Ruby Falls

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Ruby Falls Page 10

by Nicole James

  “Steve, what’s this about? This animosity between you and Justin-”

  “Nothing. This goes back a long way. It has nothing to do with you. I just don’t like the guy.” Summer just stared off, not saying anything. Steve clenched his jaw.

  “Maybe you should just take be home.”

  He blew out a breath. “I’m sorry, Summer. It’s not you I’m angry with. I just can’t stand the guy. I don’t mean to take it out on you.”

  “Can we sit down now?” she asked stiffly.

  He nodded.

  They went back to their table. Summer tried to make the best of the rest of the evening. She danced with Cary and Pop, while Steve brooded and drank. Summer noticed Cary had stopped drinking after the beer he had at dinner. She was returning to the table after another dance with Pop and noticed Steve was at the bar, downing a shot. She looked over at Cary as she sat down. “Cary, he can’t drive home.”

  “Don’t worry darlin’. He’s not going to. Jess can drive my truck back, and I’ll drive his.”

  “Are you about ready to go, because if we wait much longer you’re going to have to carry him out of here?”

  “Yeah. You’re right. It’s getting late.”

  When Steve returned to the table, Pop told him he was getting tired and was ready to go. They all headed to the parking lot.

  Cary got the keys from Steve and loaded him in the truck. Pop rode back with Jessie, and Summer squeezed in between Cary and Steve.

  When they got back to the farm, Cary helped Steve up to his room, where he passed out on the bed. Cary came downstairs and found Summer sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. Walking over to the pot, he poured himself a cup and carried it to the table. He sat down across from Summer, lit a cigarette, and looked over at her. “I know you’re pissed. But, I’m sure he didn’t plan on the night turning out this way. Cut him some slack, sweetheart. There’s a lot you don’t know.”

  “So, tell me, Cary.”

  He blew out a stream of smoke. “Don’t get me wrong, he’s a good father and usually responsible, but every once in a while he has to let it all out, and I could see it coming now for weeks.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He hasn’t cared about much of anything except Jessie, since Rita disappeared. When it first happened, he about lost his mind. Not only did he have to deal with losing Rita, but also not knowing what happened to her. It was killing him. Was she out there somewhere, in trouble, needing him and he couldn’t get to her? Was her body lying in some ditch somewhere, or had she just left him? He was torn between feelings of love, anguish, and anger. Not to mention the guilt he felt for feeling angry.”

  Summer hung on his every word.

  “He didn’t sleep for days, and for weeks he drove the highways, searching for her. He even hired a private detective, but the guy didn’t find anything. It just ended up costing Steve all his savings. It’s a wonder he held it together at all. So, be understanding of what you see now. When you go to judge him, consider what he’s been through.”

  Summer stared off, thinking about all that Cary had told her. Steve had been through hell and back. She knew, from her own circumstance of not knowing what had happened to herself, that it could drive you crazy if you let it. You began to imagine all sorts of scenarios, most probably much worse than what may have really happened. To lose someone you love and not have closure had to be one of worst nightmares of all.

  Cary stood and looked at her as he leaned over and stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray. “Get some sleep, Summer. Things will be fine tomorrow. He’ll apologize for being an ass and if you care about him, you’ll forgive him.”

  Summer looked up at him, a smile trembling on her lips and her eyes glazed with unshed tears. She nodded.

  Cary saw her expression and pulled her out of the chair and into his arms. “Aw, darlin’, come here.” She melted against him with a sob, as he enfolded her in his arms. “Sweetheart, don’t cry. I swear, it’ll all work itself out. He just needs some time. He hasn’t had a woman in the house in a long time. It’s just been stirring up some memories for him.”

  “Maybe I should go,” she murmured, her voice muffled against his chest.

  He whispered against the side of her head. “Summer, you’re the best thing that’s happened to him in a long time. He needs you, whether he’s ready to admit it or not. Just be patient with him, okay, please?”

  She nodded.

  He pulled back and looked down at her. His hand came up and his thumb gently brushed the tears from her cheeks. Then he kissed her forehead. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

  Summer smiled as she watched him walk out the door.


  The next day, Cary was on his porch drinking coffee, Rocky lying at his feet, when he saw Summer climb in the old pickup and drive off. He watched the trail of dust fading down the drive. A few minutes later, he heard the screen door bang on the main house, and he glanced over to see Jessie emerging. He watched as she walked over to his place and up his porch steps. Rocky’s tail immediately started thumping against the floor.

  “How’s your dad feeling this morning?” Cary asked her, rocking back on the rear legs of his chair.

  She sat down on the chair next to him. Rocky rose and padded over to her to say hello. She stroked his head and neck. “Hung over. He didn’t help with milking this morning, did he?”

  “Nope. Didn’t expect him to after last night.”

  “Daddy hasn’t done that in a long time.”

  “What? Tie one on?”

  “Yeah. I mean, since Summer’s been here, he’s seemed so happy. I don’t get it. Was it that guy you pointed out last night?”

  “Part of it.” Cary took a sip of his coffee, his eyes on the horizon

  “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

  “Jess, sometimes a man just needs to tie one on. Stress relief.”

  “You didn’t.”

  His eyes moved to her. “What? Tie one on?”


  He grinned and rubbed his stiff neck. “Nope. I still got all my stress.”

  Jessie got up and moved behind his chair, her hands closing over the muscles where his neck met his shoulders, kneading them. “Man, your muscles are tight.”

  “Umm. God, baby-doll that feels good.”

  She continued to massage his neck and shoulders. “Guess you didn’t get much sleep last night, huh? What with us getting back so late, and then having to be up at four-thirty to milk the cows.”

  “Not much. I guess I’m getting used to it. I don’t seem to sleep much lately.”

  “Why is that?”

  He shrugged. Not about to admit to her that it was sexual frustration. Of which she was a big part of the cause. She stopped rubbing his shoulders and ran her fingers up through his hair, her nails scrapping softly on his scalp. “Umm. Where’d you learn to do that, Jess?”

  She grinned. “You like it?”

  “Fuck, yeah. It feels great.” She continued stroking through his hair and massaging his scalp. He could feel all the tension leaving his body. “Damn, babe. You could put me to sleep like this.”

  “Maybe you should go lay down.”

  “Yeah. Sounds good.”

  “I could rub your back, if you want,” she offered hesitantly.

  Immediately his body tensed, some parts getting tenser than others as the thought of her hands running over his bare back flashed through his mind. “Jess, that’s probably not a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you don’t go to a bedroom with a man, Jess.”

  “Cary, it’s just you and me. I can trust you.”

  He grinned. She didn’t have a clue. Or maybe she did and she was playing him. Well, if she was curious about her seduction skills, better she practice them on him, than one of the boys her age. At least she was safe with him, because he’d stop before it went too far. He could almost guarantee that wouldn’t be the case with the boys
in her high school. “Yeah, you can, Jess. I hope you at least know that. All right, babe, I’m all yours.”

  Her hands dropped away.

  Cary stood up, took her hand, and led her inside. Rocky followed them through the screen door and sprawled out on the hearth in front of the fireplace. Cary stopped in the living room, thinking maybe this was pushing it far enough. He grabbed a throw pillow off the couch and tossed it on the braided rug on the floor. “How ‘bout right here, Jess?”

  She glanced down at the pillow on the floor. “Okay. Lie down.”

  He dropped to his knees, moving to lie on his stomach.

  “Wait, you have to take your shirt off first.”

  Cary sat back on his heels, his palms resting on his thighs, and looked up at her. Then a slow grin spread across his face. “Whatever you say, babe.” His hands moved to the buttons at his cuffs, working them loose. Then they moved to the buttons running down his chest. He peeled the shirt back off his shoulders and tossed it aside, watching Jessie the whole time.

  He saw her gaze fall to his muscled chest, down over his pectorals to his abdominals. As she watched, he lay down on his stomach, his head on the pillow, his arms up, elbows cocked.

  Jessie dropped to her knees next to his hip, her palms going to his back, and she threw her leg over him, settling on his upper buttocks, straddling him. Cary tried to think of anything else other than the fact that her long gorgeous legs were wrapped around him. And then her hands slid up from the two dimples at the base of the small of his back, up along his spine, between his shoulder blades, and up to his neck, and he couldn’t think of anything but her hands on him. Then she moved her palms out and over his shoulders, along his biceps and back again. She pressed down on his shoulders, applying pressure, and worked her way down his spine again, pressing in small circles with the heel of her hand and then her thumbs. Cary groaned, “God, Jess that feels great.”

  She continued massaging his back. As time went on, every tense muscle in his body began to relax under her hands, and he slowed his breathing.

  Resting her palm on the rug near his head, Jess leaned down, brushed the hair back from his forehead, and kissed his temple. “Night sweet baby.”

  She started to rise up, when he reached out and grabbed her wrist. “Where you goin’, babe?” He lifted his head and turned to look over his shoulder at her.

  “I…I thought you were asleep.”



  He could see the embarrassment flame through her at the thought of him hearing the endearment she’d just whispered to him. “Lift up a minute, babe.”

  She immediately rose up on her knees, taking her weight off him. He twisted, rolling to his back, his hands settling on her thighs, which were spread around his hips. His hands slid up to her waist, pulling her weight back down onto the tops of his thighs. His eyes drifted up over her body, coming to rest on her face. What he saw there had him hardening beneath her. He watched her eyes as they drifted over his chest and stomach. Did she long to run her hands over the taut muscles of his chest like she had his back? His mouth went dry as he watched her eyes drift lower to where the trail of hair ran from his navel down, disappearing into the waistband of his faded jeans. He groaned at the unbridled desire he saw flame across her face. His hand closed over hers, and he tugged. “Come here.”

  Her eyes darted up to his, and she swallowed.

  “Jess. C’mere,” he repeated, pulling her down. His other hand cupped the side of her jaw, his fingers sliding into the hair behind her ear, and he guided her mouth down to his. Her chest came down on his as his mouth closed over hers. He released her hand to glide his up under her tank, pressing against the small of her back.

  Cary angled his head as his mouth moved over her lips. He pulled back a fraction of an inch and murmured, “Open for me, Jess.” Wanting more than anything at that moment, to taste her.

  She obeyed his command without hesitation, her lips parting, and his tongue delved inside. His other hand came up to frame her face as he took control of the kiss, his mouth eating at hers. My God, but she tasted sweet, he thought. Cary groaned under her mouth, as the kiss escalated straight off the charts into the stratosphere. She responded to him with a passion that shocked him. He couldn’t help himself as one hand released her face to slide down over her ass, pulling her tight against him.

  A moment later he was growling and rolling her to her back, settling between her thighs, propping his weight on his elbows above her, his hands threading into her hair. “Fuck, baby-doll,” he growled, his mouth breaking from hers to trail along her jaw to her ear and then down her neck.

  Her eyes slid closed, and her head fell back exposing more of her neck to him. He took what she offered, his open mouth moving over the soft skin under her jaw. He nipped at her and heard her whimper. His tongue came out to gently lick the skin.

  And then suddenly there was another tongue licking at her cheek. Both their eyes flew open to see Rocky nuzzling his nose against her face, trying to come between her and Cary. “Rocky!” she shrieked.

  Cary’s head lifted up, his arm coming up to shove the dog back. “Get your own girl.” Rocky’s tail swished back and forth, and he stared at Cary, thinking it was playtime. Cary shoved him back again. “Rocky, go! Lie down,” he ordered.

  The dog dropped his head, padded back to the hearth, and settled back down with a harrumph and a whine.

  Cary looked down at Jessie as a grin spread across his face, and then they were both laughing. “Guess it’s for the best.” He brushed the hair back from her forehead and murmured, “I think it’s time we stopped.” She stared up at him, and then her gaze dropped to his mouth. He shook his head. “Don’t look at me like that, Jess.”

  “Why not?” she asked, her words barely a whisper.

  “Because I’m trying to do the right thing here.” He dropped his head for one last brush of his lips on hers, and then he was lifting his weight off her, and pulling her to her feet. She stared up at him, her eyes searching his, and he could see plainly that she didn’t want to leave him. “Jess, I know you think you want this, but-”

  She cut him off, admitting quietly, “I’m not really sure what I want, Cary. I just know I don’t want to go.”

  His hand came up, and he slid the back of his knuckles down her cheek. “And I don’t want you to go. But you can’t stay, baby-doll. We both know that.”

  She nodded and stepped away.

  He moved to hold the screen door for her as she slipped through, their chests almost touching. “See ya, Jess.”

  She paused, looking back at him. “See ya.”

  He watched her turn away and step off the porch. He kept watching her as she walked back across the work yard, all the way back to the main house. Jessie stopped on the back stairs, her hand on the screen door, and looked back. Cary was still standing in his doorway, his eyes on her. She smiled and went inside. Cary closed the door, leaned back against it, and blew out a long breath. Then he took a cold shower.

  That morning, Summer drove into town to meet Justin at the diner at eleven, like he’d asked her to. She felt she at least needed to see if he was okay and to apologize for what Steve had done last night. And if she was going to be honest with herself, she hoped he’d give her some answers.

  She pulled into a spot in front of Margie’s diner and climbed out of the truck. She had on a pair of jeans and a sleeveless blouse. Slipping her purse on her shoulder, she went inside.

  The bell tinkling over the door drew Margie’s attention, as she stood at the counter refilling a coffee cup. She smiled when she saw Summer and waved two fingers at her. “Sit anywhere, doll.”

  Summer’s gaze darted around the diner, searching for Justin. There were only three customers in the place, the man at the counter and an elderly couple in a booth. Summer slid into a booth facing the door and plate glass windows. From here she could see anyone coming through the door, or approaching on the sidewalk.

  A momen
t later, Margie came over with the coffee pot and a mug. She set it down in front of Summer and began filling it without asking. “How are you doing today, doll?”

  Summer smiled up at her. “Fine and you?”

  “Doing okay. Kind of slow today, especially for a Saturday.”

  Summer nodded.

  “You meeting Steve for lunch?”

  “Um, no, why?”

  Margie shrugged. “No reason. Didn’t figure you for the type to eat alone, that’s all.”

  Summer smiled slyly at her. “Maybe I’m not.”

  “Oh, I see how it is. Well, can’t say I’m surprised. Pretty girl like you, wouldn’t take long for the men to start buzzing around you. Just figured Steve would beat ‘em all to it.”

  Summer flushed. “It’s not like that.”

  “Yeah, sure. Keep telling yourself that, honey.” Margie slid into the opposite seat. “So, spill. Who is he?”

  Summer glanced over at the clock on the wall. It was ten minutes past eleven. “Well, if he ever shows, you’ll get to see.”

  Margie’s eyes followed hers to the clock. “He late?”

  Summer nodded. “A little.”

  Margie slid out of the booth. “Well, I’ll leave you be. Wouldn’t want to scare him off.”

  Summer smiled at her. “Thanks, Margie.”

  She leaned down. “My advice, no man’s worth waiting more than twenty minutes for.” Straightening, she winked and walked away.

  Summer drank her coffee and watched the door. At twenty minutes past eleven, she set a couple of dollars on the table to pay for her coffee and slid from the booth.

  Margie looked up and saw her leaving. She nodded to her.

  Summer walked outside and climbed in the truck. She sat a moment, looking down the street, wondering why he stood her up. Then she decided to find out. She started the truck and backed out.

  Two minutes later, she was walking into Justin’s Garage.

  He looked up from under the hood of the car he was working on. “Summer.”

  “You stood me up.”

  Straightening, he replied, “I didn’t figure you’d show after last night.”


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