Through the Zombie Glass wrc-2

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Through the Zombie Glass wrc-2 Page 37

by Gena Showalter

  “Don’t want Kat and Reeve to hear the way you respond to my best moves.”

  Oh, my.

  “Are we officially back together?” I asked.

  “I should spank you for even saying that. We’ve been together this whole time. You were just being stubborn.” He kissed his way down my neck. “I’ve never been so scared in my life, Ali. I’ve been trying to hold it together, but watching you spiral, then watching you fade and not knowing what to do...” He shuddered.

  “I told you to have faith.” I nibbled on the lobe of his ear. “We survived and we learned. We’re stronger than ever now.”

  He moaned, tilting his head to allow me better access. “Against the zombies, yes. But what about Anima? They’re still out there, and they have to be stopped for good.”

  “We’ll figure it out,” I said. “Right now you’re going to kiss me until I have a permanent impression of your lips on mine. Then you’re going to send everyone home. Then you’re going to sneak into my room, as promised. Then you’re going to show me just how much you love me.”

  “Consider it done. But if someone interrupts us tonight, I’m going to... I’m not sure there’s an action violent enough.”

  I laughed.

  He softened. “I love when you laugh. It’s the perfect birthday present.”

  My eyes widened. “Today’s your birthday?”

  “No. January ninth.”

  A few days ago. I’d missed it, I realized, and frowned. “Cole—”

  “No. You were sick, and I wasn’t going to celebrate without you.”

  “Well, you’re eighteen. Legal. You’re getting a party,” I said. “A surprise party.”

  He was the one to laugh this time. “Then why are you telling me about it?”

  “Oh, just shut up and kiss me.”

  * * * * *

  A Note From Cole

  I’d rather not write this. You want to know how I feel. You want to know, in minute detail, why I did what I did, what happened behind the scenes, what I think of my mistakes, the outcome and what I plan to do next. You want me to describe the things I’m desperate to do with Ali.

  Why don’t you just take my sac, instead? The result will be the same.

  I’m not a bare-your-heart-to-strangers kind of guy, and that’s not going to change, so I’m not going to give you what you want. No, I’m not sorry.

  I know this proves everything you’ve heard whispered about me. I’m too hard-core. I’m only nice to a select few. I’m mean, bossy. I’m not an easy guy to like. Some people can take me, but most would rather leave me.

  I don’t really care.

  I am what life has made me.

  Besides, you’re wrong about all of it—I’m worse.

  Here’s what I will tell you: I’ve seen and done things that would make you vomit. I spend the majority of my time in the shadows, and sometimes darkness clings. Sometimes it’s hard to shake off. But most important, I will die to protect what’s mine—better yet, I will kill.

  Ali is mine.

  If you’re out there, Anima—and I know that you are—if you’re planning to make another move against my girl, you had better be prepared to battle the beast you’ll wake. I will hunt you, and I will not stop. I will take you out one by one, until the last of you is gone.

  You may look at me and see a teenager. An afterthought. I will look at you and see a target. A dead one.

  I’m very good at hitting my targets.

  So, think long and hard before you decide to take me on. There is nothing I won’t do—nothing—to ensure the health and wellness of those I love. If you’re smart, you’ll run and hide before it comes to that.

  This is the only warning you will receive.

  Cole Holland


  To the two best kids any mother could ever have—my kids. R and V. I’m blessed to have you, blessed to have raised you and blessed to know you. May your lives be everything you dream. Mommy loves you.

  To a wonderful husband who, after almost twenty years of marriage, still makes me feel pretty...even though I wear the same sweatpants almost every day of the week. Washed smoshed.

  To my best friend Jill Monroe, who still takes my calls, even at the most inopportune times. What a treasure you are! One of my favorite divine connections.

  To my “totes amazeballs” editor Natashya Wilson, who goes above and beyond for me every time. Your support means more to me than I can possibly say. And I don’t think I can ever thank you enough for your notes on this book. Talk about nailing it! Woman, you make me smile.

  To my mother, who, when I called crying, picked me up, dusted me off and helped me stand back on my feet.

  To my agent, Deidre Knight, who supports me every step of the way. I’m excited to march into the future with you!

  To Alyshea Rains. I’m blessed to know you!

  And to God, because at one of the lowest points in my life, I looked up and there You were with Isaiah 43:1-2.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from ALICE IN ZOMBIELAND by Gena Showalter.

  If you loved Through the Zombie Glass, be sure to catch Alice in Zombieland in the White Rabbit Chronicles series, by New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter.

  Be sure to also catch the Intertwined series by Gena Showalter.

  Most sixteen-year-olds have friends. Aden Stone has four human souls living inside him. One can time-travel. One can raise the dead. One can tell the future. And one can possess another human. Everyone thinks he’s crazy…




  Read them all now!

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  A Note from Alice

  Had anyone told me that my entire life would change course between one heartbeat and the next, I would have laughed. From blissful to tragic, innocent to ruined? Please.

  But that’s all it took. One heartbeat. A blink, a breath, a second, and everything I knew and loved was gone.

  My name is Alice Bell, and on the night of my sixteenth birthday I lost the mother I loved, the sister I adored and the father I never understood until it was too late. Until that heartbeat when my entire world collapsed and a new one took shape around me.

  My father was right. Monsters walk among us.

  At night, these living dead, these...zombies...rise from their graves, and they crave what they lost. Life. They will feed on you. They will infect you. And then they will kill you. If that happens, you will rise from your grave. It’s an endless cycle, like a mouse running inside a barbed wheel, bleeding and dying as those sharp tips dig ever deeper, with no way to stop the lethal momentum.

  These zombies feel no fear, know no pain, but they hunger. Oh, do they hunger. There’s only one way to stop them—but I can’t tell you how. You’ll have to be shown. What I can tell you is that we must fight the zombies to disable them. To fight them, we must get close to them. To get close to them, we must be a little brave and a whole lot crazy.

  But you know what? I’d rather the world considered me crazy while I go down fighting than spend the rest of my life hiding from the truth. Zombies are real. They’re out there.

  If you aren’t vigilant, they’ll get you, too.

  So. Yeah. I should have listened to my father. He warned me over and over again never to go out at night, never to venture into a cemetery and never, under any circumstances, to trust someone who wants you to do either. He should have taken his own advice, because he trusted me—and I convinced him to do both.

  I wish I could go back and do a thousand things differently.
I’d tell my sister no. I’d never beg my mother to talk to my dad. I’d stop my tears from falling. I’d zip my lips and swallow those hateful words. Or, barring all of that, I’d hug my sister, my mom and my dad one last time. I’d tell them I love them.

  I wish...yeah, I wish.


  Down the Zombie Hole

  Six months ago

  “Please, Alice. Please.”

  I lay sprawled on a blanket in my backyard, weaving a daisy chain for my little sister. The sun shone brightly as puffy white clouds ghosted across an endless expanse of baby blue. As I breathed in the thick honeysuckle and lavender perfume of the Alabama summer, I could make out a few shapes. A long, leggy caterpillar. A butterfly with one of its wings shredded. A fat white rabbit, racing toward a tree.

  Eight-year-old Emma danced around me. She wore a glittery pink ballerina costume, her pigtails bouncing with her every movement. She was a miniature version of our mother and the complete opposite of me.

  Both possessed a slick fall of dark hair and beautifully uptilted golden eyes. Mom was short, barely over five-three, and I wasn’t sure Em would even make it to five-one. Me? I had wavy white-blond hair, big blue eyes and legs that stretched for miles. At five-ten, I was taller than most of the boys at my school and always stood out—I couldn’t go anywhere without getting a few what-are-you-a-giraffe? stares.

  Boys had never shown an interest in me, but I couldn’t count the number of times I had caught one drooling over my mom as she walked by or—gag—heard one whistle as she bent over to pick something up.

  “Al-less.” At my side now, Em stomped her slippered foot in a bid for my attention. “Are you even listening to me?”

  “Sweetie, we’ve gone over this, like, a thousand times. Your recital might start while it’s sunny out, but it’ll end at dark. You know Dad will never let us leave the house. And Mom agreed to sign you up for the program as long as you swore never to throw a tantrum when you couldn’t make a practice or a, what? Recital.”

  She stepped over me and planted those dainty pink slippers at my shoulders, her slight body throwing a large enough shadow to shield my face from the overhead glare. She became all that I could see, shimmering gold pleading down at me. “Today’s your birthday, and I know, I know, I forgot this morning...and this afternoon...but last week I remembered that it was coming up—you remember how I told Mom, right?—and now I’ve remembered again, so doesn’t that count for something? ’Course it does,” she added before I could say anything. “Daddy has to do whatever you ask. So, if you ask him to let us go, and...and...” so much longing in her tone “...and ask if he’ll come and watch me, too, then he will.”

  My birthday. Yeah. My parents had forgotten, too. Again. Unlike Em, they hadn’t remembered—and wouldn’t. Last year, my dad had been a little too busy throwing back shots of single malt and mumbling about monsters only he could see and my mom had been a little too busy cleaning up his mess. As always.

  This year, Mom had hidden notes in drawers to remind herself (I’d found them), and as Em had claimed, my baby sis had even hinted before flat out saying, “Hey, Alice’s birthday is coming up and I think she deserves a party!” but I’d woken up this morning to the same old same old. Nothing had changed.

  Whatever. I was a year older, finally sweet sixteen, but my life was still the same. Honestly, it wasn’t a big deal. I’d stopped caring a long time ago.

  Em, though, she cared. She wanted what I’d never had: their undivided attention.

  “Since today’s my birthday, shouldn’t you be doing something for me?” I asked, hoping to tease her into forgetting about her first ballet performance and the princess role she liked to say she “had been born to perform.”

  She fisted her hands on her hips, all innocence and indignation and, well, my favorite thing in the entire world. “Hello! Letting you do this for me is my gift to you.”

  I tried not to grin. “Is that so?”

  “Yeah, because I know you want to watch me so badly you’re practically foaming at the mouth.”

  Brat. But like I could really argue with her logic. I did want to watch her.

  I remember the night Emma was born. A wild mix of fear and elation had seared the memory into my mind. Just like my parents had done with me, they had opted to use a midwife who made house calls so that, when the big moment arrived, Mom wouldn’t have to leave home.

  But even that plan had failed.

  The sun had already set by the time her contractions started and my dad had refused to open the door to the midwife, too afraid a monster would follow her in.

  So, Dad had delivered Emma while my mom nearly screamed us all to death. I had hidden under my covers, crying and shaking because I’d been so afraid.

  When everything had finally quieted, I’d snuck into their bedroom to make sure everyone had survived. Dad bustled about while Mom lounged on the bed. Tentative steps had taken me to the edge, and, to be honest, I’d gasped in horror. Baby Emma had not been attractive. She’d been red and wrinkly, with the most hideous dark hair on her ears. (I’m happy to say the hair has since been shed.) Mom had been all smiles as she waved me over to hold my “new best friend.”

  I’d settled beside her, pillows fluffing behind me, and she’d placed the wiggly bundle in my arms. Eyes so beautiful only God Himself could have created them had peered up at me, rosy lips puckering and tiny fists waving.

  “What should we name her?” Mom had asked.

  When short, chubby fingers had wrapped around one of mine, skin soft and warm, I’d decided that hair on the ears wasn’t such a terrible thing, after all. “Lily,” I’d replied. “We should name her Lily.” I had a book all about flowers, and the lilies were my favorites.

  My mom’s soft chuckle had washed over me. “I like that. How about Emmaline Lily Bell, since Nana’s real name is Emmaline and it’d be nice to honor my mother the way we honored your dad’s when you were born. We can call our little miracle Emma for short, and the three of us will share a wonderful secret. You’re my Alice Rose and she’s my Emma Lily, and together the two of you are my perfect bouquet.”

  I hadn’t needed time to think about that. “Okay. Deal!”

  Emma had gurgled, and I’d taken that as approval.

  “Alice Rose,” Emma said now. “You’re lost in your head again, when I’ve never needed you more.”

  “All right, fine,” I said on a sigh. I just couldn’t deny her. Never had, never would. “I’m not talking to Dad, though. I’m talking to Mom and making her talk to him.”

  The first sparkle of hope ignited. “Really?”

  “Yes, really.”

  A brilliant smile bloomed, and her bouncing started up again. “Please, Alice. You gotta talk to her now. I don’t want to be late, and if Dad agrees we’ll need to leave soon so I can warm up on stage with the other girls. Please. Nooow.”

  I sat up and placed the daisies around her neck. “You know the likelihood of success is pretty low, right?”

  A cardinal rule in the Bell household: you did not leave the house if you couldn’t return before dark. Here, Dad had worked up “reinforcements” against the monsters, ensuring none of them could get in. After dark, well, you stayed put. Anyone out in the big bad world was without any type of protection and considered open season.

  My father’s paranoia and delusion had caused me to miss numerous school activities and countless sporting events. I’d never even been on a date. Yes, I could have gone on a weekend lunch date and other craptasticly lame things like that, but honestly? I had no desire for a boyfriend. I never wanted to have to explain that my dad was certifiable, or that he sometimes locked us in the “special” basement he’d built as added protection from a boogeyman that did not exist. Yeah, just peachy.

  Em threw her arms around me. “You can do it, I know you can. You can do anything!”

  Her faith in humbling. “I’ll do my best.”

  “Your best is— Oh, ick!” Face scrunched with
horror, she jumped as far away from me as she could get. “You’re all gross and wet, and you made me all gross and wet.”

  Laughing, I lunged for her. She squealed and darted off. I’d run the hose over myself about half an hour ago, hoping to cool down. Not that I’d tell her. The fun of sibling torture, and all that.

  “Stay out here, okay?” Mom would say something that would hurt her feelings, and I’d say something to make her feel bad for asking me to do this, and she’d cry. I hated when she cried.

  “Sure, sure,” she said, palms up in a gesture of innocence.

  Like I was buying that hasty assurance. She planned to follow me and listen, no question. Girl was devious like that. “Promise me.”

  “I can’t believe you’d doubt me.” A delicate hand fluttered over her heart. “That hurts, Alice. That really hurts.”

  “First, major congrats. Your acting has improved tremendously,” I said with a round of applause. “Second, say the words or I’ll return to working on a tan I’ll never achieve.”

  Grinning, she rose on her toes, stretched out her arms and slowly spun on one leg. The sun chose that moment to toss out an amber ray, creating the perfect spotlight for her perfect pirouette. “Okay, okay. I promise. Happy now?”

  “Sublimely.” She might be devious, but she never broke a promise.

  “Watch me pretend I know what that means.”

  “It means—oh, never mind.” I was stalling, and I knew it. “I’m going.”

  With all the enthusiasm of a firing squad candidate, I stood and turned toward our house, a two-story my dad had built in the prime of his construction days, with brown brick on the bottom and brown-and-white-striped wood on the top. Kind of boxy, amazingly average and absolutely, one hundred percent forgettable. But then, that’s what he’d been going for, he’d said.

  My flip-flops clapped against the ground, creating a mantra inside my head. Don’t. Fail. Don’t. Fail. Finally I stood at the glass doors that led to our kitchen and spotted my mom, bustling from the sink to the stove and back again. I watched her, a bit sick to my stomach.


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