A Submissive's Dream (Divine Designs)

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A Submissive's Dream (Divine Designs) Page 9

by Maggie Ryan

  When Craig turned to take Barbara's hand, he grinned. "I hope you don't mind my truck again," he said as the group walked out to the parking lot.

  "Your carriage is perfect, Sir," she said, reminding him of his earlier play. He grinned, loving the fact she had called him 'sir', and soon had her seated, her seat belt securely fastened.

  As he climbed into the truck, he smiled over at her. "At least the roads are paved, so you won't bump your head again." She giggled and relaxed, leaning her head back against the seat. When the truck didn't start, she looked over to see him frowning. "You are too far away," he declared, reaching over to release her seat belt and tugging her into the middle of the seat. He buckled her in and then gave her a smile. "Okay?" he asked.

  "Perfectly okay," she said. He started the truck and pulled out behind Logan's convertible. It would take a little over a half-hour to get to Galveston and then a few more minutes to drive down to the Seawall, where the famous restaurant was located. Craig asked her to pick a station on the stereo, and she settled on country music. Craig smiled and then surprised her by singing along, his voice rich and deep, making her shiver as she realized she could listen to him sing all night long. That thought made her blush as all sorts of images ran through her mind about what might happen in the darkest hours of the night. Craig saw her color out of the corner of his eye but didn't ask her about it. He smiled and kept singing, delighted when she slipped her hand over to lie on his thigh. He almost missed the chorus of the song as he briefly thought about how he had masturbated in the shower, knowing he was close to losing control around this gorgeous woman. Blushing slightly himself, he dropped one hand from the wheel, lifted her hand, and pressed his lips to her knuckles. Barbara quivered again and then laid her head against his shoulder as they drove down the highway.

  Chapter 6

  As Craig and Barbara listened to country music, Nancy and Elizabeth were speaking quietly in the backseat of the convertible, the wind blowing through the car assuring the girls that it was impossible for the men to hear their conversation.

  "Can I be very frank and open with you?" Nancy asked, her body turned towards her best friend.

  Elizabeth nodded as she attempted to pull her hair back into a ponytail, the wind whipping the ebony strands about. Once she had it secured, she relaxed. "Has there ever been a time when you weren't?" she asked with a smile.

  Nancy shrugged, a small smile playing on her lips. "Well, no, but I don't want to embarrass you or … or cause you to have some sort of setback," she said seriously. Elizabeth looked curious but nodded for Nancy to go ahead. After another quick glance towards the front seat, Nancy leaned a little closer. "Well, remember the reason why you wanted to build Haven?" she asked.

  Elizabeth nodded and then her entire face flushed scarlet. "Oh, God, you heard us!" she said, her hand going to her throat.

  Nancy reached out and took her hand, pulling it down to the seat between them. "Please, please, don't," Nancy said quietly. "It was great … well … I mean," she paused, blushing herself. "I guess great isn't what I meant but … no, it was. Great I mean." Seeing her friend so flustered caused Elizabeth to laugh and Nancy to redden even more.

  Knowing that she could make her friend really suffer, Elizabeth finally shook her head. "It was great," she admitted, and was pleased to see Nancy's eyes widen and then the familiar smile appear. "Logan was great and has brought me past my fear. Of course, it's also embarrassing. I mean, God, I'm thinking you heard a great deal of screaming …"

  "And pleading, and begging, and yep, screaming," Nancy confirmed, nodding her head vigorously. "God, Liz, I am so happy for you." Elizabeth nodded as the two women hugged each other. Elizabeth bent closer, telling Nancy that she had found her voice at Haven on the gorgeous red chaise the night before. Nancy listened in awe. Elizabeth described the proposal and ended by describing how she had learned to fly after being flogged and taken repeatedly.

  "Wow, that's the hottest story yet," Nancy said, and giggled.

  Elizabeth nodded. "Like you said, it was great!"


  Neither realized that both men had easily heard the conversation, despite their belief that the wind provided adequate cover.

  Jason looked over at Logan, seeing his grin. "Good," Jason said, and Logan's grin grew, remembering the day at the art festival when only that one word had formed both a bond and an understanding between the two men.

  Logan shook his head and grinned. "Nope, I distinctly heard I was great," Logan corrected and laughed when Jason snorted and rolled his eyes.

  Deep inside, Jason was thrilled that Elizabeth had stepped past her phobia of voicing either her pain or her pleasure. He and Nancy had spent years watching her struggle to overcome that one night when her cries of pleasure had found a security guard looming over her where she had been tied to a bed during her first BDSM scene. Though she had always maintained that she would never regret that night as it was her first experience with a dominant, her humiliation at being told she would be thrown out of the respectable hotel if the guests complained of her screams again had robbed her of her ability to fully voice what she felt.

  He nodded once more. "Great it is," he conceded, and Logan nodded.

  They met in the lobby of the restaurant and discovered that the question of dinner had been moot. It was obvious that Benjamin had already made a reservation; they were immediately led to a large table holding bouquets of flowers in silver bowls, candles in crystal holders, and flutes waiting to be filled from the champagne that was chilling in silver ice buckets. Elizabeth felt truly touched and wrapped her arms around her future father-in-law, giving him a huge hug. Though it was an elegant setting, none of the women felt underdressed. After all, it was a beach environment and nice shorts or pants were certainly not out of place. They were soon seated, and Benjamin stood to open the first bottle of champagne. As the cork popped towards the ceiling, the bubbly wine fizzing over the open neck of the bottle, Elizabeth thought of the first time she and Logan had shared champagne. She looked to see him watching her, his eyes soft at the memory of the first night they had made love. She felt her nipples harden beneath her bra and blushed. Logan grinned in that incredibly sexy way of his, letting her know that he was well aware of her thoughts.

  Benjamin poured them each a glass and gave the first toast: "Helen and I are blessed with the addition of Elizabeth into our family. We wish nothing but a life full of happiness and total peace as our son and our new daughter commit their lives and their souls to each other. I toast to love."

  "To love," echoed around the table as glasses clinked together and the first sip of champagne was taken. Logan leaned over and kissed his fiancé and then whispered in her ear.

  "I'm feeling the craving for a strawberry sundae." She flushed beautifully, her entire body seeming to awaken and prepare itself for this man. They were toasted around the table until the first glasses had been consumed. By the time the glasses were empty, occupants of the tables around them had joined the group in each toast, lifting glasses of ice tea, wine or water to share in the obvious celebration in their midst.

  The meal was a huge success, though at one point Garrett had to tell Ariel to put down her camera and just enjoy the food. She had giggled, raising the camera and snapping his picture. Garrett reached under the table and a sharp sound was heard, followed by her stifled yelp, the others grinning as they watched her instantly set the camera down onto the table. Barbara had found herself grinning as well, and didn't even notice that Craig and her parents were watching her reaction.

  They enjoyed lobster, crab legs, and thick steaks. Creamy garlic mashed potatoes, fresh bread with garlic butter, vegetables crisp and steamed perfectly were consumed, along with more champagne. When the second bottle was empty, everyone switched to ice tea or water, as they would be driving back to the hotel. Though the men knew they could probably consume additional alcohol and not be affected, none was willing to take that chance when the women they loved were their pas
sengers. The dessert trays came out, and though the women all groaned, each asked her partner if he'd be willing to split something. When the men said they wanted their own full dessert, the girls shrugged and between the four of them chose two desserts to share. Helen laughed and declined to share; she wanted an entire slice of strawberry cheesecake, one of the restaurants specialties, all to herself. As they waited for the desserts, Benjamin pushed his chair back and tapped his knife against his glass to get their attention. When the table was quiet, he nodded to his wife, who pulled an envelope from her purse and passed it to him.

  "Logan, Elizabeth, your mom and I didn't duck out of work today without having a good reason," he began, and when Elizabeth started to speak to assure him that the couple didn't need to do any work, Logan stilled her with his hand on her knee, giving her a gentle squeeze. Benjamin nodded to his son. "We couldn't be any happier knowing that our son has found you, Elizabeth, and that you are doing him the greatest honor in becoming his wife. We've loved you from the day you and Nancy came into our lives. Even though Nancy and Jason aren't our children, we consider them as family." He looked down the table at the young couple and met Nancy's eyes, which were filling with tears. He smiled and gave her a wink, waiting until she smiled, before he turned back to Elizabeth. "Helen and I want to help you with your dream." Logan felt Elizabeth tense and again squeezed her knee. She was a fiercely independent woman, but he hoped she didn't react to whatever his father was saying without thinking it through. Benjamin didn't seem to notice her reaction as he was smiling down at his wife. "While I know you are too stubborn to accept help in the actual building of Haven, we pray you accept this gift for what it is. A gift of love and joy that you and Logan can continue to build on for the rest of your lives, and well, as Helen has already told me, the lives of all the grandchildren you are going to gift us with." Helen nodded, as if to stress the importance of that last statement, and the couples around the table laughed. Benjamin passed the envelope to Logan, who held it for a moment before handing it to Elizabeth.

  She paused, her hands trembling as she tried to control her emotions. She had been ready to declare that she would not accept help from them to finance her dream hotel. However, he had already known that and made a point to refer to her stubbornness. While she had broken down and allowed Logan to buy into the property so that she could afford that perfect location and have funds to actually build it the way she had always dreamed, she had only done so after a great deal of soul-searching. When Logan had told her that he was perfectly willing to spank the self-serving pride right out of her, she had known that he was the only partner she could ever have, both in business and in life.

  Her eyes lifted to Logan's before she slid her finger under the flap of the envelope and opened it. Everyone at the table held their breath as she pulled out some folded papers. Puzzlement was evident, as most everyone had expected a card with perhaps a check inside. Seeing what appeared to be documents had everyone leaning forward in their seats to get a better look. Elizabeth unfolded them and drew in her breath.

  "Oh, God, I … I can't accept this," she said, her eyes going to Benjamin and Helen before locking onto Logan's. "Oh my God, Logan … this … this is a deed."

  Logan took the document from her, his own eyes huge as he quickly scanned down the pages. When he was done, he lifted his eyes to his dad. "Dad, this is unbelievable … this is too much … God, I mean…"

  "Nonsense, son," Benjamin said as he shook his head. "I expected a bit of protest from your feisty fiancé but you should know that nothing you could say will change my mind. Don't you remember anything from your youth, boy?"

  Ariel giggled and piped up from her seat across the table. "You'd better watch it, Logan; you know what happens when you argue with Dad," she warned, and was thrilled to hear her sister join in.

  "Yep, unless you want your butt whipped until you not only accept, but beg to accept, you and Elizabeth better do the right thing and simply take Dad and Mom's gift graciously." Craig grinned and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her a bit closer to him.

  Elizabeth still hadn't spoken, her hands turning the pages of the documents after taking them back from Logan. "Logan?" she said quietly, looking up from the page. "If I'm reading this correctly, we now own all the land around Haven. I … I think we even own the lake. God, can that be right? Can people even own an entire lake?" she asked in wonder.

  "Absolutely, little girl. The lake is completely contained within the boundaries of your land—it is all yours," Benjamin said, and picked up his water glass as if that settled the matter. "Now, come and give me a hug and kiss or will I need to put you over my knee first?" Helen giggled at the thought of seeing that but almost feared that her husband really meant the thinly-veiled promise of spanking his newest daughter. Logan chuckled and Elizabeth finally set her pride aside. She jumped from her chair and ran to where Benjamin sat. She bent to hug him and squealed when he pulled her down onto his lap, kissing her soundly.

  "That's what I like—obedient daughters," Benjamin said as she giggled and hugged the breath from him. "Thank you," he said more seriously, knowing it had been a true gift for her to accept such a huge gift from them.

  "No, thank you, Dad, Mom," she said, looking over and taking Helen's hand. "Besides, since I've already got a spanking coming from your demanding son, Lord knows I can't chance going over the lap of the head Dietrich." There was a moment of silence, and then the entire table broke out into cheers of laughter as she was hugged and kissed again before being let up, a single swat applied to her rear. She hugged Helen and kissed her, thanking her quietly. Logan did the same, not giving a whit that he kissed his father in public or wrapped his arms around the older man in a huge hug. He actually pulled his mother from her chair and twirled her around before kissing her and thanking her as well.

  When he put her down gently, she smiled and looked up at him. "Don't forget; this means we'll need lots and lots of grandchildren to run around all that land!"

  Dessert was anti-climactic, but was still consumed greedily. After coffee, the group rose, everyone stopping to hug and thank the older couple for the wonderful party. Just before Logan started the car, Nancy bent over towards Elizabeth.

  "I highly suggest you ask Logan if he included a gag in that bag of his," she said, and then added, "God knows I'll be using one."

  Elizabeth blushed but knew she would follow through with the suggestion. If the occupants of other rooms heard her in pleasure, she was positive they would be able to hear her when she received the whipping she'd been promised. She looked towards the front seat and then whispered, "Maybe he'll change his mind. I mean we are celebrating our engagement, after all."

  Logan looked back and chuckled, "Not on your life, Babe. I'm not about to start a new precedent even before you are officially Mrs. Logan Dietrich."

  Elizabeth sighed and then shrugged her shoulders, her bottom clenching just a bit in anticipation, a soft smile on her lips. "Yes, Sir," she said, then lay her head back against the seat and closed her eyes. The entire day had been one of intensity and incredible surprises. We own a lake! She thought and smiled again.

  The group split up in the lobby after agreeing to meet at nine the next morning. It was later than today's early start, but everyone was tired, and the work they could do was basically completed. Logan said they'd take a tour around their new property and then have lunch at the lake and just enjoy the day before heading back to Houston. Everyone agreed; hugs and kisses, as well as wishes for pleasant dreams, were given as couples left for their own rooms.

  Elizabeth and Logan thanked his parents again. "It really is too much," Elizabeth said, but did so with a smile. "We'll treasure your gift forever. It is such a blessing knowing I'll be part of your family." Benjamin hugged her for the last time that evening and then patted her bottom. She blushed hotly.

  "Hope you feel the same in the morning," he teased, and then took Helen's hand and disappeared down the hall. Logan grinned, took her
hand and led her to the elevator.

  Just before they stepped on, she remembered what Nancy had said. "Um, did you bring your toys?" she asked softly, keeping her voice low so that the night clerk could not hear. Logan nodded, his eyebrow lifted. "Could … I mean would you go get the … the gag?" she said, this time her question barely audible. Logan grinned and nodded. She took a seat on the bench next to the elevator as he returned to the parking lot.

  As he opened the trunk of his car, he noticed that Craig and Barbara were sitting on the low wall to the side of the hotel. He had wondered where they had gone after wishing everyone a good night. He was about to call out to them when he hesitated. There was something about the way they looked, and he smiled when he realized that his sister was curled up on Craig's lap, her head on his shoulder, his arms holding her securely. She looked exactly as she had as a little girl, and he remembered often holding her after she had gotten a spanking from their father. That memory caused him to pause again. He considered going over to make sure she was okay, that she wasn't about to do something for which she'd regret. Seeing her hand reach up and cup the back of Craig's head when he bent to kiss her made him reconsider. She was a grown woman and was perfectly capable of making her own decisions. He'd make sure to connect with her tomorrow. Not wanting to disturb them, he quickly found the ball-gag in his bag and slipped it into his pocket. He shut the trunk quietly and put the couple from his mind as he prepared to deal with his own naughty girl.

  "Are you okay?" Elizabeth asked when he returned to her, his posture indicating he was thinking about something. "I … I was teasing when I said maybe you forgot," she said quietly as the doors to the elevators opened and he guided her inside. Logan pushed the button for their floor and drew her into his arms.

  "I'm fine, Schatzlein, and I know you were teasing," he said, bending to drop a kiss on the top of her head. "I just saw Craig and Barbara out in the parking lot. I think they are falling for each other rather quickly. I'm just wondering if I should …"


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