SHIFT (Mackenzie Grey #1)

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SHIFT (Mackenzie Grey #1) Page 3

by Karina Espinosa

  “Well at least you’ll be with your parents and Amy. You’ll be fine, Kenz.” Big John lightly punched my arm and I gave him a fake smile. This day just wasn’t getting any better.

  Chapter Four

  The night flowed smoothly and we weren’t as busy as a normal Friday night. Some no-name band was playing inside and they sucked. All I could hear was someone shaking a tambourine and I think there was a banjo in the mix.

  I popped two Advil’s and swished them down with water when a group of three guys walked up to the door. I couldn’t make out their faces but their masculine builds were a sure giveaway. The one in the middle was the biggest of the bunch, but they were all extremely muscular and they approached us like they were stepping out of a Calvin Klein ad. They’re definitely not the kind of people who come to Pete’s Bar.

  One of the guys—the farthest to my left—came up to Big John, with a hundred dollar bill between his fingers. The only light above the front door illuminated his face and I tried to keep my eyes from bugging out. He was the thinnest out of the three, but still had a pretty face. Flawless actually. His brown eyes were piercing as he zoned in on Big John.

  “You don’t have to pay to get in. We just need to see your I.D.’s,” I said as I noticed Big John was stock still—not saying a word. There’s no way he could be intimidated by these fools, he was bigger than all three of them combined.

  “Sorry cookie, we’re talking to him. Why don’t you run along inside and drink a Cosmo,” he said but he didn’t even look my way. What a sexist pig! Drink a Cosmo? Cosmo my ass—he’s about to get my foot in his.

  “Excuse me? You—,”

  “Please excuse my brother, he can be tactless at times,” a familiar voice whispered in my right ear and I froze in place. His strong hand fell on my shoulder in a friendly hold. With a slight tilt of my head, I was face to face with a guy who resembled the douche bag in front of me—Jonah. I hadn’t even seen him walk towards me—where did he come from? Better question: what the hell was he doing?

  “First off, don’t touch me. Second, you guys need to back the fuck up. And last, what the hell are you doing here?” I moved to stand next to Big John and away from the guy who I was starting to think was stalking me. I discreetly nudged my partner to snap him out of whatever la-la-land he was in, but it was no use. He didn’t move.

  Jonah furrowed his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side. His chocolate eyes bore into me with an unspoken question. His douche bag brother was still looking up at Big John as he whispered “Go.” Without missing a beat, John robotically turned and walked into the bar, leaving me alone outside.

  Whoa…not cool. We may have a problem.

  “Now why are you being so difficult?” Douche Bag asked as his gazed locked on me. His brown eyes darkened to black orbs and I took a step back.

  “What the fuck is wrong with your eyes?” I questioned, but it was a really cool trick. The two brothers in front of me halted to a stop and they stared at me with mouths agape. Their similarities were uncanny and I felt stupid for not recognizing it at first. His brother should have looked familiar to me, even if they weren’t identical.

  “I don’t have time for this crap, so can you idiots just go already. Whatever you’re looking for, it’s not here,” I folded my arms across my chest and huffed out.

  “Enough,” a deep, raspy voice boomed from behind the two brothers and I flinched. After I’d become a werewolf, I lost my fear of many things—which made my reaction much more shocking. My gaze dropped to the ground and I watched as the third guy’s boots made their way towards me. The two brothers stepped aside.

  A pull in the pit of my stomach tugged at me and kept me from looking up. It kept me still until the boots stopped just inches away from me. I wanted to put space between us, look at who he was—hell, I wanted to punch these bastards in the face. No matter how good looking Jonah might be, that asshole needed to get his ass handed to him. But I couldn’t. The pull in my stomach was like strings puppeteering me. I’d lost all control. And what I feared the most—the wolf was making its way out of my subconscious.

  “Heel,” the man in front of me said with his husky voice that vibrated like a wicked secret in my ear. My insides melted at the sound and my mind had to do a double take. Say what? What the hell was wrong with my damn hormones?

  My body swayed in place, wanting to obey his command but my mind was in full-on defiant mode. The tug in my gut was getting stronger and I felt a weird energy encompass me. I held on to the logical part of me that was screaming no. The concrete sidewalk was spinning as I focused on one spot on the dirty pavement. Clenching my jaw shut, I breathed in and out of my nose as I tried to break this odd layer of energy that was pressed on top of my skin—making me want to obey.

  With a final deep exhale, I let out a bloodcurdling scream as I pushed against the hold on me and stumbled backwards. Hands on my knees, I gasped for air. Sweat beads rolled down the sides of my face and the cold air warmed my skin. As I steadied my heart rate, I was finally able to look up at the man with the boots. I opened my mouth to speak but snapped it shut.

  Son of a bitch.

  He wore fitted, dark wash jeans with a tight black t-shirt that accentuated his muscles—and boy did he have muscles—the body of a fighter and the face of a fallen angel. All square jawed and Roman nose—I couldn’t tell the color of his hair in the darkness of the night, but his icy pale blue eyes were unmistakable. And they were pissed.

  Finding my voice—and attitude—I straightened my back and narrowed my eyes, looking directly at him with just as much intensity. “I’m not a damn dog,” I gritted out through clenched teeth. Nobody moved and the noise of the city cancelled out. I no longer heard the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple.

  “Your name,” he barked as if it was an order.

  “Fuck off,” I said as I fought the urge to comply. What was going on with me?

  His nostrils flared and his hands tightened into fists. Either he was cold and wanted to warm his fingers, or he wasn’t used to being defied. Most likely the latter and he was in for one heck of a fight with me. The night was way too quiet anyway.

  “Who’s your Alpha?” he clipped out. I was testing his patience—and I didn’t even have to guess at this question. I’ve got enough paranormal books under my belt to know that he was talking about a leader of a wolf pack. Some of the pieces of this encounter were starting to make sense but wolf or not—I didn’t take kindly to rudeness.

  “Say what?” I scrunched up my face in confusion.

  I’d always wondered what I’d do if I ever met a pack of wolves. While their loyalty and obedience was admirable—it’s just not my cup of tea. Nonetheless, I didn’t know why I played stupid. Nerves, I guess.

  They exchanged looks between each other when a car door slammed by the curb. Perfect timing.

  “Hey babe,” Amy walked towards us as the taxi drove away, “Who are the hotties?” She exclaimed. My eyes widened and I couldn’t hide my concern. This was the worst timing. After four years of friendship, Amy had learned the ins and outs of yours truly. When she got closer, she furrowed her brows and started to eye the three guys in front of me. My facial expressions weren’t easy to conceal and she knew something was up.

  “Hey, go inside and wait for me by the bar. Tell Cole to give you a drink on me,” I whispered to her but she didn’t move. “Please,” I begged with my eyes and edged her behind me to the door. Whether she left or not, I didn’t check. I focused on the blue-eyed devil who was now staring at me with interest. His eyes burned every inch of my skin. I wet my lips and my heart raced as waves of desire washed over me. This can’t be happening. I wanted to look away but was locked in his slow perusal of my body. As his gaze reached my lips in mid lick, a small grin appeared at the corners of his mouth as if he knew what I was thinking, what I was feeling. A shiver ran down my spine and I was seriously wigging out.

  He turned to the douche bag brother and nodded. He gave me a curious loo
k and walked away, probably following some silent order from who I’m guessing is their Alpha? I didn’t know, this was all too confusing at the moment.

  “Follow me,” Blue Eyes barked out, scaring me from my inner thoughts.

  “No,” my response wasn’t as loud or assertive as I wanted it to be but his presence loomed over me like a dark cloud.

  “I said, follow me. Do not make me repeat myself.”

  Building up my confidence again, I gave him a smirk and crossed my arms. “Not in this lifetime buddy. Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to talk to strangers?” I was being a smartass but serious all the same. There’s no way I was going anywhere with this looney. Stranger danger, hello? While he may be appealing to the point I’d been smashing my thighs together like I needed a potty break, there was just too much crazy seeping out of his pores. I had enough of that going on with my schoolwork and fake boyfriend, I didn’t need anymore.

  A black SUV with tinted windows screeched to a stop next to us and Jonah, who’d been quiet in the background, walked towards it—opening the passenger door. Great, their ride was here. Good riddance.

  “You’re coming with me either by choice or by force. Do not make me fling you over my shoulder.” A scowl marred his god-like features.

  My left leg stepped back and I crouched my body in defense. Before I could respond with a retort, his whole face transformed and a small gasp escaped my lips. Holy shit.

  Standing in front of me was no longer the man I ogled not too long ago, but a half man, half wolf. He growled at me and I couldn’t help but stumble backwards and run into another body. Amy. Without having to look back, I knew it was her. Being the loyal friend she was, there was no way she was leaving me out here alone. Damn it.

  For the first time since The Change, I didn’t know what to do. This was a whole other kind of dangerous situation. I faced someone like me who was stronger and had more control than I did. I could barely keep my canines and claws from coming out on my own but to wolf out like this guy? Yeah, he had me beat. But being the hardheaded person I am, if I was going down, then I was going down swinging.

  “Amy, run!” I yelled as I rushed towards the man-wolf. I heard Amy’s little feet shuffle out and the door to the bar slam shut behind her.

  He swung an open clawed hand to my face and I leaned back, just missing it. But I wasn’t fast enough. Another hand came from the other side and hit my right cheek. The force threw me a couple feet to the left by the door and for a moment I thought I was seeing stars. My hand checked my face and I could feel the indents of four claw marks that stretched across. I stared at my bloody hands, wide eyed. I froze. He took the opportunity to pick me up with his grip fastened around my neck and squeezed. My toes grazed the pavement.

  “Shift!” He yelled in my face and I was inches away from his, close enough to kiss his deformed mouth. His blue stilted eyes bore into me as his lower canines peeked over his upper lip. His jaw and muzzle jutted out in an unnatural, human-like way, sending tight ripples of skin over his forehead and cheeks. He looked like a monster as he yelled in my face. I couldn’t respond and I was starting to choke as his hand cut off my air supply. My hands reached for the wrist that held me and I scratched at him for release. My body temperature rose and I felt a heat wave consume me. Panicking, I closed my eyes and tried to grasp at anything.

  “Shift, damn it!” He yelled again and this time a growl so loud and fierce, cut through the night air. It took me a moment to realize it was me. My claws emerged and I reached for his neck. A new course of adrenaline kicked in and I rammed his head to mine in a head bump that made him release me. I fell a few feet away on all fours. I managed a look at my arms and I wasn’t a wolf, but I wasn’t necessarily human either. And it wasn’t a full moon. What was happening to me?

  My momentary victory didn’t last long. A needle punctured my skin at my neck as I stared at the blue-eyed half wolf shift back to his human form. My vision grew blurry as he rubbed at his forehead with a scowl and I fell into a pair of strong arms.

  Chapter Five

  I stirred in bed with warm blankets wrapped around my body and I sighed in content. This feels so refreshing. I smiled and had to remind myself to thank Amy for buying me a new comforter. These sheets felt as if they were ripped from cloud nine and I didn’t want to get up for class.

  “They’re soft, aren’t they?” A masculine voice said beside me. I tightened my closed eyes, not wanting to look at who that was. I didn’t remember having a one night stand. Wait. I didn’t even do one nighters—I’m a self-certified prude. And that’s when last night’s events hit me like a bucket of ice water. I shot up from where I laid and saw who was in the room with me. His chocolaty eyes were soft and a cautious smile played on his lips. Jonah.

  “Where am I?” My voice was scratchy and dry.

  “Here, drink this,” he handed me a glass of water but I didn’t receive it. “It’s just water. You’re probably dehydrated.” I shook my head and seeing as I wasn’t going to take it, he set it back on the nightstand.

  “Do you need anything? I’m sorry about last night but—”

  “I need to go home,” I said as I flung the thick comforter off my body and moved to get up. His eyes went straight to my waistline and I saw I was just in my almost-see-through camisole and panties. I felt the warmth in my face as I pulled the blanket back over me. And this time covered myself up to my neck.

  “Where the hell are my clothes?” I yelled and I could feel my blood pressure rising. These bastards!

  He put his hands out defensively, “It’s not what you think! One of the Luna’s undressed you, don’t worry.”

  “Don’t worry? Who is Luna? Give me my shit, asshole!” I grabbed one of the pillows and aimed at his head. He ducked away and to the door.

  “Okay, okay! I’ll go find out where your things are. Just calm down, we’re not going to hurt you,” he said as if reassuring me. I went for another pillow and he hustled out the room before I could throw the next one.

  I waited a couple of minutes to make sure he wasn’t coming back in and jumped out of bed like it was laced with acid. Tip toeing around the room, I scanned it for anything to give me a clue as to where I was—or at least a phone to call the police. I was in a modest sized room with just a queen four poster bed and a matching night stand. I couldn’t smell anything in particular and the off white walls gave the windowless room a gloomy vibe. Besides the door that led out, there was another one. I walked to it—holding my breath—and peaked inside but there was nothing in there. Just an empty walk-in closet. With no other alternative, I crawled back into bed and curled up under the comforter. Amy must have called the cops by now…at least I hope she did. Unless they took her as well. Damn it. I hated not knowing shit. This was not as glamorous as Teen Wolf made it out to be.

  The door to the room swung open and it slammed against the wall. A small yelp escaped me. I hadn’t heard footsteps approach. What the hell?

  “Get up and follow me,” the same blue-eyed jerk from last night came in with Jonah right on his tail. In this light—I could see him clearly. His black hair under the lights had a tint of blue and he looked even sexier than I thought. Stop Mackenzie. He’s the enemy.

  “Sebastian, it’s obvious she’s not used to our customs. She won’t listen if you’re ordering her around,” Jonah said and bless his soul because I was going to lose my shit if they kept bossing me around.

  “Obviously,” I said with a drip of sarcasm and that got me narrowed eyes—from both of them. Whatever.

  Sebastian cleared his throat and pulled at the collar of his t-shirt like he was hot. Which he so was. Okay, I swore, that was the last time I would ogle him.

  “Fine,” he gritted out. “Follow me…please.” I scrunched my mouth to the side and gave him an are-you-shitting-me look.

  “I’m not going anywhere without my clothes,” I said as I tightened my hold on the sheets, concealing my discomfort.

  “Clothes?” He asked
, honestly perplexed.

  “Yeah? Have you ever heard of them before? I mean you must have since you’re wearing them.” That got me an evil glare. One point for Team Kenzie.

  “Sarcasm isn’t cute on you, Mackenzie. I’m losing patience so let’s not play games. Let’s go.” Was it weird that the only part that I focused on was the fact that he didn’t think I was cute? Which I was taking out of context because it’s not exactly what he said, but still.

  “Well my patience ran out yesterday when I was abducted by a bunch of thugs,” sexy thugs, but I wasn’t going to stroke anyone’s ego, “so unless you desire to go to prison for kidnapping, extortion, and attempted murder, someone better give me my damn clothes so I can go home,” I said as I flexed my Law & Order Ph.D.

  Jonah snickered in the background, diverting my attention from Sebastian to him. He leaned against the door and folded his arms, showing off his fitted jeans and a flannel button up.

  I glared at him. “Give me your shirt,” I said, pointing to his very broad chest. Good Lord, I needed to get out of here; too much testosterone around.

  He cocked an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes. “There’s no way in hell I’m going out there with my goodies on display since you didn’t bring me my clothes when I asked. So do you want me to cooperate or not?” I answered his unasked question.

  “Give her your shirt, Jonah.” Sebastian ordered, irritation laced in his tone.

  Jonah walked toward me, biting his lower lip, with his eyes trained on me as he slowly undid each button. “Don’t you think we’re moving a little fast? We haven’t even gone on our first date,” he smirked and that one dimple on his cheek could have melted my panties off. I could feel the warmth on my face as he flashed that dimple but I didn’t waver under his intensity.

  “In your dreams lover boy,” I snatched his flannel from him and quickly put it on—trying not to look at his bare, sculpted chest. “Haven’t you ever heard of an under shirt?”


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