His Royal Majesty : A Royal Wedding Romance

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His Royal Majesty : A Royal Wedding Romance Page 14

by Cassandra Bloom

  Adrian knew that a few streets up, they could look out onto the ocean—with the forest of jungle trees behind them, blocking them from everyone's view. As they wove through the crowd, he brought her in close, shielding her from the bumps of passerby. Her body stung against his—he couldn't wait to be with her again.

  Once they made it past the crowded place, he pulled her along as they ran through the old and narrow streets, up the small mountain. Veronica laughed as he pulled her along, practically dragging her and pretending that he was some sort of hero—rescuing her from the crowd below. Her laugh was infectious.

  Finally, the streets turns into gravel roads, and then quickly turned into many trails. He stayed to ones on his right—knowing this place well. He recognized the shield of trees up ahead, and before they got there, he turned to her, "Cover your eyes."

  She looked at him curiously, but she smiled and replied, "Yes, sir."

  A thrill shivered through him. She covered her eyes. He brought her a few feet forward, around the bend of trees and onto a small and plush cliff. The cliff overlooked the ocean, with no one around to look up at them.

  He pulled down her hands, and she blinked taking in the view.

  "Wow it's gorgeous," he placed a hand over her mouth, taking in the scene around. He felt that burn in him again—the same one from last night, the one he had to push away.

  He smiled at her, wanting her and hoping this would be enough for both of them.

  He took her hand into his and kissed her deeply.

  Chapter 30

  She knew what this was—and it ached like nothing before. This was goodbye, and she was ready and willing to let him be the prince he needed to be. But, she didn't want that. She felt her heart ache for him as his lips pushed against hers and he clutched her body close to him. He wrapped her up into his arms, taking her lips into his. She melted into him.

  His lean arms were like the warmth of the sun—burning her with pleasure. The heat of his body seared through her. She wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling his hips to hers—already she could feel his thick bulge against her hips.

  Their mouths hungered for each other—pulling and pushing at each other. He licked her lips and his scent mingled with the ocean air, made her tingle.

  They broke apart, gasping for breath, "It's going to be OK," she breathed.

  She felt stronger now—she didn't know what to make of all this—but, she knew she was strong enough for it.

  He cupped his hand around her chin, "It's not OK—but, it has to be." His green eyes looked dark.

  She didn't want to see him that way, she pulled him back to her—crushing her body against his. She pulled him down to the ground, pulling his body on top of hers. He kissed her face, her neck, and then his kisses ran down her body—exploring and touching her breasts and belly. Her body reacted instantly—her thighs growing a fierce hunger for him—she felt so wet already.

  He unbuckled his pants, and then hers—and she shimmied them off her. The cool breeze ran across her exposed womanhood—but she didn't feel vulnerable with him. He kissed her, pushing her up against something soft. She looked behind her—the mountain had created lush and thick moss around the trails—it covered the rocks and trees around them. Adrian kissed her and brought her back to her feet. He pushed his pelvis against her, squeezing her against the soft moss.

  He cupped the back of her neck, and kissed her deeply—pushing his tongue into her welcome mouth. She opened herself to him—she wanted this more than anything. Her body quivered under him, and she brought her leg up.

  He grabbed onto her knee and bent down—shifting his dick under her, and then slid into her.

  She moaned as his thick girth entered her. He pushed up into her—his dick holding her bodyweight—making it the only thing that her wet pussy could hold on to—sending waves through her body.

  "God—you feel amazing—" he purred, his face in her neck, as she he began to thrust her up and down against the moss. She clutched at him, her body wanting nothing more than for his dick to go harder and faster. Her vagina clenched around him.

  "More," she whispered, her body heating up quickly. He grunted, prompted by her words, and he picked up speed, his hips slamming into hers. Their bodies sung together—as they rode each other in unison.

  His dick felt huge within her—like her body was splitting apart in pleasure—she could feel her wet juices sliding down her legs as he humped into her. She looked out into the ocean—the blue and crisp sea sparkled in front of her, while Adrian's bare bottom thrust into her warmth.

  She could not have asked for anything better.

  Adrian pulled his face back to gaze into her eyes, "I want you to touch yourself." His was voice deep and husky, he gasped in between breaths. She moaned with each thrust—locking eyes with him.

  I'd do anything for you.

  She mimicked what he had done back on the ship, she brought her fingers to her clit and rubbing them while he pounded into her. Immediately, her body tensed ever more—bringing a curling pull in her stomach. She looked at him.

  But, he wasn't looking into her eyes anymore. He was watching her fingertips swirl under him. His thrusts got faster—and he licked his lips, letting out pleasurable groans with each thrust.

  The way he looked at her, the way he licked his lips as she touched herself, sent her over the edge. Her body tightened and then exploded.

  She yelled out his name as she cried out in pure pleasure. Her body shook with rocking orgasms.

  Then, he grabbed her hair, and he let his body go, "Veronica..." he groaned as his body shot his hot come into her—he pulsed against her, his body losing all energy.

  They stayed glued together, gasping and shaking from their intense orgasms.

  Adrian pulled back, grinning from ear to ear, "You...are...amazing..." he said between breaths.

  She laughed, feeling the heat sing within her body, "At your service, sir," she said with a wink.

  His eyes widened in delight, "Fuck—I love it when you say that."

  He slowly set her down on the ground, not pulling himself out right away.

  He gave her a deep kiss, lingering on her lips, and then pulled back, a sadness in his eyes.

  A voice called through the air, "Then you're going to absolutely love what I have to say."

  The voice sent a sharp knife through her. They both turned—Cressida stood there, with a phone in her hand and a glaring smile on her face.

  Chapter 31

  Cressida eyed them with a malicious grin across her face – she tapped something on her phone and then slid her phone into her pocket. She wore tight shorts and a tight shirt now – having replaced the dress she wore earlier. Fear rushed through him—his heart racing.

  She looked at them with shining blue eyes.

  "I figured you would slip up," she hissed.

  Adrian quickly pulled Veronica to the side – hiding her exposed body from Cressida's glare. He felt wrong exposing Veronica like that – and, he tried to pull up his shorts the same time.

  He knew it was too late – but he felt the need to put himself between Veronica and Cressida.

  Cressida watched them with a sly smile, as they put their clothes back on.

  Adrian pushed Veronica to the side, staring Cressida head on, "What you want?"

  Cressida pretended to put on a pouty face – "Oh sweetie – dear fiancé, don't you want to apologize for what you've done?"

  She blinked at him as if she was an innocent woman, heartbroken. Her eyes glistened sharply.

  He should've known – he told himself, Cressida was playing a game this whole time, she was smarter than she looked. And she could see what was between Veronica and Adrian a mile away. She was winning.

  Cressida looked between the two of them, tapping her phone within her pocket. Her long nails clacked against the plastic. The sun was hot now—searing down on them, making him burn throughout.

  "Sweetie bun – I have what I need – but now, I need some
thing from you." She tilted her head – as if he should know what she wanted. He stared at her—there were a million things he wanted to do to her face, and wipe that smile off her botox lips. Adrian felt Veronica's hand on his arm, his biceps bulged – he didn't even realize that his body was tense and shielding her.

  Cressida grinned, "Oh Veronica – really, your sweet innocence was so obvious all over your face – I know a virgin when I see one."

  Veronica gasped behind him, he felt her hand trembling a little. He turned to her, her face a crimson red—she looked ashamed.

  Veronica spoke, "Why are you doing this—you were the last one anyway?"

  Cressida clenched her jaw, "It should be obvious by now – you both have something to lose here – and I have everything to gain by using you."

  Adrian felt his heart pounding – beating loudly through his body, slamming into his brain. Now, he felt his world turned upside down. Cressida had trapped them – she wanted to be his Queen – and she would make sure that Adrian did not have a choice.

  Cressida continued, "I've sent the photos to my manager – and he will let them loose when I tell him to –"

  She took a breath, raking her eyes over Adrian's body, like she possessed him.

  "And you know better than anyone what those photos would do in a time like this."

  Cressida put her hand up to her forehead – as if she was fainting – "Oh no – I had no idea that he was that way – I'm so ashamed – you don't even know half of it."

  She pretended like she was talking to the paparazzi – pretending to be a victim.

  Adrian tried to see his way out of it. He could bribe her – but his throne was more worth more than any money in the world. He could try to steal the photos – but, Cressida probably had a backup plan in case he started anything. He could trying to send her away for treason – but it would look suspicious under parliament's nose. He couldn't just get rid of a royal like that.

  He couldn't see a way out – his jaw clenched and it made his temple ache.

  Cressida laughed loudly – it was a horse and cruel laugh, she was finally showing her real colors under those blue eyes.

  Those cruel eyes turned to Veronica. Adrian's instinctively put out a hand in front of her.

  Cressida grinned, "Thanks for leading me to him – with your stupid blushes and your nervousness – I figured it was you – but you confirmed in the room."

  Veronica stepped around Adrian, facing Cressida head on. She stood tall, "Look – you don't need to do this – you can have what you want, but you don't have to leak those – they'll hurt Adrian's image."

  Cressida scoffed, "You should've thought of that sooner – this is actually your fault."

  Veronica reached a hand out to her as if pleading, "Please you don't have to be so cruel."

  Veronica's voice shook, as if she wanted to take away all the cruelty in the world, like she could help Cressida. Adrian felt his heart pull towards her—she was brave despite everything she had gone through.

  Cressida sneered, "I'm surprised that you of all people would tell me that – I know about you and your dirt – you're just as terrified of these photos as he is."

  Veronica started to tremble in front of him – and Adrian placed his hands on her shoulders.

  Adrian realized what he had done. It wasn't just Cressida's fault – it was Adrian's too. Adrian had known that Veronica steeply relied on Brian – but, Adrian had persisted anyways. Adrian knew that Veronica would buckle underneath him. But now, he faced the fact that he had trapped Veronica by doing so.

  His heart broke – he had pushed them into a corner.

  There was no choice for them – no matter what fantasy played out – it all led to one thing. Perhaps he had been trying to fight against it, and perhaps he didn't want it to be true. But, he stepped in between the two, feeling the world crushing him.

  "You win Cressida –" he looked back to Veronica, who's eyes were watering." He wished they could have parted as lovers – on a sweet and orgasmic note. But now, their memory was forever ruined.

  Cressida held out a hand, smiling wickedly, "Let's get going my Prince—you have some honeymoon tasks to prove to me." He turned to her, taking in her sparkling blue eyes—a pair of eyes that he would loathe forever, that he would be married to.

  Adrian took a final look at Veronica – he wanted to tell her so many things. But really, it wouldn't do either of them any good. He turned away and took Cressida's hand – walking away from Veronica, and leaving her alone on the cliff.

  Chapter 32

  Veronica took her time getting back to the boat—she didn't want to go back with all of her being. Her body ached like it never had before. She stayed, on the edge of the cliff—staring at the sun beginning to set. She cried—her cheeks hot with her tears. She didn't know she was going to feel so much pain. Veronica gasped for breath, as the realization sunk in—she had been fighting it because she knew she and the prince were never going to be together.

  The orange of the sun set shone brilliantly on the horizon. She wished she could take it all in—she wished she had the right state of mind to enjoy the beauty around her. She had been thinking for hours.

  Her phone buzzed every few minutes—and she wondered if it was him. But each time she looked, she was hit with disappointment, it was either from Dexter or Brian—asking for her.

  She didn't feel like answering to anyone. She didn't need to. No one owned her time right now. She was just a woman right now—not a fiance, not a friend, and definitely not customer service—she was just Veronica, sitting on the cliff alone.

  Her mind had raced when Cressida showed. She tried to think of a million possibilities, but nothing popped into mind—there was no way out. She knew it, and she knew when Adrian realized it too.

  Veronica burned with shame—thinking back to the hallway with Cressida. She had known all along that Veronica was in the room with Adrian. Cressida said she could tell she was a virgin— and Veronica felt outright ridiculous. She felt like a schoolgirl, getting burned in front of everyone.

  But, it was too late for that—Veronica peeked up from her arms, she had been sitting with her head on her arms, curling into a ball. It was almost night time. The sky had darkened. They would announcement tomorrow and Veronica was finally going home.


  The word felt strange—where was her home? Her real home? She would be going to back to the states—to join Brian legally and become his wife. She would stay put and not be allowed to roam the seas again.

  Especially after he finds out about my debt. Her phone buzzed and this time she looked at it. It was a crew call message. She had to get everything ready for the last night—tidy up and seal up the ship by tomorrow morning, after the guests leave.

  After Adrian leaves.

  Veronica pulled herself together, she wished she was stronger—she wished she had the guts to tell Adrian that she wasn't afraid of the photos, that Cressida couldn't break her, and that Brian nor Mario had a hold on her.

  But, I'm not—she thought, a pain in her chest. She was just as trapped as he was—confined in their invisible prisons.

  She walked back to the ship in a powerful daze of overwhelm.

  The night was a long blur. She had arrived, the swirl of the crew around her. Dexter tried more than once to pull her from her cloud—but she was stuck. She went to the back rooms, ordering the directions from as far from the dining room as possible. She didn't want to walk in on Adrian and Cressida's dinner—she wanted to so far away, she wished she could swim back to shore.

  Brian remained clueless as ever, remarking on the bags under her eyes when he saw her.

  "Dang—you need some sleep—you don't want those to show during our wedding photos." Veronica only had the strength to nod and then she walked away. The night was half way through and she hadn't spotted Adrian nor Cressida. But, she felt like it wasn't over.

  Cressida's eyes had shone like she was just getting started pushing Veronica'
s face into the mud. She wondered why she would be so cruel—thinking over Cressida's wicked personality over the past week. Veronica could only guess that Cressida did not like seeing a threat.

  Veronica wished that made her smile—she wished she was a real threat to Cressida.

  Veronica had prepared for her last stay here—finally, packing the last of her things. This time, she had managed to stuff her photos and things into neat and ready-to-go boxes. She left them at the ship's entrance, in the crew quarters, where everyone placed their items before disembarking.

  As she walked back to her room, she lingered through the halls. She wanted to take in the memory of this ship—she wanted her mind to roam through the halls. She had many great memories here, she had plenty of strange and adventurous ones too. But, best of all—she'd met Adrian here.

  She placed her hand onto the wall as she glided from hall to hall, throughout the ship.

  Before she knew it, she was on the side of the boat where Adrian's room was. She was in the other hallway, but she could hear noises coming from his room. Veronica peeked around the corner, the bodyguard stood at the door. That probably meant—

  Are they having sex?

  Veronica's heart dropped but she strained her ear toward them. She heard yelling, all right.

  But she realized—it wasn't sexual yelling. Cressida was yelling at Adrian. She couldn't tell what it was—the words weren't clear. But, then she could hear Adrian's voice yelling back—clearly angered.

  Veronica knew that she couldn't get any closer—so took a final look down the hall and then headed back to her own room—wondering about the life that Adrian and Cressida were heading into.

  Veronica felt exhausted as she lied down to bed. She felt the heavy blanket of sleep and her dreams drifted towards the ocean.

  Chapter 33

  Leaving the ship was one of the hardest things he did.


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