Playing Heart to Get

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Playing Heart to Get Page 19

by Kara Liane

  Her beautiful hair was so long and silky, I couldn’t wait to touch it. Every part of her would be touched tonight. Every part would need to be tasted. My brain was so fogged with primal need—it was a wonder that I was still standing. She was so sexy and confident. Nothing of this moment reminded me of any of our previous sexual encounters. Who was this temptress? I’d follow her to the ends of the earth and do whatever she wanted me to. I was surprised I wasn’t fucking panting and slobbering like a dog. Her eyes were hypnotic, pulling me in deeper and deeper. I was a starved, drowning man. Before I could tell her what I wanted to do to her—without any warning—she beat me to it.

  “Alexi, I want to taste you,” she stated in a cool, calm, and controlled manner.

  Mother fucking son of a bitch shit! Every ounce of self-control evaporated. I knelt down in front of her and grabbed her face. Fuck, I tried to be gentle. I had to taste her lips. I was probably sucking and delving into her mouth too roughly, but I was a man possessed. We broke our kiss when she pushed on my chest. We were both gasping for breath, our lungs starved for precious oxygen. I think we both forgot to breathe. It was good she stopped it. God, I was an asshole. I wanted to apologize, but I still couldn’t talk. She put her hand on my cheek to make me focus and bring me back from wherever I went.

  “Please, let me do this. I need to do this,” she explained.

  I understood, though. The beast inside me isn’t satiated unless I have her. If she had something similar lurking inside, then I knew the wants and needs of it. Nothing in our bedroom would ever be secret from one another. It would be sacred to us both. No one was going to fucking say this or that was taboo, or that hidden desires wouldn’t be fulfilled—it’s not as if we’d fucking tell anyone anyway. We would do whatever the fuck we wanted, and I’d let her do whatever she wanted to me. I closed my eyes in resignation and nodded yes.

  She said in that cool-as-a-cucumber tone again, “Please stand up, baby.”

  Now my eyelids were raised, my dick was raised, and I was on my feet instantly. I saw her fingers tremble slightly as she reached for my belt, but otherwise you wouldn’t know she was nervous unless you were looking closely. Of course, I was studying every fucking little detail, committing it to memory. She undid my belt and pulled it from the loops. I put my hands at my sides clenching them into fists over and over again, trying to relax.

  She was still focusing on what she was doing while she expressed, “I may need your help at times, and just tell me if I do anything wrong.”

  Fuck me! I groaned. “Angel, you couldn’t possibly do any fucking thing wrong. Fuck, I won’t make it through this!” I growled.

  My fist-clenching technique was not working. Maybe if she weren’t wearing that outfit. Well that’s fucking dumb of me to think, of course it wouldn’t fucking matter what she’s wearing!

  She unhooked the button and unzipped the fly of my pants. She was a natural at this, I just knew it. God, grant me the strength. She slowly pulled my pants down my legs, and I stepped out of them. Standing there in only my boxers now, I didn’t know if it was better to look, or not to look. Every time with her I think I’ve never been so hard. But I realize it’s probably going to feel like this every time—all the time—forever and ever.

  She put her delicate fingers inside the waistband of my boxers and started maneuvering them down my legs. When they were kicked to the side, she didn’t even realize she was staring intently at my cock and breathing hard on the tip of my dick. Those breaths were a direct hit to my fucking central-nervous-system-of-existence. I ran my hand through my hair and puffed out my cheeks in a long expel of air. She shook her head as if to snap out of whatever it was, and looked up at me.

  “Sorry,” she whispered.

  I think she knew then how torturous this was for me. She wasn’t a tease by any means, it’s just she drove me fucking wild. She licked her lips and placed a soft kiss on each side of my groin. She was placing kisses everywhere, especially on her beloved “V” area. But she had not yet touched my cock or balls. Nope, the little devil was going to stretch this out. I growled aloud.

  She then lightly licked the areas she had just kissed. I was clenching my jaw so tight, I could probably crack walnuts in my mouth. Shit! I shouldn’t mention nuts. Fuck! By no means was I going to interrupt her, though, or hurry her along. I didn’t want to take this first time away from her, or make her have fucking PTSD or some shit because I was too goddamn impatient. I was cursing myself for even wondering if she was wet. Of course she was, and I fucking bit my tongue to refocus on something else. But now the pleasure-cruise really began when she placed a light, wet kiss on the tip of my dick. I threw my head back.

  “Fuck!” I moaned.

  Then she licked it. Yup, I’m a goner. Next she took her small hand and gripped my cock. Now this I had to see, I would force myself to look. I had to keep my eyes on her because this was excruciatingly sweet. My cock looked so big in her hand. She ran her palm up and down a few times fisting me exactly right. Christ, it amazed me that she knew how to do this. It’s as if this was out of dream or something—she did say she dreamt about me, but I never expected this. Thank God for reality. She then put her lips back to the tip but instead of kissing, she started to sheath my cock. Her eyes were closed as she continued to cover me.

  “Fuck, that’s amazing!” I yelled out.

  I couldn’t help but yell at this point. I had never had this much pleasure from a woman’s lips. Her mouth was so hot and wet. She took me as far as she could go. I would not push her, though. My fingers were itching to touch her, so I started running my hands through her hair. I wanted her to know that not only was she pleasing me, but I also wanted to be connected to her besides being connected between my thighs.

  “Angel,” I breathed.

  I don’t know why, I just had to say it. She moved me in ways I never felt before. I could feel her in every part of my body somehow. She let my dick fall out of her mouth and she met my stare.

  “Beautiful,” were my next words.

  “You taste so good,” she whispered back.

  Fuck! I kept stroking her head and feeling her hair. I could tell she was getting so aroused. She then kept her eyes on me as she tilted her head to the side and licked my balls. My sac was getting laved in the most loving way, and it was beyond comprehension. I thought I would give her a little guidance now.

  “Baby, it’s amazing and you’re perfect. But you can touch me while you’re doing that. Pump my cock with your hand while you lick my balls,” I managed to say.

  She tested it out. “Like this?” she asked very seriously.

  Fuck! I couldn’t say anything, so I nodded vigorously. She then went back to sucking on my dick, and the sounds of the suction she was producing was maddening. Her breathing through her nose was getting louder and more labored, as was mine. She was moaning a little, probably without realizing it. The vibrations in her throat were massaging my cock. I gently directed her head with an in-and-out motion, as she took me a little bit deeper. I knew I couldn’t get all the way in this first time given my size and her being new to this, but that didn’t matter. We would have many opportunities in the future to master this.

  She gripped my ass by placing a hand on each buttock cheek, and drawing me further into her mouth. Fuck, I was going to blow any second.

  “Caylan, I’m going to fucking come. If you don’t want to swallow it, it won’t bother me. Just let me know so I can ejaculate on your tits or something,” I said in a rush.

  Fuck, for one thing I didn’t want to fucking ruin her outfit if I came on her, and secondly I so fucking hoped and prayed I could come in her mouth. To watch her gorgeous mouth and throat work me up, and then to see her swallow my cum, would be perfection.

  She took me out of her mouth for a split-second to say, “I want to swallow it, baby.”

  I think I was already fucking coming before she could finish saying the words. My nuts were tightened and strained. The amount of force I shot
my salty stream at, probably could have choked her. I yelled her name and she moaned as she just kept drinking from me. When the fucking earth-shattering spasms finally subsided, she let me go and kissed the tip once again.

  Fuck! I wanted to pass out. But I wanted—no needed—something even more. I knelt down to her again and I kissed her lips. I could taste myself easily, but it was fucking hot. Then I laid her down on the rug and pulled her panties down her legs. Jesus, she was the wettest I’d seen her, and the smell had me drooling. Her center creamed with sweet honey, and I lapped it up like it was my last meal. Nothing ever tasted so good, and nothing ever would.

  Chapter 20: Three of a Kind


  I lose myself in the best possible sense when I’m with Alexi. Last night he took me to new heights. We fed off of each other as if all we needed in order to nourish ourselves was the other one’s body and soul. This week I have felt that we can escape into each other and forget about our troubles, especially when we’re intimate like that. I can forget about Greg. I can forget about school. I can forget about…everything. Being able to please Alexi the way I did and to taste him, was a beautiful act of love.

  During some points I was nervous, and at others it was so natural to touch him this way or that. His taste was unlike anything I could have expected. Giving and receiving oral sex is the most incredible thing. I love that he can’t get enough of me and after last night, I understand why he is that way. Something about being able to have him that way is so hypnotic, and I didn’t want the magic to end. There is nothing better than knowing that I am his, and he is mine. He makes it so easy to love him and give his body the same treatment. We have become so intertwined and interconnected within each other, that I cannot imagine my life without him now.

  He hasn’t stirred yet, which I’m grateful for, so I can have time to wrap my head around all this. I guess I really must have worn him out, I girly-giggle inwardly. I could lie here for hours listening to his deep breathing.

  I rub my hand up and down his chest, and it seems to put him in an even deeper trance. There’s no man that could ever measure up to his beauty, talents, brains, character, and strength. If he asked me to marry him today I would, but I know he won’t—it’s too soon. I’ll be patient, though. I have come to realize that there is nothing worth losing him over. I will have to learn to deal with all these new feelings and emotions that keep coming at me from all sides in being in this relationship, but it’s well worth it. He is more than well worth it. I love him, plain and simple—with a period at the end—no need for an exclamation point, we’ll keep things simplistic.

  So tonight would be the big dinner with his friends, and I had been over in my head a thousand times of planning what I’d wear, say, and do. I was just getting accustomed to tackling my fears that Alexi was too good for me. Now not only was I afraid that I wouldn’t be able to hold my own tonight with his friends, but I also worried that they wouldn’t think I was good enough for him. Even despite Alexi’s assurances that if they were his best friends then they would love me too, it still didn’t put me at ease. It was just overwhelming to contend with these feelings of awkwardness. I did not want to come out of my happy, giant bubble of bliss that I had built around us and secured with tape, glue, and Velcro.

  It’s amazing how quickly someone can become your center of the universe. I did not want to throw my world off its axis anytime soon. Oh Alexi, how I adore thee. My Prince Charming deserved more rest, and I laughed when I thought that he was also my Sleeping Beauty.



  I felt a very warm, familiar and fucking amazing hand rub up and down my chest. My nipples were hardening; I didn’t really fucking think that happened to dudes, but it does. Okay, I did know that bit of info with being a goddamn doctor, but still. I smiled with my eyes still closed, and put my hand over top of hers to stop her movements. She laughed.

  In a very pleased, hopefully sexy, just-woke-up tone I rasped, “Good morning, Angel-mine. I can tell someone is mighty pleased with themselves.”

  I opened one eye and peeked. She had sat up and had the biggest grin from one ear to the other. Oh my beautiful, lovely, potent, amazing woman. If only she knew how much I love her. She’d find out soon enough, though, my patience had been wearing thinner and thinner by the day. Who the fuck am I kidding? More like by the minute.

  She laid her head down onto my chest, and the mandatory sniff of her hair occurred. God, I’d never tire of that smell and that feeling in my stomach that I was in bed with heaven. We laid there for a minute and I didn’t want to bring this up now, but we had some things to discuss that I couldn’t very well do over dinner tonight with my friends. I planned on talking to her last night but as always, she fucking sidetracked me and bamboozled me. Fucking bippity boppity fucking boo or whatever, and that was the end of that. I was beginning to think she was part fairy, part witch, or some kind of mystic combination with her magic ways. Grr!

  “Baby, we haven’t talked about this, but I think we need to turn the letter over to the police,” I offered.

  She stiffened and let out a small sigh. “I know, I thought of that too. I know I need to contact the local police down there, or someone who was on the case, or something along those lines. I don’t know how all that works with his probation and whatnot. But I don’t know how we’ll prove that it was him who wrote it…,” she trailed off. She paused for a few more beats and continued, “Even though it was threatening in nature, there wasn’t anything specific linking it to him. I know I’ve underestimated him before. I just hope he’s only trying to rile me up, but won’t actually do anything.” She shuddered, and I tipped her chin up to meet my gaze.

  I stroked her face and replied, “Baby, I can’t take any chance with you. We’ll need to look into this. Let’s enjoy this weekend and come Monday, we’ll pursue it. Okay?”

  She nodded and snuggled down into me with a heavy sigh. She was mine, and I wouldn’t let harm come to her.


  Christ, she must have tried on twenty fucking outfits by now. Everything she came out in looked great from skirts and tops, to jeans and shiny shirts. But she wasn’t satisfied, she said she wanted to look perfect. Fuck, I’d have to remind myself to take her shopping. Maybe that would help if she had some new stuff.

  This whole idea she had that she was a direct-reflection-on-me bullshit was ridiculous. I’ve said before she could wear a paper gown and she’d be perfect. We would be late for dinner if we didn’t hurry. I was sitting in the living room drumming my fingers on my crossed legs. I was bored as shit, but I knew if I turned on the TV or occupied myself with something else, that would be the moment she’d be ready to leave.

  So, I decided I’d chill and be patient. I knew she was nervous, so no way in hell would I rush her. I would have to break some fucking noses tonight if anything was said, or someone looked at her the wrong way. Or if someone looked at her the right fucking way—I’d break a nose because she was mine. Friend or foe it didn’t fucking matter, no one was the exception.

  I did get it, though, with wanting to look good. I hoped I looked good for her tonight too. We weren’t going to some swanky joint, just some Tai restaurant in Center City that had a great vibe. So I was dressing a little more casual. I was wearing black jeans with a navy button-down shirt. The shirt was untucked, and the sleeves rolled up three quarters of the way. I also had the shirt open at the collar. Of course, I donned my signature shit-kicker black boots.

  By now I was drumming out Bon Jovi’s Dead or Alive, and doing a pretty damn good job on my solo. But out of the corner of my peripheral vision, I spotted a book. I slid my gaze over to the end table, and sure enough it was a notebook of some sort. I picked it up and inspected it further. It had a cream exterior that felt like old parchment, and appeared to be weathered. There was a purple iris dried flower on the cover for decoration. Interesting.

  I decided to open the book and flipped through it. Each page was like a thick
cardstock. All the pages were handwritten, and my curiosity was getting the best of me. I realized this had to be a diary of some sort, and of course it belonged to Caylan. It felt so wrong invading her privacy, but I couldn’t help myself. This was my chance to see for myself what that gorgeous head housed. I flipped to the latest entry and saw it was dated for today. Hmm, maybe she wrote while I was in the shower—I told her we had to take separate showers or we’d never make it to dinner. I shrugged and decided to go for it. So I read.

  Cloak be Daggered

  The cloak hangs over me but doesn’t touch, it just hovers near and such,

  The cloak is always there some way, always having something to say,

  But I shall not fear the cloak too, for a brighter one comes into view,

  The strength the warmth from underneath, will call the dagger from its sheath,

  To hush the dark cloak means to jab, one cloak to another with one stab,

  I can’t ask though for the brightness to do this for me, because it’s always in my memory,

  Love will endure and brightness it will bring, with the promise of a sacred ring.

  I stared at the beautiful words written on the page. Her handwriting was magnificent; almost like calligraphy. God, there was still so much I was learning about her. I must have read it a hundred times in the last few minutes. I was never fucking good at poetry, nor did I excel in English in high school or college, for that matter. But if I was reading between the lines, I felt I actually understood this. She was telling me many things, even though this was not meant for my eyes. She was telling me she was still in pain, but was ready to move on. She was telling me I was the one who could vanquish the darkness, but I couldn’t be the one to save her—she had to save herself. She was telling me she wanted marriage too. Could that really be it?


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