Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart Page 20

by Iris Bolling

“It’s not my business to tell, it’s Ashley’s.”

  “Then why was he grabbing on you?”

  Tracy gazed at Brian. “He doesn’t like me very much.”

  Brian smiled. “Well, I’m not sure about you yet myself, but I will not put my hands on you.”

  “Thank you, Brian,” Tracy said sarcastically.

  “Where is Ashley?” he asked. Tracy pointed to the dance floor. Brian located Ashley. “Who’s with her?” he asked.

  “That’s James Brooks, one of our clients.”

  Brian surveyed the room and saw David watching Ashley and James on the dance floor. Brian did not like the look on David’s face; he had seen it before. David was sizing up the enemy. Brian went over to the couple on the dance floor then tapped James on the shoulder. “Excuse me; may I have a moment with Ashley?” Brian asked.

  James looked at Ashley. “He’s a friend of JD’s who I’m going to smack in a minute.” Ashley smiled. James smiled then stepped aside. Tracy walked over and began dancing with James. James looked at Tracy searching the room. “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “David Holt is here.”

  “Where is he?” James asked. Tracy pointed to the opposite side of the room. “Is there a problem?” James asked.

  “A small one, but Brian is handling it.”

  James looked over at Ashley on the dance floor with Brian. “Who’s the guy?”

  “Brian, he’s a federal agent and a friend of Jeffrey’s.”

  “And Ashley’s?” James asked.

  “Yeah, I suppose so,” Tracy replied.

  As Brian and Ashley danced, she gave him a brief explanation of David’s behavior, without details. Brian had known Ashley since she was a little girl and he could tell this guy frightened her. What bothered Brian was the fact that he knew Ashley was not an easy person to scare. There had to be more to the story than she was saying, but Brian did not push any further. “Ashley, you need to tell JD about this guy.”

  “Brian, David is harmless,” Ashley stated.

  “Well, your harmless friend just grabbed Tracy in a way that JD would have killed him on the spot for if he had seen it.”

  Ashley stopped dancing and ran to Tracy. “You okay?” Ashley asked as she reached James and Tracy.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” Tracy reassured Ashley.

  Not wanting to draw attention, all four of them left the dance floor and returned to the table. Ashley and Tracy sat at the table while Brian surveyed the room. “James Brooks, Brian Thompson,” Ashley said to introduce them.

  Brian shook James’s hand. “How are you doing, man?” Brian asked, then turned back to Ashley. “What are you going to do, Ashley?” Brian asked, a little agitated.

  JD walked up. “What’s going on?” he asked, sensing the tension.

  Each of them looked to Ashley. Ashley looked from James to Brian. There was no way she was getting into this tonight. She shook her head at JD. “We have a dilemma, trying to decide which one I’m going home with.” Ashley sighed. Tracy and James started laughing.

  Brian smirked. “You wish.”

  JD looked at the group as if all of them were losing their minds.

  James extended his hand to Brian. “Thank you. I’ll take her from here, Mr. Thompson. Let’s go.” James laughed as he took Ashley by the hand and walked away from the table.

  Not sure what to think, JD looked at Tracy. “Did I miss something?”

  “Just a little bit.” She smiled. “Come dance with me.” The couple went back to the dance floor while Brian made a mental note to keep an eye out for David Holt.

  As the evening progressed, JD introduced Tracy to so many people, there was no way she would be able to remember all their names. It seemed the people he introduced her to accepted her being there with him. Tracy even found a moment to talk to Brian and forgive him for his actions when they first met. She actually enjoyed being with JD and his friends.

  They were in the middle of a conversation when Jackie suddenly excused herself and asked Tracy to join her in the ladies room. This time, JD squeezed Tracy’s hand. He knew Jackie and Carolyn were as thick as thieves and wondered why Jackie would invite Tracy anywhere. Jackie had not said much to Tracy all night, but Tracy agreed to join her. JD held on to Tracy’s hand, and looked at Jackie, who quickly looked away. JD scowled. Noticing his reaction to the events, Magna offered, “I’ll join you,” then smiled at JD. “I’ll keep an eye on things.”

  JD looked at Calvin. “What’s she up to?” They both looked around for Carolyn. She was nowhere to be found. “Damn,” JD exclaimed. “Do you see her?”

  “No, man,” Calvin replied. “Don’t worry. Tracy can handle herself.”

  “Not against Carolyn, Calvin. Carolyn will try to tap into every insecurity she can find in Tracy and believe me, she will find some.”

  “You can handle that, JD. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “I don’t know, Calvin. I don’t want to mess up here,” JD sighed with a worried look on his face. “I don’t feel good about this situation. Right now it’s scaring the hell out of me.”

  Calvin was sensing some insecurity in JD. He really did not understand why. Everyone in that building saw the two of them on that stage tonight. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that those two were in it for the long haul.

  Earlier in the evening JD had been honored with an award from the attorney general. He escorted Tracy to the stage with him to accept the award. Calvin knew that was JD’s way of letting everyone know, Tracy was now a permanent fixture in his life. But, for some reason, JD was unsure of himself. Calvin smiled at the thought as he saw Mrs. Langston about to leave. “Mrs. Langston, are you on your way out?”

  “Yes, I am,” she replied.

  “Before you go, would you go into the ladies room and tell Jackie I need to see her right away. Tell her it’s important.”

  “Be happy to,” Mrs. Langston replied, and then she turned to JD. “You made me very proud tonight. Not just with your promotion, but with your choice for life. Make sure you invite me to the wedding.” She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Langston.” JD smiled.

  As Jackie, Tracy and Magna entered the ladies room, Jackie went directly into one of the stalls. Tracy went over to the sink, looked in the mirror and started washing her hands, wondering why Jackie asked her there. “You know, I was never one of the girls who went to the ladies room in a group,” Magna laughed.

  Tracy laughed back. “Me either.”

  Magna walked over to the sink next to Tracy and hunched her. Magna whispered, “Sooo, what’s up?”

  The door to the ladies room opened and Carolyn walked in.

  “Never mind, we are about to find out,” Magna said and stepped aside. Tracy looked towards the door and sighed, “Here we go.”

  “Tracy,” Carolyn said with a fake smile, “how wonderful. Now we a have chance to talk one on one, without interference.”

  “You mean without Jeffrey.” Tracy smiled. “Why?”

  “Well, I thought it was important for you and me to talk. You seem like a nice person and from what I see you really care about JD. Well, I care about him, too. I would hate to see him make a mistake that could affect his future.” Carolyn hesitated.

  “Okay,” Tracy said with a touch of annoyance. “I’ll bite: what mistake is that?”

  “Tracy,” Carolyn sighed, “it is important that you take what I have to say in the right context and know I have JD’s well-being at heart. JD and I were involved with each other, and I do care what happens to him. You do realize JD is completely out of your league. He is not the average Joe you are probably used to. I’m sure even you can see that about him. JD has a political future, where he will be able to help people in this state and maybe eventually around the world. I’m not sure JD even realizes what he is destined to do. Your involvement with him may very well hurt him. Your background is not suited for JD or his future. Let’s say ‘family connections’ could
cause him problems. Now, I know you have no intentions of hurting JD in any way, I can see that. I really can. But just think about it for a moment, Tracy. If your connections ever get into the wrong hands, think how it will affect JD, his future.”

  Tracy took a paper towel to dry her hands. She was hurt by the things Carolyn was saying and thought she was probably right. But there was no way in hell she was going to show that to Carolyn. “I take it you have the type of connections that would easily help Jeffrey’s career.” Tracy smiled.

  “Impressively so.” Carolyn smirked. “But that’s a moot point. JD and I are not seeing each other. Although we remain very close friends.” Carolyn let that hang in the air for a moment. “As a matter of fact, I’m seeing Gavin Roberts now—you know, JD’s boss. I just don’t want to see JD’s career damaged because he wanted to get between the legs of a home girl.” She laughed. “As soon as he gets over the novelty of being with someone from the street, he will turn right back to women of culture—you know, the kind he is used to. I give it a month or so. That’s how long it usually takes before JD gets bored.”

  Tracy took a step back. This so-called woman of culture is nothing but a bitch in designer clothing, Tracy thought. But she was not going to let this person get to her.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I did not mean to hurt your feelings. We are just talking woman to woman here, keeping it real, you know what I mean,” Carolyn said, stepping closer to Tracy. “Please tell me you are not under the misconception that JD is in love with you.” Carolyn snickered. “Honey, that’s so sweet. But you’re in the big league now. You’re just the flavor of the month. JD will be moving on.”

  “I take it you were last month’s flavor,” Magna said, growing tried of Carolyn’s attempt to intimidate Tracy.

  Rolling her eyes, Carolyn turned to Magna. “Do I know you?”

  “I’m here to use the bathroom, but you are interrupting me with all this bullshit you’re giving her.”

  Mrs. Langston walked into the room and immediately sensed the uneasiness. She looked around the room. “Am I interrupting something?” she asked.

  “No, Mrs. Langston, please come in,” Tracy said, regrouping from the puncture wounds Carolyn had left with her remarks. Tracy prepared to leave the room, but stopped. “Carolyn, thank you for your concern. It’s good to know Jeffrey has someone like you to protect him. You may be right. I may not be the person Jeffrey needs in his future to have the career you believe he is destined for. But I think that’s his decision to make; not mine or yours. JD knows who I am and where I’m from. Whenever our—” she hesitated searching for the word, “novelty begins to interfere with his career plans, he’ll end the relationship; as he did with you. However, I believe your concerns about his future are truly sincere. I plan to have a candid discussion with JD on the topic. Now, if that’s all, I would like to return to what’s left of my evening.” Tracy turned to walk out the door then noticed Jackie standing to the side. She smiled. “Thank you for the invite, Jackie. It was very enlightening.” She left and Magna followed.

  “Jackie, Calvin said he needs to see you right away. He said it’s important,” Mrs. Langston said, looking at Jackie, wondering what part she played in the scene.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Langston, I’ll be right there,” Jackie replied.

  Tracy returned to the table and sat beside Jeffrey. She sipped her wine, then looked at Magna.

  “Nice comeback. Are you okay?” Magna asked.

  “Yes.” Tracy smiled. “I’m fine.”

  Jeffrey put his hands on her back and asked, “Do we need to talk?”

  “At some point, but not tonight,” she said, looking into his eyes.

  He smiled at her as he rubbed her back. “Are you ready to go home?”

  She smiled back, put her head to the side and said, “Now that depends—your place or mine?”

  JD hesitated for a moment, then kissed her gently on the lips and looked into her eyes as if she was the only person in the room. “Mine; you have a tendency to get loud.”

  She hit him on the arm and laughed. “Then yes, I’m ready to go,” she replied.

  JD and Tracy got up to leave just as Jackie returned to the table. Carolyn walked up behind her. The tension in the air was thick. Jackie took her seat next to Calvin. Calvin could see Jackie was a little disturbed about something, but did not say anything. “You two leaving so early?” Carolyn smiled.

  “Yes, we have other plans tonight,” JD politely replied while giving Carolyn the look of death.

  “Well, have a good evening.” Carolyn smiled confidently, knowing her words had cut Tracy deeply.

  Tracy took JD’s hand. “Good night, Magna. Calvin, I hope you enjoy the remainder of your evening.”

  “Good night,” Calvin and Magna said simultaneously as JD and Tracy walked away.

  “You little bitch,” Magna sneered at Jackie. “I’m sorry, Calvin.” Magna pointed to Carolyn. “Her, I understand. She wants the man back. But what’s your excuse for setting someone up to be hurt like that?”

  Calvin looked up at Jackie and asked, “What did you do?”

  Chapter 16

  JD and Tracy rode home in silence. He knew something went down with Tracy and Carolyn, but wasn’t sure what. JD did not like drama, or drama queens, and he was not sure how Tracy was going to react to whatever Carolyn had said. But if he had to go through drama to keep Tracy in his life, he would. Tracy understood him so well. She knew and understood what was important to him and why. Most of all, she listened to him and motivated him. She made him want to be better.

  His mother had recently told him, “If that woman could move you to finish this flowerbed after all these years, you need to marry her.” JD smiled at the memory. His mom had called him to the house and said a package was there. When he went by to pick it up, he found a stone, just about the same color of the stones in the flowerbed in her backyard. The stone was engraved, “In loving memory of James T. Harrison. Once you’ve touched the heart, you are never forgotten.” At that moment, JD had no doubts about Tracy being a part of his life. He took off his jacket, pulled the tools from the shed and finished the flowerbed. Afterwards he and his mom sat in the yard and talked about his dad for hours, things he had forgotten and things he loved about his dad. He needed that closure in order to move on to the next level of his life and Tracy had given it to him.

  JD wondered why Tracy didn’t see just how important she was in his life or the impact she had on him. After taking her suggestion to visit the Gonzalez family, he was able to think clearly about the case. To add to it, the publicity from that visit created a buzz for him professionally. He received letters and calls from the community, thanking him for caring enough to visit one of them after the death of a child. The governor’s office called Gavin and gave him kudos for having such a caring DA on staff. The news coverage about the neighborhood brought in several leads about illegal activity in the neighborhood. People came forward wanting to help clean up the neighborhood. Tracy did that for him. Damn, he thought, I should have paid closer attention. He knew she was uncomfortable about going to this event. He didn’t understand why, but he knew she was.

  Tracy’s mind was racing and she did not say much during the ride home. The last thing in the world Tracy wanted was to hurt Jeffrey’s career. She knew all that bull Carolyn said tonight was designed to get her away from Jeffrey. Tracy did not want to give Carolyn the satisfaction of knowing just how close to home she hit this evening. Cynthia had told Tracy for years she was not good enough to be around a person like Jeffrey. Well, the point was driven home tonight. As much as she loved Jeffrey, Tracy did not believe he could truly love her. The women in that room tonight were the ones who could get him to the next level. She knew Jeffrey needed to marry a socialite like Carolyn or Cynthia. They had the looks, the money, family connections; they had it all. There was nothing she could do for this man but get in the way of his future. His popularity was growing with the communities he was trying to clean
up. People recognized him on the street from being in the paper so much. Jeffrey was receiving invitations from senators and the governor all the time. Different politicians wanted his endorsements. He would not give them to anyone because he did not want to be typecast as anybody’s man. He did not want to lead people astray, and people would follow his lead, because they trusted him. He liked being free to support whomever and whatever cause he wanted to. Jeffrey had won the respect of his colleagues by bringing in indictments that led to convictions. He was a man of his word and everyone loved him because of it, and so did she.

  Tracy knew the day would come when she would have to let him go. Despite Carolyn’s motives, Tracy knew she was right. Her own family ties could hurt Jeffrey’s career. A DA involved with the sister of a convicted criminal. That would not look good in any light. It would have to come out at some point. Tracy closed her eyes. She had to let him go. She could not stand the thought of Ashley or Mama Harrison hating her for hurting Jeffrey’s career. Hell, she couldn’t stand the thought of Jeffrey hating her. Yes, it was best to let go now, she thought. Besides, Jeffrey had plenty of women friends. She had to settle for that and nothing more.

  Jeffrey reached over, took Tracy’s hand into his. “Talk to me, Tracy. Tell me what happened.”

  She inhaled, and told him about the conversation. When she finished, Tracy said, “That’s why I have to give up on being with you. Eventually someone would try to use me against you.”

  JD’s body tensed, and his heart skipped a beat. Neither of them spoke again until they reached his home. As they entered the house, JD pulled off his tie, and Tracy walked past him into the living room. JD prayed, “God give me the words to make her understand,” then followed behind her.

  He wrapped his arms around her tightly and whispered in her ear, “It’s you and me, remember.” He squeezed her tight.

  “You and I both know being together can hurt you professionally,” Tracy said as she pulled away from JD. “I know you are not accepting that, but it is true, and I don’t want to hurt you in any way. Like it or not, Carolyn Roth is right on that point. If information about Turk gets out, how will the people in the community react?”


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