The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3)

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The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3) Page 20

by Cleo Scornavacca

  Once we finished the tour, we tied up some loose ends and agreed to be in touch regularly. All in all, it was a productive day. With that, I said goodbye to Sergio and the men before I headed back to Victor’s house to pack, so we would be ready to leave for home in the morning.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Almost Home…Almost


  Dominick and my dad would be home tomorrow. I always had a feeling of excitement when Dominick came home from a trip, but this time it also held a feeling of trepidation. I knew that I was the one that pushed to sit down with both my husband and my dad to discuss the investigation and the information that I discovered in Vincent’s private files, but I was worried what their reactions would be, especially Dominick’s.

  For now, I decided to put all the negative thoughts out of my mind and just enjoy the evening with my babies, Raven, Anna, and Joseph. Tommy and Daniel decided to take in some entertainment at the local clubs. They left for dinner on the other side of the island at The Ketch. Tommy said that they were going to head over to The Seashell for some entertainment afterward.

  It made me happy to see Tommy hanging out with someone other than me. Especially since Mike has been absent from Tommy’s life after everything that happened between them. I was also glad that Daniel found a friend in Tommy. Daniel and Dominick are growing as brothers, but it has been awkward at times. With Tommy, there isn’t all of that awkwardness; there is just a true connection of a growing friendship.

  My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of my babies cooing through the monitor. I went to the nursery to see those precious smiles. I envied them. They didn't have a care or worry in the world. Their life was simple. They were cared for and full of love. The adults around them could learn from these little ones.

  On that note, it was time to get them ready and enjoy the simpler things in life, a walk on the beach before a quiet dinner at home.

  I called out to Raven, who was up in her room for much of the afternoon resting. She called back to me that she would be down in a minute. While I waited for her, I got the twins into their stroller and went out to the patio where Anna and Joseph were setting up for dinner.

  “You two look ready for a walk with Mommy on the beach.” Anna gushed over her grand-babies, when we entered the patio.

  The twins smiled at the sound of Anna’s voice.

  “Anna, we wont be long.”

  “Nonsense, take all the time you need. We can put the food on the grill once you get back.”

  “You might as well enjoy this as much as you can. The evenings will be growing colder in the next few weeks.” Joseph added.

  He knew that although the fall season was warm during the day at the Jersey Shore, the nights tended to be more than chilly, especially when the winds whipped off the ocean.

  “You’re right. I have my phone, so I’ll text you when we are on our way back.”

  “Have you heard from Dominick?” Anna inquired.

  “Yes, he said their flight was worse than he had anticipated, but their meeting with the clients went well and now they are at the house with Mema and Antonio. He was about to leave to check on the restorations at the vineyard house when I phoned him.”

  “Why was the flight so bad? Turbulence?” Joseph asked.

  “Yes, but not the turbulence you're thinking of.” I hinted that it was more than just the plane dynamics that created an uncomfortable flight for Dominick.

  “Rain, what happened?” Anna was now concerned.

  “Madison Van Buren happened?”

  “What?” Both Anna and Joseph spoke up in unison.

  “Yeah, she was on the flight and caused most of the turbulence, emotional turbulence that is.”

  “Did Dominick say why she was there?” Anna questioned.

  “He wasn’t sure, but felt it wasn't a coincidence. He felt she was up to something.”

  “I’ve never trusted that woman. She is pure evil.” Anna let her feelings be known.

  “She definitely can’t be trusted, but by showing up on the same plane as my dad and Dominick confirms that she is up to no good. We just need to find out what that is. Dominick will be home tomorrow night and we agreed to put our discussion on hold until he returns.”

  “Good idea, there’s not much you can do until he’s back anyway. So for now, just go and enjoy the evening with your sister and children. We’ll be here when you get back.” Joseph stated and he placed his hands on Anna’s shoulders.

  At this point, Raven came out to join us, and we continued to talk for a few more minutes. Then Raven, the twins, and I headed out for a walk along the shoreline.

  This fall evening on Long Beach Island was serene. The crowds from the summer were long gone. The winds were calm and the air was still quite warm and comfortable. The golden rays of the sun, which shone high in the sky just a few hours ago had now settled on the dunes and gave the illusion that the blades of sea grass that peaked through had changed color from vibrant green to pale yellow. Those same hues splashed horizontally across the backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean. It was my favorite time of day, and I was happy to share this time with Raven and the twins.

  Raven and I walked silently for a bit before she started the conversation. “So are you going to tell me what happened on the plane? I wasn’t eavesdropping, but I had a feeling that I walked in on something back at the house.”

  “It’s no secret and I was going to tell you at dinner, but now is as good a time as any.”

  “Okay? So what happened?”

  “Madison was on the same flight as Dominick and Dad.”

  “What?” Raven’s shocked demeanor held a tinge of anger.

  “You heard me. She showed up on the plane and somehow got into a conversation with Dominick.”

  “What did she say?” Raven inquired.

  “Dominick didn’t get into the detail, but he said we would talk about it when they got back tomorrow. “

  “Well, you know as well as I do, that bitch didn’t just happen upon the same flight as dad and Dominick.”

  “Nothing that woman does is by accident. It does beg the question though as to how she found out what flight they were on?”

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Raven inquired.

  “Yeah, someone at Kane and Medici is working both sides of the fence. Whoever that person may be, they are feeding information to the Van Buren’s. Now more than ever, I believe that all of these instances, dad’s accident, my assault, and Madison showing up at the house are tied together.”

  “Especially after what you found in Victor’s secret file.” Raven added.

  “Yes, that too, but none of this is going to get figured out until they return tomorrow night.”

  Raven nodded.

  “Until then, why don’t we just enjoy what’s in front of us, this beautiful landscape.” I stretched out my arms to show Raven that we had to make the best of what’s before us and take nothing for granted.

  Although I looked forward to Dominick and my dad’s return, I knew that tensions would be high and moments like these might be few and far between for a while. At least until everything was solved.

  We continued to walk a bit more and then Raven spoke again. “Rain, I need your honest opinion.” She was setting me up for something.

  “Okay, what is it?”

  “Do you think that Michael could possibly be the insider at the firm that is giving the Van Buren’s information?”

  “I’d be lying if I said that it hadn’t crossed my mind, but Raven, regardless of what you two have been through, regardless of the situation with Tommy, Mike is still Mike. I really don’t believe he would betray the firm or destroy his career for that matter. Because if he did do this, then his career would be over.”

  “Maybe he feels that being with me at one time, dad and Dominick wouldn’t come down that hard on him?”

  I stopped and looked at her like she had two heads.

  “Okay, you're right, they would.”<
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  “Raven, if Michael was involved in any way, you know as well as I do that dad and Dominick would make an example of him. They’d probably come down harder on him to show other employees what would happen if they compromised the firm. Loyalty and discretion are everything, and if an employee, even Michael put the firm at risk, Dominick and dad would destroy them.”

  My statement made Raven turn pale. My intention was not to stress her, but she had to know that being disloyal would never be tolerated, even if that person was Mike.

  “Rain, is it possible that Dominick told Madison? I mean could all of this…the kidnapping, the accident, your assault, could all of this have been Dominick’s plan from the beginning?” The silence, even walking along the ocean was deafening, after the question my sister asked me.

  “I never once thought that with Madison showing up at Dominick’s birthday celebration, but I have to admit that when I saw him and Darian together in the Kane and Medici boardroom, that thought more than crossed my mind.” I admitted to my sister that seeing Darian and Dominick in a close embrace that day left me thinking that everything up until that point was part of an elaborate plan that Dominick had created to take the company fully away from my family.

  “If you felt like that then what changed your mind, Rain?”

  “I don’t think I truly felt that way. I think I let the insecurities that I’ve harbored my entire life dictate my reaction to the situation. Sometimes, even now, those insecurities try to get the better of me.” I looked away, as if I still carried the shame of being held back when I was a child in Capri. Deep down inside I suppose I still do hold some of the shame, but maybe more so I hold the resentment. I never thought I did, but with everything going on recently I’ve admitted these feelings to myself and myself alone, until now.

  There was no point to bring up the past. Nothing would be solved by doing so and quite frankly the less advice others gave me on the subject of my childhood the better.

  My sister’s arms wrapped around my shoulders, as her chin came to rest in my neck.

  “You know you are stronger than all of us, Rain.” I could feel her smile.

  I smiled back and took hold of her arms, as I looked at the waves roll on to the sand. “I don’t know about that.”

  Raven turned me around abruptly. She placed her hands firmly on my shoulders, so she could have my full attention. “I do. Look, your life was far from easy, but that was mom’s doing. She was the sick one, not you.”

  “There is so much irony in all of this.” I chuckled in a sad disgusted way.

  “Rain, mom’s insanity belonged to her and her alone. It will never be your destiny. These two beautiful babies and Dominick are your true future, you’re meant to be, your happy ending.” She nodded, as her smiled gleamed through and warmed my heart.

  I nodded in agreement. Raven was right. Mom used me as a crutch for her own insecurities. That I knew, but lately with everything that was happening, I let that memory drift away into my subconscious and let the negative, the darkness began to take over again. This was where it had to stop.

  Dominick and dad would be home tomorrow and once we sat down and sorted everything out, we would move forward. Nothing and no one would stop us.

  Raven and I decide to head back to the house. I called Anna to let her know. She said she would get the food on the grill. That way dinner would be ready and waiting once we returned.

  The rest of the evening went smoothly. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and much to everyone’s surprise,Tommy and Daniel came home earlier than expected and enjoyed a late night dessert with us.

  Once everyone went to bed, I filled Tommy in on Dominick’s plane flight. He agreed that I needed to tell both Dominick and my dad all that I knew and that we could work on everything together.

  Tomorrow couldn’t get here soon enough.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Wire Ties That Bind


  I texted Rain before her dad and I left for our trip home. I didn’t want to call and wake her because I knew she would still probably still be asleep. Sleep was now a precious commodity with newborn twins.

  I let her know our itinerary and that more than likely we would get into JFK at around midnight eastern time. I also informed her that I arranged for the car service to bring her dad and me down to the shore house as soon as we retrieved our bags.

  I also asked her to forego our talk until breakfast on Saturday. I was sure she would understand. All I wanted to do was get home, kiss my babies, and crawl into bed with my sexy and beautiful wife, so I could do unspeakable things to her body. My cock immediately hardened, as I thought about having Rain’s exquisite form beneath me.

  I was pulled from my arousing thoughts by the unwelcome voice of my father-in-law reminding me that we needed to catch the ferry soon. I despised being sexually frustrated and wanted badly to find my release on my own, but in this case I had to deal with it and put my emotions aside so I could get ready for my trip home.

  Right now a cold shower would have to suffice, until I could be with the object of my deepest and darkest desires…Rain.

  Once I was ready, I met Victor downstairs and said goodbye to Mema and Antonio. I promised both of them that Rain and I would be here with the twins for Christmas.

  “Don’t forget to bring your parents and brother, Dominick” Antonio mentioned.

  I nodded.

  “Yes, you must; and you must come as well, Victor with Raven. It will be magico to have everyone here together again.” Mema was elated at the thought of all of us here for Christmas.

  I didn’t want to spoil it now, but I planned on having everyone at the vineyard house. I decided when I got home, I would discuss it with Anna and Joseph first and see if they wanted to come with us to plan a holiday celebration in the new house. The only wrinkle would be if Daniel couldn't make it, and then perhaps my parents might want to stay behind to spend Christmas with him. I hoped that would not be the case.

  Victor interrupted Mema to say that we had to leave now, so that we didn't miss the Hydrofoil or our plane.

  We not only got back to the Naples coastline in time, but we made it to the airport with time to spare.

  Once we checked in, I admitted to Victor that I was slightly worried that we could have another run-in with Madison. He felt that she wouldn't show her face again, at least not on this flight anyway.

  I was grateful that Victor was right, no sign of her anywhere, but for some odd reason I was uncomfortable. It was like something was telling me something bad was about to happen.

  Once the plane landed on the tarmac at JFK I felt better. My uneasy feeling had drifted away.

  We were home-free, or so I thought.

  Once we had arrived at the terminal, there were two plain clothes detectives waiting for us. They stated who they were and showed us their IDs. Then they escorted us to a private conference room and when inside, for lack of a better term, they placed me under arrest.

  “Can you please tell me what this is all about?” My words sliced through the air like a blade ready to cut them to the quick.

  “Mr. Kane, you need to calm down.” The one man stated, as if he was about to appease me with some stupid remark.

  “Dominick, listen, let’s hear them out to see exactly what the charges are and then we can take it from there.” Victor stated, as his face strained to say… cut the shit before they put you in jail and throw away the key.

  I smoothed out my clothing, ran my hand through my hair, and sat down at the table in the room.

  “Okay, let’s have it, so we can get this fixed quickly and I can get home to my wife and babies.”

  The two men looked at each other, as if to say this was going to be a long night.

  “Mr. Kane, these are not simple charges. If they were, then the NYPD would not have sent us. We’re from a special unit at the department. A unit that handles special victims’ crimes.”

  I flew out of my seat. The chair fell over and
crashed to the floor. Victor immediately came to my side and placed his hand firmly over my chest to stop me from adding assault to whatever crime they thought they were going to arrest me for this evening.

  “Dominick you need to hear them out. You know better than anyone not to resist arrest. Now sit down and listen to what they have to say. If you won’t do it for me or for yourself, do it for your wife and children.” Victor’s voice was sharp and tight, as he prompted me to pull it together.


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