Sky the Unwanted Kitten

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Sky the Unwanted Kitten Page 1

by Holly Webb

  For Lucy

  For more information about Holly Webb visit:


  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Other titles by Holly Webb:


  Chapter One

  As the car started, Lucy pressed her face up against the window, staring sadly back at her home. Except it wasn’t her home any more. In a few hours’ time another family would arrive, and another removal lorry, just like the one that was lumbering down the road in front of her parents’ car. She blinked back tears as they pulled away, staring back at Nutmeg and Ginger, the two friendly cats from the house next door. They’d been frightened away by all the fuss and bother of the removal men, but now they were back on their usual spot, the wall between Lucy’s garden and the one next door. They liked to sunbathe on the bricks, and Lucy loved to play with them and cuddle them and pretend they were hers. She longed to have a cat of her own. She had asked her parents so many times, but they always said she would have to wait until she was older.

  The ginger cats stared curiously after the car. Lucy rolled down her window and waved to them. Nutmeg mewed, and walked down the wall towards the street. Lucy sniffed miserably. She couldn’t believe she would never see them again. A few seconds later the car turned out of her road and she could no longer see the cats, or even the house.

  “How long till we get there?” Kieran, Lucy’s older brother, asked, unplugging his new iPod for a moment.

  “A couple of hours, probably,” their mum said. “We should definitely be settling in by lunchtime!”

  “Doesn’t it feel great, being on our way to our new home!” their dad added enthusiastically.

  Lucy sniffed and said nothing. She clutched Stripy, her old toy cat, even tighter. They’d just left her home behind. What they were going to was only a horrible house. It would never, ever be home.

  Lucy hardly spoke the whole journey. She just gazed out of the window, and worried to herself. A new house. A new school. No friends! She missed Ellie, her best friend, loads already. Ellie would be in the middle of PE right now. I wonder if she’s missing me too? Lucy thought.

  “We’re almost there!” her mum said excitedly, jerking Lucy out of her daydream, where she was back at school playing football with Ellie. “Look, Lucy, this is our street! Doesn’t it look lovely?”

  Lucy made a small mmm sort of noise. It was nice. Pretty gardens and friendly-looking houses. But it wasn’t home.

  “Oh good, the removal men are here already! Let’s start getting unpacked. I bet you two want to see your rooms, don’t you?” Dad sounded even more enthusiastic than Mum, if that was possible.

  Lucy’s new room was huge – much bigger than her old one, as Mum had happily pointed out. “And you can have it any colour you like, Lucy,” she promised, placing a box of toys on the floor. “Maybe purple, what do you think?”

  Lucy sat on the bed that the removal men had dumped in the corner, and gazed around, hugging Stripy. She was trying to be happy, but it was all so different.

  The weekend flew past in a messy, grubby whirl of unpacking. Lucy felt left out – Mum and Dad were so happy about the move, and even Kieran was excited about the new house. She seemed to be the only one who missed home.

  Now the moment she was really dreading had arrived – her first day at her new school. Surely someone who’d just moved ought to get at least a week off school, not just one Friday, spent driving to the new house. Even Kieran had complained that it wasn’t fair they had to start their new schools today. Lucy trailed slowly across the empty playground after her mum, who was heading for the school office.

  “Look, a school garden!” Mum said brightly. “And the sign says they have a gardening club. You’d love that, helping to plant seeds, wouldn’t you?”

  “Maybe,” Lucy murmured. She saw a notice up about a football team, too, but there was no way she’d be able to join a team now, in the middle of term. Everyone will already have their friends, and their gangs, she thought unhappily. I’m going to be so left out.

  The school secretary buzzed them in and took them over to Lucy’s classroom. The school was actually much newer and smarter than the one Lucy had been going to until three days before, but she wished she was back at her scruffy old school. She stayed silent as her mum and the secretary chatted about the new computer suite. Her mouth was drooping sadly as they arrived at class 5W, and the secretary showed them in.

  Her new teacher, Mrs Walker, smiled kindly at her, then announced, “Class, I’d like you to meet Lucy. She’s just moved here, and I want you all to make her feel very welcome.”

  Lucy blushed and didn’t know where to look. She hated everyone staring at her. Mrs Walker then took Lucy to one side, and said the class had really been looking forward to having her and she knew Lucy would be very happy once she’d settled in.

  Lucy wasn’t sure how she was supposed to do that – she’d never had to settle in anywhere before. She’d been to the same school since nursery, and she had known everyone.

  “You sit here, Lucy, and Orla and Katie will look after you,” Mrs Walker said. “You’ll show Lucy where everything is, won’t you, girls?”

  Orla and Katie nodded and smiled. “Hi, Lucy!” they chorused.

  “Hello,” Lucy muttered, and sat down as quickly as she could.

  Orla and Katie tried their best, but Lucy was too shy to give more than yes or no answers to their polite questions. Eventually they gave up, and although they stayed with her all through the lunch hour, they stopped bothering to talk to her. They don’t like me, Lucy told herself unhappily, as she listened silently to Orla telling Katie all about her ballet exam. No one’s even talking to me.

  Class 5W were actually quite a friendly group, but they couldn’t do much faced with a silent Lucy, and she was so unhappy that she couldn’t see that she needed to make an effort, too. Lucy was in the cloakroom putting on her coat to go home, when she heard some of the girls talking about her. She stayed frozen where she was, hidden behind a coat-rack, and listened.

  “That new girl is a bit strange,” someone said, giggling.

  “Yeah, she hardly said a word all day.” Lucy recognized the voice of Orla, one of her minders. “I hope Mrs Walker doesn’t make us look after her tomorrow as well.”

  “Perhaps she thinks she’s too good for us,” another voice suggested. “I’m glad I didn’t have to talk to her.”

  “Yeah, she does seem a bit stuck-up,” Orla agreed.

  Another girl from Lucy’s class who was on the same side of the cloakroom as her gave Lucy a worried look, and coughed loudly. There was a sudden silence, then Orla’s head popped round the coats, and her eyes went saucer-wide. She shot back again, and there was a burst of embarrassed giggling.

  Lucy stood up and stalked out, blinking back tears. So what if they didn’t like her? She certainly didn’t like them. She heard the girls start whispering very fast, worrying about her telling Mrs Walker what they’d said. I hate this school, she thought, as she brushed her sleeve across her face angrily, trying to pretend to herself and everybody else that she wasn’t crying.

  “So how was your first day? Did you have a good time?” her mum asked eagerly as she met Lucy at the school gate.

  “No. It was horrible, and I want to go home.”

  “Oh, Lucy, I’m sorry.” Her mum looked at her anxiously. “I’m sure it’ll get better, honestly. You just need to take a few days to get used to everything.” She sighed, and
then said in a cheerful voice, “I thought we’d walk back, it’s not far. Kieran wanted to go by himself, so you and I can see if we spot any nice parks on the way home.”

  “Not there, home. I want to go back to our old house, and my proper school. I hate it here! No one likes me!” Lucy wailed. “I miss Ellie, and all my friends!”

  Mum sighed again. “Lucy, your dad and I have explained this. We had to move. Dad’s job is here now, and if we lived in our old house, he’d have to spend hours getting to work. We’d never see him. You wouldn’t like that, would you?”

  Lucy shook her head, and sniffed, trying not to cry where loads of people from school would see her. “I know,” she whispered. “But it’s really horrible here.”

  Her mum put an arm around her shoulder. “I know it’s hard, sweetheart. But I promise it will get better. We’ll just have to do lots of fun things to cheer you up.”

  Lucy rubbed her sleeve across her eyes. She couldn’t believe she had to go back tomorrow.

  Chapter Two

  Lucy stared out of the classroom window, trying not to catch anyone’s eye. She’d been at her new school for nearly a week now, but she still hadn’t settled in. She couldn’t forget the way Orla had talked about her. The awful thing was, Lucy knew she probably had seemed stuck-up and unfriendly, and all those things Orla had said. But it still seemed unfair. Didn’t they know how lonely she was? Couldn’t they see how difficult it was being the new girl? At least it’s Friday, Lucy thought.

  “Hey! Pssst…”

  Lucy jumped slightly as someone prodded her hand. She looked up, confused. The pretty red-haired girl who sat across the table from her in her maths group had poked her with a pencil.

  “Mrs Walker’s watching you,” the red-haired girl whispered. “If you weren’t new, she’d have had a go at you by now. You’ve been looking out of the window for ages and we’re supposed to be drawing that hexagon shape. Are you stuck? Do you need a rubber or something?”

  Lucy shook her head, and gave her a tiny smile. “I’m OK, thanks,” she whispered back, glancing quickly over at Mrs Walker. It was true – the teacher was looking her way. She bent her head over her book, suddenly feeling a little less miserable. Maybe there were some nice people in her new class after all.

  When the bell rang for break, Lucy watched as the red-haired girl wandered out of the classroom with a group of other girls, all chatting excitedly. Maybe she should say something to her? But that would mean going up to her in front of the whole group. She would have to try to say something interesting, or just hang around on the edge of the circle until someone noticed her. She couldn’t face that, what if they all ignored her? Lucy gave a little shudder and stayed put. She’d go to the school library. Like she had every other day this week.

  The next morning, Lucy lay in bed, hugging Stripy, and feeling grateful that she didn’t have to drag herself out to get ready for school. She’d tried to go back to sleep, but it wasn’t working. She sighed, and looked round her room. So far she hadn’t even bothered to unpack all her boxes. She was still hoping that somehow things would change and they could go home, but the hope was draining away with every day they stayed.

  Kieran wasn’t helping, either. He was loving his new school, and last night he’d spent most of dinner time talking enthusiastically about going to play football with some really cool new mates he’d made already. Mum was really excited about all the decorating that needed doing, and Dad had started his new job… Only Lucy was desperate to go back to their old home.

  “Lucy! Hey!” It was Kieran, banging on her door.

  Lucy ignored him, but he didn’t go away. “Lucy! Get up, lazy!” He opened her door a crack, and peered in.

  Lucy sat up. “Out! You’re not allowed in my room!”

  “OK, OK! But get up. Mum and Dad have got a surprise for you in the kitchen. You’re going to love it!” he called, then thumped off back downstairs again.

  A surprise! For a tiny moment Lucy’s heart leaped. They were going home after all! She jumped out of bed and raced down after Kieran.

  “Are we going home?” she gasped excitedly, catching him just at the bottom of the stairs.

  Kieran gave her a strange look. “Of course not, silly, this is home now.”

  Lucy’s shoulders slumped again. She trailed into the kitchen after him.

  “Lucy!” Her parents were smiling happily at her, which just made Lucy feel more alone than ever.

  “We’ve got a surprise for you, darling. Remember we said you’d have a special treat when we got here?” Mum pointed to a large box on the kitchen table.

  Lucy stared dully at it. When her parents told them about the move, they’d said they would get Kieran an iPod, and that they had a special present in mind for Lucy, too. She’d been so sad missing everyone at home that she’d forgotten all about it.

  She stared at the box, feeling just the tiniest bit excited. What could be inside? Suddenly the box started squeaking.

  Lucy moved closer, curious despite herself. She opened the top flaps, which were attached together to make a sort of handle, and peered in.

  Inside the box was the most beautiful creature Lucy had ever seen. A kitten with soft creamy fur, huge blue eyes, a chocolate-brown nose and gorgeously oversized brown ears.

  Lucy gasped. A kitten!

  The kitten looked anxiously up as the box opened, and mewed. It was a strange noise, almost like a baby crying, and Lucy immediately wanted to pick up the kitten and cuddle it. The kitten seemed to think this was a good idea, too. It stood up, balancing its paws on the side of the box, and shyly put its head over the side, looking up at Lucy with its amazing sapphire-blue eyes. “Wowl?” it asked pleadingly. “Wowl!”

  Lucy lifted out the kitten, and it immediately snuggled into her pyjama top and started to purr. “Hello, little one,” she said softly.

  “Told you she’d love her,” Lucy’s dad said happily to her mum. “She’s called Sky, Lucy. She’s a Siamese. We know you’ve wanted a kitten for so long, and we think you’re old enough now to look after a cat properly.”

  “Yes,” said Mum. “We know how upset you’ve been about us moving to Fairford. But you can’t be miserable with a beautiful kitten to play with, can you?”

  Lucy stared at them in disbelief. The kitten was gorgeous, but it was as if her parents thought having a pet would suddenly make everything all right again. Lucy would forget about Ellie and all her friends, her school, her lovely old bedroom, and be happy for ever. Her eyes filled with angry, disappointed tears.

  She carefully detached the kitten’s tiny, needle-sharp claws from her pyjamas, and put her back in the box. Then she ran out of the kitchen, her shoulders heaving.

  “Lucy!” Mum called after her, her voice shocked.

  “Hey, Lucy, what’s the matter?” Kieran said. “Mum, Dad, can I pick the kitten up? It’s really cute, and it’s crying.”

  Dad’s voice was worried as he answered. “Yes, give her a cuddle, Kieran. I need to go and talk to Lucy, and find out what’s wrong. I just don’t understand, I was sure she’d be so happy.”

  Chapter Three

  Lucy’s dad had picked up Sky from the breeder early that morning. Sky had only left home before to go to the vets, and she’d always returned to her familiar room, and the big basket she shared with her mum and her brothers and sisters. Today she’d had to stay in the dark box on her own for ages, and she was so lonely. She wished she could go home, and snuggle up and let her mum lick her fur to make her feel better.

  Where was she? It didn’t smell like the vets, and it certainly wasn’t home. She couldn’t hear any other cats, either. She had started to cry for her home and her mum, and then someone had opened the box.

  Sky shrank back into the corner of the box and peered up at the girl, feeling scared. Who was this? It wasn’t one of the people she had met before. But then the girl, Lucy, had picked her up, and Sky had relaxed a little. She could see the delight in the girl’s eyes, hear it in her
quickened breathing, and feel it in the thud of her heart as the girl held her close. She had nestled snugly up against her, purring gratefully. She liked this person. The girl had stroked her, and nuzzled her ears, and rubbed her lovingly under her chin. But then suddenly she had taken her firmly round the middle, and put her back into that dark box.

  Sky didn’t understand. She had felt how happy the girl was to hold her. Lucy had been full of love, she knew it. So why had she suddenly changed her mind? The soft, cuddly person had turned stiff and cross, and Sky didn’t know why.

  Now she was sitting in a large, comfortable basket in the corner of the kitchen, with a bowl of kitten food and another bowl of water. There was a litter tray close by. She had everything she needed. But no one was with her, and she was so lonely. What had she done wrong? When Lucy had ran out, the boy had cuddled her briefly, then everyone had disappeared, and the kitchen was empty.

  Sky was not used to being on her own. Until early this morning, she had lived in a house that was full of cats – her mum, and all her mum’s sisters and their kittens, and her own sisters and brothers. There was a whole room full of boxes and big scratching posts and toys. Sky had spent most of her time with her mum, snuggling up in their basket, but she enjoyed being petted and stroked by people as well.

  She wouldn’t have minded leaving her home so much if Lucy had stayed cuddling her, but now she was alone she felt desperate to go back. She howled her loud, piercing Siamese howl, crying for someone to come and love her.

  Upstairs in her room, Lucy could hear Sky. The kitten’s sad, lonely wails made her want to cry, too. She knew exactly how Sky felt – taken away from her lovely home, and brought somewhere she didn’t belong. She wished she could go and comfort her, but she just couldn’t do it.


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