The Spirit of the Border: A Romance of the Early Settlers in the Ohio Valley

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The Spirit of the Border: A Romance of the Early Settlers in the Ohio Valley Page 14

by Zane Grey

  Chapter XIII.

  As the summer waned, each succeeding day, with its melancholy calm,its changing lights and shades, its cool, damp evening winds,growing more and more suggestive of autumn, the little colony ofwhite people in the Village of Peace led busy, eventful lives.

  Upwards of fifty Indians, several of them important chiefs, hadbecome converted since the young missionary began preaching.Heckewelder declared that this was a wonderful showing, and if itcould be kept up would result in gaining a hold on the Indian tribeswhich might not be shaken. Heckewelder had succeeded in interestingthe savages west of the Village of Peace to the extent of permittinghim to establish missionary posts in two other localities--one nearGoshhocking, a Delaware town; and one on the Muskingong, theprincipal river running through central Ohio. He had, with hishelpers, Young and Edwards, journeyed from time to time to thesepoints, preaching, making gifts, and soliciting help from chiefs.

  The most interesting feature, perhaps, of the varied life of themissionary party was a rivalry between Young and Edwards for theelder Miss Wells. Usually Nell's attractiveness appealed more to menthan Kate's; however, in this instance, although the sober teachersof the gospel admired Nell's winsome beauty, they fell in love withKate. The missionaries were both under forty, and good, honest men,devoted to the work which had engrossed them for years. Althoughthey were ardent lovers, certainly they were not picturesque. Twohomelier men could hardly have been found. Moreover, the sacrificeof their lives to missionary work had taken them far from thecompanionship of women of their own race, so that they lacked theease of manner which women like to see in men. Young and Edwardswere awkward, almost uncouth. Embarrassment would not have donejustice to their state of feeling while basking in the shine ofKate's quiet smile. They were happy, foolish, and speechless.

  If Kate shared in the merriment of the others--Heckewelder could notconceal his, and Nell did not try very hard to hide hers--she neverallowed a suspicion of it to escape. She kept the easy, even tenorof her life, always kind and gracious in her quaint way, andprecisely the same to both her lovers. No doubt she well knew thateach possessed, under all his rough exterior, a heart of gold.

  One day the genial Heckewelder lost, or pretended to lose, hispatience.

  "Say, you worthy gentlemen are becoming ornamental instead ofuseful. All this changing of coats, trimming of mustaches, andeloquent sighing doesn't seem to have affected the young lady. I'vea notion to send you both to Maumee town, one hundred miles away.This young lady is charming, I admit, but if she is to keep onseriously hindering the work of the Moravian Mission I must object.As for that matter, I might try conclusions myself. I'm as young aseither of you, and, I flatter myself, much handsomer. You'll have adangerous rival presently. Settle it! You can't both have her;settle it!"

  This outburst from their usually kind leader placed the earnest butawkward gentlemen in a terrible plight.

  On the afternoon following the crisis Heckewelder took Mr. Wells toone of the Indian shops, and Jim and Nell went canoeing. Young andEdwards, after conferring for one long, trying hour, determined onsettling the question.

  Young was a pale, slight man, very homely except when he smiled. Hissmile not only broke up the plainness of his face, but seemed tochase away a serious shadow, allowing his kindly, gentle spirit toshine through. He was nervous, and had a timid manner. Edwards washis opposite, being a man of robust frame, with a heavy face, and amanner that would have suggested self-confidence in another man.

  They were true and tried friends.

  "Dave, I couldn't ask her," said Young, trembling at the verythought. "Besides, there's no hope for me. I know it. That's why I'mafraid, why I don't want to ask her. What'd such a glorious creaturesee in a poor, puny little thing like me?"

  "George, you're not over-handsome," admitted Dave, shaking his head."But you can never tell about women. Sometimes they like evenlittle, insignificant fellows. Don't be too scared about asking her.Besides, it will make it easier for me. You might tell her aboutme--you know, sort of feel her out, so I'd---"

  Dave's voice failed him here; but he had said enough, and that wasmost discouraging to poor George. Dave was so busy screwing up hiscourage that he forgot all about his friend.

  "No; I couldn't," gasped George, falling into a chair. He wasghastly pale. "I couldn't ask her to accept me, let alone do anotherman's wooing. She thinks more of you. She'll accept you."

  "You really think so?" whispered Dave, nervously.

  "I know she will. You're such a fine, big figure of a man. She'lltake you, and I'll be glad. This fever and fretting has aboutfinished me. When she's yours I'll not be so bad. I'll be happy inyour happiness. But, Dave, you'll let me see her occasionally, won'tyou? Go! Hurry--get it over!"

  "Yes; we must have it over," replied Dave, getting up with a brave,effort. Truly, if he carried that determined front to his lady-lovehe would look like a masterful lover. But when he got to the door hedid not at all resemble a conqueror.

  "You're sure she--cares for me?" asked Dave, for the hundredth time.This time, as always, his friend was faithful and convincing.

  "I know she does. Go--hurry. I tell you I can't stand this anylonger," cried George, pushing Dave out of the door.

  "You won't go--first?" whispered Dave, clinging to the door.

  "I won't go at all. I couldn't ask her--I don't want her--go! Getout!"

  Dave started reluctantly toward the adjoining cabin, from the openwindow of which came the song of the young woman who was responsiblefor all this trouble. George flung himself on his bed. What a reliefto feel it was all over! He lay there with eves shut for hours, asit seemed. After a time Dave came in. George leaped to his feet andsaw his friend stumbling over a chair. Somehow, Dave did not look asusual. He seemed changed, or shrunken, and his face wore adiscomfited, miserable expression.

  "Well?" cried George, sharply. Even to his highly excitedimagination this did not seem the proper condition for a victoriouslover.

  "She refused--refused me," faltered Dave. "She was very sweet andkind; said something about being my sister--I don't remember justwhat--but she wouldn't have me."

  "What did you say to her?" whispered George, a paralyzing hopealmost rendering him speechless.

  "I--I told her everything I could think of," replied Dave,despondently; "even what you said."

  "What I said? Dave, what did you tell her I said?"

  "Why, you know--about she cared for me--that you were sure of it,and that you didn't want her---"

  "Jackass!" roared George, rising out of his meekness like a lionroused from slumber.

  "Didn't you--say so?" inquired Dave, weakly.

  "No! No! No! Idiot!"

  As one possessed, George rushed out of the cabin, and a moment laterstood disheveled and frantic before Kate.

  "Did that fool say I didn't love you?" he demanded.

  Kate looked up, startled; but as an understanding of George's wildaspect and wilder words dawned upon her, she resumed her usual calmdemeanor. Looking again to see if this passionate young man wasindeed George, she turned her face as she said:

  "If you mean Mr. Edwards, yes; I believe he did say as much. Indeed,from his manner, he seemed to have monopolized all the love near theVillage of Peace."

  "But it's not true. I do love you. I love you to distraction. I haveloved you ever since I first saw you. I told Dave that. Heckewelderknows it; even the Indians know it," cried George, protestingvehemently against the disparaging allusion to his affections. Hedid not realize he was making a most impassioned declaration oflove. When he was quite out of breath he sat down and wiped hismoist brow.

  A pink bloom tinged Kate's cheeks, and her eyes glowed with a happylight; but George never saw these womanly evidences of pleasure.

  "Of course I know you don't care for me---"

  "Did Mr. Edwards tell you so?" asked Kate, glancing up quickly.

  "Why, yes, he has often said he thought that. Indeed, he alwaysseemed to regard himself as the fortunate object
of your affections.I always believed he was."

  "But it wasn't true."


  "It's not true."

  "What's not true?"

  "Oh--about my--not caring."

  "Kate!" cried George, quite overcome with rapture. He fell over twochairs getting to her; but he succeeded, and fell on his knees tokiss her hand.

  "Foolish boy! It has been you all the time," whispered Kate, withher quiet smile.

  * * *

  "Look here, Downs; come to the door. See there," said Heckewelder toJim.

  Somewhat surprised at Heckewelder's grave tone, Jim got up from thesupper-table and looked out of the door. He saw two tall Indianspacing to and fro under the maples. It was still early twilight andlight enough to see clearly. One Indian was almost naked; the lithe,graceful symmetry of his dark figure standing out in sharp contrastto the gaunt, gaudily-costumed form of the other.

  "Silvertip! Girty!" exclaimed Jim, in a low voice.

  "Girty I knew, of course; but I was not sure the other was theShawnee who captured you and your brother," replied Heckewelder,drawing Jim into another room.

  "What do they mean by loitering around the village? Inquired Jim,apprehensively. Whenever he heard Girty's name mentioned, or eventhought of him, he remembered with a shudder the renegade's allusionto the buzzards. Jim never saw one of these carrion birds soaringoverhead but his thoughts instantly reverted to the frontier ruffianand his horrible craving.

  "I don't know," answered Heckewelder. "Girty has been here severaltimes of late. I saw him conferring with Pipe at Goshhocking. I hopethere's no deviltry afoot. Pipe is a relentless enemy of allChristians, and Girty is a fiend, a hyena. I think, perhaps, it willbe well for you and the girls to stay indoors while Girty andSilvertip are in the village."

  That evening the entire missionary party were gathered in Mr. Wells'room. Heckewelder told stories of Indian life; Nell sang severalsongs, and Kate told many amusing things said and done by the littleIndian boys in her class at the school. Thus the evening passedpleasantly for all.

  "So next Wednesday I am to perform the great ceremony," remarkedHeckewelder, laying his hand kindly on Young's knee. "We'llcelebrate the first white wedding in the Village of Peace."

  Young looked shyly down at his boots; Edwards crossed one leg overthe other, and coughed loudly to hide his embarrassment. Kate wore,as usual, her pensive smile; Nell's eyes twinkled, and she was aboutto speak, when Heckewelder's quizzical glance in her direction madeher lips mute.

  "I hope I'll have another wedding on my hands soon," he saidplacidly.

  This ordinary remark had an extraordinary effect. Nell turned withburning cheeks and looked out of the window. Jim frowned fiercelyand bit his lips. Edwards began to laugh, and even Mr. Wells'serious face lapsed into a smile.

  "I mean I've picked out a nice little Delaware squaw for Dave," saidHeckewelder, seeing his badinage had somehow gone amiss.

  "Oh-h!" suddenly cried Nell, in shuddering tones.

  They all gazed at her in amazement. Every vestige of color hadreceded from her face, leaving it marblelike. Her eves were fixed instartled horror. Suddenly she relaxed her grasp on the windowsilland fell back limp and senseless.

  Heckewelder ran to the door to look out, while the others bent overthe unconscious girl, endeavoring to revive her. Presently afluttering breath and a quivering of her dark lashes noted a returnof suspended life. Then her beautiful eyes opened wide to gaze withwonder and fear into the grave faces bent so anxiously over her.

  "Nell, dearest, you are safe. What was it? What frightened you so?"said Kate, tenderly.

  "Oh, it was fearful!" gasped Nell, sitting up. She clung to hersister with one hand, while the other grasped Jim's sleeve.

  "I was looking out into the dark, when suddenly I beheld a face, aterrible face!" cried Nell. Those who watched her marveled at theshrinking, awful fear in her eyes. "It was right by the window. Icould have touched it. Such a greedy, wolfish face, with a long,hooked nose! The eyes, oh! the eyes! I'll never forget them. Theymade me sick; they paralyzed me. It wasn't an Indian's face. Itbelonged to that white man, that awful white man! I never saw himbefore; but I knew him."

  "Girty!" said Heckewelder, who had come in with his quiet step. "Helooked in at the window. Calm yourself, Nellie. The renegade hasgone."

  The incident worried them all at the time, and made Nell nervous forseveral days; but as Girty had disappeared, and nothing more washeard of him, gradually they forgot. Kate's wedding day dawned withall the little party well and happy. Early in the afternoon Jim andNell, accompanied by Kate and her lover, started out into the woodsjust beyond the clearing for the purpose of gathering wild flowersto decorate the cabin.

  "We are both thinking of--him," Jim said, after he and Nell hadwalked some little way in silence.

  "Yes," answered Nell, simply.

  "I hope--I pray Joe comes back, but if he doesn't--Nell--won't youcare a little for me?"

  He received no answer. But Nell turned her face away.

  "We both loved him. If he's gone forever our very love for himshould bring us together. I know--I know he would have wished that."

  "Jim, don't speak of love to me now," she whispered. Then she turnedto the others. "Come quickly; here are great clusters of wildclematis and goldenrod. How lovely! Let us gather a quantity."

  The young men had almost buried the girls under huge masses of thebeautiful flowers, when the soft tread of moccasined feet causedthem all to turn in surprise. Six savages stood waist-deep in thebushes, where they had lain concealed. Fierce, painted visagesscowled from behind leveled rifles.

  "Don't yell!" cried a hoarse voice in English. Following the voicecame a snapping of twigs, and then two other figures came into view.They were Girty and Silvertip.

  "Don't yell, er I'll leave you layin' here fer the buzzards," saidthe renegade. He stepped forward and grasped Young, at the same timespeaking in the Indian language and pointing to a nearby tree.Strange to relate, the renegade apparently wanted no bloodshed.While one of the savages began to tie Young to the tree, Girtyturned his gaze on the girls. His little, yellow eyes glinted; hestroked his chin with a bony hand, and his dark, repulsive face waswreathed in a terrible, meaning smile.

  "I've been layin' fer you," he croaked, eyeing Nell. "Ye're thepurtiest lass, 'ceptin' mebbe Bet Zane, I ever seed on the border. Igot cheated outen her, but I've got you; arter I feed yer Injunpreacher to ther buzzards mebbe ye'll larn to love me."

  Nell gazed one instant into the monster's face. Her terror-strickeneyes were piteous to behold. She tried to speak; but her voicefailed. Then, like stricken bird, she fell on the grass.


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