Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart Page 3

by Iris Bolling

  “JD, why don’t you take some plates out to Joe before he comes back in here,” Martha suggested.

  JD handed Tracy the dustpan. “You all right, Tracy?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” she replied, shrugging her shoulder, “just a little clumsy.”

  JD picked up the plates and left the kitchen.


  At JD’s house later that night, he couldn’t sleep. It was about two in the morning. As always, when he was involved in a case, he had sleepless nights. Tonight was no different. He had lost two cases and did not want this one to be the third. His mind was distracted not only by the prep work he had to do in the morning, but by the nagging feeling that he was missing something with the case. He hated losing and knew this would be another loss if he took the case to court in its present state. JD got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. He noticed a light was on in there. He walked around the counter and saw Tracy sitting at the table reading and eating a slice of cake.

  “Why are you up this late?” he asked with a frown.

  Tracy jerked her head up from the book and began to get up. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you,” she said.

  “No, sit down. You don’t have to leave and you didn’t wake me.” He smiled; it seemed he had unnerved her. “What are you reading?”

  “Quantitative Measures,” she answered.

  “For one of your classes?”

  “No, I have to take it next semester.”

  JD frowned with a look of confusion and then smiled. “You’re reading a book for a class you’re taking next semester?”

  She blushed. “I’ve finished my books for this semester.”

  “Okay.” JD laughed.

  Tracy got up to put her glass in the sink and was about to scrape the rest of her cake into the trash. “Hey, hold up. Let me have that.”

  She looked at him. “What, the cake?”

  “Yeah, that’s good cake,” he exclaimed.

  She smiled and handed the cake to him. He stepped towards her and reached into the drawer to get a fork, then sat at the other end of the table. Tracy began to pick up her books to leave.

  “Stay and talk to me a minute,” he said. Not giving her a chance to refuse, he continued. “I see you have form—who taught you to play ball?” He pointed to the chair for her to sit; she did.

  “My brother,” she replied.

  “Are you that good or was that just a lucky shot?”

  “I got game,” she boasted with a smile.

  JD noticed her eyes sparkled when she smiled. He laughed. “Oh, you do?”

  “A little,” she replied.

  “Do you play at school?”


  “With a jumper like that, why not?”

  She put her head to the side. “Practice would interfere with school.”

  “Oh, so you’re an intellectual?” JD asked, nodding as he continued to eat the cake.

  “No, well, maybe.” She thought about it. “I am guided more by intellect than emotions.”

  “Hmmm, really. That would mean you are very rational.” He took a bite of cake. “You know, it seemed like Uncle Joe scared you tonight.”

  Tracy pulled her legs up into the chair, wrapped her arms around them, and laid her chin on her knees as JD talked. “Your reaction did not appear to be very rational. Uncle Joe is loud and usually wrong, but he’s innocent enough. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

  “No one is completely innocent. Everyone has a propensity for violence given the right circumstances,” Tracy replied sharply.

  JD’s eyebrows went up and his eyes widened, surprised by her answer. “So you believe people have a natural inclination to be violent. They actually prefer to be that way?” he asked.

  “I think people are given free will. If they can do things and get away with it, they will. And yes, I do believe most people have the inclination to do bad versus good.”

  Before JD could respond, Ashley walked in and pulled up a chair. “What are you two doing up?” Why would a person so young think the worst of people, JD thought. “Hey! Just talking,” JD replied.

  “You got anymore of that cake?” Ashley asked.

  “In the refrigerator,” Tracy replied.

  Ashley got up to get a slice of cake. “So what y’all talking about?”

  “The propensity for violence,” JD answered.

  “Whew, so deep so late at night,” Ashley said with a sigh as she sat down with her cake.

  “Tracy was telling me she believes people would choose to be bad versus good,” JD explained.

  “I agree to a certain extent,” Ashley responded as she put a fork full of cake into her mouth.

  “Really,” JD replied puzzled, “why?”

  “Well, it’s easier. Being good is hard work. Hell, you should know that, JD.”

  “Oh really, why?” JD asked as he smiled at his sister.

  “Haven’t there been times when you would prefer to break the law rather than uphold it?”


  “Of course there are,” Tracy commented.

  “You think so?” JD curiously asked.

  “Sure, you may not want to admit it. But if given the right circumstance you would consider it, simply because it’s easier,” Tracy responded.

  “I believe the justice system is our check and balance to deter people from doing wrong. Don’t you believe in the justice system?”

  “Tracy doesn’t trust or believe in too many people, and definitely not the justice system,” Ashley offered.

  Hmm, Tracy thought, a man who doesn’t run away from a serious conversation. “The justice system is as good as the people in it,” she said. “If you have a corrupt judge, is justice being served?”

  “Valid argument, but I choose to believe that a corrupt judge or anyone else in the system that is corrupt would eventually be brought to justice. I believe in our justice system.”

  Ashley sat there and looked from JD to Tracy. She had never heard Tracy talk this much to anyone but her. And JD seems to be into this debate. Hmm, interesting, she thought.

  “As you should,” Tracy said, “because you represent that system. But, unless you truly possess an uncompromising disposition , which is very unusual, you will have the propensity to be corrupt.”

  “Well, Tracy you lose on that one,” Ashley said with cake in her mouth and pointing her fork at Tracy. “JD is the most uncompromising person on earth. He has this sense of right and wrong that doesn’t waver. That’s why he pisses so many people off.”

  Feeling a need to change the subject, as engaging as it was, JD smiled and hit Ashley on the nose. “What are you doing up so early, Squirt?”

  Ashley laughed. “No one has called me that since I left home. I got up looking for this one,” she answered, pointing to Tracy.

  Tracy smiled.

  “She was keeping me company,” JD explained with a smile.

  “What’s wrong? Can’t sleep?”

  “Nope, my propensity for violence was keeping me awake,” he said while smiling at Tracy.

  Ashley laughed and Tracy smiled. JD liked that smile.

  “A big case?” Ashley asked.

  “Yeah, I have to prep the case tomorrow and we’re not ready. I feel like we are missing something,” JD replied with a sigh.

  “You know,” Ashley said with a devilish grin, “Tracy is really good with research and organization if you need some help.”

  “Really?” JD asked with a questioning expression.

  “Yep,” Ashley replied.

  A little more relaxed now, Tracy stood up. “Well, now that Ashley has volunteered me for work I guess I should go to bed and get some rest.”

  Ashley smiled. “I’m always glad to find something for you to do besides reading.”

  “I like reading,” Tracy replied.

  “Bring your cases home,” Ashley laughed. “She’ll have all of them read and memorized by morning.”

  “I’ll be happy to help with your case if
you need it,” Tracy said to JD.

  “Thank you. I might take you up on that.”

  “Good night,” Tracy said and left the room.

  “Ashley,” JD asked, “what’s the deal with her?”

  “She’s good people; actually, the best.”

  “I’m sure she is,” JD responded, “but where’s she from, what’s her story?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Does she have family around here?”

  “Just a brother that I know of. She doesn’t deal with anyone else in her family.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know. But I don’t think things were good at home,” Ashley added.

  “Why you say that?”

  “Cuz she never goes home.”

  “Where does she go during the summer?”

  “Well, last summer she rented an efficiency and worked near campus.”

  “What about the holidays?”

  “Same thing.”

  “That sounds like a lonely life.”

  “I know. But she is really a very sweet person, once you get to know her. And the girl is deep. I mean, she is like some type of freaking genius or something.”


  A few days later, after he had turned his case files over to Tracy and Ashley, JD came home to find Ashley, Cynthia and Rosaline on his balcony dancing and laughing. He smiled at the scene, but didn’t interrupt. He was a little thankful to have a few minutes to himself. He had stayed the night with a friend and did not get much sleep. Turning towards his bedroom, he heard singing coming from his office. Walking towards the sound, he looked inside and the vision made him smile. Tracy was inside the office lying on her stomach with a laptop in front of her. Her feet were up in the air swinging back and forth. She had on a pair of jeans, a white tee shirt and a pair of sneakers. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had on earphones. It was good to see her like this. The Uncle Joe incident and the information Ashley shared about Tracy disturbed him. Here she looked like a typical college student with no concerns or worries in life. It seemed like she was in her own world really enjoying herself.

  “Got you,” she gleefully said. “You were trying to evade me, but I got you.” She was talking to her computer. “Now let’s see if you work.”

  JD stepped back so she would not see him as she went to his computer and started keying.

  “Okay, transfer.” She spoke to the computer. The computer responded to her command and she smiled. Damn, she was beautiful; her face lit up when she smiled, he thought. She was wide-eyed with excitement, for whatever she just did to his computer worked.

  “Yes, victorious.” She jumped up. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  JD could not contain himself any longer. He started laughing and stepped into the room. “What on earth are you doing?”

  Tracy stood there smiling at him. She should smile all the time, he thought.

  She removed her headphones, turned the music off.; put her hands on her hips. “Well, Jeffrey, your office and computer are now ready for you.”

  “Really? You seem rather pleased with what you have accomplished.”

  “Oh, it’s good.” She replied excitedly. “We switched some things around so your flow will be a little smoother.”

  “Is that important?”

  “Heck yeah, if you are trying to work with time frames, a smooth operation is always important. We put your case files on your computer. Now you have electronic and paper files.” Tracy walked over and grabbed him by the arm. “Now your files can communicate with each other.”

  “OK?” he said, not knowing why that excited her.

  She stepped back, crossed her arms in front of her and sighed. “You don’t get it do you?”

  JD leaned back in his chair. “No, not really. Do you care to explain?”

  “Okay,” she said and leaned across the desk in front of him. “Try to keep up; this is going to go fast.” She explained, “Every file you have with one of three common elements will appear at the same time.

  As she explained the adjustments, he could see her eyes were lit up with excitement. Her smile was so contagious; he couldn’t help but smile back. A man could get lost in those eyes, he thought. Forcing himself to look away, he turned to the computer. “Well, let’s see what I have missed.”

  Tracy stood up, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. “Well, my job is done here. I’ve conquered,” she boasted proudly while picking up her laptop and other items. “Now I must depart and leave you to your work.”

  He smiled at her as she was leaving the room. “Thank you, Squirt Two.”

  “You’re welcome, Jeffrey,” she replied and walked out of the room. He started to tell her to call him JD, but changed his mind. That’s a beautiful young woman; intelligent, too. He shook his head. No,’ girl.’ She’s a young girl, he repeated to himself, very young girl. Clear your mind. JD turned back to the computer and started to open one file, when a name popped out at him. “That must be wrong, they can’t be related.” He opened the file and read for a moment. Stunned with his findings, he picked up the phone to call Calvin.

  About two hours later, Tracy, Ashley and Rosaline were cooking while Cynthia was sitting at the table in the kitchen talking. JD and Calvin came out of the office smiling. JD walked over, picked Tracy up, hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Thank you, Squirt Two,” he said, smiling as he set her down.

  He and Calvin left the condo. Ashley and Rosaline were smiling at Tracy as Cynthia exclaimed, “What the hell just happened here? Did JD just walk past me to kiss her?”

  “Yeah, that’s what he did,” Ashley answered laughing.

  “Bust your bubble,” Rosaline joined in.

  Tracy stood there with her head down, afraid to move; she thought her knees would buckle beneath her.

  “Well, like I was saying, Cynthia, the probability of you ever getting that man is slim to none.” Tracy continued with the conversation they were previously having. She turned toward the stove and kept on cooking. Tracy’s back was to Cynthia and Rosaline, but Ashley could see the blush that came over her.

  In court that Friday, JD not only received the conviction on the case, but also secured two additional arrest warrants, thanks to Tracy. That Saturday JD and Calvin took the girls out to celebrate their victory and the girls’ last night of freedom before heading back to campus.


  At the club the music was pumping, and everyone including Tracy seemed to be having a good time. They took turns dancing with each other, but whenever JD and Tracy danced, Cynthia would give attitude. She had this thing for JD and hated the idea of Tracy getting his attention. Everyone else liked watching the two on the dance floor; they had great chemistry.

  JD enjoyed being with Tracy. She was different from Ashley’s other friends. After a few days, he could see what Ashley saw; Tracy was special.

  “Gentleman’s choice,” the deejay announced. “We gonna slow it down for a minute or two. Men, pick your poison.”

  The deejay played old school Luther, “Anyone Who Had a Heart.” Tracy turned to walk off the dance floor but JD put his hands around her waist, pulled her close and began to dance in a slow rhythm.

  “You are full of surprises, Squirt Two. Who taught you to dance like that?” JD smiled.

  “My brother,” Tracy answered bragging.

  “Umm, I should have known. Did your brother teach you everything?”

  “Just about,” she responded, feeling very uncomfortable being this close to him. Well, not uncomfortable, that was not the word. But something was feeling a little strange to her. Okay, strange was not the word either. Hell, she wasn’t sure what the word was, but her body was feeling different with him holding her like this.

  “Tracy, where did you go?”

  “Hmm, I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “Your brother would be proud to know how well you turned out.”

  “Maybe,” she replied smiling.

music played on as JD pulled her a little closer. Why did he do that? she thought. A knot began developing in the pit of her stomach and her breath became ragged as they continued to dance.

  “Thank you, Tracy,” he said as he looked into her eyes. “I don’t believe I would have won that case without the information you pulled out.”

  “You’ve already thanked me for that,” she replied with a twinkling smile.

  She has seductive eyes, JD thought. Suddenly, the temptation to kiss her was so overwhelming he actually tilted his head towards her lips. He stopped. She is nineteen and Ashley’s best friend. Back up, damn it, back up, he ordered himself.

  “Let’s get some fresh air,” he suggested to break the mood. He took Tracy out of the main area of the club to a glass-enclosed veranda.

  “Thanks, it was getting a little hot in there,” she sighed.

  “Yeah, it was.”

  “Wow, look at that,” she beamed. JD looked through the window where she gazed at the view of the city skyline. That’s funny. He saw that view every day and never thought twice about it. Seeing it now, here with her, made it seem special. It was an amazing view, especially at night.

  “I get to see that every day,” he stated as he came to stand behind her. “That’s my office right there.”

  “Really?” she turned and smiled in awe. “It must be nice to see that every day.”

  There was that twinkle in her eyes again. God, he wanted to kiss her. Instead, he shook his head and stepped back. “Yeah, it’s kind of nice.”

  For a moment Tracy thought JD was going to kiss her. She turned back to the window, disappointed. “Is something wrong?” she asked, confused by his actions.

  Something was drawing JD towards her. He put his hands in his pockets and stood a step behind her. “No.” He inhaled. “I find myself in an awkward situation.”

  She turned toward him and asked, “What situation is that?”

  Unintentionally, he seductively replied, “You.”

  Her smile faded as she innocently parted her lips and gazed at him. His mind was telling him to get away from this girl, but his body wasn’t complying. He wanted to be close to her. Unable to resist the twinkle in her eyes or the need to taste her lips, JD gently kissed her lips.


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