Paige Cameron

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Paige Cameron Page 7

by Commando Cowboys Find Their Desire

  “You have on too many clothes.” He pulled her off the bed and unfastened the buttons on her blouse. Kisses landed on each spot of skin exposed. He tossed her shirt on a chair and quickly undid her bra. Then his warm hands clasped her full breasts. She trembled when his mouth feathered over her skin.

  She pulled her attention back to him and pulled his T-shirt out of his waistband and over his head. He yanked her back, and her breasts rubbed against his soft chest hair. Both of them reached for the other’s belt. Laughing, they stepped back and undressed the rest of the way.

  Cody looked her up and down. “Beautiful is the only word I can think of right now.” He sat on the bed and pulled her to him. “Sit across my lap.”

  Averil did, and he closed his hands around her breasts. She took a deep breath as pleasure shot to all the sensitive areas of her body.

  He smiled at the red hair covering her pussy lips. “You are a natural redhead.”

  She swatted at him. “I’m insulted you doubted it.”

  “I didn’t, but I love to tease you.” He ran his work-worn hands along the sides of her ribs, across her stomach, and didn’t stop until he touched one finger to her clit. He rubbed across her bundle of nerves and then slid two fingers down and into her pussy.

  She gasped and he took her breast in his mouth. His tongue rubbed around and over the peaked nipple as his fingers moved in and out of her pussy. Averil leaned her head back and closed her eyes, soaking in the sensations of pleasure racing through her body.

  When she opened her eyes and looked at him, he had a fierce look on his face and hunger in his eyes. It was obvious he held himself tightly in check to not alarm her.

  She moved off his legs and between them. Her hand clasped around his firm cock. Tentatively she ran her hand up and down the length of his dick. She liked the feel of his satin skin. She breathed in his scent and bent to taste the drop of moisture in the slit on his crown.

  Running her tongue across her lips, she said, “You taste good and salty.” Then she knelt and took his cock as far as she could into her mouth.

  Hearing his deep groan made her smile. She sucked on his cock and cupped his sac in her hands. Gradually, she moved her mouth up and down, swirling her tongue all around his shaft. Her fingers moved his balls gently.

  His fingers clenched her head. He stiffened.

  “I’m going to come, darlin’.”

  In response she increased her tempo and then sucked hard again and tasted his essence. She tilted back on her heels and smiled at him. He lay back on the bed, his breathing rapid and his eyes closed.

  Averil lay beside him and kissed his mouth. “I don’t think you liked that at all.”

  “I’m sure you’ll get better with practice.” His teasing mouth curved up at the sides. “When I get my strength, I’ll pull us both all the way up on the bed.”

  They lay wrapped in each other’s arms for several minutes. Averil liked to feel the beat of his heart against her body. Whenever he touched her, her heart raced and pussy clenched in yearning for him to fill her with his big cock. Averil traced the outline of his face with her finger. When her thumb rubbed across his bottom lip, he teasingly nipped at it. This man was so different from his other persona, the one who’d upset her. She loved his teasing manner.

  His father’s death must have been very traumatic for him to have developed such a fear of hospitals. It certainly brought the worst out in him. But she’d seen him trying to cope more each time that he had to go back to visit her or Payton.

  Cody opened his eyes. “You’re deep in thought.”

  “How do you know? You’ve been sleeping.”

  “Merely resting.” He pulled himself and her further up on the bed. “What was worrying you? Your body tensed. Then you moved a slight distance away from me.”

  “I was thinking about the two different men you’ve been these past few days.”

  “I haven’t had to be in a hospital for years until Payton went in and then you. The sudden overexposure brought out my fears and, stupid me, I reacted in anger. You were the one nearest to me, but that’s no excuse.”

  She kissed his sexy mouth. “I forgive you. We’re starting over.”

  “We are not. Where did I leave off?” He grinned and nuzzled her neck, tickling her. She’d been lying to his side, but he moved her under him and slid down to the juncture of her thighs. He separated her folds and licked from her clit to her pussy opening. Her hips rose against his mouth.

  “You are sweeter than any dessert.” His fingers reached up and tightened around her nipples.

  Desire shot from her nipples straight to her pussy. Her pussy tingled and clenched tight. His tongue danced up and down her folds to her clit and back then darted into her pussy opening. His thumb put pressure on her nub and a jubilant thrill raced up her spine.

  All thoughts left her head as sensations built throughout her body, creating steamy heat and a rush of euphoria.

  Cody positioned himself and thrust in deeply. Her pussy clamped hungrily around his wide cock. Her body trembled, and she screamed his name as ripples of pleasure enveloped her whole body.

  When he kissed her, she tasted her own juices on his lips.

  He pulled her legs up on his shoulders and pounded into her pussy fast and hard. Another orgasmic wave rushed over her as he slowed his movements and stared into her eyes.

  “I love you, Averil.” Then he switched to a slow, seductive pace until a final wave of gratification swept up and over them both.

  He cuddled her in his arms while their breathing slowed and their heartbeats returned to normal.

  “Shall we shower and go for a ride around the property?”

  “I’d like to see your horses and the land.”

  “I’ll shower first. If we shower together it’ll be dark before we’re ready. I think you need the fresh air.”

  “I have my own bathroom. I’ll go in there.” She stood and walked to the door, then looked back over her shoulder.

  “Maybe I’m not ready to let you go just yet.” Cody strolled up behind her. He slid his hands across her shoulders, down her back, and cupped her ass. He nibbled on the soft skin of her shoulder while his hands massaged and squeezed her buttocks.

  Her creamy essence wet her pussy lips.

  Swinging her into his arms, he walked back to the bed. He laid her on her stomach. “Stay there.”

  She heard him ripping another condom package open to sheath his cock. Then he climbed on the bed and had her raise her hips and spread her legs.

  His fingers stroked along her pussy lips and rubbed against her clit. He slid two fingers into her wet pussy while he put pressure on her bud. Cody kissed her lower back and she groaned.

  Her blood sizzled. She wanted to feel him deep inside her pussy. He put his body up against hers from the back. Reaching forward, he cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples between his fingers.

  Averil rubbed her buttocks against him. “Your touch sets me on fire. Put it out, cowboy.”

  He chuckled as she’d expected. Moving into position, Cody slowly pushed into her pussy with his hard, wide cock. Then with one hand on her nipple and one on her clit he aroused her even more.

  “Ah, you feel so good inside me,” Averil purred.

  “Your sweet pussy is wet and hot. It encloses my dick perfectly.”

  His words had her pussy clenching tighter around his cock. She moved forward and back, urging him to join her. But he let her set her own pace as he continued to pull on her nipples and rub across her clit. She screamed as waves of ecstasy swamped her.

  Cody took hold of her hips and drove his dick hard and fast until a flash of exquisite pleasure shot up her spine. He groaned as he found his own release. She lay forward, and he sprawled lightly across her back. He kissed her neck before rolling to her side.

  Just then his phone rang from across the room where he’d placed it on top of his chest of drawers. He sat on the side of the bed for a minute to get his breath before wal
king across to answer it. “Hello, Mitch. Yes, Averil’s here. I’ll put you on speakerphone so we both can hear you.”

  “Someone else has been hospitalized with the same symptoms as Averil. We’re having a meeting at ranch headquarters, and I want Averil to join us.”

  “Who was poisoned?”

  “Hilda’s husband, Harry. He was working in the community store for her this afternoon. He’s not responsive so we can’t ask who came in and out. Hopefully, he’ll regain consciousness, but the doctors say it looks bad. He got a bigger dose than Averil.”

  “We’ll be there as quick as possible.” He cancelled the call.

  Averil came to his side. “I can’t remember Harry.”

  “I don’t think you’ve met him, but Harry and his wife Hilda are proprietors of the community store. We need to get ready and go to the main ranch house.”

  “I’ll head to my room.” Averil hurried to shower and then dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, and boots. She was only a few minutes behind Cody. She saw him go out the front door to the truck. Grabbing a long-sleeved shirt, she hurried after him.

  * * * *

  The conference room was full. Dr. Jack was the first person Averil saw when she walked in. Then she looked around and spotted Kira sitting with two ladies. There was another woman further down and all the leaders.

  “I’m leaving you in good hands. I’ll be upstairs if you need me.” Cody squeezed her hand and went to leave.

  “You aren’t staying?”

  “No, this is a high-level meeting. They’ll tell the rest of us when it’s time.”

  She watched him walk jauntily off. She had to smile. His whole persona showed he was a confident, capable man. Several people were smiling at her when she turned around. The whole ranch must know about her, Cody, and Payton. There goes my blush, again.

  “Come in, Averil. We’re ready to start the meeting.” Mitch motioned for her to join them.

  Averil went to the seat Kira had saved for her, and everyone sat down. She sensed the tension in the room. Once she was seated, Mitch introduced the unknown lady as their Priestess, Elle. Then he started the meeting.

  “It appears we missed one or two of our enemies.” Mitch glanced at each person. “And this enemy is more dangerous. He or she is determined to create fear in our people and to kill randomly. The doctors do not think they will be able to save Harry. Jack, can you explain what’s happening?”

  “Sure. This poison goes through the skin and attacks the vital organs like a mutant virus. It’s a devilish concoction. Our scientist are working twenty-four hours a day trying to break down the formula, but so far they’ve had no success.

  “They checked all of the places where Averil was before her attack. Now, they’re thoroughly checking the community store and Harry’s home. Hilda is fine, but we’re keeping her downstairs here until this mystery is solved. That’s all I know for now. It’s damn frustrating.”

  “Dr. Talisman.” Kira spoke up. “I understand you know more about our physical and chemical makeup than most of our doctors.”

  “I’ve done some individual studies and written several research papers for our other physicians.”

  “Then I’d like to make a suggestion. As most of you know, Averil and I are twins, but not identical. Although we do share more than most fraternal twins. To explain, I’d say we were not totally identical, nor totally fraternal.

  “Averil has survived the poison that apparently attacks the body like a virus. I’d like you to take some of Averil’s blood and put it in me. Then we’ll wait twenty-four hours. If you can keep the patient alive until then, you can remove a pint of his blood and give him a pint of mine.”

  “You are hoping your blood mixed with your sister’s will make antibodies to fight this poison?” Jack asked.


  “I have to tell you I doubt we can keep Harry alive that long. And if we did, why not just use Averil’s blood?”

  “Because ours mixed together will be stronger.”

  Everyone in the room stared expectantly at Kira. “Would you care to explain?” Mitch asked.

  Averil glanced at Kira. “I think we have to let the people in this room know, Kira. I’m sure our secret will stay safe with them until the right time to tell the others.”

  Kira nodded in agreement. “I chose to live away from my family because of my differences. I didn’t want to be seen as a freak of nature.” Kira glanced down, away from all the attention on her. “My mother did not know of anyone else like me, and she encouraged me to stay safe.” Kira nodded to Averil. “Averil has some of my skills, but not as many and not as strong, so she stayed with Mom and Dad and visited me as often as possible. It might be easier to show you who I really am.” Kira stood and walked a good distance from the table.

  “You’re a shape-shifter?” Daren asked.

  “Sort of.” Kira raised her arms and blinked several times. A graceful firebird materialized where Kira had been standing. Most of her feathers were red and gold, but there were deep purple feathers intertwined throughout. She spread her wide wingspan.

  “If she wanted to she could send fire out from the end of her feathers,” Averil explained.

  “I can’t believe it.” Elle walked closer to Kira. “You are the first queen to be born in our new land.” She curtsied, showing her respect.

  Gradually, Kira’s feathers grew dimmer, and she shape-shifted back to her human persona. “Thank you, but I don’t know what you mean.”

  “In all our scrolls from long ago there has been only two times when a mythical bird was mentioned. Our people called it Flaming Beauty. According to the old scrolls, such a bird is born very rarely. It was thought we would never see her again after we left our home planet. None of the families were aware of anyone carrying the gene.”

  “Come back to the table so we can discuss this sudden revelation.” Mitch waited until they sat and then asked, “Does anyone else besides your parents know who you are?”

  “No. I have a secluded cabin in Northern California. I only shape-shifted there.”

  “Wow. You are beautiful in both shapes but astonishing in your bird form.” Daren turned to Elle. “What does all this mean?”

  Elle looked down the table to Kira. “May I tell them, Your Majesty?”

  “Please call me Kira, and tell me, too. I’ve never understood why I was born this way. I hid my real self for safety.”

  “I’d be pleased to explain, and you can come to my home later and read the scrolls.”

  “I’ll like to do that.”

  Elle stood to better see all of them at the table. “In our homeland, the king and queen are identified by their birth. Few families carried the gene, and our ancestors did not think they had any family related to royalty with them when they left home. But before they left, there were rumors of a young princess falling in love with a member of the Cabinet. They had an affair, and a child was secretly born.

  “Another family agreed to take the child and said they’d adopted her from a mother who died.” Elle looked directly at Kira. “They wanted to keep the birth secret. The princess had been promised to the king. Her family had to keep the affair and birth secret so the wedding would go on. Only a son born of the king and a bride from another royal family would be accepted as the next ruler. Kira, your mother has to be a carrier of the gene from the adopted baby.”

  “Then I am not truly royalty, thank goodness. Please, no more curtsies.”

  “You would not be recognized on our home planet, but you are the highest ranking of our people here on earth.”

  “That’s too much for me to deal with right now. I’m Averil’s sister, and I can help in this crisis. Please leave it at that.”

  “For now, but you can’t run away any longer from your destiny,” Elle warned.

  “I suppose that explains why you’d be the better donor for Harry,” Jack said. “I think we’d better end this meeting and get started. Harry’s on borrowed time.” Jack stood. “Will you
and Averil come with me to see Ellen? She and her staff will do the blood work.”

  “Fine, and later, Elle, I’ll come by to see those scrolls.”

  “Pruet, my husband, and I would be honored.” Elle gave her directions as Jack hurried Kira and Averil out the door.

  * * * *

  Elle returned to the meeting room and sat back down. Mitch took a deep breath and looked around. Everyone looked stunned.

  “Lann and Garth, have either of you ever heard of such a shape-shifter?” Mitch asked.

  “We’ve read the scrolls that we had and it was mentioned, vaguely, once. Since we’d never seen such a person we doubted one existed.” Garth leaned forward. “But there was a colored drawing of our queen in her bird form. She looked just like Kira. I imagine Elle hasn’t had a chance to go through all the scrolls we gave her. I’ll show her which one has the drawing.”

  “If she is as Elle said, then she should be the leader of all three tribes. How do you two feel about that?” Lann asked Mitch and Daren.

  “It’d be fine with me. We’d still lead our men on missions, but without the other duties there’d be more time for our family.” Daren grinned. “I don’t mind that, and I don’t think Mitch does.”

  “I agree with Daren. She would bring all three tribes truly together. We’d all have to step down one level though.”

  “No problem with me. I’m all for it,” Garth agreed.

  “Well, this seems like a good time to tell you all my plans.” They turned toward Lann. “Garth, you’ve known for some time about my friends in Texas. I’ve been considering stepping down once the ranch was built and our people were settled here. I’d thought of suggesting Caedmon take my place, but he’d hate it. This solves my problem. As soon as this emergency is over, I, along with a few of the men who want to go with me, will move to Texas.

  “I’ve bought a large spread in the middle of nowhere. The closest ranches are owned by my two friends. I like the area, and I need a change.”


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