A Submissive's Dream (Divine Designs)

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A Submissive's Dream (Divine Designs) Page 12

by Maggie Ryan

  "That's something Logan and I do agree on. Perhaps we can put in both a bath and a separate shower if we don't have to make the bathrooms too large." She made a note on her pad to speak to the foreman about the possibilities.

  "What did you want us to do with the furniture?" Ryan asked. Elizabeth frowned, trying to picture any furniture she had missed in the tours of the house. When he saw that she was confused, Ryan continued. "There is some sort of red bench upstairs as well as lots of vases with candles and some sort of debris on the floor."

  Logan chuckled at seeing her face turn pink as she understood what he was referring to. "The bench is a chaise, Ryan," Logan explained. "The candle vases and rose petals on the floor made my marriage proposal just that much more romantic."

  Ryan grinned and nodded. "I'm guessing it stays, then?"

  "Well, it stays, but not in there. Can you have your men bring it downstairs? Garrett and I will move it out before we go … well, if Craig will let us use his truck, that is," Logan said, looking over at Craig. Craig agreed, and they continued the tour without Ryan, as he had been called away by one of his men.

  "This floor will only have four rooms, since we are going to keep the old ballroom," Elizabeth explained. "I hope there will be parties and even weddings and commitment ceremonies in here." Nancy and I have worked up some designs that we hope encourage people to both enjoy the room and make some lasting memories there."

  Barbara had remained quiet, but as they entered the ballroom, she understood that Elizabeth and Logan were serious in what they wished the hotel to be. Before they all left the ballroom, Barbara turned back. "Do you think it would be possible to enlarge that window on the back wall? If my sense of direction is correct, I believe it would offer a spectacular view of the lake. I can just see people on the platform, exchanging their vows, the sparkling blue lake almost surrounding them." Barbara turned back and saw both Elizabeth and Nancy smiling broadly.

  "Why didn't you think of that?" the two designers said at the same time, causing everyone to laugh.

  "Barbara, that is an incredible idea. Not just enlarge that window; perhaps make almost the entire back wall a huge window. You are right in your sense of direction. You'd not only have the stage framed by the lake, but all those trees as well," Elizabeth said.

  Ariel piped up excitedly, "It would make for some incredible photos, as well. And, since you now own the entire property, can't you just imagine all the photos that could be captured forever, either for a wedding or a very intimate commitment ceremony? Just the possibilities give me goose-bumps!"

  Garrett grinned as he pulled his little photographer into his arms, though his eyes were scanning the back wall. "I'd need to check with Ryan, but I think from an architectural standpoint, it would be doable. Of course, if you wanted to keep it as one pane, well, it would be expensive and need to be of tempered safety glass. You wouldn't want to be showered with glass shards if a storm came through that put a huge tree limb into the window," Garrett said. "But, my budding photographer has a point; it would make for some pretty incredible photos."

  Barbara felt pleased at the reaction to her suggestion, everyone's reaction drawing her into feeling even more included. She found she was as excited about the possibilities of what Haven could be as the others were. The hotel wasn't going to be huge, that wasn't the purpose. The rooms being created were to be romantic spaces, offering couples a place to get away from daily life to reconnect and simply enjoy each other.

  As they all trooped back downstairs to tour the rear of the house, Barbara asked another question, "Are you planning on serving meals here?"

  Elizabeth nodded. "Yes, three meals a day. I want people to be able to check in and stay the entire time, if they don't feel like going out. I know we are a bit off the beaten path, but well, Logan and I felt that added to the charm of the place. Of course, it also makes it a bit more difficult for running out for a meal, especially breakfast. I figured we'd use this room as the dining area, as it is closest to the kitchen," Elizabeth said, as the group walked into another room. It had high ceilings and a row of windows flanking a large fireplace at one end.

  Barbara looked around and nodded. "I can see how this could be good," she said, picturing small tables for two scattered across the room. Suddenly, she turned and looked at Logan. "Um, pardon me for sounding stupid, but well, please tell me that people will actually be dressed for dinner."

  Logan looked puzzled. "This isn't going to be some high-class hotel that requires dinner jackets and gowns to eat, Barb. We want our guests to be comfortable. If they wish to get all decked-out, I would guess they would drive into Houston or Galveston."

  Elizabeth laughed and reached out to put her hand on Logan's arm. "I think she means 'dressed' as in 'not naked'," Elizabeth said, and laughed again at the look on his face. She shook her head and turned to Barbara. "Yes, I'm thinking clothing will be required. If someone wants their meals 'au naturel', then they can always order room service."

  Barbara let out a sigh of relief and Craig chuckled. "What did you imagine?" he asked, his arm around her waist.

  She shrugged. "I was picturing pretty tables with linens and candles. I saw some sturdy chairs covered with either needlepoint or cushions for added comfort. Then, well, all I saw were naked butts sitting on the furniture, and couldn't see myself enjoying a meal looking around the room to see either nude or scantily-clad women looking better than I did."

  Though the others chuckled, Craig's eyes narrowed and he bent close to her ear. "That's not the first time I've heard you disparage yourself, Gracie," he said quietly. "If I hear it again, you will feel my hand against that gorgeous ass of yours and then you will sit on a very uncomfortable chair, on your red bottom, and write out lines."

  She shivered as she turned her head to look at him, swallowing hard upon seeing the expression in his eyes. "I thought you promised it was my choice," she whispered back.

  Nodding, he gave her a smile that made her shiver again. "The spanking you are referring to is your choice. The one I'm referring to is my promise. You are a beautiful woman, and since you seem unaware of that fact, I'll make it my duty to convince you one way or another that I won't have you putting yourself down. Understand?" She managed to nod and was very grateful the others had moved away to allow the couple some privacy. He bent to kiss her cheek and then took her hand again, leading her to join the others. They discussed where the lobby would be, a small reception desk to the left of the main entrance, a seating area to the right.

  Nancy showed them where the boutique would be. "Remember, ladies, you are supposed to make up some lists for me," she said, reminding them of their earlier conversation.

  "What about our suggestions?" Garrett asked, and she nodded.

  "That would be great. I like a man who knows what he wants and isn't willing to let his lady's reluctance stop him from at least offering the experience." Finished with the house, they all walked back outside and turned in their hardhats. The foreman promised to keep Logan's and Elizabeth's safe for them, and they laughed and thanked him. Though they had gotten some funny looks from some of the workers, both were secretly pleased at the gift.

  "How about we hike around the area before heading for the lake," Logan suggested, and everyone agreed. They were soon surrounded by tall grasses and trees that had grown untended for years. Elizabeth was scribbling notes in her book as fast as the others could give them. Landscaping companies and arborists were suggested to at least clean up a portion of the area surrounding the hotel.

  "There's no need to do much, just enough to provide some outdoor space, a large stone patio, maybe an outdoor bar area and a fire pit," Garrett suggested and Jason agreed, as he loved spending evenings outside whenever possible. "You could hold cocktail hour or something, you know, with snacks and beer or wine."

  Ariel rolled her eyes. "This is a hotel for couples, you big lug, not a sports bar," she said, and the other women agreed. "We want to be brought here and romanced, not subjected t
o men chugging down beer, arguing over when the burgers need to be flipped, and screaming at some television, all pretending they can play whatever game is on better than the professionals." Garrett grabbed her and lifted her off her feet, smacking the back of her shorts.

  "I'll show you games, little girl," he said as she squealed in mock protest. "I promise I can play some games better than anyone else you know."

  "Promises, promises," she said as she rubbed the back of her shorts. "I suggest you book a room then and show this little girl that you are not all blustering bullsh … hockey."

  Nancy and Barbara laughed when Elizabeth flipped a page in her notebook and quipped, "One reservation for opening weekend it is."

  "While you have that out, put us down as well," Jason said, hugging Nancy to him. "I don't want to hear about how Garrett is more romantic than I am because he booked his room way in advance."

  Elizabeth smiled and made a note before turning to all of them. "Seriously, guys, Logan and I have already spoken about this. We want to have a pre-opening ceremony. All of you get a room, compliments of the two of us. Benjamin and Helen have an invitation as well. We will have a dozen rooms when we are done and want only our closest friends and family for that weekend. Please agree to come."

  "It would be great if you'd accept," Logan added. "Not only would it mean a great deal to us, you could give suggestions for the real opening weekend. And, Garrett, you could certainly call Ariel's little bluff." Garrett laughed even as Ariel stuck her tongue out at her brother. She received another swat but giggled. Everyone agreed, and Barbara was immensely glad when Elizabeth made it a point to let her know she was expected as well. When Craig also said he wouldn't miss it, Elizabeth hoped that perhaps by then they would be ready to not only share, but enjoy a single room together.

  "Barbara and I will work out a menu for the weekend," Craig offered. "The food's on us. Garrett and Jason can take charge of the beverages, as long as they promise to make sure it is not all beer."

  Hearing Craig offer both of their services, Barbara found herself looking forward to the weekend, even though it had to be months away. She realized she felt very comfortable with these people and didn't want to miss seeing the hotel built and then enjoyed by loving couples. She also found herself hoping to spend a lot more time with Craig before that future weekend. She looked over to see him smiling at her and she shyly returned the smile, her heart beating just a bit faster, praying he felt the same desire to spend time with her.

  Nancy and Ariel had enough of walking through the weeds and brambles and announced it was time to go to the lake. The group walked to the lake and then decided to walk around it. Though it wasn't anywhere near as large as most of the manmade lakes in Texas, it was a decent size, and it would take an hour or so to walk around the entire perimeter. Before they started the hike, Craig went back and drove his truck down. Bottles of water were passed around as well as cookies. As Nancy ate her second one, she explained that she needed to replenish the energy all this work was extracting from her.

  Ariel snickered and whispered loud enough that everyone heard, "I hope you don't get spanked for lying, girl, since we all know how your energy got sapped." She turned to Logan, "Haven Note: Whatever soundproofing you had planned, I suggest you double it and make sure to test it out before your real guests arrive." Elizabeth blushed, but Logan laughed.

  "I promise. In fact, perhaps we'll draw straws to see which couple gets to be the testers and which of us poor saps have to stand around the hotel to listen for strange noises," Logan said, and then tapped a finger against the pad in Elizabeth's hand. "Write that down, sweetheart." He bent forward and whispered, "And figure out a way to rig the drawing. I want that room!" She slapped his hand away and grinned, her fluttering stomach telling her she wanted it just as much as he did.

  When they reached the far side of the lake, they discovered the tumbledown ruins of several old cabins. The foundations remained, though the walls had fallen in. They all looked back in the direction of the hotel site. They could barely make out the building and the women looked at each other and giggled. It was obvious they were deciding exactly how much could be seen if that window was installed.

  "Don't worry ladies," Garrett said with a grin. "If you are really worried about being observed, there are different films that can be applied to the inside of the window, making it even more difficult to see inside. I do think, though, that if these cabins are rebuilt, you'd still be hard-pressed to see into the room, even without a special coating. The angle is just not right. However, from the inside looking out, well, Barbara is correct: the view would be stunning."

  Talk about redoing the cabins kept them busy as they finished the circuit. "They'd be great, especially if a couple wanted to stay more than a weekend," Jason said. "Add some canoes, kayaks or even jet skis and, man, you can make a killing."

  Elizabeth knew Jason was processing potential figures in his mind and smiled. His mention of jet skis had caused Logan's eyes to light up, and Elizabeth had no doubt that her fiancé loved the idea. The couple would discuss it further after the main hotel was up and running.

  "Regardless, remember what mom said," Ariel teased. "She and dad expect lots and lots and lots of grandkids, and you'll need a place away from the hotel for them to play."

  Logan reached out and swatted her rear. "That was an awful lot of 'lots', Ariel. Some of those promised grandkids are the responsibility of you and Barbara," he reminded. "You can't expect Elizabeth to bear the entire new generation." The women all laughed, thoughts of precious girls and precocious little boys running through their heads. When they got back to the picnic area, they passed out the leftovers and enjoyed another lunch by the water.

  "Liz and I need to go talk with Ryan some more," Logan said as he stood and reached down to pull his fiancé up from her chair. "Ya'll can stay and play. We'll be back later, in time to make a fire and have some s'mores before heading back home." It sounded like a good plan and the couple left. After cleaning up from the lunch, the others stated they were going for a swim, but Craig had seen Barbara yawn a couple of times.

  "Ya'll go ahead. Gracie and I are exhausted from making those rolls. We'll nap a bit and swim later." The four were soon swimming out to the raft while Craig stripped down to his swim trunks and rolled his shirt and jeans up to use as a pillow. Watching him, Barbara flushed, admiring his lean body and his muscular chest. He lay down on the blanket, patting the spot next to him. Before she joined him, she saw him attempt to make his clothing more comfortable as a pillow. Smiling she stripped off her shorts and t-shirt and handed them to him. He grinned and added them to his own and then drew her down to lie beside him, her head on his chest.

  Pillows had been on her mind ever since the earlier statement about the inadequate ones at the hotel. As she closed her eyes, her hand against his chest, she wondered what it would be like to be told to bend across a stack of pillows. While she had been bent over a lap and even occasionally over her bed when she was getting a whipping instead of a spanking as a child, she had never been placed over a stack of pillows. She realized that her stomach was fluttering and her sex was moistening even thinking about being ordered to place herself, tummy down, bare bottom up by someone…ok, let's be honest…by Craig. She wasn't aware that her leg lifted to lie across his hard thigh and was almost asleep when he gave a soft moan.

  "Careful, little girl, or I'm going to have to drag you into the woods and have my way with you," he whispered, his cock hard inside his trunks.

  She blushed and pictured him hauling her off by her hair. "Hmmm, I thought you were a cowboy, not a caveman," she whispered back and snickered.

  Craig grinned and pulled her a bit closer. "Baby girl, there is no need for me to haul you off by your hair. You are so little I can simply toss you over my shoulder and take you wherever I want you go."

  "Hmmm, promises, promises," she sighed. He reached across and swatted her ass. She wiggled just a bit closer, a smile on her lips as she gav
e him a teasing glance.

  "Neanderthal," she said, yawning. He chuckled, and they both fell asleep under the shade of the huge trees.

  Chapter 9

  Logan and Elizabeth spent the next two hours with Ryan. Since he would be on-site for the entire project, and they would both be back in Houston, it was imperative that everything was clear. They would come down often, but at this stage of the work most of what Ryan and his crew would do was the boring, required stuff. Wiring needed to be replaced, pipes moved, new ductwork installed, to bring everything up to current code. As the time came for approval of actual design elements, the couple would return at least once a week to check on progress. Thanks to technology, the three could also keep in touch through Skype and mobile phones. When they were done discussing the rest of the demolition, Ryan asked what they wanted to do with some of the outbuildings.

  "What buildings?" Elizabeth asked, looking at Logan, who shrugged.

  "There is some type of old shed about fifty yards off that direction," Ryan said, pointing to the trees. "I think the former owners must have had horses or livestock, as there is an old barn a little away from the shed. I didn't really go inside, but took a quick tour yesterday afternoon. We need to mark all the utility lines. Since you want some gardens—and now a big patio out back—and have decided to put the parking lot off to the side to keep the front façade looking like an old stately mansion, we'll need to mark property lines as well."

  Logan shared the fact that they now owned the entire parcel of land, including the woods and the lake. "Wow, that's some gift," Ryan said with a whistle. "Congratulations. This is going to be an incredible place when you are done."

  Elizabeth's smile indicated that she was thrilled beyond her wildest imagination that Haven was becoming more than just a dream. "We just discovered that there used to be some cabins at the other side of the lake," Logan told him. "When the hotel is completed and is up and running, we'd like to discuss tearing down what remains and building new ones. Meanwhile, we'll go look at the buildings you found and let you know."


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