Mine, Not Hers (True Love Book 1)

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Mine, Not Hers (True Love Book 1) Page 13

by Betsy Anne

  “I’m just going to make sure I brought everything home that I need to work on.”

  He heads toward his office, and I follow him. He goes in first and notices that the lamp is on.

  “Were you in here this morning?”

  I freeze.

  “Yeah, I was looking for a pen. Sorry, I guess I forgot to turn out the light.”

  “Why are you apologizing? It’s your house, you can go anywhere you like.”

  He stops short when he sees the weird look on my face.

  “Is everything OK, honey? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “I’m fine, I think I just need a little rest this morning. Long night.”

  I give my best sexy smile, all the while screaming inside. I stand back and watch him as he sits down and looks over his desk. His wallet is in the center with the receipt lying next to it. He doesn’t seem suspicious that it’s out of place; he sets it aside when he notices the piece of paper. He picks it up, opens it and turns it over. He stares at it for a second, and then carefully puts it back in his wallet.

  Jason is the type of person who literally has a place for everything. He keeps all receipts for business travel or expenses in a separate binder. He can tell you what he had to eat at the airport Chili’s in Philadelphia six months ago on a moment’s notice. Nothing goes into his wallet except for cash and cards. As hard as I’m trying to convince myself this woman means nothing, everything about it seems suspicious. I head out of the room as I call back over my shoulder.

  “I think Melanie and I have plans this afternoon. You’ll be alone. Sorry.”

  He takes the kids to the bus, and gets settled into his office. I make the bed, making it clear it will not be used later, and get showered and dressed. God, I hope Melanie can bail me out. As luck would have it, I call her and she’s free and dying to gossip. We decide to go out for lunch so we can talk in private. Jason looks dejected as I pop my head in to say goodbye. I know he’s trying to make up for not being home this week, but I just can’t face him right now. He always seems to get me naked, and then I can’t think straight. I feel a little pang of guilt, due to his ignorance about why I’m acting this way. I don’t know why I just can’t seem to ask him. Well, I do know why. He is my entire world, and has been since we were teenagers. If anything were to disturb that, I don’t know if I could go on. Just thinking about it makes me sick.

  It’s so great to see Melanie. She is such a ball of fun, especially when there’s good gossip, and it turns out a couple of our older neighbors have been swinging! The man and his much younger new wife have had a couple of discreet parties. Of course, not discreet enough since now the entire neighborhood has found out. Watching her body language as she tells the story is entertainment in itself. I let her ramble on to get my own thoughts under control.

  “Then one of these older men gets a little too drunk and he goes outside to piss on the front lawn in his leopard-skin briefs!”

  She’s practically in tears laughing. After she settles down a bit, she wipes her eyes and looks at me.

  “What’s wrong honey? You look tired. Did you ever get a chance to ask Jason about the mystery woman?”

  She says “mystery woman” in a low sexy drawl. When she notices tears come to my eyes, she feels terrible.

  “Oh my God! I’m sorry; I didn’t mean anything by that! What’s going on?” She looks genuinely contrite.

  “Oh, Mel, it’s not your fault. I just haven’t had the guts to ask him yet. We seem to get distracted by sex pretty easily when we have five minutes alone.”

  “I understand, hon. Well, I might if Chris ever wanted sex!” She grins, a sad little grin.

  “Well, there’s something else. I found a receipt in his wallet with a woman’s handwriting on it. It said, “I really need to talk to you. Lunch? On me.” Jason never keeps receipts in his wallet, ever, and what’s worse is that it was Valentine’s Day and the bitch was drinking mimosas with my husband!”

  The lunch crowd at Applebee’s looks less than thrilled to see a middle-aged woman have a breakdown. Melanie walks over to the bar, settles our bill and leads me out the door. We go back to her house and she makes a beeline for the wine cabinet. She’s still not said a word. How can she? She was once the other woman, and she knows she has to tread lightly. She doesn’t want to come off as a martyr.

  “Here, sweetie.” She hands me a heavy pour of white wine. I take a large gulp knowing that it will help my nerves once it kicks in.

  “OK,” she starts, all business-like. “What do we know?”

  She has a pad of paper, and writes down the date when the bitch was seen, what the bitch had to drink and that the bitch apparently “needed him” and wanted to get back together sometime.

  “Did she write down a phone number? If he doesn’t already know her and have it, wouldn’t you think she would?”

  “I never even thought of that. Maybe she is a colleague, and I just haven’t met her yet. Do you think I’m blowing this out of proportion?” I ask, with hope.

  “I think you need some answers, honey, and the sooner the better for your own peace of mind. Didn’t you say your girlfriend from high school is coming into town? Maybe the three of us can do some re-con.”

  She says it jokingly, but I know she means it.

  Colleen calls on Thursday to let me know that she and Tom are going to be busy for the rest of the evening, but I’m hers for all of Friday. I’m so excited; I can’t wait for her and Melanie to meet. I hate it that I’m not in the greatest of emotional health to see her now, but she’ll be a great help to me. First, I know that she won’t believe it for a second. Jason’s and her families have stayed close over the years. Their brothers remained best friends, and went to the same college to play baseball. I need her to give me some rational explanation, but knowing Colleen like I do, she might confront Jason herself. Disaster. I definitely don’t need him thinking that I can’t go to him about this. Why can’t I? He’s really excited to see Colleen, and this would ruin everything.

  “I’ll take the kids to your parents’ for the night so you girls can go crazy.” He laughs. He knows how silly I get around her. She can convince me to do just about anything. “Then I’ll take you all out for a nice dinner before your sleepover.”

  He clears the table from dinner, then pours me a small glass of wine to help me relax. For some strange reason he senses that I’m stressed. If he only knew.

  “Thanks, honey, that sounds great. We’re going shopping downtown, and then we’ll hit some hot spots. We’ll be home before dinner to get ready.”

  I gulp down my wine; it burns, and leaves a barbed tail down the inside of my chest. Jason goes into his office to do some work and to watch some college basketball. I go upstairs to get ready for bed. Along the way, I grab a magazine from the coffee table to read. Within minutes, I’m fast asleep and dreaming again.

  Chapter 21


  I feel like I should know where I am, but I don’t recognize anything around me. I’m walking down a beautiful tree-lined street that seems to be moving up and down, and side-to-side, trying to steer my path. I begin to stumble a bit as the slope gets steeper then comes to an abrupt stop like at the bottom of an escalator. I regain my footing, and notice the trees are gone, and I’m standing in front of Jason's office building. The parking lot is full of cars, as usual, but no one seems to be coming in or out. I want to stay planted where I am, but a compulsion to walk toward the building takes over. I’m aware that I will probably be recognized, and it could be embarrassing to be caught milling about outside. Nothing wrong with a wife visiting her husband at work, though, right? I should go in and see him.

  I yank open the double doors and see there’s a large group of people in the therapy room. This room contains treadmills, and resistance machines specifically designed for different types of therapy. The crowd is standing in a semicircle, like on a dance floor watching the best dancers do their thing. But it’s not dancers in the middl
e. I want so badly to turn and run, but my legs have a different idea. I wiggle through the crowd and get low so as not to be seen. The only sound that can be heard is a deep, guttural moan. I recognize it immediately.

  The focus of the circle is on Jason and his mystery brunette on a contraption I’ve never seen before. It looks like a regular Nautilus machine, but with a number of pulleys and wrist and ankle straps. Jason is standing in front of her, while she is rigged up in the machine. She is sitting on what looks like a rower’s seat with her ankles bound in the straps, her hands holding the pulleys. As she swings out her arms, the seat slides toward him; her legs open wide and Jason enters her fiercely. All he has to do is stand there while she fucks him. I break my stare long enough to look around; the group is all men, and they’re watching intently. They’re staring at Jason with envy, and rubbing their swollen crotches knowing he’s not planning on sharing.

  Jason and the bitch are definitely aware they’re being watched, and they like it. She moans loudly while the men groan and beg for a turn. Her large tits are swollen and shaking with the impact of her body onto Jason’s with each thrust. I have a feeling this is just the warm up.

  She disentangles herself from the machine, and walks over to the adductor seat. She places her legs into the wide-open leg holders. Her crotch is completely bare and glistening. Jason’s sweat and her arousal have made her dripping wet. He follows her over and kneels down in front of her. I know what’s coming now, his unique specialty. My heart contracts as I anticipate what I’m about to see. Watching him do it to another woman is beyond exciting. How can my libido betray me like this? I’m frozen in place, just like all the other onlookers.

  She drops her head back as soon as his mouth makes contact. He leisurely licks her opening as if he’s enjoying the best tasting ice cream cone he’s ever had. He spreads her open even farther, and exposes the sweet spot. He tortures her clit with his tongue, while he fingers her slit roughly. She grabs the handles of the machine to steady herself, and writhes against his face. After mere minutes, she begins to shake and scream, as she pushes the back of his head even harder against her pussy. She pulls him up to kiss him messily all over his face; she licks his lips, his cheeks and fingers.

  They smoothly swap places without breaking contact. She continues kissing him down his hard abs to his dick. He is so hard, the skin on his dick looks like it’s straining to contain the flesh. She kneels down just as he did, except she takes the time to show her tight ass to all who are watching. Her long hair just grazes the top of it as she arches to reach his cock. She grabs him hard with both hands, and he jerks. There is so much lust in his eyes, my body throbs watching him. If he is aware that I’m here, he doesn’t show it.

  She slides her mouth over his cock all the way down to his balls, then slowly pulls back up, never breaking the suction. She repeats this erotic move again and again as he guides her head. The large muscles all over his body begin to tighten and contract, and I know he’s about to come. He pushes the back of her head all the way down to the base of his cock as shoots his come down her throat. She continues to lick and suck while his orgasm fades, although he’s still hard and looks like he isn’t going to let it go to waste. He lays her down on one of the massage tables along the side wall. He slides her down to the end of the table, and forcibly pushes her legs up so they are almost behind her head. He grabs her tits as he teases and pushes himself into her ass. He gets the head in and she squeezes. He screams.

  “Fuck, that’s good!” he says as he slides into her all the way.

  He grabs her hips and pulls her tight ass over his cock. She is frantically rubbing herself and fingering her slit. He goes over the edge and explodes, once again, deep inside her. Her beautiful body is writhing on him and she comes at the same time. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks, but I’m not making a sound. I look around and see that I’m alone; all the Peeping Toms are gone. Jason looks over at me for the first time and says, “Did you like that?” and I wake up.

  Chapter 22


  Jason is up and out early with the kids so I can finish getting everything ready for Colleen today. She’s taking a taxi from the hotel, and is supposed to be arriving around eleven. I told Melanie we would pick her up around noon, have a nice lunch, pedicures, and shop. As I vacuum, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I trip over myself while screaming bloody murder. Colleen is rolling on the floor laughing. Literally rolling around like someone set her on fire. I’m happy to see her, and want to punch her lights out.

  “What the hell was that? Are you trying to kill me before we even catch up?” I yell as I reach out to help her stand up.

  “I’ve been ringing the doorbell and knocking for the last ten minutes! It’s your own fault for never locking the door. Sorry, I’d love to feel badly, but I don’t. That’s one of the top-ten funniest moments of my life.”

  She squeezes me tightly and I feel like I’m seventeen again. I start crying and she looks at me like I’ve gone nuts.

  “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you pregnant? Why are you crying?”

  “God, no! Bite your tongue! I’m just so happy to see you, I’ve needed my Colleen.”

  I hug her again, and wipe my eyes. All is right with the world now. I give her the grand tour of the house, and she’s awestruck.

  “Oh, Katie, it’s just amazing. I always knew Jason would take care of you. Your pictures don’t do this place justice. How are your neighbors? Do you like the area?”

  I tell her about our senior swingers, and she cracks up.

  “Around here? On Wisteria Lane?”

  I get the Desperate Housewives reference. If she only knew how true that was.

  “I do have a good friend a couple of houses down. She is dying to meet you so I invited her with us for the day, is that OK?”

  It dawns on me that maybe that was rude. After all, she is here to see me, not my friends.

  “Of course! The more the merrier! If she’s a friend to you, I know I’ll love her. I know how picky you can be.” She playfully shoves my shoulder.

  “Oh thanks, I’m sorry I didn’t ask you about it earlier. You’ll love her, I promise.”

  When we arrive to pick up Mel, she’s waiting for us on her front porch. I guess she really is excited. She hops up and skips over to the car. Colleen opens her door and gets out, and they hug like old friends.

  “It’s so nice to meet you!” they say in unison.

  Melanie gets in the back seat, and Colleen slips in beside her.

  “Hey, what’s up? Is no one sitting up here with me?”

  Colleen speaks up from the backseat, “You we know, I need to bond with my new buddy. Now drive, Jeeves.”

  She waves her finger at me like a snobby old woman. I pout, but I love that Colleen takes the initiative. I’ve always wished I were more like her in that way. If she hadn’t pushed herself on me in high school, we never would have become friends. We go to one of my favorite Italian restaurants for lunch where the portions are huge, and the wine pours are generous.

  “Oh my God, I’ll never eat again.” Poor Melanie is rubbing her stomach like she’s pregnant. We’re all sporting good-sized food babies after that meal. I kept my wine intake at a minimum not just because I’m a lightweight, but because apparently I’m the designated driver for the day. We have nail appointments next, but we still have an hour to kill.

  “Where are we going now, Mom?” Colleen giggles from the backseat. She and Melanie have had such a good time getting to know each other over lunch. She loves Melanie’s southern drawl, and keeps making her talk. “Say ‘honey’ and ‘sugar’ again! It’s too cute!!”

  “Well, the nail salon isn’t too far from Jason’s office; should we stop by and say hi?” Melanie asks tentatively. The second she mentions his office, my stomach does a nosedive, and I almost lose my wonderful lunch. The memory of my dream comes flooding back. I was so busy cleaning, and rushing around this morning, I had almost forgotten about it. Friday i
s Jason’s light day, so I agree and we turn down his street.

  “Oh my gosh! I can’t wait to see him!” Colleen says a bit too loudly, thanks to four glasses of Chianti at lunch. We pull into his parking lot, and Colleen is impressed.

  “Holy shit! This place is beautiful! So chic and classy. Did you help design it, Kat?”

  “No, Jason did just about everything himself. He hired an architect, and they remodeled and added on to the existing building. It did turn out well; wait until you see inside.”

  I’m happy to show off Jason’s success to his old friend. I know she’s proud of him, and it helps me remember the awesome man he actually is. Dreams and mystery women be damned. I pull into one of the spaces near the back door. Strange, I don’t see Jason’s car. I’m about to turn off the ignition, when I notice something out of the corner of my eye. The front door to the building opens, and one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen comes strolling out. She’s wearing a fitted, gray wool dress with sky-high stilettos. She’s obviously not here for therapy. She has long, thick, wavy brown hair down her back, and piercing blue eyes. Holy shit.

  The woman from the airport.

  Chris’ description of her has been burned onto my brain since I first heard it. I’ve tried to picture her in my mind’s eye, but even my wild imagination didn’t do her justice. She walks over to a Mercedes, no, she struts to her Mercedes, and gracefully folds her body to get inside. She’s holding an expensive attaché that she carefully places in the passenger seat. She checks herself in the mirror, then slowly pulls out of the parking lot. I turn around slowly to face Melanie; she and Colleen are both staring at the woman, just as awestruck as I am. Melanie says nothing. She knows exactly what I’m thinking. Of course, Colleen has no idea.

  “Oh my God! Did you see that woman? She was like a supermodel! If Tom ever saw that, he’d kick me to the curb, for sure.” She starts to laugh, then looks at both of us. “What is it? Who was that?”


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