Dream of Me

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Dream of Me Page 24

by Magenta Phoenix

  Pushing aside the confusing thoughts of Kieran’s words, she bent to slip her slippers on. “Lock me in a room with him and I’ll get the answers you want,” she mumbled as she followed behind him. Coming to a stop, Kieran turned to regard her over his shoulder.

  “You human females are a dangerous and vicious lot, aren’t you?”

  She smirked up at him, “Only if we go without chocolate for too long.” Tilting her head to the side, her expression turned serious. “Do you have chocolate? I hope you do, because if your kind doesn’t have anything remotely resembling chocolate around here, you’ll see how dangerous and vicious I can be.”

  He grimaced at the dark tone in her voice as they made their way out of the cave. The first order of business after dealing with Zyaid was to seek out this chocolate that his mate seemed to covet. Perhaps it held the power to quell her fiery temper and keep him from any future danger.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Warmth surrounded her inner being as they exited the cave hand in hand. Suddenly she felt stronger than ever as her heart felt at peace. If it were possible she would demand that they simply live forever in the forgotten cave. Forever surrounded by its haunting beauty. But as always, life had a way of yanking those serene moments away.

  Leading her on through the darkness, Kieran pulled away from the cave’s entrance. As he continued to lead on, she couldn’t stop her thoughts from wondering. If Zyaid was as powerful as Kieran had led her to believe, how would they prevent him from trying to take her again? Kieran was a capable fighter; she knew that. But Zyaid’s warning to Cian rang forever in her mind. Would he allow Zyaid to take her away from the walls of the Garmorian’s? At their first meeting, Cian had pledged his protection to her, but what did that mean in terms of the safety of his people? She was human after all and not a Garmorian.

  Pushing the fearful thought aside, her mind began to wonder elsewhere. She didn’t know what it would mean for her life when it came to living here with Kieran. What would she do? She absolutely refused to become some boring, submissive housewife for him. For her, this relationship between them would be a partnership. She expected equality and that’s what she would get.

  The feel of Kieran jerking to an abrupt stop caused her to pull from her thoughts as she ran face first into his strong back. Waves of concern entered her mind that were not her own. Taking a step back, she looked around the dark forest that surrounded them. There was nothing. Though she saw no reason that would cause him to worry, she didn’t deny that something felt off all of a sudden. The air around them suddenly felt hot, a change from the normal satisfying cool temperature. Another thing that she noticed was the sounds or the lack of. It was too quiet. Neither insects chirping nor any other sound was heard around them.

  “What is it?” she whispered at his back.

  Turning his head to look at her out of the corner of his eyes, holding up a hand he roughly shushed her, “Be quiet.” His sharp eyes scanned the moonlit woodland around them. In this part of their land he should be able to pick up the sound of the lyra’ders swiftly leaping through the brush and the unique chirping bellows of the terbrli beasts. The forest was never this quiet… unless…

  Before he could finish his thought a high pitch sound reached his ears a second before a Dihma spike shot toward him. Kieran had barely enough time to jerk out of the way before the sharp missile sliced along his right cheekbone. Looking back in the direction it had come, he wasn’t surprised as the ground began to quake and roll beneath them. Several mighty trees exploded from the ground before two of the spawns of the earth shot from their earthy homes.

  Both slammed their meaty fists against the ground before aggressively snarling at Kieran. The black slim from their sharp fangs dripped over their wide mouths, painting their pasty skin. Pulling forth his true form, Kieran looked over his shoulder with a quick and sharp glance at Elena who stood frozen at the sight of them.

  “Run back to the cave,” he ordered, flexing his claws at his sides. Not waiting for an answer he rushed forward just as the two huffing monsters were nearly upon them.

  * ~ * ~ *

  Elena watched in horror as Kieran ran toward the two monsters that easily outweighed him by three tons. He was insane! His wings spread behind him and allowed him to shoot though the air and over the head of the first monster. Sailing over its grotesque head, he slashed his claws down its back, causing the monster to let out a high pitched shriek that had Elena covering her ears.

  Dropping her hands, she watched helplessly as Kieran respectively dodged the large monster as it charged at him. Kieran’s wing’s allowed him to dodge the creature’s spikes as they shot through the air at an unimaginable speed. All the time she spent watching him as she edged back toward the mouth of the cave she had lost sight of the second one.

  Looking around, fear stabbed at her like a cold knife. The second one was nowhere in sight. Something like that couldn’t just disappear, could it? Turning she ran back into the mouth of the cave. The blinding darkness gave her little comfort as she listened to Kieran fighting off the first one. She scoffed in self disgust at herself. Here she’d believed that she wanted to stand by Kieran’s side and not be hidden away from danger. Now look at her; hiding in the dark like some weak kneed, B-film actress.

  Her disgust at her lack of courage suddenly vanished as the sound of a low snarl floated in from outside the cave. The cave walls against her back raddled, raining small rocks around her as one of the monsters approached the outside of the cave. The memory of the last time she had encountered one of these creatures caused her to tremble with fear. Pressing herself tightly against the side of cave she held her breath as its heavy footstep stopped just outside the entrance. The loud snorting sounds as the creature inhaled the air the cave had Elena holding her breath with fear. One of its massive front hands slammed against the ground, slashing deep groves through the earth. Her hand flew to her mouth to still her scream of fear.

  Silently she told herself that she was safe within the cave. The creature was too big to get in and attack her even if it discovered her. For a moment the sickly yellow eyes of the creature stared through the cave, sweeping right over her hiding place without showing a sign that it saw her. Her heart began beating with relief as the creature took a step back and turned away from the cave. Allowing her hand to fall from her mouth, she edged along the stone wall at her back toward the entrance. Moving to peak around the edge of a large jagged stone, she held her breath as she looked for the creature. Not seeing it, she sighed with relief.

  Her eyes quickly sought out Kieran a distance away. From her spot she could see Kieran attacking his own monster with his claws viciously slicing at its face. The creature threw its meaty fists at him, as more spikes shot from its shoulders and upper arms. As the battle moved from the view point of her side of the cave she moved away from the shielding wall as she heard Kieran roar in pain. With her quick steps her foot sent a stone rolling loudly across the floor of the cave.

  Taking a slow and cautious step this time, she now stood at the mouth of the cave. As she went to pear out again she was thrown onto her back as the second creature lunged around the side of the cave at her. Hitting her head against the hard ground she gasped in fear as a meaty, clawed hand wrapped around both of her legs, jerking her roughly out of the protection of the cave. Screaming she struggled to free herself as the creature’s snarling face lowered towards her.

  Reaching up into her hair, she yanked the jeweled femra free. Clenched tightly in her fist she thrusted her weapon at its face as it moved to lock its poisonous jaws over her. The sharp ornament sliced through the creature’s fat cheek and though it’s slanted eyeball. Shrieking in pain, the creature threw her through the air in anger. She flew for a few seconds until her body stuck against a tree. Falling to the ground she gasped for air as she felt pain splintering through her side.

  Pushing herself up, she gasped in fear as the creature swiped at its ruined eye while fixing its good one on her. Lift
ing its lips up over its dangerous fangs it snapped the deadly points at her before rushing toward her. She struggled to climb to her feet but the pain in her side prevented her from moving. Still gripping her meager weapon she waited for the inevitable. Just as the monster was upon her a long spear was thrusted through its skull from above as a figure dropped onto its spiny back. The monster slammed face first into the ground, its clawed hand slamming just inches from her flinching face. Black blood flowed from the monster’s lips; she saw its deadly eye fix on her before life left the creature’s body. The ground hissed as the acidic blood of the creature flowed.

  Jumping down from the creature’s head, with his weapon in hand, her rescuer came to her side. As the moonlight hit his face, she breathed a sigh of relief as she recognized Dajran. Smirking down at her, he offered his hand to her.

  “Why is it that I always have to come to you and your mate’s rescue? You’re too dangerous of a mate for my friend I think.”

  Gripping his hand with hers, she winced as he pulled her to her feet. Pain exploded along her ribs with each breath she took and with the slightest movement. Ignoring Dajran’s teasing words, she moved past him and the dead creature. Her eyes fell on Kieran as he dropped down from the air as he finally brought his monster down. Splattered with blood, she could already see his skin burning from the contact of the acidic blood of the creature.

  Rushing to her side, Kieran reverted back to his humanoid form. His eyes shifted past her to Dajran, without breaking a stride he nodded in thanks to his friend. Not stopping until he reached her, Kieran pulled her into his arms. Though she would never admit to it, he could feel her body trembling as the last of the fear left her. Pulling her away from his chest, his hand tilted her chin up as his eyes scanned her for injuries.

  Sensing what he was doing, Elena pulled her face from his hand. “I’m fine,” she said, waving him off. At his look of disbelief, she scoffed, “You need to worry more about yourself! That thing’s blood is about to make your flesh rot off. I’m not into lepers so use your hot, healing hands on yourself before you rot away.”

  Chuckling, he shook his head at her before taking a step back. “Sadly, I cannot use my — how did you put it?”

  “‘Hot, healing hands’ I believe was the term, my friend.” Dajran chuckled.

  Looking in between the smirking two, she frowned, “What do you mean you cannot use it? What use is that ability if you can’t use it on yourself?”

  “I will be fine once we get back to the stronghold,” he whispered with a grim look as his hand reached for her face once more. His thumb lightly smoothed her chin as he closely inspected a thin cut along her jaw. Instantly she could feel the warmth of his healing energy at his touch.

  “That might be harder than you think,” a voice said from behind them.

  All eyes turned to see Rurik striding from the dark interior of the forest towards them with a short sword clutched in his hand. “I tried to reach you in time when I saw the first two, but I got held up. There are more Dihmas headed this way. More than likely spawns of the Kelithians dark magic to make sure no one can reach the stronghold alive.”

  Kieran instantly moved closer to Elena as Rurik came closer. A low growl sounded above her head causing her to roll her eyes with irritation. Now was not the time for another pissing contest with these two. Wiping her femra against the skirt of her dress, she used it to coil her hair up into a bun.

  “What do we do? Can we fly back? I mean, I’m not thrilled about it, but we could right?” she asked, turning to see Dajran’s grim expression. The dark shadows within his eyes told her that it wasn’t that simple.

  “We can’t just fly away if they are tracking us. We cannot lead them back to the Gu’an and endanger others,” Kieran stated with an iron tone. Jerking his hard gaze from Rurik, he looked to Dajran. “We will have to hunt them down before they have a chance to corner us here. One or two Dihmas, the three of us can handle, but more would be suicide.”

  “There are four of us,” Elena pointed out, crossing her arms over her chest.

  Smirking at her, Rurik shook his head, “Better to leave this to the warriors, little human.”

  His condescending words made her want to claw his eyes out on principle alone. “That’s right; you’re just a bodyguard, go take a nap and we’ll handle this,” she sneered, waving her hand dismissively at him.

  When his eyes narrowed dangerously at her, Kieran and Dajran moved in front of her creating a wall between her and Rurik. Turning around to face her, Kieran’s hands gently settled on her shoulder with a look of regret. “As much as I hate to point it out, Rurik is right. It is better if you let me and Dajran handle this. But you cannot stay here if they are headed back this way.”

  “The cave?”

  “The cave is too dangerous if more are coming. Dihmas are made of earth and dark magic. With enough force, they could bring down the mountain and bury you alive inside the cave. We cannot chance just hiding this time.” Turning away from her, he shoved past Dajran to face Rurik’s tight expression. “But Elena is also right; you are just a guard and not fit to fight these things. Your arrogance and poor training would get us all killed.”

  “What then do you purpose, oh-great-warrior?” Rurik bit out with sarcasm.

  Ignoring Rurik’s attempt to bait him into a fight — though it was very tempting, Kieran took a step back to look between all three of them. “Dajran and I will go and attempt to slow them down. Rurik, I want you to take Elena back to the stronghold, don’t fly — run. We cannot risk leading the mindless creatures back to the stronghold. Once you’re within the walls, have Li’r send more warriors to aid us.”

  Nodding, Rurik turned his face away from them. Elena’s eyes followed him as his eyes settled on the large corpse a few feet away. Within his dark eyes, she could swear that she saw something. Disappointment? Anger? Whatever it was, she knew that she couldn’t trust him.

  Reaching out to grip Kieran’s forearm, she drew closer to him while giving Rurik her back. “Since when did you start trusting Rurik to be alone with me?” she whispered in effort to keep the conversation between the two of them.

  Scowling, his upper lip lifted revealing his sharp teeth with hostility. “I don’t. However it is a matter of your safety. I need to get you back to the stronghold where you are safe. Regardless what I think of him, I do know he will want to keep you alive.”

  “Something isn’t right here. I can feel it. First Zyaid shows up demanding Cian turns me over to him and then these abominations suddenly are popping up everywhere? There is no way it is a coincidence.”

  Reaching up into her pinned hair, his fingers lightly touched the femra speared through her thick locks. “Something tells me that you can handle yourself if you are right. Just get to the stronghold. If Cian did refuse Zyaid, these creatures could have been sent to kill you.”

  “Why? I am of no use to either of you guys. Why would Zyaid want me?”

  “You are of use to me and that is all you need to worry about. Get to safety and trust no one until you are safely within the walls.”

  Knowing that he was going out to face several of these monsters that could skewer a man with little effort, she felt her fear for Kieran rising. What would happen to her if he was seriously injured or worse? As Sera had told her, it was Kieran’s life force that was keeping her on this side of their world. The idea of being separated from him suddenly brought an unimaginable pain to her heart. She couldn’t bare the idea of leaving him. What if something happened to him?

  Opening her mouth to speak, Dajran’s voice interrupted before she could say anything, “Kieran we don’t have time. We need to move now.”

  Nodding to his friend, Kieran hastily lowered his face over hers, his lips taking hers in an urgent kiss. All too soon, he ended the kiss and turned away, leaving her breathing heavily as he and Dajran disappeared into the darkness amongst the trees.

  Turning toward Rurik, her lips flattened together with irritation. He si
mply stood there staring at her as though she were some anomaly to study. When he continued to stare at her, his eyes hardened. The flirtatious Rurik that she’d known just a day ago didn’t seem like the same one that stood a few feet from her. What was going on?


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