Home > Other > MINE FOR THE WEEK > Page 10

by Kelly, Erika

  “You got it?” She glanced at him, licking water droplets off her lips. This woman was hot. Where Carrie came on too strong, this one was pure sex. The way she moved, the look in her eyes. She had a great attitude, she was comfortable with her body, and she was obviously down to have a good time.

  Lifting her wet hair, he pushed it over her shoulder and tied a bow at the back of her neck. Just as he grabbed the bottom ties the woman held out to him, he caught sight of a guy in board shorts wheeling a cart of surfboards toward a large shed. A group of people followed behind, everyone in swimsuits and wet hair.

  Sophie. Electricity sparked in his chest. In her red bikini, she laughed with the others.

  Ryan’s hands stilled on the woman’s back.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yep.” But he fumbled with the skinny ties.

  The woman shifted around to face him. “Your hands are probably too big.” Swiftly, she reached behind her and tied it herself. “There’s nothing sexier to a woman than big hands. You know that, right? We love it.”

  But he barely heard her. One of the guys got Sophie in a playful headlock. Her good humor flattened, and she tore herself away from him. And then the guy grabbed her. Smooth. Chicks dig headlocks. Sophie struggled out of his arms. Ryan may not know her well, but he recognized a woman who wasn’t amused.

  “That your girl?”

  He tore his attention away from Sophie. “What? No. I don’t have a girl.”

  “Well, I’m going to grab myself a gin and tonic. See you around?” She got up, just as the guy hoisted Sophie over his shoulder. Twisting, Sophie tossed her phone onto the nearest empty chaise, as her body went sailing into the pool. The asshole who tossed her just stood there laughing.

  Ryan got to his feet, ready to dive in after her, but a woman cut into his path. Toned and tall, she put her hands on her hips.

  “Ryan, right?”

  He didn’t have time to deal with her, so he stepped around her. “Excuse me—”

  “Hold on.” She nodded to the pool, where Sophie stroked to the shallow end. “I’m Laura, and that’s one of my best friends.”

  Ryan grew uncomfortable at the way she looked at him. “Okay.”

  “She’s about the nicest person you’ll ever meet. Did you know that the week after next, the mayor of Beverly Hills is honoring her at a dinner? Her mom may have hosted a lot of dinners and raised money, but Sophie’s not like that. She doesn’t just give money. She gets her hands dirty, figures out solutions, and organizes the community to actually give personal time to projects.”

  “Okay.” He didn’t need to hear about how great Sophie was. He already knew that.

  “My point is that she’s not like other people.” She gestured to the people around them, everyone flirting and looking for hookups. “She doesn’t play games, and she’ll give you the clothes off her back. So, unless you’re actually interested in her, leave her alone.”

  “I’m helping her out of the pool.”

  “She can get herself out of the pool, and I think you know that.”

  He really didn’t need this shit. He cut sideways, but she blocked him again. “I’m getting her a towel.”

  “No, you’re not. And because I can see how much you want to help her, I’m going to share a little secret with you. Her family treats her like the neighborhood babysitter. Her ex put his ‘career’ before her. The last thing she needs is some guy using her for booty calls. What she needs is someone who puts her first. You up for that?”

  He didn’t bother answering her, just reached around her for a towel. Of course he wasn’t up for that. He’d just met her.

  “You’ve got an entire resort full of booty calls. Stay away from Sophie.” She pulled it out of his hands. “I’m not trying to be a bitch. I’m just looking out for her.”

  As pissed as he was, he recognized the truth in what she’d said. So he gave a curt nod, found a shaded area by the outdoor showers, and dialed his coach.

  “You pull your head out of your ass?” Coach asked.

  In the background, Ryan could hear the crack of a ball hitting a metal bat, followed by clapping and some shouts. And the thing was, Ryan didn’t miss it. At all. Nothing in him stirred to be on that diamond with his teammates. “No, sir.”

  “Goddammit, Ryan. You gotta get this thing back on track. You understand that, right? We’ve come too far for you to fuck up now. Look, I’m going to have Marjorie buy you that plane ticket. I’ll pick you up myself at the airport. I already talked to your dad. He’s coming out here. We’ll coordinate flights.”

  He wrapped a hand around the back of his sweaty, hot neck. “Coach.”

  “If you’re drinking, stop right now. We’ll give you a little exercise first thing in the morning.”

  His fingers dug into the muscles. “Coach.” He said it more forcefully.

  “Get you warmed up. It’ll be all right. We’ll pull out of this. But, listen, I haven’t talked to the guys yet. I don’t want them to know their captain fucked off at a time like this. You’re the leader, Ryan. You get back here tonight, it’ll be like nothing happened.”

  “Coach.” He’d never raised his voice to his coach before. But plans were being made. Airports and pickups. His dad was involved. Jesus, his heart hammered, and his palms went damp. He felt like he was in a speeding car and couldn’t find the brake. “Let me talk. I came here because I was having panic attacks on the field. I owe you a lot. I do. You’re a great coach. And I lied to you because…” Fuck. “Because I need time away from it. I have to have this break.”

  “Panic attacks?”

  “Yeah.” Shame burned a hole in his gut. “This feeling’s been building, and it’s only getting stronger. I get that the timing sucks. I get that I’m letting down you and my dad and my teammates, and I’m sorry for the way I’m doing it. But I’m not coming back right now. I’m sorry about the scouts. I am. Believe me, I know what you’ve done for me. And I’m grateful.”

  “Don’t be grateful, boy. Just get your ass on a plane and play some damn ball. Now is not the time for you to have a breakdown.”

  “I’m not having a breakdown. I’m not on drugs. I’m not drinking. And it’s not about a girl.” And then he calmed down and said the words slowly so his coach understood he meant them. “I just need a break.”

  “Okay, okay.” His coach paused. “Okay. The most important thing is getting your head on straight. I can’t tell you I’m not pissed. Just…take a day or two, okay? How about that? Two days, and then I’ll expect you back here. You’ll make it for the last game.” His coach cut the connection.

  Ryan stood there, his skin cooling, the noise in his head quieting. Leaning against the shelter of the outdoor shower, he took in the pool area—the half-naked bodies, booze, laughter…and couldn’t work up a damn bit of interest in participating.

  So what did he want?


  After dinner, Ryan and his friends headed back to the outdoor bar. He’d meant to find the woman from the pool that afternoon, the one who’d lost her bikini top, but he kept forgetting to look for her.

  Because…Sophie. A couple hours ago she’d taken off with her surfing group—which included that same asshole who’d tossed her into the pool. Ryan had only noticed her leaving because of the red dress. Who wouldn’t have noticed a curvy woman in a red halter dress, her long, dark hair a tumble of waves down her back?

  The dress flared around her hips, accentuating her waist and…damn did it work with her hourglass figure. From her apple cheeks to her round ass, Sophie Valentine was sexy as fuck.

  He had—what? Forty-eight hours before he had to head back to Florida. So what was he doing watching the pathway, waiting for Sophie to come back from her night out, when he had a resort full of women who wanted to party?

  Exactly. He pushed his chair back. He’d find the topless woman from earlier. Just as he left the table a beautiful woman brushed past him. “Hey.” She gave him a sultry smile. “You
heading over?” She gestured toward the crowded bar.


  “Awesome. Want to grab me a chocolate martini?”

  “You got it.” As he pushed his way through the crush, he saw a flash of red. And, just like that, he lit up like a firecracker. His body tensed with anticipation, and he scanned the faces of the group coming out of the lobby. He recognized some of the people she’d gone surfing with that afternoon.

  They headed up the walkway, approaching the bar, but he didn’t see Sophie among them. She’d probably gone straight to her room. No, wait. Tonight was that music festival in town.

  “Everything all right?” the woman beside him asked.

  “Sure.” But his attention was on Sophie’s friends. They wouldn’t have left her behind, would they? His body fired up at the idea of her alone in town in that red dress.

  “Excuse me,” he said to the woman, as he wove through the crowd. Out on the path, he met up with the group. “Hey. Did Sophie come back with you guys?”

  One of the women gave him a slow look from his boat shoes to his mouth before answering the question. “She stayed in town.”

  “Is she with anybody?”

  “What’s up, man?” the guy who’d thrown her into the pool asked.

  “He wants to know where Sophie is,” the woman said.

  The guy smiled. “Oh, yeah. She’s at the festival.”

  Careless asshole. He’d left her alone in town. “Who’s she with?”

  “She’s not with anybody. Why? What’s the problem?” He seemed genuinely curious. Like he didn’t have a clue how dangerous it would be for a woman alone in that rough crowd.

  “Tonight’s the festival, and you just left her alone?”

  Now the guy just looked annoyed. “She wanted to see it. What’s it to you?”

  “She shouldn’t be at that concert by herself.”

  “You’re right about that,” the woman said. “That’s why we left. It’s in the town square, and it’s mobbed.”

  The guy stepped forward. “We tried to get her to come back with us, but she didn’t want to. I don’t get what your problem is. We’re not her keepers.”

  “My problem, asshole, is you shouldn’t have left her there by herself.” Ryan shouldered past him and took off. He hated to think of her all alone. Pulling his phone out, he called her.

  She answered right away. “Ryan? Hello?”

  He could barely hear her over the loud music. So he ended the call and texted her instead.

  Where are you? He headed into the lobby.

  She responded right away. In town.

  Are you okay?

  Of course. Why?

  You alone? At the valet desk outside, he motioned for a cab. The guy nodded and picked up a phone.

  Not exactly.

  What the hell did that mean? Your friends said you were alone.

  You talked to my surfing buddies?

  Soph. You alone or not?

  I’m with a couple thousand people. Why???

  Looking up from the phone, he asked the valet, “How long before the cab gets here?”

  The guy tilted his head toward the long driveway, and Ryan caught headlights approaching. Be there in twenty.

  You’re coming to the festival?

  I’m coming for you.

  Ryan, I’m perfectly fine.

  Don’t want you alone.

  The cab pulled under the portico, and Ryan handed a folded bill to the valet. “Thank you.”

  As they drove off, Ryan checked his phone. Nothing more from Sophie. Tell me where you are exactly.

  No response. With every minute that went by, his impatience grew.

  Answer me, Soph.

  Nothing. He shifted in the uncomfortable seat. How come he could feel his skin? He started to perspire, and his shirt felt too tight. And why the hell was this driver being overly cautious? The roads were empty. He didn’t have to drive like he was transporting a truck full of bottles.

  He texted her again. I’m almost there.

  His phone buzzed. Ryan, I’m fine. So unless you’re dying to hear electronic music don’t come!

  Coming. Need to know exactly where you are.

  She sent him an emoticon of a smiley face sticking its tongue out.

  Cute. Jamming the phone into his pocket, he watched out the window, waiting for the first sign that they were nearing the town.

  What was taking so long?

  Just like the night before, the moment traffic slowed to a crawl, Ryan paid the driver and jumped out of the cab. Electronic music throbbed in the air, and a steady stream of people flowed in the direction of the town square.

  Once the stage came into view, he got his bearings. People around him thrashed and banged into each other like it was one giant mosh pit.

  Sophie had sent a text about five minutes ago, letting him know where she was, so he stopped to reread it.

  On San Gabriel, across the street from Hotel Abac, in the park. Standing right behind a bench.

  Ryan pushed his way through the throng. The deeper in he got, the more worried he became. The square was jammed with people. Bodies pressed, slammed, and undulated together.

  Imagining her alone in this crazy crowd, her curvy body in that red dress, got his blood pumping. If anyone touched her…He pushed through, trying to read the storefronts and finally spotted Hotel Abac.

  Thank Christ. I’m here. Wave or something.

  Waving. Crowd’s insane.

  His nerves fired up, and if he didn’t get to her soon, he’d start dropping bodies. Where the hell was she?

  At the corner of San Gabriel and Monuments Boulevard, he stood on the base of a streetlamp to give him extra height. Every spot of red spiked his pulse.

  A fluttering white scarf caught his attention, and once he saw it led to a red dress, he took off, shouldering people aside to get to her.

  Finally, she was within his reach. He grabbed her hips from behind and hauled her up against him, immediately surrounded by her sweet, floral scent. She gasped, whipping around with fear in her eyes. But then she saw him, and happiness bloomed across her features. Her mouth moved, but he couldn’t hear a thing she said. Turning in his arms, she wrapped a hand around his neck and lifted up on her toes to bring her mouth to his ear. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  He didn’t know if she meant to, but her nose nuzzled his neck. Desire kicked him hard. He lowered his face into her hair, breathing her in, painfully aware of her breasts pressing against his chest through the cotton of his Polo shirt and her hand on his neck, holding him close.

  Desire streamed through him in a fierce, hot wave, making him so hard he pushed himself against her stomach to relieve the throbbing pressure. He felt a shudder run through her body, and then she looked up at him. She was so beautiful, and that mouth, so lush, so pink, was right there. Her expression turned heated, mirroring the same crazy need burning through him.

  He kissed her. And the moment he pressed his mouth to hers, she squirmed against him, returning his kiss with equal fervor.

  She made him hot and wild. His tongue licked into her mouth, his hands slid down the bare skin of her back to cup her perfect ass. Fuck, he’d missed her. He didn’t understand it—he certainly didn’t want to feel this way—but he was powerless to stop it.

  Bodies knocked into him, causing him to tighten his hold. He kissed her more deeply, needing more of the slick heat of her mouth, the slow, seductive tangle of her tongue.

  She grabbed a fistful of hair at the back of his neck. Her hips pushed up hard against him, and the kiss turned voracious.

  Fucking hell. Too much need and want and desire. He was losing his mind. He wanted her naked in a bed, her body completely bared to him. He wanted to touch and kiss her everywhere. When she reached between them and stroked his dick, when she clasped it through his shorts and squeezed, he about jumped out of his skin.

  Need had a grip so tight on him he had a hard time taking a full breath. They had to stop
or he’d take her right there, in front of everyone.

  Jesus Christ. Grabbing her hips, he turned her away from him so he could get a hold of himself. But it was impossible when her scent clung to him, when her hips shifted restlessly over his painfully hard cock. She leaned back against his chest, and it thrust those gorgeous breasts out. He’d never seen anything hotter than the view into the silky V-neck of her dress to the lush mounds of her cleavage.

  With a hand low on her stomach, he held her firmly to him. The crowd jostled him, and he caught an elbow to his ribs and an unintentional hip-chuck, but nothing distracted him from the warm, luscious body in his arms.

  As her hips swayed to the beat, her breasts undulated in the silky top. He wanted to slide his cock into the deep valley of her cleavage.

  He scanned the people around him, everyone dancing and singing, lost in the ecstasy of the music. Not a single person paid attention to them. So he reached into her dress and filled his palm with her plump breast. Lust pounded in his veins and roared down his spine. Arranging the scarf—wrap, whatever she called it—around her shoulders, so no one could see, he caressed all that smooth, supple flesh. Her back arched, her ass swaying over his hard dick, and she moved sinuously against him. Oh, Jesus, she felt so good.

  The look she gave him, eyes glazed, mouth opened softly, pleaded for more. So, he cupped her chin, tilted her head, and kissed her. Jesus, he couldn’t get enough of her. He squeezed her breast harder, pinched her nipple. Her other arm went around to his ass and pulled him to her. She made him wild.

  Out of his mind with need, he lifted the back of her dress and cupped between her legs. The wetness sent a spike of electricity through his limbs. He pushed aside the thin lace of her panties and slid a finger into her tight, slick heat. Her body shuddered, and her hips rocked in rhythm with his easy thrusts.

  She felt so good, all honeyed heat, quivering breasts, and that round ass moving assertively over him. With a hand on her stomach, he held her tightly as he pumped, adding another finger and working hard to keep as still as possible.


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