The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3)

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The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3) Page 10

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “Babe, what’s going on? Tell me. I can see that you're hurting, and not just because of what Mike did. There’s something else and I have pretty good guess it’s because of what we did.”

  Her tears began again. Yeah, I got it right. I hit a nerve. It was because we slept together. Admittedly, I can’t say it didn’t hurt. I knew what we did was wrong, but I would never say it was a mistake. I don’t regret being with her. I regret the timing and the fallout, but I’ll never regret making love to her.

  “Tommy, I don’t know how to begin.” She paused, and took a deep breath and started again.

  “When I found out Michael was supposedly sleeping around, I went numb. Although he still won’t admit to it, he did say he was sorry for everything. He won’t say who the person or persons were that he had been with. He just said he connected with others mainly because of me and my actions, or should I say my reactions to everything in our life. I knew we weren’t perfect. All couples have problems, but I thought we were good together. We grew up together. We had dated on and off for years and then finally we said to each other that enough was enough. We were either going to make it official or we were going to go our separate ways.” She explained.

  “Wait, you're telling me that you guys decided to get married because the alternative was to separate. Do you realize how bad that sounds?” I was shocked. I thought they had gotten engaged because they had been together for so long and were so happy with each other that marriage was the most natural next step for them. This is a revelation for me.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m telling you. I know it sounds horrible. Even when I say it out loud, I cringe at what we both allowed to happen in our relationship. Sure, Michael cheated, at least it seems like he slept with others, but most of the other drama in our life together was due to me. I really had time to think and I realized what a bitch I could be. I’m surprised that Michael put up with me for that long.” She lowered her head and stared at her hands, which were fiddling with one of her lipstick tubes she had picked up from the floor.

  “Shit! Raven! Do you even hear what you're saying? You're blaming your personality for Mike’s infidelity? Plus, you're not really sure if he actually slept with anyone or who that someone might be if he did, but you're blaming yourself? You can’t mean that?”

  “Oh, but I do. Listen, Tommy, I have made just as many mistakes as Michael. He wasn’t the only one to sleep with someone else. I slept with you and what’s worse is that you're his brother. I hurt him terribly and I just hope he will forgive me.”

  “What…you want Mike to forgive you? Are you fucking insane?” I was livid. My brother needed to take responsibility for his actions whether he slept around or not. Sure, I slept with Raven, and it was completely wrong and unfair to him. I knew that and it was my responsibility to own it, which I did, but he was no angel in this situation either and he needed to own that, as well.

  “Tommy, calm down. I’ve thought long and hard about this. That’s one of the reasons why I didn’t give you any resistance about coming down here. If I stayed in the city, I would be alone my thoughts to rethink this over and over again. The walls were closing in on me. I miss him, Tommy. If there’s a chance we can work it out, then I have to take it. Please, understand Tommy, please.” She begged me to see her side,but I thought this whole thing was nuts. I heard what she said to Rain on the phone yesterday.

  Raven said she had to leave the townhouse because her feelings for me were growing, but she didn’t want to pursue it, thinking she would hurt me in the end. I never thought she would say that she was going to try again with Mike.

  Mike and Raven weren’t even on solid ground long before their current issues and yet, she wanted to work it out and try again. Regardless of what went on between Raven and me, I felt the two of them trying again was a big mistake. Mike was different. He had somehow changed over the past year or so. I didn’t know what changed Mike, but I had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t because of Raven’s wedding tantrums. There was much more to my brother’s new personality and what was driving him lately than meets the eye, and I intended to find out what it was.

  I couldn’t tell Raven of my plans to further investigate Mike, but I could tell my partner in crime. The one person who I could always count on…Rain.

  “Tommy, I know this may sound crazy to you, but you’re a single man and you haven't had a serious relationship for as long as I can remember, so you wouldn’t understand. I can’t just walk away from everything that easily. I thought I could, but I realized I was making decisions based on anger. I can’t just throw it all away. I have to try.”

  “I get it. I don’t agree with it, but I get it. Does Mike know about this? I mean does he know about your feelings and what your plans are?”

  “No, as you know I came down here with you to be with Rain and speak with her about it while I rested and got my health back in order.”

  “So what did she say?” I asked.

  “She said I needed to think about what I was doing. She didn’t agree with me. She felt like you, but she said it was my decision and that she wanted me to come upstairs and talk with you.”

  “I see.”

  “I’m sorry, Tommy. I know you're angry with me. I don’t blame you, but I have to try to work things out with your brother. I can’t have a whole lot of ‘what ifs’ in my future. I need to do this and if it works out, great, and if not, then I will have no regrets, no unfinished business. I hope we can still talk and that we can still be friends. Believe me, I know I’m asking a lot of you, but I would hate to think that you won’t be in my life anymore.” Raven’s tears were evident, again.

  It hurt to see her like this. Sure, I should have been pissed and who knows, I may go home and find that when the dust settles I am angrier than I feel at the moment. But right now all I feel is sorry for her. I feel as Rain does, that Raven hasn’t felt regret yet, but she will. I believe the decision she is making now will bite her in the ass one day. All in all, it’s her decision to make and I know from past experience there is no stopping her. She’ll just have to learn for herself.

  I also can’t place any more guilt or stress on her. I heard clearly what the doctor told her and if she is not going to follow his orders on her own, then the rest of us needed to jump in to take the wheel, and steer her in the right direction. My first decision was to let Raven do what she needed to do. If I pressured her it would only complicate things and possibly put her health in serious danger. I couldn’t live with myself if I added to her issues. I decided to be a mindful observer, but if she appeared to be taking too many risks with her health, then I would definitely jump in and stop her.

  “Raven, I told you that you can come to me when you feel hurt or sad or whatever. I made you promise and I’m going to hold you to it. I hope for your sake you know what you’re doing, but I’ll be around when and if you need me.” I went to her, extended my hand and pulled her to me. I held her for a bit longer to reassure her that I would always be there for her, if she needed me.

  “Thank you, Tommy.” She said, as she held me tight.

  “You’re welcome, babe. Now, let’s go downstairs, so we can have breakfast with your sister and Kane, put this behind us and just enjoy this day with your family.” I gave her a small smile and put one arm around her shoulders, so she would know it was all good between us.

  Chapter Ten

  A Moment Alone


  Tommy and Raven came downstairs just as Dominick walked through the front door with breakfast and a huge bouquet of white roses. I knew who the roses were for. I loved him so much. No matter where he went, he always managed to bring me home white roses.

  Dominick and Tommy watch the twins, while Raven and I set all of the food out buffet-style on the kitchen island. We walked back into the living room to see how the boys were getting along and to let them know breakfast was served. Well, serve yourself was more like it.

  Just as we were about to go eat, Raven did a compl
ete 360-turnaround and decided she wanted to go for a walk on the beach. She said she knew she wasn’t able to go for a run, so she just wanted to take a walk and clear her head. We all looked at each other, but said nothing. Then I had an idea.

  “Dominick, you're dressed for your run. Why don’t you go with Raven for a walk instead and I’ll have Tommy help me pack up the breakfast and get the twins ready for the beach? Then we’ll meet you out by the water when you're both done?” I hoped he was amenable and for once in his life said yes.

  “Raven, is it okay if I go for a walk with you? This will give us time to discuss your cases and possibly map out a better at-home schedule that your doctor will approve of.” Dominick directed his question to my sister.

  “Sure, that would be great. I guess we’ll see you guys later.” Raven looked in the direction of Tommy and me.

  Dominick kissed me and off they went.

  “So baby, what was that all about?” Tommy smiled.

  “That was about you and I discussing what went on upstairs, without interruptions.” I smiled back.

  “Well, I have to admit it ended much differently than it started.”

  I curiously chuckled. “What do you mean?”

  “I got out of the shower and found Raven in my room making herself at home. She gave me some lame excuse about why she came in unannounced. Before we knew it, she started to cry and I was consoling…”

  Rain interrupted me. “Really?” I sounded devilish.

  “Hang on, Rain. It didn’t end as you would imagine.”

  “Oh, I think it did.” I seemed pretty sure in my statement.

  “Okay, smart ass, how did it end?” Tommy called me out on it.

  “She’s going to give Mike another chance and she believes that the two of them are going to live happily ever after. Am I warm, baby?” I teased.

  “Rain, you're more than warm. You are red hot.” Tommy walked over to the patio doors and looked off into the distance.

  I could his sense frustration. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him, while resting my chin on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Tommy. I hope you know I appreciate that you are there for her. I know how infuriating she can be. I just wish she would realize that she should never get back together with Mike.”

  “You don’t know the half of it.” Tommy stated.

  “What do you mean?” I was confused. He turned to face me and explain.

  “Raven said that they were having some sort of issues before they had announced their engagement.”

  “What kind of issues?”

  “She didn’t exactly elaborate. She just said that they felt that if they didn’t take it to the next level as a couple since they had been together for such a long time, then more than likely their relationship would have ended.” Tommy revealed.

  “So you're saying that they got engaged to fix what was already broken? I can’t believe it.” I was so upset and surprised at her. Why would she want to continue a charade of a relationship? It was all so strange.

  “Believe it, baby. They were hitting an extremely rough patch prior to all of their current shit. This is according to Raven. Mike never mentioned any of this to me, ever.”

  “Yeah, but Mike also never mentioned there were any problems, period. No one except those two knew exactly what went on in their relationship and I’m sure they both see it very differently than the other.”

  “I’m sure you're right, but it still doesn’t change anything. She is adamant about working things out with Mike. It’s almost like if she doesn’t, then she’s a failure. Maybe, that’s how it should be.”

  “Tommy, I’m so sorry. I told Raven this morning that I thought she was making a huge mistake. I didn’t tell her that she should start a new relationship with you or anyone else, this soon after Mike, but I did say that I didn’t think it was wise to start up with Mike again, not after everything that apparently went on. I know my sister. You think her drama was bad in the past? Now, every little thing will be questioned with Raven Medici’s famous dramatic emphasis.” I giggled, but seriously knew it was no joke. My sister was bound to analyze anything Mike did from this day forward.

  “Then, maybe it is for the best. You know I’m not one for drama, not Raven’s kind anyway. So maybe it’s best we didn’t explore the feelings that were going on between me and her when we slept together. I just hated to think that she is going to be disappointed by my brother again. He hasn't been himself lately and I don’t think it’s just because of his extracurricular activities.” Tommy’s words resonated a small amount of heartache, that wasn't good. Tommy then turned back towards the window to stare at the ocean in front of us.

  So being he was my best friend, I needed to get his mind off the issues at hand and redirect his focus on my dad’s accident investigation. I turned Tommy by his shoulders to face me.

  “I have an idea.” I stated.

  “Oh no, baby, when you have an idea, then I’m usually the one cleaning up the mess afterwards.” Tommy teased.

  “Listen, you’ll love it. You already promised to help me with the accident investigation and being much of this was about my dad and even possibly Dominick, then maybe some of what we undercover could also lead us to who Mike was sleeping with.” Tommy squinted and shook his head because he didn’t get it, so I explained it further. “We know Mike worked a lot during the time of my dad’s deliberate accident. Who better than to have an affair with than someone at the firm or someone like Mike, who is involved in the business of law. While we are snooping around for evidence in my dad’s case, let’s snoop a little further and see if anyone knows anything about Mike’s time away from home.”

  “Rain, it seems like a stretch to me, but I was going to ask you to help me get more info on what went on with my brother at Kane and Medici. Now I don’t have to ask. I see you are totally on board with this. Where should we start?”

  “First off, we have to wait until Dominick heads back to the city and you return from Bali. I spoke with Dominick and he said that he would bring Raven into work to go over a schedule and to transfer some of her cases, but he needed her in the office to do that. I think he planned on taking care of that the week you returned from your trip. If you can be back here the Tuesday before my party and Dominick takes Raven into the city with him that day, then that will give us at least eight hours without them. We should enlist Anna, Joseph, and Daniel for help, as well. We’re going to need them to keep Dominick occupied. Raven, I’m not worried about. She’ll be too busy in her own head trying to work things out with Mike to notice what we’re up to. Let’s not forget that she has to have some bedrest while she’s staying here anyway. If Mike decides he and Raven should work things out, then she won’t be staying here and he will have his hands full with Raven while they try to reconcile their feelings and possible begin something new. So, in that case,I don’t foresee any problems with him, either.”

  “You have this all figured out.” Tommy was impressed.

  “Not really, we need to just start from the beginning or even go back further. The past may uncover evidence of what led up to my dad being run down. We can take it step-by-step from there and hopefully, we will get the answers needed to out the red-haired woman.”

  “I’m with you all the way, baby. Let’s do this.” He smiled.

  I smiled back. “Let’s just hope it works and Dominick doesn’t find out or life as I know it will no longer be the same.”

  Tommy and I both laughed, but in reality, Dominick Kane’s wrath was no laughing matter. If I got caught meddling this time, even I won’t be immune to it. We had to be very careful, since I had a funny feeling that Dominick would keep a watchful, protective eye on me even when he wasn’t physically around. My dad was in agreement with Dominick, so I had to tread lightly around him too.

  Tommy and I agreed to say we would be staying down here to work on the book for the days leading up to the party and that he would help me with the decorations and the heavy stuff for that wee

  For now, Tommy and I packed up the twins and the breakfast and headed out to the beach to have an outdoor brunch ready when Dominick and Raven returned from their walk together.

  Chapter Eleven

  Unlikely Allies


  After what I had just put Tommy through, I decided a walk would help to clear my head and what better place to do that than along the shoreline on Long Beach Island? Well, that was before Rain decided I needed a babysitter, namely her husband, Dominick Kane. Now I was more annoyed than before. Yet, it was a gorgeous day and I hadn’t been out for a walk with anyone since Michael, so I decided to make the best of it. Who knows, maybe we could learn a little more about each other and come to a better place in our relationship as sister-in-law and brother-in law, but I highly doubted it.

  “You ready for this?” Dominick asked, as I was doing my traditional stretches.

  “Yeah, all set, but aren't you going to stretch?”


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