Making Him Watch (Cuckold, Cheating Wife)

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Making Him Watch (Cuckold, Cheating Wife) Page 6

by Megan West

  He knew exactly what he wanted to do during that time but he wasn’t quite sure how to start it. After all, he had never role-played the customer to a high-end escort before. He wagered it was a rather specific type of situation and he had all of twenty or thirty minutes to figure out how to go about it. But as he looked at Emily, there was no trace of nervousness, doubt, or shyness.

  As they pulled into his driveway twenty minutes later and walked up to his front door, he turned to her and asked, “Are you sure about this?”

  “Well, I did lose the bet.”

  Sam hung his head and let out a single chuckle. “Yes, you did. But I still want to make sure you’re up for anything in those ten minutes?”

  Emily smirked and prodded him with a finger. “Getting cold feet?” He felt his face warm up. She giggled and shook her head. “I’m fine. Really, I am. Besides, we already talked about how I can stop this at any moment.”

  “Right. I just want to reiterate, you know, not to let anything happen you don’t want.”

  She placed a hand on his chest and smiled sympathetically. “I know. Don’t worry, I’ll stop you if the going gets too rough for my taste.” She licked her lower lip and leaned in until her lips were right next to his ear. Sam shuddered. “But, just so you know, I can handle some pretty rough going.”

  She stepped back and winked at him seductively. He felt his cock throb.

  Sam opened the front door and, with an exaggerated sweeping movement, motioned for her to go inside first. He closed the door behind him and locked it, pointing down the hallway and saying his bedroom was there. Emily hummed and walked slowly toward it, not hiding the fact that she was looking around taking in her surroundings. It was a rather small house, but he lived there alone and it was just right for him. She stepped into the room as he turned on the lights right behind her.

  “Welcome to my humble abode,” he said with a mock humble tone. She smiled. It was quite neat and well laid out. He’d done a great job with the space, something he was quite proud of. But they hadn’t gone to his house to admire his interior design skills. No, he was there to cash in on his bet. He’d won the game fair and square and now he had ten minutes to do whatever he wanted with this escort.

  Sam smirked. The role-playing had finally caught up to him and he felt even more excited than he initially had. He had no idea how it would even change what he planned to do, but just the idea of it was enough. Emily set her purse down on the dresser and looked at him, waiting until he made the first move.

  “So, we gonna get started or what?”

  Chapter Two

  Emily had fallen into character quickly. Even the expression on her face made her look different and the way she spoke made her sound like a different person. Sam was astonished. How was she so naturally good at this?

  So he decided it was time for him to fall into his role. He had ten minutes and he was going to use every last second of that time to play on his whims. Handcuffs, he thought. That was an excellent place to start. It was a staple in all this and there was something undeniably sexy about seeing a woman’s pale skin pressed against the black metal of the cuffs, wrists red when she struggled against them.

  He walked over to his nightstand and pulled them out of the bottom drawer, dangling them in front of her eyes. He saw her body stiffen for a second before she looked at him emotionless. He knew she wasn’t only turned on but also caught off guard. Maybe she just expected him to get a little rough, but hadn’t expected him to go that far.

  The cold gleam of the black-dye casted steel reflected in her eyes was a bit more than she had expected when he said anything, but she made no sign of backing down. Her body was no longer stiff. He knew she considered herself to be a bit kinky and out of the norm, but he couldn’t help but wonder if something like this would be pushing boundaries even for her. He decided she had reacted upon seeing the cuffs out of shock. She hadn’t recoiled or uttered the safety word to make him stop. She wasn’t even looking at them anymore. Instead, she was staring him dead in the eyes waiting for his next move.

  Finally, he saw her face scrunch up. Maybe she was trying to act like she didn’t want that or maybe she was tired of waiting. Maybe she just wanted to something to get him to finally act. But he knew she was definitely curious for what was to come. He finally stepped forward and pulled her wrists together in front of her. He slipped one cuff over a wrist and closed it before going on to the other. Once the final click sounded, they both knew the cuffs weren't coming off without the key and his say-so. Sam stepped back to admire the view and grinned. He dangled the key in front of her face.

  That was when he realized he wasn’t digging that emotionless look on her face. He wasn’t into how calm she was about all of it. He wanted it to be her first time, full of wonder, excitement, and even a little hesitation. So he leaned forward and licked her neck until his lips touched her ear. He loved feeling her thin body shudder against him.

  “You know, maybe you’re an escort agreeing to do this kind of thing for an extra fee for the first time ever.” He stepped back and saw she had an eyebrow raised, her eyes gleaming in delight.

  “My, my. Someone is a big fan of games,” Emily said. She leaned in and captured his lips in a soft kiss. It felt great, but it was breaking the moment. Sam knew that was what she wanted before everything fell right back into place, with that little adjustment he had requested. He pulled back and looked at her, now with an innocent look in her eyes. He marveled at her skills and briefly wondered if he really wanted this to just be a one-night thing. He had never been with a woman like her before and he felt his cock throb again.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked her, his voice soft and smooth. He was testing the waters, checking to see how she was going to play the newly adjusted character.

  “I don’t know,” she muttered unsurely, shifting her weight back and forth from one foot to another. She bit her lower lip and looked at him rather helplessly. He was pleased.

  He showed her the small key hanging from a velvet ribbon and dangled it in front of her before sliding the key in the little slot on one of the cuffs, letting her watch with her newly donned doe eyed expression. He turned the key and the cuff popped open. She gave a little start before pressing her lips shut and looking at him, wide-eyed.

  He had no idea where that came from or what it was meant to be, but he found it extremely sexy. It was so sexy to him, in fact, he was ready to take her right that instant and forget all the other little things he had in mind since he won his ten minutes. Ten minutes, he reiterated in his head as he realized neither of them had bothered to check the time when they got started. Maybe she was somehow keeping a mental count.

  "Just making sure it works,” he said as he closed the cuff again and stepped back. “In retrospect, I probably should have checked before I closed them around your dainty, little wrists.” He chuckled and dropped the key on the surface of the nightstand, well within her line of vision.

  There was something so innocent about the look in Emily’s eyes, something he hadn’t requested or thought of when he adjusted how he wanted her to play the escort character. The uncertainty he wanted was there and together with that doe-eyed innocence, he really felt like he would burst at any moment. He stepped forward and, unable to resist, kissed her on the lips. He loved the way her soft, shapely lips felt against his own.

  Finally, he pulled away and whispered, "This is all about trust, you know. You do trust me, right?" He had asked the question in a more menacing tone than he had wanted, but it was too late to change it. She would have to make the best of it and, truth be told, he was curious to see how she ran with the dialogue.

  Emily hesitated for a brief moment. After some brief flirting when they came across each other at random, this was their first date and even then it hadn’t been much of an actual date in the traditional sense of the word. So he wondered how she could actually trust him. Even though he had asked it in character and she would be responding in her character, t
hey both knew there was an underlying layer of truth to it. Now that she had a better idea of what he wanted, he needed to be sure she trusted him enough to keep going.

  "I do," she finally said quietly. "But you just get ten minutes remember?”

  So she hadn’t forgotten. He wasn’t sure who was keeping count or how. He wasn’t even sure when the clock was starting. He opened his mouth to ask, but then wondered if getting so technical would ruin the mood. Maybe it would be okay if he just winged it.

  He stood back and had a hold of her arms out in front of her. “What a sight,” he muttered under his breath so quietly even she didn’t hear him. There were very few things that got him going as much as the sight of a hot woman in a pair of cuffs. There was only one thing that would make her even better, and that would be to cuff her wrists behind her back. He walked over to the nightstand and grabbed the key, quickly popping open both cuffs. She looked at him in confusion.

  "Behind your back," he said, as he tapped her upper arm and walked behind her. He saw her body stiffen and figured she would need a bit of coaxing, so he leaned in and kissed the nape of her neck gently. He kissed it again before leaving a moist trail of kisses up to the lobe of her ear.

  “Bring your arms behind your back,” he instructed with a whisper directly in her ear. When he pulled away, Sam noticed they were both breathing pretty hard. He gulped. Though this was far from the first time he cuffed a woman, she was by far the sexiest woman he’d ever been with.

  "Ten minutes," she said between breaths, her chest heaving. He chuckled. Neither of them were keeping time, but she felt the need to keep repeating the restriction. He wondered what she really got out of it, but he played along.

  “Right,” he said, running his fingers down her arm before pressing them into her wrist.

  “Just ten minutes of whatever I want.” He slid the first cuff over one wrist and it clicked shut before he slid the second cuff on. Once they were secured around her wrists, he stepped back and admired the way her slender arms looked pulled behind her back and held together by the black, steel cuffs.

  After slipping the key in his pocket, he turned her around to face him and looked her up and down.

  “Hmm,” he said. “Should’ve taken care of this first,” he said, pulling the neckline of her dress out and letting it snap back in place. Luckily, it was a tube top so he might be able to just slip it off her. Then he realized he could shift it to expose the parts he wanted or needed. That was even better. He thought she looked gorgeous with her hands locked behind her like that, still wearing her cocktail dress.

  He stepped forward and gave her a long, deep kiss. He pulled her close until he could feel her breasts pressing against his chest. He had to hurry before she reminded him he only had ten minutes again. Though now he was sure it was much less than ten minutes, but he had no clue how much less.

  When he pulled away from the kiss, he dropped to his knees and reached down under the bed for something. But Emily’s back was still turned to the bed so she couldn’t see when he pulled out a rope and stood up, looking at her with an excited gleam in his eyes.

  "This isn't too bad," she said, her wrists twisting around in the cuffs to get more of a feel for them. Sam chuckled. It was cute she thought that was the furthest it would go– at least, her little escort character thought it was as far as it was going to go. He reached out and grabbed her shoulder, turning her until she was facing him. He relished in the sound of her breath drawing in sharp as soon as she saw the rope dangling from between his fingers, a smug and excited look taking over his entire face.

  “Too much freedom,” he muttered unhappily as he looped the rope around her upper arms and tied it snug. Emily let out a little squeal from the pressure and discomfort. Now she really couldn’t move. Even the rope was black. It was his favorite color for the little toys he liked to use during this type of play. And against her smooth, milky skin they looked especially enticing.

  He stroked her cheek and asked, “You didn’t really think these little cuffs were all you were going to get, did you?”

  Emily squeaked and looked down at the floor without uttering a word. It was cute. All of her act was incredibly charming and adorable and he had never been happier about any request he had ever made. And he was sure she was the perfect woman for this type of play. He should have known right from the start, from the moment she agreed to play the game so enthusiastically despite the wager.

  He should have realized she was up for a lot and would really commit from the moment she ran her foot up his thigh to torture him in the most tantalizing way while they were still at the restaurant. But everything had been soft and slow until then and he only had ten minutes– or so they said. He needed to make the most out of every single second that passed. As great as it was to admire her, it was time to get things going.

  Sam pushed her down, face-first, onto the bed and immediately crawled on top of her. He straddled her and pulled down the zipper at the back of her dress, revealing the clasp of her strapless bra. Quickly, he unclasped it and pushed the bands out of the way, zipping her dress all the way down. He grabbed a chunk of her long, dark hair and pulled it until her head was tilted upward.

  He could see the slight terror in her eyes but, even then, she managed to remind him, “Ten minutes.”

  This time, he laughed full on. It had surely been at least a few minutes since this all started, but she was still reminding him it was ten. Maybe that was part of the game to her or maybe she wouldn’t start counting until one of them was touching, licking, or sucking on the other. Or maybe he was just too in his head with all of this and he had to learn to let go. It was obvious she was enjoying playing her little role as much as he was enjoying seeing her portray it.

  Emily started fidgeting, in particular struggling against her bonded arms and rubbing her wrists against the edges of the cuffs. She started shrieking, acting like she wanted to fight her way out of it. Sam responded by pulling her hair harder and she yelled but stopped moving underneath him.

  “You done?” he growled. Emily tried to nod, but his hold was too tight.

  Finally, he let go and her face fell onto the bed with a thud. He stood up and looked at her, knowing she wouldn’t dare try anything while he left her there for a minute. He reached back under the bed and pulled out a longer piece of rope, standing up to loop it around her ankles. He pulled them up toward him, her legs bent at the knees, and tied an elaborate knot tightly and checked to make sure it was secure.

  He made sure the ropes weren’t cutting into her too much, but were still tight enough to avoid any sort of escape. He was pleased with his work and even more turned on to see her all tied up, the black ropes and cuffs standing out vividly against her milky soft, white skin.

  Sam stepped back and took a good, long look at her. At the onset of the evening, she had been his date to a boring work event. Now he was the sexiest woman he’d ever been with, all tied up and laying in his bed, helpless. He reached forward and shoved her dress up to expose her round ass, which looked mighty fine in a little, red thong.

  He rubbed his hand over the cheek before giving her a quick spanking. Emily squealed and writhed a bit. Then he threw his arm back and spanked her across her ass a few more times, until he was satisfied with how red her skin was and how she whimpered at the end of it. He loved seeing the end result of it. He reached out and rubbed over her entire butt, focusing in particular on the areas he had spanked the hardest. He pinched the bottom of one of her cheeks hard, causing her to make a little yelping sound he thought was so cute he just had to pinch her other side the same.

  “Aren’t you a cute one,” he teased, cupping his hands over her cheeks and giving them a gentle squeeze.

  "I have to make the most of my ten minutes," he said playfully. Emily whimpered.

  “Ten minutes,” she whispered, her eyes shut; her face red. He wondered how long she would keep up that little charade as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the key. He walked aro
und so he could see her and dangled the key in front of her eyes.

  “Maybe you can have a little freedom now,” he teased before walking back around to remove the cuffs from her wrists. Much as he absolutely loved seeing them on her, he loved giving her the fleeting hope she was about to have some freedom only to have her realize she was still bound by the ropes.

  And that was exactly what happened.

  No sooner had he removed the cuffs and dropped them on the bed close enough to her face so she could see them, she had immediately attempted to stretch her arms and made a disappointed little noise when she still couldn’t move much. The ropes on her upper arms were tied in too tightly for her to do much. But her wrists being free were enough for her to do what he wanted her to do.

  He pulled her until she stood in front of the bed, her back to him. He took a couple steps back and looked her up and down. Her dress was still shoved up, giving him a great view of her reddened ass and he could see her back from where he had unzipped it.


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