss the way her shoulders hunched and her arm wrapped across her stomach. “God, Kat. I can’t believe this. Can you talk to the bartender? Is there someone there you can trust? Yeah, yeah, okay, don’t worry. Let me get some money, and then I’m on my way.”

  Ryan stepped up to her. “What do you need?”

  She lowered the phone from her mouth. “I’m seriously not interested. I mean, at all.” Striding down the stone walkway, she continued her conversation. “You sure you don’t want to call the police?”

  “I’m not trying to hit on you. You obviously need help.” But she ignored him. Well, Christ. When did he become the creep a girl had to get away from?

  All right, enough. Time to put an end to this day. Screw the concierge. He’d head up to his room and change into gym shorts.

  “Kat, I am hurrying. But I need cash for a cab, and I think town’s at least twenty minutes away.”

  They’d reached the door to the lobby, so he held it open. Blocking her way, he pulled out his wallet, yanked out some bills, and thrust them at her.

  She stopped, gazing up at him as though trying to figure out his motives. “Hang on a second,” she said into the phone. “Are you sure? I mean, why are you doing this?”

  “I’m paying for sex. How much will this get me?”

  When her jaw dropped and her eyes went round, he gave her a disbelieving look. Really? She thought he was capable of that
? “You need some cash. I’m happy to give you some.”

  “Kat? I’m good. I got it, so I’m on my way.” She started to lower the phone, but then jerked the phone back to her ear. “Wait, Kat? Listen. Stay in the bathroom until I get there. Promise me you’ll lock yourself in a stall. Okay, see you.” She took the money. “I don’t know what to make of you, but I need this, so, thank you. I’ll pay you back tomorrow.”

  Ryan shoved his wallet back in his pocket. “Not necessary.” He stepped aside, letting her go through the doors. She breezed past, leaving him in a cloud of her sweet scent.

  He followed behind her. “Is your friend all right? I heard you talking.”

  “She went into town with some guy she met here.” She glanced at him over her shoulder, as she headed across the wide-planked wood floor of the vast lobby. “He dumped her for someone else, and now she’s stuck in a really scary bar. You know it’s DJ week on the island, right? So the town’s jammed with people, everyone partying like it’s the end of the world, and she’s scared to death.”

  “Is she in danger?”

  “A bunch of drunken idiots had her backed against a wall. She managed to run into the bathroom, but she’s afraid to come out. She can hear them outside the door.”

  “Do you need me to come with you?”


  Why did she still look like she couldn’t trust him? Him, for Christ’s sake.

  Right. Because he’d touched her. Told her he wanted her. Had he really done that? He was more fucked up than he realized. “Do you have a plan for how you’re going to help your friend against those guys?”

  Her features fell. “I didn’t really think about it, but no, I guess not.”

  “Then I’ll go with you.”

  “I don’t have time to argue, and I really could use the help of those nice muscles you’ve got there, so I’m not going to argue if you want to come.” She strode forward, heading outside.

  “I’ll get a cab.” As he made his way to the valet station, he thought about all those women in the bar down to party with him right then. He could be pounding babes and brews, just like his friends.

  Instead, he was heading into town with the one woman at the resort who had no interest in him.


  Five minutes later, they were on the road.

  “Thank you for doing this. I’m Sophie Valentine, by the way.”

  “Ryan O’Donnell.” He couldn’t believe he’d come onto her the way he had. When he rubbed the scruff on his chin, he remembered what he looked like. Over the past three months, he’d let himself go. Let his hair grow out. He’d even grown chin whiskers. He was so used to being clean-cut he forgot he might look a little sketchy.

  He wished like hell he’d gone with his own instincts tonight instead of being so forward. “Sophie, listen, I’m sorry for hitting on you like that.”

  “Yeah, what was that all about?”

  He blew out a breath. “I don’t know. Everyone keeps telling me how this place works, so I went along with it. I thought…” He shrugged.

  “What do you mean how this place works? It’s a resort on Santa Grenada. The rules of civility don’t apply?”

  “You do know what kind of resort this is, right?”

  She leaned back in her seat, looking a little uncomfortable. “I mean, it’s a singles resort. I get that. But you don’t just touch a woman’s leg. That’s kind of skeezy, right?”

  They’d reached the end of the golf course. Ryan watched out the window as the driver turned onto the dark road toward town. “Yeah, it’s skeezy. I’m not usually like that. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” She reached for her phone. “I’m going to check in with my friend.” Her thumb pressed the key pad. “Hey, how’s it going?” The large sweater slid off her shoulder, but she didn’t seem to notice as she wound a strand of dark hair around a finger. “I know I don’t have to, but I’m worried about you. If you don’t want me to keep calling, then send me a text every few minutes, so I know you’re okay. I’m kind of freaking out here.” She shot a look his way and gave him a soft smile. “But I’m bringing muscle, so it should be all right.” And then she made a face and rolled her eyes. “Actually, yeah, I think he’s exactly your type.”

  Pawning him off on another woman pissed him off, so he looked away and pulled out his phone. Time to listen to Coach’s message. But before he could punch the button, a text came in. Emma.

  He didn’t want to deal with his ex.

  Thinking about coming to see u. Been too long and I miss u.

  Breaking up with someone he’d known since they were kids hadn’t been easy, especially because he’d meant it this time. So, to keep things pleasant, he’d told her they could stay friends. It wasn’t like he could cut her off. Not entirely. Her dad—his old Little League coach—meant a lot to him. Always would.

  But damn. Flying in from Europe to see him? She knew he was in the middle of his season. Then again, she’d skipped college to take advantage of modeling contracts, so she’d never been in touch with college schedules.

  “She’s okay.” Sophie pulled the sweater up over her shoulder and set the phone on her bare thigh. “She’ll text to let me know how it’s going.”

  He nodded, but his mind was on Emma. He suspected she didn’t believe they were really over. They’d always gotten back together before, so her text probably launched her latest reunion plan.

  But he didn’t want her to even consider coming to see him. If they happened to be in town at the same time, that would be fine. But she needed to know the days when she could visit him at school were over.

  He texted back. Not a good idea. Sorry.

  “You okay?” Sophie’s soft voice brushed across his skin like a feather, making it erupt in chill bumps.

  He looked up. “Yeah, sure.” He didn’t want to deal with Emma just then, so he set his phone aside. “So what brings you to Isla de los Amantes?”

  “Are you saying I don’t look like the type who’d spend a week at a playground for rich twenty-somethings where anything goes?”

  He grinned. “My ego’s already taken a hit tonight. I’ll pass on answering that one.”

  She gave him a blisteringly sexy smile. “Actually, I’m a last minute addition to my friends’ spring break plans. Kat’s the one who booked the trip.”

  “So it’s Kat who wants to get funky?”

  “Well, you’ll have to ask her that, but I’m pretty sure that’s not quite what she came here for. But she’s great. You’ll love her. She’s beautiful and fun. You’ll see.”


  She looked up abruptly.

  He must’ve sounded harsher than he’d intended. “Don’t hook me up with your friend, okay?

  Her lips parted softly, as she watched him, as though trying to figure out what he really meant. Good. He’d tell her. “I’m not a player. Never have been. Do me a favor and forget how we first met, okay?”

  “Okay.” Her phone buzzed, and she checked it.

  Which gave him a chance to check his. Another text from Emma, dammit.

  Are you mad at me? We’ve barely talked. I want to see you, ok?

  Hell. For five minutes there, he’d actually forgotten about his troubles.

  Sophie reached across the seat for him, her hand stopping just short of contact. “She says two women just came in fighting over which one gets stuck with the short guy. One of the girls says she’s tired of always winding up with the fugly one.” Her smile lit up the cab and sent a rush of warmth through him.

  And then it struck him. He’d come for a break. He needed this break. So what the hell was he doing checking his phone, letting his real life intrude?

  If he didn’t take advantage of his time here, he’d go back to school as messed up as when he’d left. And then lying to his coach and teammates would have been for nothing.

  He sent Emma a final text. Not possible to see you this week. Won’t be checking my phone much either. Talk

  Done. No more dealing with his ex till he got back to school.

  Holding his finger down on the volume button, he silenced it. “So. Last minute addition? Your other plans fell through?”

  The prettiest pink flared across her cheeks, and she looked away. “No, I got some really weird news and I just…I wanted to get out of town. And I’ve always wanted to come to Santa Grenada. There’s so much to do here.”

  “Yeah? Like what?”

  “Oh, this island’s amazing. Did you know it has an active volcano?”

  He shook his head. He knew nothing about it.

  “And the resort’s about twelve miles away from some great surfing. Well, depending on the season. So, I’ma get me some of that.”

  “Some surfing? Or surfers?”

  “Please. I’m from LA. I got surfers on speed dial.”

  “Okay. And the weird news? Does it involve a surfer?”

  “Oh.” Anger drew her brows in. She waved a hand dismissively. “Not at all.”

  He waited for more, but she just said, “Long story.”

  He settled back in his seat and glanced pointedly out the window. Moonlight lent the forested landscape an eerie, ominous feel. No houses or streetlamps meant they were still miles outside of town.

  She laughed. “Yeah, okay. What the hell, you’re just a…”

  He tensed. “What? A jock?” He didn’t know why it mattered what she thought of him.

  She waved a hand at him. “Oh, come on. I don’t even know you.” But her gaze lowered to his biceps. “You’re a jock?”

  “I play baseball for Michigan.”


  “So what, then? A skeez?”

  She smiled. “No, I was just going to say you’re someone I’ll never see again, but that seemed rude, so I didn’t say it.”

  “You’re right. We’ll never see each other again. So, go on.”

  “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”

  God, she was cute. “You didn’t.”

  “I know I did.”


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