Every Thug Needs A Lady (Thugs)

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Every Thug Needs A Lady (Thugs) Page 14

by Clark, Wahida

“I was just messing with him. Now I’ll sit back and see what he’s made of. So far so good.”

  “Do you think his dick is small?” Tasha asked, bursting with laughter.

  “Girl, puhleeze. I really was messing with him when I said that. Remember that night you told him I was out there in Mecca’s ride?”


  “When he lifted me out the car, his dick was stretched out along his thigh. He put me right on it and slid me down on it in slow motion. Oh my God! It was long and hard. I wanted to say please do that again.” They both started laughing. “I played it off and acted like nothing happened. The nigga is smooth.”

  “So if he comes over tonight, are you letting him in?”

  “What do you think?”

  At 3:58 a.m. Angel’s alarm went off, and the phone rang at the same time. She smacked the alarm off then reached for the phone. “What is it, Kaylin? I know it’s you.”

  “I’m comin’ up the elevator now. Open the door.”

  “I’m still in the bed, Kay.”

  “You gotta get up and get ready for work. It’s 4:00. You might as well let me take you since I’m going home anyway. Just let me crash on your couch for an hour. Come open the door.” He hung up.

  She rolled out of the bed, grabbed her robe, and went to un-lock the front door.

  “What up, beautiful?” he said to her when she opened the door. “Here’s your paper.”

  “Thanks.” She took it from him and closed the door. “We need to leave by 6:00, Kaylin.”

  “A’ight.” He looked at his Rolex. “It’s 4:05 now. Wake me up at 5:30,” he said, pulling off his shirt and stretching out on the couch.

  Angel showered and shaved her legs, then flossed and brushed her teeth, and moisturized her skin. By the time she came out the bathroom Kay was sprawled out on her bed snoring. She just looked at him and shook her head. She put on her underwear and stockings, threw on a robe, and went into the kitchen, where she had a bran muffin and orange juice while flipping through the newspaper.

  “Kay it’s 5:30. Kay!” She shook him. He rolled over onto his back then sat up. “Why are you in my bed?” she asked.

  “Your couch ain’t comfortable Red. I need a washcloth and a toothbrush,” he said, eyeing her like a luscious piece of fruit.

  “Clean washcloths are in the bathroom, and there should be a new toothbrush in the medicine cabinet.”

  He looked at his Rolex. “Why aren’t you dressed yet?” “I’m waiting on you to get out of my room.”

  “I’m not gonna bite you,” he said smiling. “Not yet.” He left out of the bedroom.

  She scented up, got dressed, and fingered her hair. Then she went into the kitchen to pack her lunch. Kay was downing her entire carton of orange juice. “You ready, beautiful?” he asked.

  “Just about,” she said, leaving out the kitchen to get her purse and briefcase. They left out the house, jumped into a Rover, and headed for New York. They enjoyed each other’s company during the trip, the only problem being Kay wanting to listen to Tom Joyner while Angel wanted to listen to Doug Banks. Angel won.

  After dropping Angel off at work Kay called Trae. They dis-cussed what little business they could over the phone before Trae asked, “So, playa, you just fuckin’ with Red or what?”

  Kay was putting out his blunt. “What you think, dawg? What it look like?”

  “Alls I know is you ain’t chase no pussy like this in a long while.” “Fuck you, dawg!” Kay said laughing. “You forgot how you was chasin’ Tasha.”

  Trae had to laugh at that. “Hell, yeah! A playa’s got to do what a playa’s got to do. I ain’t even gonna front. I had to beg, grovel and scheme, but it was worth it. She don’t give a nigga no problems and now she about to have my baby. Hell, yeah, I’m ’bout it, ’bout it!”

  “Dawg, Red reminds me of them Catholic school girls we used to chase. Their parents have them locked down, but they be so hot and tryin’ so hard not to give it up. She’s a challenge, but I like it. I’ma turn her stuck-up ass out. She don’t even know what she got herself into. I’m diggin’ her, though. She’s just what I need for now.”

  “A’ight, playa, handle your business. Don’t fuck her around, though. Tasha won’t let me hear the last of that shit. Ever!”

  “I’m feeling her, man.” Kay hung up and headed home to take a nap, bathe, and get ready to pick up Angel from work at 1:00.

  Kay was in the lobby ten minutes early with a bouquet of flowers and dressed in an Armani suit, tie, and shirt with diamond cuff links and rocking braids.

  “You must be here to see Ms. Smith. She said she was expecting someone,” said the young receptionist with a grin.

  “Can you tell her that Kaylin is here? Thanks.”

  The receptionist picked up the phone and called her. “She said she’d be down in five minutes.”

  A few minutes later Najee came through the front door. He went straight to the receptionist to thumb through his messages. He turned around, saw Kay, and nodded to him.

  “Kaylin, right?” “What up, man?” Kay greeted Najee.

  “It’s obvious that you got the best hand,” Najee said with a handshake. “I like this suit, man.”


  “What do you do?” Najee inquired.

  Kay pulled out a business card and handed it to him. Najee looked it over.

  “Recycling. You contract with the government?”

  “We’ve won contracts for the last three quarters.”

  “I hear you. If you ever need any assisting or consulting, here’s my card.”

  Just then Angel walked into the lobby. She was wearing a red and black Christian Dior jacket and skirt. Kay looked at her and smiled. “Hey, beautiful,” he said, handing her the flowers and kissing her on the lips. Najee almost jumped out of his skin.

  “Mmmm Kaylin, they smell so good,” she said, sniffing them. “Thank you.” Then to Najee who was looking at her she said, “I put everything you needed on your desk. I’ll be in at seven tomorrow. Page me if you have any questions.”

  “Okay,” he said, all the while looking at Angel, “I need to return a few of these messages.”

  “A’ight, man,” Kay said, watching the action closely with a smirk as Najee disappeared out of the lobby.

  “Kaylin you’re making me look like a bum.”

  “I could never do that, ma. You look hot! You ready?”

  “Bye Kisha,” she said to the receptionist, sniffing her flowers again. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  When they got outside, Angel was expecting to see the Rover, but instead was helped into a Mercedes SUV like Tasha’s, Kay opening the door for her.

  The first stop was to get her squared away. She picked out a dark olive two-piece Versace blouse and skirt costing $3,610 and matching dark olive sandals and bag by Robert Clergisie for $940. Her jewelry cost over $2,000.

  The next stop was at Kay’s tailor. He gave them her outfit, and they made him a matching rich dark olive three-piece suit. He also bought some dark olive gators. His tab was $6,000.

  By the time they finished shopping and sat down to eat it was 6:30. “What do you want to do after we eat?” Kay asked her as they sat looking out of the window at the rain.

  “I need to go home. I have to be up and out by five in order to get to work by 7:00.”

  “Why don’t you spend the night at my house? I can take you to work in the morning. At least you wouldn’t have to catch a train. You can leave my house at 6:30 and be in your office by 7:00.”

  Angel looked at him. “Nah, that’s okay.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not a rapist. I have two guest bedrooms.”

  “Sounds convenient, but I don’t have what I need to stay overnight. What’s the matter? You don’t feel like driving me back to Trenton?”

  “Look how hard it’s raining. It’s storming pretty bad. Instead of driving in this weather for three hours we can get to my house in less than an hour. Neiman Marcus is right
up the street. We can run in and get whatever you need to spend the night.”

  She acted like she didn’t hear that and changed the subject. “What am I going to do about my shoes, Kay? I can’t get these wet. They cost $350. My suit can be put in the cleaners, but nothing can be done for the shoes.” It was raining so hard they could barely see.

  “Take them off and put them in your purse. I’ll carry you to the car.”

  “That’ll work.” She smiled. “Now that’s what I call a gentle-man’s hospitality.”

  After motioning to the waiter to bring the check and paying the bill he said to her, “You ready?” He then took out his keys and swooped her up gently. Angel giggled as she wrapped one arm around his neck and pushed the door open with the other. She was hollering about how cold the rain was as he jogged to

  the Benz but seemed to be enjoying it. By the time they got to the car they were soaked and out of breath.

  “Oh my God!” she yelled excitedly, pulling off her wet stockings.

  Kay turned on the car and the defogger and took off his tie and shirt. “There should be a gym bag back there on the floor with a clean towel, T-shirt, shorts, and socks.”

  Angel unzipped it, handing everything to him, and took off her wet jacket which was making her cold. Underneath she had on a silk, sleeveless camisole. She grabbed the towel and dried off his hair, face, neck and chest. He hit the button moving the seat all the way back, pulled off his pants, and put on the shorts and T-shirt.

  He leaned over in the back to get his Timbs. He winked at Angel and put them on. “You know we could have stayed in the restaurant until the rain stopped?” They both burst into laughter.

  “Duh. I know. But this was too much fun. You want to run back inside?” She joked.

  “Only if you carry me this time.”

  “Whatever nigga. What are you trying to insinuate?”

  He shrugged. “It is what it is.” Then he leaned over to get him a kiss. Before they got too carried away, she gently broke away.

  “You a’ight?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. How about you?”

  “I couldn’t be better,” he said, turning on the Sade CD. They both sat and watched the rain as it fell. “You might as well spend the night. We’re wet, the weather is bad, and plus it’s getting late.”

  “It’s not late Kaylin.”

  “Too late for me to take you home,” he said, reaching over and trying to pull her onto his lap.

  She resisted. “I’m not sleeping with you tonight. We’re not gonna fuck,” her voice rising.

  “I know how to keep my dick in my pants. My hands, lips, and tongue, I have a problem controlling them,” he admitted. She was looking at him.

  “Don’t worry. Separate bedrooms and separate bathrooms. I got you.” He assured her.

  At Neiman Marcus, Angel got a suit, silk pajamas, stockings, underwear, slippers, and some perfume that Kaylin shelled out $2,100 for.

  Kay’s three-bedroom house was located in northern Manhattan. They arrived there a little after 9:30. She noticed a Mercedes station wagon when they pulled up.

  “I see that you’re a Mercedes man.”

  “That I am.”

  “What’s with the station wagon?”

  “I use that when I got my son and my nephews.”

  “How cute!”

  He let Angel inside while he brought the bags in. She was checking the place out. When he finally came in she said, “Kay, this is beautiful. You had it built from the ground up? It looks like something out of Architectural Digest.”

  “Nah, it was in pretty good condition when I got it. I just had it remodeled. It’s actually been in the family a long time.”

  “It’s nice. I bet the women love coming here.”

  “Now why you gotta go there Red?”

  She laughed. “That slipped.”

  “I see how you’re thinking. Let me set the record straight. This is Kay’s sanctum. I gotta really be diggin’ a female to bring her to my hideout. You’ll notice that my phone won’t even ring. I use my pager or my cell phone. You gotta be the shit to get up in here and get my home number.”

  “I don’t have your home number,” she interjected. He took the pen and pad off the counter and quickly scribbled his number on it for her. “Oh, am I supposed to feel special now?” she asked.

  “I think you already do,” he said, undressing her with his eyes. Angel smiled. “Which bedroom is for special me?”

  “Any one you want. Make yourself at home.”

  “I’ll take the one with the black and peach bathroom. I can’t wait to soak in that huge bathtub.”

  “Knock yourself out.”

  When Angel came downstairs almost two hours later Kay had a boxing match on the big screen and had turned off the sound. The CD player was also playing real low as Kay, wearing a wife-beater cut in half, talked on his cell phone. He could see her watching him, her eyes straying from his hard, cut abs to his big, muscular arms. She could see the outline of his dick grow through his loose, gray sweats. She then did a double take, running her fingers through her hair. They made eye contact and smiled at each other. This is not going to be easy.

  She went to the kitchen, looked in the refrigerator, and helped herself to a plum and some bottled water. After making herself comfortable in the Laz-E-Boy, she noticed that a bottle of Cristal on ice, two glasses, a blunt, two joints, and some napkins were sitting on a tray. Very smooth, she thought to herself. She went over to the CD player when she heard what was playing. “This is that Mary and JadaKiss joint. I haven’t heard this in a while,” she said, turning it up a little. She was anxious to feel Mary’s voice stir her soul.

  “This whole CD is bumpin’.”

  “Sit over here,” Kay said, patting the spot on the sofa next to him. She sat down, bobbing her head to the joint called Sexy. He could see that she wore nothing under those silk pajamas.

  “You straight?” Kay asked her. She nodded yes.

  “I thought you got lost up there,” he said.

  She smiled. “Nah, I was taking my time. I took a nice, long, soothing bath and got everything ready for tomorrow. I even washed my hair.”

  “I see. You smell real sweet,” he said, kissing her neck. “I’m glad you decided to come over.”

  “Are you?” she asked.



  “I like your company. You got a nice vibe going for yourself.”

  “Oh, do I?”

  “Yup,” he answered.

  “Well, I’m just waiting to see what you got planned for me. I know it’s something,” she said, looking him in the eyes.

  “Nah. I don’t have anything planned. I just want you to make yourself comfortable, that’s all.”

  He stood up, pulling her with him. Mary’s cut, I’m in Love, was playing. He wrapped his arms around her waist; he wanted to slow dance.

  “You didn’t tell me we were having a party,” she said, placing her arms around his neck.

  “I should have known you were up to something.”

  “You didn’t ask,” he said, grabbing her booty with both hands and putting her right on his dick.

  “This is not supposed to feel this good,” she purred as she closed her eyes.

  “Yes, it is,” he whispered in her ear. She could feel his dick getting harder. He caressed her ass as his grinds were beginning to work her pussy. When she looked up at him he slipped his tongue in her mouth. After the next song went off he turned her around, wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her neck.

  Angel’s body was on fire. She was melting in his big arms, which felt so good to her. He began caressing her breasts with his left hand. With his right hand he took hers and slowly guided two of her fingers between her thighs, running them up and down her clit.

  “See how wet you are,” he whispered in her ear, “and you talkin’ ’bout I can’t get none.” He moved her fingers and one of his own inside her.

mm, you are so freaky,” she moaned. He eased them out and moved them over her clit, making circular motions until it started swelling. He turned her around and put her two fingers in his mouth, sucking them as she nibbled on his earlobe and up and down his neck. He grabbed her booty and was moving her so that she was once again grinding on his dick. She kissed him lightly on the lips. “That feels so good,” she said. “What are you trying to do to me?” she moaned under her breath.

  He slid his hands off her booty and started unbuttoning her pajama top. She was pressing her fingertips in his back, sliding them up and down. “Why are you teasing me?” she moaned

  through heavy breathing. He now had her pajama top open and was playing with her nipples. “Kaylin!”

  “I’m not teasin’ you. I just need your undivided attention. I’m just curious to know why you wanted to get with me but then when I come you try to act like ain’t nothin’ up. What’s up with that?”

  “Don’t make me tell you why. Plus, you don’t want to know.” Her hands were exploring his chest, shoulders, arms and back.

  “Yes, I do,” he said, kissing her. “Now tell me.”

  “When I first saw you, I just wanted to meet you, you know, just kick it. Or I should say I just wanted to fuck with you. Nothin’ serious, just lust. I didn’t even know you were Trae’s dawg.”

  “I see. So you were just playin’ with a brotha.”

  “Why are you trying to sound all shocked. Y’all do the same shit. I just wanted to play with a playa. But the more time we spent around each other the more I started diggin’ you. Then I began to get a little nervous so I decided to slow my roll. You sorta caught me off guard.”

  “What about now? You still playin’ with a brotha?”

  “No, I wouldn’t be here if I was. Trust me your ass would have driven me home in the storm. For me, it’s getting serious. That’s why I want to take it slow. I’m trying to read you to see if you’re ready to get serious about anybody meaning me because I would have to have you all to myself.”

  “You’re not just anybody. I told you a while back I wanted to be your man.”

  “All y’all niggas know what to say when y’all are trying to get something. So I wasn’t paying any attention to those words.”


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