Mated to the Griffin (Elemental Mates, #5)

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Mated to the Griffin (Elemental Mates, #5) Page 7

by Chant, Zoe

  He reached beneath his shirt and pulled out a small piece of jewelry on another golden chain. Slowly, he came closer, then held it out.

  After a moment, she begrudgingly took hold of it.

  And then she gasped. There, on the golden chain, gleamed a symbol she was more than familiar with.

  A triangle with three lines pointing upward.

  But what does it mean?

  “There’s more going on here than you know,” he said softly, then nodded towards the bed. “May I?”

  She knew she should say no. She knew she should throw him out.

  Instead, to her surprise, she found herself nodding after a moment.

  It’s because of the amulet. He might know something that’ll help me. It’s definitely not because he’s so infuriatingly handsome.

  “Go on then. Spill.” She glared at him to keep from remembering how good it had felt when he’d held her.

  “There’s a war going on in the shifter world,” he told her.

  “Werewolves?” she asked, shuddering as she remembered the terrifying wolf she’d seen.

  Jared shook his head. “Way, way worse. Dragons.”

  “Dragons,” she echoed faintly. Even now it sounded crazy—even though she’d seen a dragon with her own eyes.

  “There have always been dragons. They are powerful—but every once in a while, a dragon is born as the champion of a specific element. There is a council of elements as well. The dragons of water, fire, earth, and air use their powers to ensure that our world stays a secret from yours. They protect you—and they protect us.”

  “They didn’t do a good job with those werewolves,” Chiara said bitterly. “Go on.”

  “I know,” he said. “And I’m sorry for that. We try—but we can’t always stop every rogue shifter. It’s the same in your world, isn’t it?”

  She glared at him again. “Perhaps,” she admitted. “And what do you mean by we?”

  “I work for the council of elements.” Jared looked down at the amulet she held in her hands. “I grew up with the storm dragon, Gregory, one of the elemental dragons. His parents took me in when I was a baby.”

  She pressed her lips tightly together. After a moment, she returned the amulet to him and watched as he put it back on.

  She hadn’t known that he’d been an orphan. Which, perhaps, made it all too understandable that he’d been hunting for the same thing she was. It was the only connection he had to the family he’d never known.

  Still. He’d lied to her. And he was one of them—part of that world she’d tried so hard to expose.

  “Never mind about me,” he said as he tucked the amulet back beneath his shirt. “Recently, an old enemy of ours awoke something ancient and powerful. So powerful that millions of years ago, it was locked away deep below the earth. Now it’s free. And it found allies.”

  “The shadow dragon.” She shuddered when she remembered the same shadow looking at her from the eyes of the men serving him.

  “Darkness.” Jared clenched his jaw. “That’s what the foolish fire dragons have found and tried to use. Now the element of darkness is free. And there’s only one way to stop it.”

  “And that’s why you were out here?” Chiara asked, slowly beginning to realize what he was saying.

  Jared nodded. “There’s a new seat on the council. A new, fifth element. That has never happened before—but an old prophecy says that the five have to stand together against the one. Which means that there must be a new elemental dragon out there.”

  “You think my map doesn’t lead to a magical artifact,” she said, her mind reeling. “You think...”

  “I think it leads the way to another elemental dragon. One we need on our side to defeat this threat.” He paused for a moment. Softly, he then continued, “The symbol on the seat for the new dragon is the same symbol that’s on my parent’s amulet.”

  “And on my map.” Then she remembered what they’d found in the crystal maze.

  She pulled the golden disk out again, studying the stylized mountains and constellations. “And now we have a new map. A map that might lead to your new dragon?”

  Jared nodded.

  She turned it back and forth, staring at the small symbol engraved at the center. The triangle with the three lines.

  How weird that she still didn’t know exactly what it meant, but she’d sacrificed her entire life to hunt for it.

  I guess I should be grateful I didn’t end up running into yet another dragon instead of a magical ring, or whatever I was expecting.

  Of course, it also meant that her hopes of exposing the paranormal world were dashed.

  Can’t exactly take a dragon home with me and show him to my manager...

  Not without a huge tranquilizer gun, at least.

  At the thought, she began to giggle.

  Actually, that was probably the best thing that could happen to that particular outpost of hell. Let a dragon wreak destruction in the call center. Not a single of her former colleagues would be sad to see it go.

  Jared was still watching her when she calmed down. He still looked worried. Which he should be, because she hated shifters, and he’d lied to her.

  But he looked also strangely vulnerable. There was a sadness in his eyes she couldn’t quite place.


  What if he hadn’t lied to her? Not about the important part, at least?

  None of the shifters she’d met so far had ever looked sad.

  Or happy. Or in love...

  She flushed at the thought, looking away from Jared to try and gather her thoughts. Why did he have to make it so hard to think?

  Now that the shock of his sudden revelation was passing, she had to admit that he wasn’t at all like the werewolf or the dragon shifter.

  And what he’d said rang true. If every shifter was like the werewolf she’d seen, then why weren’t the papers full of articles about them? Surely it would be impossible to cover up werewolf attacks.

  Someone was keeping them under control. And if Jared was right—if there were good people among the shifters who just wanted to live in peace—then it would make sense that they’d have some sort of shifter police and government.

  “I believe you,” she said slowly. “I believe that you didn’t try to trick me. After all, you could’ve just stolen my map when I showed it to you. But you helped me instead. And you saved me.”

  Just like that, the sadness vanished from his face. Instead, his eyes shone with hope, the brilliant, irresistible blue of the summer sky.

  There was no trace of shadow in them. He might be a shifter—but he definitely wasn’t one of Zane’s cronies.

  She was absolutely certain of that.

  Chapter Twelve: Jared

  Jared felt himself relaxing a little when Chiara at last stopped glaring at him.

  “I’m still not happy you didn’t tell me,” she said. “And just for the record, this doesn’t mean that I’m officially changing my stance towards the supernatural world.”

  “Shifter world,” he couldn’t resist saying. He tilted his head at her, smiling a little. “Makes it sound less like we’re trapped in a bad B movie.”

  She huffed a surprised little laugh, her eyes no longer quite as wary. “Shifter world.” She rolled her eyes at him—but she was smiling. “And thanks for rescuing me. Without you, I’d probably be dead now. I didn’t think to buy any charms against dragons.”

  Jared felt his own smile widen. “Do those actually work?”

  Chiara shrugged. “I haven’t been eaten by werewolves yet, have I? Of course it could also mean that there simply aren’t that many werewolves around...”

  “Well, if you ever find a working charm against evil dragons, let me know. I know someone who’d be very interested.”

  “Really?” Chiara asked, then yawned. “You know what, by this point I don’t care anymore if you’re besties with an entire coven of dragons.”

  “A council of dragons,” Jared corrected, laughing so
ftly. Then he stood, looking around the small bedroom. “But you’re right. You should sleep. It was an exhausting night.”

  “You can say that again,” she muttered as she slumped back onto her pillow with a sigh. “My entire body hurts.”

  Jared stretched his shoulders. Even though he was used to flying long distances, he’d never flown that fast before. He’d known only one thought: to find his mate before it was too late.

  Now his own muscles protested. His exhausted griffin wanted nothing more than to pull his mate into his arms and sleep with his face buried in her adorable mermaid hair.

  He made himself turn away from her.

  In a cupboard to his left, several woolen blankets were stacked. Probably because it got very cold in winter.

  Now he took the blankets out and spread them on the floor.

  “What are you doing?” Chiara asked after a moment.

  He gave her an apologetic look. “I’d take the couch, but... we don’t actually seem to have a couch. And I wouldn’t fit into the armchairs they’ve got in the living room.”

  “No, I mean...” Chiara hesitated for a moment. Then she pulled back the blanket and gave him a challenging stare. “You rescued me. You went after a dragon for me. I’m not letting you sleep on the floor after that.”

  Jared let go of his blanket, looking up at her from his position on the floor as warmth began to spread through him.

  Maybe he hadn’t ruined everything. Maybe she could really forgive him...

  “Are you sure?” he asked softly. “I’ve slept on worse. I’ll be fine here.”

  She pressed her lips together and gave him a curt nod. “Don’t try anything weird,” she warned him. “But somehow, I don’t think you would.”

  “No,” he agreed, feeling a helpless smile spread over his face. “I wouldn’t.”

  Maybe he hadn’t destroyed everything. Maybe, in the morning, they could talk and fix this.

  They were still in danger, after all. Zane was still out there. But after they’d followed Chiara’s new map, maybe she’d allow him to take her to see the real supernatural world.

  He’d show her Mountain View. He’d introduce her to Gareth, the chimera.

  He could only image what these two might get up to together—from what he’d seen of Chiara so far, the chimera’s collection of old books and scrolls might be just what it would take to change her mind.

  But for now, it was time to rest and recover.

  He kept himself to his side of the bed. He’d hate to destroy what little trust in him she’d regained. Even now, his body reacted to her closeness—but he forced down his arousal, even though it was utter torment to breathe in the sweet scent of her hair.

  In the morning, they’d talk. He’d explain, and she’d forgive him.

  And then, he’d get to kiss her again. Not a moment sooner.

  His body still aching with need, he turned to his side, his back towards her. And despite his exhaustion, it took a long time until he fell asleep.


  The first thing he became aware of was warmth.

  There was a tickling sensation. Something was teasing at his nose. He frowned and shook his head slightly, still only half awake.

  He continued to doze for a few more minutes, glorying in the comforting heat that surrounded him.

  He was resting on a soft bed. He was warm and comfortable, his body relaxed. He’d had a beautiful dream, his body still throbbing with remembered pleasure.

  He smiled and sighed, burying his face in his mate’s glorious pastel mane of pink and green and blue, breathing in her scent of spun-sugar sweetness and wildflowers and spice.

  It was an irresistible mixture. His hard shaft gave another throb of arousal.

  And then he opened his eyes and found himself face to face with Chiara.

  Sometime during their sleep, she’d rolled over to his half of the bed. Currently, she was nestled against him, one of her legs over his.

  Which brought his aching erection into contact with one of her soft thighs.

  Jared grimaced, even as his body burned with need.

  This really wasn’t how he’d planned to have that conversation to regain her trust...

  A moment later he realized that his arm was wrapped around her.

  Carefully, he began to draw it back. She was still asleep. He could feel the heat of her breath against his shoulder as she breathed in and out, slow and regular.

  Good. She’s still asleep.

  Maybe, if he managed to escape the bed before she woke, she’d never know...

  “Mmm. Morning,” she sighed when he tried to move away.

  She stretched, still half on top of him so that he could feel the delicious, soft roundness of her breasts against his chest.

  And then her thigh moved and pressed right against his rock-hard shaft.

  Jared froze.

  “Mmm. A very good morning to you,” she purred, her voice still soft with sleep.

  Frozen with dread, he watched as her eyes slowly blinked open. They were dark and hazy, as if she was still half lost in dreams.

  Her thigh moved against his aching cock, and he bit back a hiss of pleasure at the friction.

  And then her eyes opened wide, and she reared back.

  “Shit! I’m so sorry,” she said, hastily scrambling to her own side of the bed.

  Jared grabbed hold of the sheet to instinctively cover himself, even though he’d never undressed.

  “No, I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m really so sorry. I only woke up a second ago—I was trying to slip out of the bed—I promise I didn’t—”

  “It’s all right,” she said, still flushed and breathless as she gave him an embarrassed look. “I was the one wrapped all around you like—like a clingy orangutan. I’m so sorry.”

  Jared huffed a surprised laugh as her words stopped him. “The cutest orangutan I’ve ever seen. And the most colorful one.”

  “You hate the hair?” She gave him a crestfallen look before she seemed to remember just what discussion they were having. “And please stop apologizing. I’m the one who was—”

  “I love it,” he said hastily before she could continue. “It’s gorgeous. You’re gorgeous. It makes you look so—so bright and different and—you’re like a pastel sunrise, something new and surprising and stunningly beautiful.”

  Then he paused when he realized what he’d just said. “And please stop apologizing yourself,” he continued after a moment, giving her a tentative smile. “Let’s just pretend it didn’t happen.”

  Chiara was staring at him, looking dazed. She raised one hand to her hair.

  “You really do?” she said in wonder. “Most people don’t—”

  “I’m not most people,” he said, his voice hoarse.

  He couldn’t look away from her. Even in her rumpled clothes, her hair disheveled, she looked irresistible. Especially now that his body remembered the feeling of her soft curves pressing against his own body...

  “So I’m starting to learn.” She looked a little shaky as she let go of her hair. She was still watching him as well. She licked her lips, looking nervous. “And what if I don’t want to pretend that it didn’t happen?”

  “You—you don’t?”

  Now it was Jared’s turn to sound shocked.

  He’d thought that he’d completely ruined any chances he might have had.

  But Chiara didn’t look like she hated him. She looked nervous and hesitant—but she wasn’t glaring at him. Instead, the look in her eyes was still soft and warm, if a little wary.

  Chapter Thirteen: Chiara

  Chiara couldn’t look away from Jared.

  His gorgeous blond hair was disheveled, his shirt rumpled, she was still afraid she might have accidentally drooled on him in her sleep—and he was still the sexiest sight she’d ever seen.

  Especially now, when she didn’t only know how deliciously firm and hard his body felt against her own, but she’d also felt just how much his body wanted hers...<
br />
  The thought of the heat of his erection pressing against her thigh, rock-hard and huge, sent a surge of sudden need through her.

  He’s a shifter! she told herself again. I hate shifters!

  She couldn’t even convince herself of that anymore.

  She didn’t hate Jared. He’d rescued her, after all. He might have lied to her—but not about the most important thing.

  He really does care for me. Otherwise he’d never have followed me, or brought me here after we found the new map. And he kept his promise and stuck to his side of the bed.

  Until Chiara’s body had apparently decided to rub all over him in her sleep.

  The thought made her blush again, even as something tightened low in her belly, her entire body aching for something she hadn’t known in a long, long time.

  How long had it been since she’d felt like this?


  The realization came immediately. At any other time, the thought would have crushed her—she’d never experienced the sort of love other people seemed to feel all the time. The huge, passionate romances, the butterflies, that one person you wanted to spend your entire life with.

  All her attempts at dating had been awkward. She’d never really felt at ease with anyone.

  People always told her that she was too picky. She’d even started to believe it herself: that falling passionately in love was a lie. That all she could hope for was to find a not-too-boring man who’d be happy to settle down with her in a small house and pay off a mortgage for the next thirty years.

  She hadn’t been able to make herself search for that sort of man. And then, with her soul-crushing job, she barely had the energy to pop a meal into the microwave when she came home from hours of people shouting at her while her manager demanded more, more, more.

  And now there was Jared.

  Jared, who was everything she hated. Who was everything she’d thought was wrong with the world.

  And who set her heart on fire with his smile. Who made swarms of butterflies beat their wings in her belly whenever his hand brushed hers.


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