The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3)

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The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3) Page 18

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “Rain, I don’t care what she believes. What I care about is you.”

  “Then tell me, Dominick.” Rain’s voice grew small, almost as if she was preparing herself for the worst.

  “Rain, I don’t want to put you through this.”

  “Then don’t. Tell me what happened on the plane and what happened between you and her. I’m sure I won’t like it; I’ll probably hate it, but at least she won’t have any power over you. It will be out in the open and she won’t be able to hurt us anymore. The power that she thinks she has will ultimately be destroyed.”

  A grin formed briefly across my face. Rain was right. I was giving Madison more power than she deserved, considering she deserved nothing. Although, what I was about to tell Rain was probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to own up to, it was completely necessary.

  “Like I said before, she sat down once your dad left. She goaded me. She said that I was tense and that I was never tense around her. A statement that was a complete lie. She was rude and I told her I didn’t want her opinion and asked her to leave, but when she didn’t, I grabbed her throat.”

  “You what?! Are you crazy? She could have easily had you detained when you landed because you assaulted her.” Rain scolded me.

  “I know, baby, but she provoked me.”

  “I don’t want to hear any excuses. Cooler heads need to prevail here. Please, Dominick.” Rain pleaded with me, but she didn’t have to.

  I knew at the moment my hand was at Madison’s throat, it was a big mistake, one that could have cost me everything that I held dear to me…my family.

  “I promise, Angel.”

  “Now go on.” Rain prompted.

  “She made a remark and before I could even think it, my hand was around her throat. Then she said, ‘just like old times’. You see, Rain, my sexual relationship with Madison wasn’t based on true love. It was based on power. I needed it back then, or at least I thought I did. I was never really happy. The sex was a way to release my rage. The funny thing was that my anger seemed to be fueled more by her and the way she was when she was with me, but I’m sure Madison’s version would be that she single-handedly tamed me…”

  To my surprise, a vibrant and deliberate laugh escaped Rain’s lips.

  “No one could ever tame you, Mr. Kane.” Her voiced teased.

  “You’re right, baby. You’ve freed me.”

  “Freed you?” Rain found my response odd.

  “From the volatile person I had become. I never thought this life…our life, was possible for a man like me. I was so bitter all of the time and now I’m…”

  Rain finished my sentence. “And now you're a work in progress.”

  I felt her smile through the phone. Rain’s love for me showed in her words, as her undeniable warmth traveled across the ocean between us to find its place in my heart and soothe me, as only Rain was able to do.

  “Yeah, but I know I’m better with you and the twins. Speaking of which, how are my babies?” I felt at this point we could get off the subject of Madison Van Buren and moved on to something far more important…my children.

  “Your babies are perfect. I just came back from a walk along the shoreline with them and Max. Now they are fast asleep.”

  “The ocean air will do that.”

  “And not just to the babies in the house, some of the adults here also needed a nap.”

  I chuckled. “If you're tired, baby, just say so and I’ll call you tomorrow from Capri.”

  “Not me, Dominick, I was talking about Raven and Tommy. She went for a walk and when she returned, she couldn’t keep her eyes open, so she went to bed. Tommy on the other hand went surfing and now he’s sprawled out on one of the lounge chairs by the pool.”

  “How is Raven doing?” I thought I’d inquire to see if Rain was aware that my little talk with her sister was more than just brotherly advice. I needed to know if Rain knew that I had asked Raven to keep an eye on her. I had a feeling everything was going as planned, because she didn’t mention it. If she knew she would be completely pissed off at me and our conversation wouldn’t be this easy.

  “You mean how much information was she able to get me to divulge, so she can run back and report to you?”


  “Exactly… that’s what she got from me. Shit. Dominick, did we not just have this conversation about you being too over protective before you left for Italy?”

  “Yes, but…”

  She was not going to let me get a word in. “And didn’t you say that you understood my feelings and you would try harder?”

  “I did say that, but…”

  “Then why would you recruit my sister after everything we talked about and have her stay here to spy on me?” Rain demanded answers.

  The conversation between us was about to heat up and not in the way I would have liked it to.

  “Rain, first of all, your sister is there recuperating from physical and mental burnout.”

  “Precisely why you shouldn’t have asked her to babysit me. I should be the one taking care of her.”

  “Rain it wasn’t like that in the least. I didn’t ask her to babysit you.” It really wasn’t at all like that as far as I was concerned. It wasn't just me…everyone, including Conte had noticed that Rain had become more than consumed with the investigation surrounding her dad’s accident and her assault.

  Conte and I had a talk when we were put in charge of breakfast the other morning. He was forthcoming as to say that Rain had always been stubborn and once she had come into her own as an adult, she always did what she wanted. She fought for what she believed in. These incidents that took place in the last few months were violent and were direct attacks against Rain’s family, her dad being severely injured, her losing out on being fully present for our twin’s births, and the babies not being comforted by her as soon as they were born, set Rain into motion. She believed this was a fight that she needed to win.

  It was not at all an unnatural response to want the person or persons who hurt the people she loved to be punished and brought to justice. Hell, I knew exactly what drove Rain’s emotions. I harbored that same rage for much of my life. It was what brought me to the point of taking her.

  It was true that the two situations were completely different, but those intense feelings that festered in me back then are exactly what has propelled her into finding out who was to blame in both incidents.

  Rain had quietly, but essentially has ignored pleas from her dad and myself to stop and let our connections through the firm and the authorities to handle this. But from the change in this conversation, it appeared that we were about to lay all of our concerns on the table. My hope was for her to understand where I was coming from, but I’m not sure if I would be able to convince my wife that my love for her is what drove my actions to enlist her sister for help.

  “I’m sure you didn’t use those exact words, Dominick, but you certainly asked her to keep an eye on me.” Rain’s voice was tight. Her anger was palpable.

  “Baby, while it is true that I asked her to look out for you, my intention was not to make you angry. I’m worried about you, Rain. We all are. You have become consumed with the investigation. It’s not healthy.”

  “Bullshit! You, of all people, should know exactly how I feel about what happened. When you first took me, I told you family was everything to me. Now someone directly hurt my family and me. I want them to pay and pay dearly.”

  “Angel, I know. Can you please trust me enough to see that I know what you are feeling and what drives you, Rain? Please, baby, your dad and I are working on this with the police.” I begged. I was not the type of man to beg, but for Rain, I would and it seemed to be happening more and more recently.

  “I guess we’re at an impasse. For months, we have been avoiding this conversation for one reason or another or hinting at it in one way or another, but it never gets resolved. I assumed that you and dad thought once the babies were born, I would let go of my theories
and leave it to the authorities. Well, I’m here to tell if that’s the case, you can both forget it. I’m not going to stop, but at least now it’s out in the open and we won’t be skirting around the subject like we have been in the past.” Rain was steadfast and uncompromising.

  My jaw clenched at Rain’s words. I rubbed my eyes in frustration at what she stated to me. I needed to be with her, so we could talk face-to-face and confront this issue head-on once and for all. No matter how much I wanted to talk this out right now over the phone, I decided it would not end well. I was not only physically exhausted, but I was mentally drained from everything, including all that had taken place in the last twelve hours. As it were, the conversation was tense and I couldn't change her mind. I had to be there with her if I wanted my opinion and concerns to stand a chance with Rain, so I knew I needed to do something that went against everything I thought was right, but if I made demands as I normally would, then perhaps Rain and I would be pulled apart even further.

  “Rain, your dad and I will be back on Friday. Can you please promise me that you’ll wait until we get home and then we can discuss this further? Just give me the next seventy-two hours and I promise we will sit down with you and talk about everything, we’ll fill you in on all that we know. Please, Rain.” I pleaded with her, while I hoped her response was the one I wanted to hear.

  Her silent contemplation of my request was agonizing, seconds seemed like minutes and minutes seemed like hours. Then she was finally ready to give me my answer.

  “Okay, seventy-two hours. I’ll give you that. Then we’ll talk. You’ll tell me what you know and I’ll tell you what I found out. Deal?”

  “Wait, what do you mean,‘what you found out’?” When was she going to tell me that she knew more than she had let on? My wife’s admission was more than I had originally anticipated. I wanted to know now, but if I pressed her, I would blow it and then she would continue on this unsafe path the she had been traveling down. I growled and bit my tongue, literally.

  “I said, deal?” She stated with a challenging insistent.

  I sighed and let out a deep breath. My vehement exasperation of the conversation with my beautiful, head-strong wife was evident.

  “I’ll take your response as a yes. Oh, and make sure you relay our little agreement with my dad.”

  “Don’t worry, I will.” My voice was soft, as I reassured Rain in my obvious defeat.

  “Good” Rain was satisfied…too satisfied with herself, so I gave her something to think about.

  “I do want you to understand that even though we have called a temporary truce in the situation at hand, when we get back, as I stated, this discussion is far from over. Remember, baby, you haven’t won, yet. Are we clear on that, Mrs. Kane?”

  “Crystal…Mr. Kane.”

  “I love you, Rain.” I said with a hint of frustrated admiration.

  “I love you more, Dominick…” She stopped, but then added one more thing.

  “Oh and Dominick, I want you to forget about Madison. She can’t hurt us or our love. The only sex life you need to concentrate on is ours.” I could feel Rain’s desire for me in her words.

  “I hear your request and I’m more than happy to oblige, as soon as I get home to you, Baby.”

  “Goodnight, Dominick.” She whispered.

  “Goodnight, my angel.”

  This was how our call ended. Our love for one another always came first, no matter what. Even though our goodbye to one another was peaceful and loving, I had the feeling that our fight over the lingering situation hadn’t yet begun.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Let the Countdown Begin


  Morning came quickly and by the way my body felt when I woke up; perhaps too quickly. Although I could have definitely used a few more hours sleep, I knew the sooner I had gotten my day started and my business out of the way, the sooner I could get to Capri to check on the progress of the vineyard house and tie up any loose ends before I headed back to the states to be with Rain and our children.

  I had to admit that I was curious to see the progress that had been made on the old estate. My hope was that my instructions would result in a home that Rain would ultimately love and want to visit regularly. I knew she adored Capri, but I also knew that her life there was filled with turmoil and lies. I wanted this house to represent a new beginning, not just for Rain, but also for us as a family.

  I texted Victor to let him know that we could meet in the lobby in an hour or so. Although our suites were spacious enough to conduct our meeting with our potential client, I kept my personal life separate from my career, so I felt it necessary to book a separate meeting room at the Inn to meet with clients over a brunch of sorts.

  Victor met me in the lobby and we headed to the conference room where the brunch was being laid out. I decided that now would be a good time to enlighten Victor on my conversation with Rain.

  “I spoke to Rain last night.”

  “I assumed you would. How is she?” He asked, as he poured himself some Espresso.

  “She’s good.”

  “That’s it? She’s good.” He stopped and turned towards me. “Why do I have the feeling you have more to divulge?”

  I sighed, hesitantly. “Because there is much more than we had anticipated with Rain and her curiosity with the investigation.”

  “I’m not liking the sound of this.”

  “No more than I liked it when she stated her demands.”

  “Demands? What demands could Rain possibly have?” Victor was curious, but he was also perplexed.

  “She’s giving us 72 hours to get our business done, check on the vineyard house, and get home for a family discussion.”

  “Us? You mean you and me?”

  “That’s exactly what I mean. Rain is not backing down,Victor. She wants to know all of it and if we don’t tell her, then she won’t reveal what she has apparently discovered to us.”

  “Dominick, I’m sure she’s bluffing, what could she possibly know? Has the police come up with new information that they gave to Rain first?”

  “No, well at least I don’t think they have. I talked to Stack before we left and he didn’t have anything concrete at this point.”

  “See, then, Rain couldn’t possibly know anything more than we do already. I have to hand it to my daughter though.” He smiled and laughed with pride.

  “Why is that?”

  “She has you eating out of the palm of her hand.” Victor smirked, as he cocked one eyebrow with sheer satisfaction.

  I grimaced, but I knew he was right. I’d do anything for Rain.

  Once settled with our coffee, we went over our briefs and waited for our clients to arrive. During our discussion Victor agreed that he would come back to the shore house with me, so we could have our discussion with Rain. I hoped the outcome of our impending discussion would go more smoothly that the anxiety I was feeling leading up to it.

  Our meeting with the clients appeared to go rather well. Both Victor and I stated that we would be in touch with them by the beginning of next week to go over any further questions they might have and to iron out a contract if they wished to do so.

  Victor and I headed back to our suites to freshen up before we grabbed our luggage to check out. Our car picked us up and took us to the train. Rome to Naples by car took approximately three hours, but by train we would be there in a little over an hour. I didn’t like to drive the Amalfi Coast as much as Rain did. Their roads are narrow and cliffy. With the tension I was feeling, I felt it best to leave it to the locals and get to the ferry launch in one piece.

  We arrived at the launch to find out that the hydrofoils weren’t running today, due to the high winds and rough seas. Hydrofoils were high-speed water taxis that got you onto Capri in no time.

  The slow ferry was running and it would be about an hour and a half before we arrived on the island. I was actually relieved and welcomed the downtime.

  Once there, we took a taxi to Rai
n’s childhood home. Mema came running out to welcome us, as Antonio strolled behind at a more leisurely and subdued pace. I loved both of them. They always made me feel welcome and at home.

  We had realized when we were at the launch that I would never make it to the vineyard house in time to meet the workers, so I phoned the foreman and explained that I would be by tomorrow in the late morning to view the work and make any necessary changes that I felt were needed.

  Tonight, Victor and I planned for an early dinner with Antonio and Mema, before turning in for some much needed rest.


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