Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart Page 48

by Iris Bolling

  JD swallowed, trying to hold back the tear that was threatening to escape. He looked down at Tracy. Tracy stepped closer, then reached up to wipe the tear from his face. JD put his hand on top of hers and kissed it. Tracy had no idea how grateful JD was for that touch. He composed himself. Mama Harrison wiped a tear away, as did most of the congregation.

  Pastor Smith continued, “We stand here in the presence of God, family and friends on this beautiful winter evening to join together this man, Jeffrey Daniel Harrison, and this woman, Tracy Alexandria Washington, in holy matrimony. Who presents this woman to this man?”

  “Her mother,” Lena replied, and then took a seat next to the family. A few of the people in the congregation leaned forward to see her.

  John Roth was one. He did not know she would be at the wedding. The Senator’s mind began to whirl with what-ifs.

  “Daddy, are you okay?” Carolyn asked, noticing his discomfort.

  He patted her on her hand. “I’m fine, baby,” he said.

  On the other side of Carolyn, Gavin flinched. It never dawned on him that she would be at the wedding. Lena Washington knew him as a police officer. She suspected he helped Al kill her husband. Gavin went through a lot to keep that past under wraps.

  “Gavin, are you okay?” Carolyn asked.

  He just patted her other hand. Carolyn looked from Gavin to her father; she knew something was up, but had no idea what. In the back of the church was Tuck, Al’s lieutenant. He was wondering why Lena was there and how Al was going to take the news.

  JD and Tracy stepped forward. Ashley spread Tracy’s train out as they stepped up. JD and Tracy faced each other throughout the ceremony, never looking at Pastor Smith or their friends, just each other. They exchanged vows, smiling through each word as if it was their own secret, just between them. After the vows, the choir, led by JD’s cousin, Alexis, sang, “Jesus is Love,” by the Commodores during which time JD, Tracy, Martha and a surprised Lena Washington took center stage and lit unity candles. Each mother was presented with a single rose. They had not planned for Lena, so Tracy gave her rose to her mother. The mothers were seated again. JD and Tracy stood before Pastor Smith as he said one last prayer to ask for guidance for this young couple.

  “You may salute your bride,” Pastor Smith said to JD.

  Jeffrey and Tracy kissed for the first time as husband and wife. It was not the quick kiss on the lips. Jeffrey pulled Tracy close to him, as they seemed to have literally merged into one. They exchanged what was a tongue-wagging, jaw-locking kiss that every person in the sanctuary and beyond could feel to the very depths of their souls. When it appeared JD was not going to stop anytime soon, Pastor Smith touched him on the shoulder. “Son, we have to bring this to an end.”

  JD reluctantly complied, then smiled down at Tracy and whispered, “I love you.”

  Tracy smiled back, “Me, too.”

  As the couple faced the congregation, Pastor Smith announced, “I proudly present to you Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Daniel Harrison. The sound of applause and cheers combined with the ring of church bells signified the end of the ceremony as JD, Tracy and the wedding party marched out of the sanctuary.

  Chapter 44

  JD and Tracy were immediately taken to a room away from the people streaming from the sanctuary to catch a moment with the happy couple. The directress, Cynthia assigned for the wedding, closed the door to the room then placed a guard there. JD grabbed Tracy and finished the kiss that had been interrupted by Pastor Smith for dignity’s sake. He understood; after all they were in a church with hundreds of people watching. Tracy held on to JD. Her mind was spiraling. Could this be real? Did she just marry Jeffrey? She pulled back to see for herself that all of this was real. He just watched the expression on her face with wonder. “What is it?”

  Tracy was a little bewildered. “Did we do it? Did we really do it, Jeffrey?”

  JD was just as hyped. “Yes,” he said as he cupped her face in his hands. Tracy reached up and put her hands on top of his. Tears ran down her face as she exhaled. It seemed she had been holding her breath for days waiting for something to happen.

  Outside the door, the wedding party members were all just as excited as the couple inside the room. They were eager to get to the couple. “Give them a moment. If you guys feel like whatever you are feeling, think about what they are feeling right now. Give them a minute,” the directress instructed.

  Cynthia walked up to the girl. “Get the hell out of my way.” The girl stepped out of the way. Cynthia opened the door and everyone piled in.

  Standing in the vestibule of the church were the dignitaries and their guests. For security reasons, they were all together talking and waiting for clearance to leave. Pastor Smith asked all family members to remain for pictures. Lena, Valerie and her husband Ben were still inside the sanctuary with Martha and other family members. Lena stepped out for a minute and looked around at all the top-ranking members of the political elite of Virginia. Why would all these very powerful people be at this wedding? Lena wondered. As she looked around recognizing face after face as newsworthy figures, one person in the crowd caught her attention. Lena waited; eventually he would have to turn around again. After all, it had been a long time since the last time Lena saw him. She could be wrong.

  A bit of excitement was taking place to the left of where Lena was standing. JD and Tracy were heading back into the sanctuary to take pictures. People were congratulating them. Tracy was clinging to JD around these people. Lena could tell Tracy was not completely at home with this crowd. JD, on the other hand, fit right in. It was as if the crowd of political giants was admiring this young man. Tracy spotted Lena. She smiled, not so much at her mother, but just relieved to see someone other than those surrounding her and JD. The rest of the wedding party, with the exception of James, went into the sanctuary.

  Lena was watching the synergy between JD and Tracy around these people. Anyone who did not know Tracy would think she was right at home with this group. But Lena knew better. Tracy would prefer to be around books or computers, not around people she did not know well. Lena frowned. What has Tracy gotten into?

  “Good evening,” James spoke. “I’m surprised you are still here.”

  “Mr. Brooks. I decided to hang around and observe,” Lena responded.

  “We all appreciate you being here for Tracy. I think it was actually what she needed.” James stepped closer, looked down at Lena. “If your plan is to stay around to cause any issues for anyone connected to JD or Tracy, you will end up dealing with me.”

  Lena did not exactly fear James, but she did have a certain amount of respect for his ability to intimidate. Lena looked around. “Look at her, James; I’m glad she is happy with JD. But is she happy with the people around him?”

  James knew Lena had a point. He could see Tracy was not comfortable with all the people around.

  “Do you think you could help her out here?” Lena stepped back inside the sanctuary.

  A few minutes later JD, Tracy and James were coming through the door. The traditional wedding picture session began. This was tiresome to JD and Tracy equally, but they complied with the tradition. When they walked out of the church, crowds of people were still outside waiting to get a glimpse of them. News cameras began flashing as they stepped onto the steps of the church. JD waved as people yelled their congratulations to them. Tracy smiled as she saw the snow beginning to fall lightly. “What a perfect way to end the ceremony.” She beamed. JD looked into her eyes and kissed his bride; the crowd cheered.


  As guests arrived at the Renaissance, waiters were about with glasses of champagne and trays of hors d’oeuvres to taste until dinner was served. Those that wanted spirits of a stronger nature were directed to the open bar. Gavin was about talking with party members while Carolyn and Jackie had taken a seat at the bar. Carolyn ordered a pitcher of martinis, while Jackie was having white wine. Jackie could tell Carolyn was in rare form tonight and was not happy.

nbsp; “It was a very touching wedding,” Jackie said. “I think those two are the real thing.”

  “Yeah, yeah, and all that’s holy!” Carolyn said sarcastically.

  Jackie couldn’t sympathize with Carolyn on this issue any longer. “You know, Carolyn; you always said you wanted to be first lady of Virginia. Well you are marrying Gavin and he is a shoo-in for governor. You got what you asked for. Why can’t you be happy for JD even if you are not happy for Tracy?”

  Carolyn stared at her friend. “Why in the hell would I be happy for either one of them? JD is about to do the one thing I always said he would do: run for office. Tracy is at his side, not me.”

  “JD made that decision, not Tracy. So why do you hate her so much?”

  Someone else answered Jackie’s question before Carolyn had a chance to. “Because she’s a damn goody-two-shoe,” said David, “that everyone thinks is so sweet and innocent, but I know different.”

  “Here, here.” Carolyn raised her glass to him, and then took a drink.

  Jackie turned to see David Holt standing behind her. Jackie gazed at Carolyn. Jackie could not believe he was there. She knew Gavin had warned Carolyn to stop her indiscretions. Jackie wasn’t sure if Gavin knew, but she knew David was the man Carolyn had been stepping out on Gavin with. It was stupid to have him at this event. “Have you lost your mind, Carolyn?”

  Carolyn took a drink. “I don’t have the slightest idea what you are talking about.”

  Jackie looked around for Gavin. “Well, you better figure something out quickly.”

  Gavin walked up behind Carolyn. “Hello, David. Is Karen with you tonight?”

  David frowned. “No, I’m afraid she’s a little under the weather tonight, sir.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Please give her our regards. Carolyn, Governor Bolling wants to take pictures with us,” Gavin said. “Excuse us, David.”

  “Sure, honey,” Carolyn replied with a smile so sweet no one could tell it was phony.

  The hosts began to seat people at the very elegantly set tables. The wedding party was gathered in the lobby of the Renaissance waiting for the announcements to begin. The music was pumping through the speakers. Penne was there touching up makeup and making sure hair was in place. Tracy started singing, then moving, to “Purify Me,” by India Irie. JD joined in behind her. Monica started, Brian behind her and the rest just joined in. They were having their own little party in the lobby. It was good to have this relief session. It had been a long evening and everyone was ready to celebrate. They were anxious to get inside. Then Luther’s “Love Won’t Let Me Wait” began; that was their cue. The directress began the introductions. After Ashley and James were introduced, the doors closed.

  JD kissed Tracy. “Are you nervous?”

  Tracy smiled and held JD’s hand. “No, I’m not.”

  The doors opened as the directress introduced JD and Tracy. They entered with an air of decorum and elegance that befit royalty. The crowd cheered, clapped and showed every sign of approval available to them. JD acknowledged people as they walked through the crowd of well wishers. Tracy’s stomach was doing that flip-flop thing, but you could not see it in her presence. She was the picture of perfection; Penne made sure of that.

  Cynthia had figured it would be late by time they arrived at the reception. Since the wedding was at 6:30; people would be ready for dinner. The reception program was short and sweet. Once JD and Tracy were seated, Pastor Smith said a grace. Then Calvin and Ashley made the toast to the bride and groom together.

  Ashley began: “When people look back to speak of JD and Tracy, some will say this all started just about one year ago. If Calvin and I are a part of the conversation, we will say it started six years ago. I was there the moment they met, and Calvin shortly thereafter. I would dare to take it a step further. If you believe the old adage that God made one person for each of us, as I do, then I would say that at the age of six God looked at JD and said, ‘That boy is going to need some help in his life.’” The crowd laughed. “And he was right. So he sent down an angel or two to take a rib from JD and made Tracy. For Tracy completes JD. Those of us, even the skeptics like Brian,” Ashley laughed, “who did not believe in love, now believe. JD and Tracy have taught us that if you wait, love will come.”

  Calvin laughed. “Now we all know JD did not wait. Or should we say he had fun while he was waiting.” Those who knew JD laughed. “But when JD met his little sister’s roommate from college, he was in love. However, his commitment to his career prevented him from pursuing the then-19-year-old girl. As fate would have it, six years later they were reunited. This time JD did not allow his career or anything else to interfere. It was evident to all that the two of them would be here on this day. I’m sure that JD and Tracy are meant to do great things. But the most impressive of all is teaching each of us to believe in love.” He raised his glass; the crowd followed. “To Jeffrey and Tracy. May your life together be blessed and guided by the love reflected in your eyes today.”

  The crowd responded, “To Jeffrey and Tracy.”

  The whole time Ashley and Calvin were talking, anyone observing the couple could see they were silently caressing each other with every touch or look they shared. Not even Carolyn could insinuate it was anything other than love between the two. As Ashley and Calvin completed their toast, a tear dropped from Tracy’s eyes. JD simply kissed it away. This man had no problem showing his love for his wife in public or in private.


  The evening was being enjoyed by all. Normally after dinner and the traditional events of a reception, people begin to leave. No one left this reception. Cynthia had planned on a smaller crowd for the New Year’s Eve party planned immediately after the reception. Even the snow falling outside did not entice people to leave. They were enjoying the festivities.

  Now, just like with any event, there were one or two issues happening on the down low. The leadership committee from the Democratic Party wanted a moment to talk with JD. Senator Roth asked JD if there was a place they could talk privately. JD carried the men into the Chambers. They took a seat in JD’s room. None of them had been privy to the special rooms in the Chambers. They were impressed with the privacy of the rooms and several asked about membership.

  Present in the meeting were Governor Bolling, Senator Roth, Senator Costen, Delegate Franklin, Daniel Graham, Gavin, JD and the head of the DNC, Stanley Covington.

  “JD,” Governor Bolling started, “thank you for giving us a minute of your time. I realize you probably have other things on your mind right about now. However, we would like you to consider becoming a part of the Democratic ticket in November. Each of us in this room has discussed this at great length and we believe that a Gavin, Graham, Harrison ticket would guarantee us an across-the-board win in November. We have put together numbers in all four regions of the state. The results for you were off the chart. People are very pleased with the job you have done and want to see you do more.”

  Stanley Covington introduced himself to JD. “I understand you have reservations about entering the political world. From what I’m told, you are a man of conviction and do not like compromising on principles. That is exactly what our party needs to rejuvenate our constituents. We have taken a good look at you and at your career. I can give you my word; if you decide to join us I will be available to you to handle any situation you are not comfortable with throughout the campaign. I’m not going to try to snow you here. There are going to be issues you and some party members may not agree on. Nevertheless, under my reign, I want to be open to change. We need young, innovative minds like yours to take us to the next level. The DNC is looking beyond this election as far as you are concerned. We want you to be a major part of the future of the Democratic Party. What would it take to make you a part of the ticket?”

  JD was standing near the door with his hands in his pockets, eyes on the floor while they were talking. He looked up at Daniel Graham. “Are you a part of the ticket?”

iel glanced at him. “I’m waiting on you. If you declare, I’m there.”

  JD knew Senator Roth was holding his breath for his response and he did not want to disappoint him. “Senator Roth will be my advisor for the party. I choose my staff with some guidance from the DNC. For me to be a part of this ticket, it must be understood up front: my wife is my number one priority at this point in my life. If you believe you can accept that, then I would consider it an honor to be a part of the ticket.”

  Gavin chuckled and Dan nodded with approval as Governor Bolling shook JD’s hand. “Welcome aboard.”

  JD smiled. “Thank you.”

  Stanley Covington hit JD on the back and laughed. “Gentlemen, hold your glasses high. I believe the Democratic Party has just been reborn.”


  Tracy was mingling with guests in the main ballroom. As she talked with Magna and Victoria, she noticed David at the bar. Tracy looked around for James and Ashley, but did not see them.

  Recognizing the look on Tracy’s face, Magna asked, “What’s wrong, Tracy?”

  Tracy exhaled. “I don’t believe he is here.” She walked over to the bar. She smiled at Doug, then looked at David. “He is good,” she said to the bartender, who was about to pour another drink for David. “How did you get in here?” she politely asked him.

  David gawked at Tracy with a cynical smile. “Why, I was invited, darling.”

  Tracy shook her head. “I don’t think so.”


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