Lucas (A Billionaire Bad Boy Novel)

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Lucas (A Billionaire Bad Boy Novel) Page 14

by Adriana Jones

  He rubbed between the bridge of his nose, then squinted. Lucas told them to leave.

  They followed his orders immediately.

  “These men are employed by me.”

  “Why were they following me?”

  Lucas took me by the shoulder. We started to walk toward his house.

  “I hired security to follow you, to make sure you were safe.”

  I pulled my shoulder back. He reeled around to face me.

  “Why would I need security?” I also added in a rising tone, “And you hired follow me?” He’d said that part like it was an everyday thing. Oh yeah, no problem, just hired security detail for you, babe. No, not going to be glossed over this time, Lucas.

  “You obviously needed it tonight. Aren't you glad I kept it on you?”

  “Who...who is trying to kidnap me?”

  Lucas shrugged. “I wish I knew.” He took a step closer. I took a step back.

  “Lucas, I'm glad you helped me, but I should go. This shouldn't be happening. I shouldn’t be here.”

  “Nonsense. Of course you should be here. Where else should you be? You’re back with me, where you belong.”

  “Back home. Where I know I belong.”

  His silver eyes flashed. They could’ve cut me in two. “You’ll be staying here for the night. I don’t care what you do in the long term, but right now, I’m concerned about your safety.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do.”

  You don’t own me. You never did. What you said about me being yours turned out to be a lie.

  “History doesn’t agree with you.” He crossed his arms over his barrel chest and tipped his head back, tempting me to challenge him.

  “It’s different now. What we had was good, but it wasn’t right. Please, Lucas, if you ever cared about me, help me…”

  “Help you deny me?” He shook his head slowly. “What you’re asking for is impossible.”

  “What we had was good, but it wasn’t sustainable...what your father said was true...I don’t belong in your world. I’m not a part of it.”

  Lucas smirked. He strode up to me. I gasped as he snatched my back and then pulled me to his lips.

  Silenced, I struggled against him for a second. The next, I was wide open again, allowing him to drive his tongue against mine, taking control of me and reminding me of passionate nights that we shared, and how many more we could have if I let it continue.

  I didn’t stop him. I couldn’t.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think so.”

  He took my hand and pulled me toward his house. My feet were moving on their own. Then I was inside. Then against the wall. Crawling up it, reaching toward the ceiling to hold, no matter how absurd that was, once again I was out of my mind, and Lucas was in it.

  His musky, testosterone laced scent kept me panting against the wall, even after he let me go.

  “Tell me that wasn't right,” he stated. I couldn't.

  I unwound my fingers from his belt. I uncurled my fingers, keeping them straight, as if telling them not to get involved. Don't touch him, he's dangerous, I wanted them to understand. The next moment he thrust himself against me, and my fingers wound around his belt again.

  My treacherous fingers tried to pull him in deeper, closer. I wanted more, so much more.

  His kissing, while under different circumstances would be harsh, was soft to me now. After being strung up, paddled, and fucked rough the last time I saw him...and after a long wait, Lucas knew I desired hard.

  How had I let this happen? Months of struggling to keep him away, then one meeting, and I was his once again.

  “Tell me this isn't right,” he said, stronger this time.

  He grinned when he saw my stupefied look. What was I to do? It was right. Too fucking right.

  I would've curled up in my defensive shell, but he took me by the hips, picked me up, and shoved me higher against the wall. I wanted to warn him of my weight but he held me up with ease. Other men had tried to do the same and failed miserably, ruining the moment. Lucas, once again, proved he was not a normal man.

  “I don't hear you complaining now.”

  “Don't fool yourself.”

  He breathed close to my ear. His lips brushed against my neck, and I curled against him as he dove deeper into the vulnerable crook I’d exposed. “You want me. You need me. Nothing has changed. You've only gotten closer to me the more you've tried to run.”

  He split my lips again and rolled against my tongue. He pinned it, then thrust deeper, making me halfway squeal and halfway moan. My hips buckled. Rubbing against his thin shirt, his abs sliding between my thighs, he caught my voice in my throat. I gasped and shuddered, then bit down on my lip, trying to reclaim my independence...but if that would ever happen again, I would need to get far away from Lucas.

  “No, Lucas,” I said, shaking my head.

  Lucas attacked my tender neck with kisses. A weak spot. One that he marked a long time ago as a vulnerability. I clamped down against him, then released, my pussy swollen and wet, but we were still clothed and there was still a lot more in our way before we got there.

  “This isn't right,” I blurted out. My grave expression caused his hold on me to weaken. I slid back down to my feet, understandably shaky from his touch, and leaned against the wall as he paced away.

  “Please, don't be mad,” I pleaded.

  Seeing Lucas hurt made me want to call him back. But I wouldn't let him kiss me out of pity. I was proud of all of my training over the past few months to defend myself against him.

  A part of me said you see that, you smug bastard? I CAN say no to you. Another wanted to take him, hug him real quick to change his mood, then have happy Lucas go wild on me.

  “Go on. You have something to say. Say it now.” Even angry, he looked too hot. His ruffled blond streaks looked like he'd just woken from sleep, his lip curved in displeasure, but I still imagined them over my neck, still prickling from his hungry kisses.

  The words didn’t come easily. “I'm not convinced.”

  He raised an eyebrow. In his informal attire he seemed much bigger, much more intimidating. The titan remained unbroken before me.

  “Go on,” he said again.

  “You're making this difficult.” He nodded and smirked a little. “I need more than sex with you, because after sex, I look ahead. I can't help it. But nothing you can say can convince me of our future. I don't see it. I can't see it working out.”

  “It's what my father said,” he responded, rubbing his hard jawline with his thumb. “You let him get under your skin. He's good at that. Don't. He was wrong.”

  “No, he was right about some things. I'm not part of this world. You and I aren’t compatible. There's attraction, yes, and I'm sure you could support me, but I want more than that. I want to share my life with someone...and every time we get close, it’s disaster.”

  He suddenly turned around, stopping me, making me peer up at him. There weren't a lot of men who could make me feel tiny, but Lucas did.

  “It sounds like nothing I do will change your mind.”

  “No,” I said, although my answer was clear. “Nothing I can think of.”

  “You're still not leaving here tonight.”

  Then before I could react, he shoved me through the doorway to my right, and slammed the door behind me. Fumbling for the door in the dark, when I found it, all of my attempts wouldn't budge the knob.

  In one quick move, he'd pushed me into a spare room and locked it from the outside.

  I banged on it and screamed for Lucas to let me out.

  “Not tonight,” he called past the door, sounding so sweet. I pounded away as I listened to his footsteps trailing down the hallway.

  Was he leaving me?

  Who did he think he was? My gut sank when I realized I knew the answer to that question. It was Lucas.

  Slumping back against the wall, I looked around at the spare bedroom. It was decorated with a tropical, yet modern theme, which could’
ve easily been overdone, but it wasn’t. There was a large beach bed with sheets and pillows immaculately placed.

  And there was a window.

  Once I spotted it, I laughed like a maniac. Lucas had forgotten to bar the window, which seemed unlike him, but locking me in the room had been a split second decision. I hurried over to it. It seemed wide enough for me to fit. It didn't matter. I would have to try it.

  Just as I was about to lift it, Lucas appeared on the outside jingling a lock. He clamped it down on the window, waved to me, then merrily strolled away.

  I laughed at the absurdity of it all, then collapsed onto the bed.

  There were worse places to be stuck in, but there were certainly easier places to escape from.

  Chapter 15


  Was it wrong that I didn't feel bad about trapping Tia? Should there have been remorse? Perhaps a questioning of my morality? Tia didn't understand how much danger she was in. And she certainly didn't understand what I had up my sleeve, which required her to be away from me for a while.

  The best gifts were, in my opinion, complete surprises, and that's what I intended to give her—a surprise that would knock her socks off. Hell, why not her panties, too? It was time to throw it all on the table. Doing so required me to be up all night, without her interrupting me.

  I loved the hell out of that curvy wonder, but she still could be a major distraction.

  My security team was under strict orders not to let Tia go. They would feed her, give her whatever she needed, under no circumstances should she leave the premises.

  After my secret night, haggard and delirious from no sleep, I arrived back home. I popped open the door a little. Keeping it ajar, I peered in to see Tia curled against the pillows. She looked serene. Exhausted, I wanted to cuddle up next to her, press my cock between her cheeks, and fall asleep to our warmth.

  There was no time for sleep.

  One of her eyes popped open. She jumped back and almost fell off the bed.

  “What are you lurkin’ around for?”

  “I'm back,” I said, not before rubbing my eyes to try to focus.

  Her hair tousled from sleep, she looked adorable but I didn't dare tell her that.

  “Oh, now you're back? Thanks for keeping me locked up in this room for the night.”

  “I'm sorry about that,” I said. I leaned against the door to not tip. To be honest, I didn't sleep well the night before, or the night before that, or....yeah, I couldn't remember when I’d gotten a decent night's sleep.

  “You look terrible. Where have you been?”

  I shook my head. She couldn't know that. Not yet. “Nowhere.”

  “You're being really creepy, Lucas. What's going on?”

  “What time is it?” I asked, at the same time, bringing out my cell phone. Six in the morning. Damn. No time left.

  “You've got to get ready. We're leaving in twenty minutes.”

  Tia grasped at the air like she was strangling me. I didn't blame her. In the end, I hoped that pussy would want to strangle my cock.

  Falling back, then thrusting herself up onto her feet, she grumbled and shoved past me.

  “Let me get ready,” she grumbled.

  “You don't even know where we're going.” She must've been heading up to my master bathroom to get ready.

  “Are you going to tell me?” she yelled.

  As she rounded the staircase, she glared back at me. You got me there, beautiful. “No.”

  Shaking her head, she growled again and stomped off to the top floor. I sat at the bottom of the stairs and waited for her. This was going to be a long trip.

  Once she was ready, we headed to my garage. Bright UV lights buzzed to life above us, illuminating my four cars. Usually, guys in my income range would have a fleet of vehicles at the ready. I had a few middle class cars, and one sports car that I liked to take whenever I needed to get somewhere fast.

  It was hardly used and I felt like now would be a great time to take it. I reached for the handle. I was about to pop it open when Tia darted between us and wagged her finger in my face.

  “Oh, no, oh hell, no. You are not driving.”

  “You want to drive?” The keys jingled in front of her face. She took a step back.

  “Uhh, no. I'm not driving that thing. You're not, either.”

  I hated when she was right. Only because she was right most of the time.

  “Look at us, arguing like a married couple already.”

  “I'm trusting you, Lucas...” she said under her breath, fists clenching. Tia would never hurt me, but she would run. Run away from me, like she had tried to before.

  “Remember the last time you said that? I gave you the orgasm of your life.”

  “Do whatever you need to do. I am having the complete opposite of an orgasm right now.”

  “That serious? What’s the opposite of an orgasm?”

  “Sounds like the worst feeling on earth.”

  “Aren’t you Miss Dramatic today?”

  She tried to hide a smile but failed. “Lucas, aren't we late for whatever you're doing?”

  “We are,” I said and headed off without another word or glance. In another minute, the garage door opened.

  “I'm trusting you,” she said again.

  I was too slow to respond and she dropped inside the car. The upscale, private neighborhood passed us by and soon we were on the highway.

  Tia recognized the route. “We're not going to the airport, are we?”

  She leaned closer, getting that angry yet beautiful look that I couldn't take seriously.

  “You're so pretty when you're angry, you know that?”

  “Stop screwing around,” she said, but I saw an inkling of a smile. “I'm not ready to go anywhere. Look at me.”

  “You look fine. We're going to be on a plane for hours.”

  “Hours? How many hours?”

  “You're not afraid of flying, are you?”

  “I'm afraid of you and your plans. This had better be good...keeping me locked in a room, waking me up at an ungodly hour of the morning, taking me with no time to get ready…”

  “It'll be worth it. Relax your pretty butt.”

  She crossed her arms and huddled in the corner, far away from me. “This butt is not happy, mister. This is one angry butt. And have you seen this thing? You do not want to make this butt angry.”

  I sprang toward her. I crooked my head while I flashed a smile, a smile that told her exactly what I was thinking about – running my tongue over that delicious pussy, caressing and worshipping that beautiful ass, watching as it bounced to my merciless thrusting in that divine, tight pussy.

  “Keep talking about that butt of yours and we'll miss our flight. Or maybe you'd like to join my high mile club?”

  Tia scoffed, but flinched. “I'm going to shut up now. I'm only feeding your confidence.”

  My eyelids fluttered. Keeping my eyes open was a struggle that I was losing. I kicked back again and waited for us to arrive.

  The next thing I knew, we were there as Tia slapped my thigh. I bolted awake to catch her laughing.

  “What's funny?”

  “Couldn't hang, could you?”

  “How long was I out?”

  “Only a few minutes.” We were parked in front of a hangar, housing the private flight I chartered to take us.

  “Ah, shit, sorry, didn't meant to do that.”

  “It's okay,” she said, then crawled her way over. Her plump, grab-able ass passed right by me.

  Why couldn't we simply fuck in the limo like I'd mentioned earlier?

  We went inside the hangar to be greeted by the staff. As we went into our private chambers onboard the jet, Tia showed her disapproval with each step. I simply tried to keep my footing so I wouldn't fall.

  The seats were all huge, double the size of a normal seat on a standard airline. In the back, there was a small lounge with a bar. But most of the jet served its function, getting from one place to another co
mfortably and fast.

  We had two flight attendants to take care of us. Overkill, but Tia would appreciate it, even if she would complain about the cost and how it wasn't necessary.

  “When are you going to tell me where we're going?” she whispered to me. She was too embarrassed to say it loudly.

  “I'll tell you where we're going when we get there,” I yelled, my voice booming through the cabin.

  She jumped from her seat and hit me with an elbow to my side. It actually kind of hurt.

  “You've got some bony elbows. Why don't you keep those lethal weapons in your personal space?” I took her arm and placed it back on her lap.

  She shook her head. “I don't have bony elbows.”

  “I'm pretty sure they don't allow weapons like that aboard the flight. Maybe you should've stepped out of line and let me frisk you?”

  “Frisk me? How attractive, Lucas. And once again, they're not bony.”

  I pointed to the flight attendant who was getting ready to show us the safety precautions. “If you're so sure about your not-pointy elbows, how would you feel about jabbing her in the waist like you just did to me?”

  “I swear to God, Lucas...if you don't shut up, my pointy elbows are going up your ass.”

  That got me going. I started to laugh my ass off, interrupting the safety procedure. My laughter became worse once I tried to stifle it. After I was done wiping a tear over Tia's absurd statement, and how pissed she'd gotten over her elbows, exhaustion swept over me.

  We listened to the safety precautions. Hearing them made me uneasy. It reminded me why we were there in the first place, because of Tia being in danger. My personal visit to Jayne had solved that problem, or so I hoped. If she attempted anything, my security detail that trailed her would alert me at once.

  Tia leaned over her seat and her breasts pressed against my arm. Arousal shot through me, then came the comfort of having her warm, soft beauties against me.

  Keep hands to self, keep eyes straight ahead, and enjoy the flight.

  “Actually, I agree with you. They are a little bony,” she whispered to me, like telling me a naughty secret. My cock bulged when she said that.


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