His Royal Majesty : A Royal Wedding Romance

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His Royal Majesty : A Royal Wedding Romance Page 3

by Cassandra Bloom

  He didn't need any of this, even with women inside, he still felt his world crushing him. He thought he had done everything right – but, his options were closing in on him.

  Adrian held onto his phone – he wanted more than anything to chuck it away from him. Every few minutes he looked at it. He was waiting for some angry phone call. Any second his father would attack him.

  He dreaded when his stepfather's number appeared on the screen. It was like the seconds were ticking by with a resounding boom in his head.

  His stepfather didn't leave Adrian with much hope – constantly telling him how he didn't live up to the family name.

  Although Adrian's mother had reigned over the country for decades – Adrian's stepfather never saw him as the rightful heir.

  Adrian took the deep breath, "Since when did my life start to end?"

  It felt like the world is rushing by him – forcing him to a stop.

  Adrian had always known – deep within him – that his stepfather and stepbrothers wanted to take the throne from him. Even though, he was the legitimate and only air. But, Adrian and making you the parliament was cracking – and Adrian had realized it too late.

  "Perhaps, I could still persuade them –", Adrian was going over the options in his mind.

  He heard light footsteps behind him—he recognized them instantly as Megan's.

  He sighed— the time for pleading and persuasion was over.

  "How can I be such an idiot – how did I not notice it before?" He grumbled to himself – he felt like a fool.

  Megan set a comforting him his shoulder, smiling warmly – but her eyes were sad, she was aware they were losing this battle.

  He felt lucky to have her, honestly – she was a stoic woman with broad shoulders and a stern face. She rarely showed her own emotions – in all the years he had known her, she practically raised him as her own son. Perhaps Adrian's mother knew – that she would be here for long, and that he would need a motherly figure in his life – although, with Megan's sturdy presence, she wasn't much of a motherly woman.

  What if he lost her, too?

  Finally, she spoke, "Your Majesty – we were paying attention to your duties, now it's time to pay attention to this one."

  But, Adrian shook his head – if he had been paying attention sooner, he wouldn't feel so trapped. Although, he was surprised that his stepfather hadn't already assassinated him – it was a recurring thought.

  "I know, I know – I'm lucky to even have this chance."

  Adrian repeated what Megan had told him time and time again. At least he had a chance.

  Megan return to her tablet – checking his schedule. So far, their plan up to this point had not worked. He talked to individual members of Parliament – but none of them seem persuaded that he was able to run the country.

  His charitable efforts throughout all his years – had not provided any luck to his reputation.

  It's not like I'm the only one – he thought bitterly to himself.

  They judge me because I'm a prince.

  But, Adrian would not let his brothers control the country – he needed to do this for himself, and for his mother.

  "Where's the fairy godmother when you need her, huh?"

  He had barely even enough time to mourn his mother – they given her quick funeral, but the year that had passed – seem to last forever.

  That was his father's fault – rushing everything – in so many ways Adrian wished that his father had been involved in his mother's death. Then, Adrian could have dismantled his father quickly – leaving him to ascend the throne. But unfortunately, cancer got the better of her – into quickly.

  You just never know when it's over, he thought to himself.

  His eyes glazed over the ocean. He preferred the familiar London streets – he loved to see the amazing sites and busy people walking around on the cloudy days. He loved the way the roads twisted and turned in circles in the city. Out of all the countries he had been to, his own was his favorite.

  Making coughed beside him – "Sir, you might want to see this."

  She turned the tablet towards him – and his mouth fell open in surprise.

  He was on the front cover of the news – again – an old photo of him doing questionable things to a couple women. Anger filled him immediately.

  Everyone just forgot his own efforts – his charity dollars, his fundraisers, everything that he used to help people – gone in an instant.

  Usually, when something like this happened – he brushed it off, but now it threatened him.

  It was a photo of him all right – he remembered it from back the day – and it suggested a fury of things – all of them shaming him.

  "How the hell did they get that?"

  Megan shrugged – they were always careful around his parties, using confidential women and contracts for his friends.

  "It looks like it's everywhere sir – all the newspapers got it at the same time – it doesn't even matter where it came from now."

  The heat burned in his cheeks, he felt his heart pounding in his chest.

  The image of his stepfather burned in his mind – he had something to do with this.

  His hands balled into fists.

  "What do we do now?"

  Megan shook her head, "Even if they took it down – even if they said it was a fraud – the impression lingers, possibly permanently."

  And he knew that she was right, for years everyone would remember a photo like this – they wouldn't remember anything else about him. That was the way public images worked. It didn't matter if they retracted – the damage was done.

  "How can they even have the gall to do that?"

  Megan set down her tablet – thinking, "It could only have come from somewhere higher up – or else they wouldn't have dared to do that to you."

  He growled in frustration – slamming his fist down on the rail – it did nothing to help alleviate the stress.

  They needed their plan to work. Under his stepfather's rule, the country would crumble. There were literally hundreds of thousands of people relying on him.

  Megan said, "Let's make sure this plan goes accordingly."

  He took a deep breath – and somewhere in the back of his mind, he hoped he could fall in love with one of the royals on this boat. At least, for the sake of his country. His mind immediately thought of Veronica's sassy smile and voluptuous curves. Did she say she would do anything for him, right?

  A wicked thought ran across his mind.

  I could play with her a little, right?

  At least for now. He knew that Megan carried lots of items for his women and pleasure—she would surely have something for Veronica.

  He headed to the pool with a smile.

  Chapter 6

  The boat was pulling into the first stop. Veronica looked around her office – making sure that she had everything they needed. She checked to make sure that the Prince would have extra lotions, sunglasses, and anything else that he might need on hand.

  Megan had also asked for Veronica to bring condoms.

  "You just never know with the Prince," Megan had said earlier with a straight face.

  Veronica wanted to laugh – wondering how many locations Prince could take women.

  The image of the Prince popped into her mind – as he thrusted into a moaning woman's body.

  And made her stomach grow hot.

  She tried to push away – focusing back on what she needed to take with her.

  She also had her change of clothes with her.

  Usually, when the boat docks at a new location – the crew was allowed to roam. They could explore as they wished – returning when their guests did.

  Veronica debated for a moment – she usually explored as well. She would usually wear her bikini outfit – with some shorts and a T-shirt. She always loved to visit the ocean. But, she wasn't sure how she would feel – walking around short shorts in front of the Prince.

  He's distracted by his women anyway.
  She chided herself – what was she worried for? It's not like he was looking at her.

  She laughed to herself – she felt a little silly.

  She got to close and slipped them on – removing her usually tight outfit. As soon as she wrapped her hair up into a messy bun – she felt more like herself. That was part of the reason why she enjoyed her work so much. She loved to travel – and for the longest time, she always wanted to explore the world.

  She thought bitterly, Well, thanks to Duncan – I was forced to.

  In a way though, she was glad – she had picked up the job in desperation – but it fulfilled her.

  She gathered some of the extra items into a small pack – throwing it over her shoulder – she took a look around her office, making sure that she didn't miss a thing.

  She locked the office door behind her – feeling the usual excitement as she explored the exotic towns around them.

  She heard a familiar squeal down the hall – Dexter was leaving her down.

  She smiled – waiting at him as he skipped towards her.

  She often wondered what Dexter was doing on the ship – he seems like a very happy-go-lucky kind of guy, not the kind to be behind the bar for hours at a time. But, he always seemed happy.

  "Oh my gosh – isn't this just so dramatic?" He grinned at her as he took one of her arms into his. They were about the same height – Veronica felt like he was the best friend she never had growing up. Someone to share secrets with.

  "Were not talking about the weather are we?" She laughed.

  He waved her off with his hand, making a dramatic sweep around them.

  "Girl – just watching this whole thing – has made my year."

  They walked quickly to the halls – both excited to enter into the sunshine of the next town. The boat was quiet now – the ladies had already disembarked. And Veronica knew that the Prince was also on land – Megan giving her constant text updates.

  Veronica would be joining them soon – flanking them as the Prince wandered around this old city, each of the women dangling on his arms.

  According to Megan, Veronica would be also holding any trinkets that the Prince purchased – like his personal shopping cart.

  She thought it was a little weird – trailing behind a group of women, collecting their items as they fawned over him – but, she had already been here before – so she couldn't complain.

  Dexter giggled, "It is just so intense to watch the ladies fight over him – I have never seen such claws before – but of course, who could blame them – he is so hot."

  Veronica rolled her eyes, Dexter had a habit of falling in love with the men on board.

  "You always say that Dexter –", poking him in the rib.

  He giggled some more – "No girl – have you seen this guy – he is so fine, and those eyes – damn I could eat those up all day."

  Veronica felt the familiar heat rising her face, of course she had noticed the Prince's eyes – and everything else about him. Usually,

  she kept her eyes forward – of all the royalty and celebrities that had stepped into the boat – she never really had an inkling towards anyone of them. She simply saw them for what they were – rich and spoiled brats – usually. Sometimes, there would be a diamond in the rough – but they were more like kindred spirits, than possible soul mates.

  Dexter and Veronica stepped out of the boat and in to the blaring sun – her skin the tingled as she felt the sun will sear her skin – she loved that feeling.

  They walked arm in arm as they descended into the city – it was beautiful. The ocean sparkled like jewels on the sea – and as she looked around – she couldn't help but admire the old clay buildings, painted by centuries old colorful mosaics, followed by the throngs of tourists and natives.

  She had a few minutes before she had to go find the Prince and Megan.

  "So what's the plan today girl?" Dexter pulled on his phone, he usually had a flame or two waiting for him. Dexter was a romantic through and through. His gaze automatically snapping into his phone – blocking out the rest of the world.

  She smiled, "oh you know – go find me some man – has some rough sex – at least a group of them." She eyed him, wondering how long it would take for him to hear her joke.

  He walked with her as he stared at his phone, he nodded, "That's cool."

  She laughed – and then his eyes snapped to her.

  "Oh my gosh girl – you totally got me, you of all people –" he laughed, finally catching on.

  She disentangled from him – knowing that they were about to part ways.

  He gave her a wink, "But, you know you could technically – you know, have yourself a flame – or two."

  She rolled her eyes – "I'm nearly there Dexter – I can hold off a few more weeks."

  He pursed his lips, shaking his head, "Girl – I do not know how you did it – to never feel a man's touch all away until now?" He looked at her like she was a rare object. He looked at her in disbelief.

  She waved by at him – wandering through the bustling crowd, trying to find Brian among them. He had mentioned earlier that he wanted to get a drink – from the best bar on this coast.

  Her stomach turned a little – he always got rude and aggressive when he drank.

  She found the small bar and restaurant – it was hidden in between two centuries old clay buildings – a small place, but always busy.

  Veronica entered – feeling small in the crowd. She pushed her way through – feeling everyone's hot bodies near her – making her skin sweat immediately. There was music within the bar – and some couples had began to sway and swirl around the small open floor – making the place even tighter. She spotted him at the bar.

  Her stomach turned as she saw he was not alone.

  Brian sat there leaning against the bar – looking down on a practically naked woman, the woman stared up at him – in a playful but seductive gaze. Her bikini top was the size of the napkin – the same size as her bikini bottom. The women had strapped on a fishnet lacing over her butt – but it clearly showed the thong of her bikini.

  Veronica burned a little – she had, unfortunately seen this before.

  Veronica took a deep breath – and walked towards them. Her blood was beginning to boil as she saw Brian reach for the woman's face, pushing her hair behind the woman's ear. The woman smiled coyly.

  Brian inched closer to the woman – and Veronica didn't know what she should do – she couldn't out right yell at him, and risk him getting angry at her. She couldn't risk him dumping her. She needed him. But her pride burned – she didn't deserve this either.

  She stood there in the crowd for a moment – dazed.

  A deep voice whispered in her ear – "I could take care of that for you."

  She jumped at the sound, and turned to see a beautiful set of green eyes.

  Adrian was looking down at her – a tight smile on his face, his eyes flickering between hers and Brian at the bar.

  "Take care of that?" she said, her voice voices drowned out by the crowd.

  Adrian stepped closer – his chest almost to hers – so that he could talk to her in a whisper among the crowd. The music was getting louder within the small bar – and couples were swirling about them, shielding them from Brian's view.

  Adrian leaned down so that only he could hear her, "I have my resources – I could take care of him and her like that." He snapped his fingers for emphasis.

  Her cheeks burned with embarrassment – she knew she had to refuse, but she didn't want Adrian thinking that she was a pushover either.

  She raised her hands in defense, in between the small space between them, "Thank you your highness – but, I've got it under control – I'll take care of it back on board."

  He frowned a little – biting on his lip as he thought.

  Suddenly, she felt the need to bite his sexy lip, too.

  "Why would someone like you put up with that?" His eyes glinted as he looked at her up and down.

  The bodies around them were pushing them closer together.

  "You don't seem like the type – tell me." She was surprised at his observation – was it that obvious that she was part of this relationship for other reasons. She felt like she couldn't lie to him – with him being a Prince and all.

  "I guess –" she looked down, "I need him."

  And, that was technically true. But, it sounded more like a romantic need than the her need.

  He narrowed his eyes at her – as if he knew that she was only speaking a half truth.

  His eyes flickered between her and back towards the bar.

  "Very well then," and suddenly his arm wrapped around her waist, "if you won't let me take care of them – that at least let me take care of them this way."

  Adrian brought her closer towards him – and picked up her other hand with his, bringing them into a dance.

  The bodies swirled around them – and he swept her around the floor – matching the rhythm of the other bodies.

  Her body burned – as she realized that she was dancing with the Prince.

  Chapter 7

  Adrian didn't know exactly why he was doing it—it's not like it was his problem. But, his heart ached a little seeing her.

  He had walked into the bar—Megan had told him that it was the best around. He sauntered through the alleys, full of cobblestones with ladies on each arm. He had loved it here as soon as they landed. He had never been here—or if he had, he didn't recognize it—he traveled often.

  The sun shone brightly and burned through his skin—and it was only much hotter with the women around him. They each wore revealing bikinis—some more daring than others. Some left a little bit to the imagination—he admired them all. They had all pushed themselves against him at some point within the past few minutes.

  The day had started excellently.

  Megan said he would be going snorkeling and doing some outdoor adventures with some of the ladies—he loved to be outdoors. But, it also felt like a chore right now, having to court so many ladies in so little time.


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