CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 4)

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CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 4) Page 1

by Yumoyori Wilson

  This is work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright© Yumoyori Wilson, 2018

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The publisher is not responsible for website (or their content) that are not own by the publisher.

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  Cover Design by Cover of Crimson Phoenix Creations

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  Editing by

  Ms. Correct All's Editing and Proofreading Services

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  Formatting by: Yumoyori Wilson





  1. Be Safe, Blessed Loved And Thankful

  2. Dreams And Remembering

  3. Threatened Balance

  4. The Dark World

  5. Sia Rainbow Of The Past

  6. Sia Rainbow Of The Present

  7. Float Bath And BruRee

  8. Catchup And Null Familiar

  9. Between Us And Trust Me

  10. Can’t Love What You Don’t Understand

  11. Goodbye Queen

  12. Warm Awakening And Nightmares

  13. Return Home And Discovery

  14. Together As One And Fateful Reunion

  15. Leave It To Me

  16. Queen Celestia






  Also By Yumoyori Wilson


  Thank you for purchasing CELESTIA 4.

  Thank you to all my amazing supporters for being awesome and encouraging me to write every day.

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  Special thanks to my Ninja Wifey who always keeps me motivated no matter what I’m going through. Your friendship means the world to me and I’m thankful to have you in my life.

  Special thanks to my inner circle and true friends who are always there to push/motivate me to be better. You know who you are, and I couldn’t be more grateful for your continuous love and support <3~

  Special thanks to my amazing Alpha Team. You continue to work marvellously together, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you on my publishing team.

  Special thanks to my amazing Mom for blessing me with the gift to write and supporting me in all aspects. I pray to continue making you proud as I strive towards success.

  Finally, I thank God for giving me the strength to achieve my goals. Without Him, I would be nothing.



  The Darkness is always portrayed as evil, but what if the Darkness simply wants to be accepted like any other element? To be...good and save humans and shifters alike?

  Celestia Rainbow goes from the lands of the living to another realm far darker and more depressing than she'd ever imagined. Not only does she have to accept the darkness inside her, she must now change her perspective and realize that there are two sides to every tale.

  Without her men and family to assist, it's time for Odion to help Celestia find the real truth of who she is - or inevitably, who they all were in the past. A journey into the Dark World opens a door of memories and delivers all the answers she needs to be the unicorn shifter she was destined to be.

  Time is running out as dimensions across the galaxies are being overtaken by the Darkness. It's up to Aslan's Elite Unicorn Shifter to use everything she's discovered, reunite with her lovers, family, and trusty familiar, and save the world as they know it before it's engulfed in black.

  Will she be able to find her rainbow crown and fulfill the true prophecy she was destined to achieve? Only one way to find out.


  * * *

  That was what surrounded me. Was I awake?

  Or am I asleep? I really can’t tell.

  All I knew was my body felt like it was floating, and I couldn't determine when it would stop. Or if I wanted it to stop.

  I tried to remember who I was. To recall what had happened that led me to this cold world. That was the only feeling that ran through me while I floated with no sign of redemption.

  How did I get here? What is this place? Who am I?

  Who. Am. I

  I didn't know why, but that simple question held more worth. It was a question I'd asked more than once. Multiple times. How did I know? I couldn't answer how, even if I fought my hardest to get through the black fogginess that cloaked my mind.

  Surprisingly enough, I wasn't scared. Even though it felt like the floating would be never-ending, and the brittle cold trickled up my skin and seeped into my blood and down to my very bones. With all the discomfort my mind had envisioned my levitating body to feel, it didn't.

  I felt safe.

  Safer than I'd ever felt in my lives.


  Had I lived before? Another question to add to the growing pile, getting larger while I remained conscious. That was how it had been for a while. A battle between consciousness and unconsciousness, the switches between the darkness that was my reality and the dreams I escaped into.

  Were they dreams? Or memories.

  I couldn't tell. I didn't know what they were, but I wanted to. I wanted to continue viewing them. To gather the puzzle pieces I needed for this journey I felt like I was about to embark on.

  A journey to restore the balance and reveal who the real Queen of these lands is.

  Those dreamful memories that made me crave who their owner was. To be able to watch her life unfold and the love she shared with the men who loved her with just as much compassion as she did. They loved her. Every single one of them cherished the woman with eyes that reminded me of someone else.

  Almost like me?

  Yet, I didn't know who I was. Maybe after watching glimpses of this woman's life, I'd associated myself with her. The way her long gold hair shimmered in the sunlight. Or how her melodic laugh resonated with your soul when it carried on the passing winds.

  I'd always see her standing in a beautiful garden, a place with multicolored roses. Reds, oranges, pinks, and blues. It honestly felt like this woman’s garden was a rainbow in disguise.

  A garden that held her hopes and dreams.

  She wore a gorgeous white dress. One that made me wonder if it was her wedding day and I was seeing the same memory over and over because it was something she cherished.

  She had pure white wings in the beginning, but when she turned around to show her front half, the color would shift.

  A rainbow to match the roses that surrounded her feet and stretched for miles without end.

  Her eyes were what always struck me in my heart. The stunning mismatched eyes, the left a vivid purple, while the right was a vibrant green.

  They would shift colors when they locked onto me, but within myself, I knew she couldn't see me.

  I don’t exist in these times. I don’t need my memories to understand that.

  When she smiled, I could feel nature itself rejoice at her overwhelming joy, which only left me wondering what happened. In the dreams that I fell in and out of, some were
good. Amazingly good. While others… were sad.

  Too sad for my poor, cold heart.

  My mind was beginning to drift, and I let go of any resistance to the claws of exhaustion that tugged at me. I wanted to continue watching those memories. Watching the addictive play out of the beautiful woman with rainbow wings, enchanting beauty, and mismatched eyes that could bring peace to one's heart with a simple glance.

  I wanted my questions to be answered. I need to know for my own sake.

  My number one question that always entered my mind when the woman and I stared at each other was this:

  Did you have a happily ever after?

  I knew she couldn't tell me because she was a memory. But it didn't stop me from wishing that she did have one.

  That her smile never faded and the men that she loved always remained by her side, loving and showing her that light in the vast world that surrounded her. She deserved happiness.

  That's what my instincts told me, and all I could do was pray the seven men that had made her world the happiest it could be, never left her side.

  For that would surely bring darkness to her heart and with it… the end of this peaceful world.


  * * *


  The sound of Arielle's high-pitched scream hit my ears, but I couldn't dare look away.

  If I'd even moved my eyes slightly, I would have missed the one-second glance my brother gave me. That one second felt like ten, as his light lilac colored eyes that were almost white with power locked onto me and told me everything I needed to know in one glance.

  I'll protect her.

  The man who associated himself as Old Darkness lowered his scythe in the next second, unleashing the blast of magic he'd been building up for the finishing blow.

  A wave of power burst around him, causing us to lift our arms defensively to block the wind that fluttered past us.

  I opened my eyes in haste and my heart dropped when I saw the damage that attack had caused.

  More importantly, Celestia and Odion were out of sight. Even with the slight reassurance that began to grow in my heart, I was still scared.

  Losing Celestia, my Blessed Love, would destroy me, but I had to trust in my brother. I'd done a poor job of being the twin brother he needed, but I wouldn't do it again.

  I won't let him down while he's doing his part.


  I turned my attention to Old Darkness as he lowered his scythe to his side.

  His jet-black hair blew from the chilled wind that passed us and I began to realize the weather was changing every second. Old Darkness turned around to face us, satisfaction glimmering in his pure black orbs.

  The black cloak around him fluttered behind him, and his artificial left hand caught my attention once more.

  The magic that resonated from his left leg made me realize it was magically created, only giving me more of an understanding of why he termed himself Old Darkness and the weird nonsense he'd been talking about.

  He called me and the others Princes.


  I looked back to see Charlotte trembling in pure rage. The magic that began to burst out of her in waves made my senses swim in discomfort, and I had to grit my teeth.

  I itched to shift into my other form. To use my full strength to aid her in exacting the revenge she sought, but I held back as much as I could.

  The nature around us must have felt the same urgency to aid the woman who commanded it; the sky darkened as the winds picked up.

  I glanced back at Old Darkness, the one Charlotte had referred to as Lucian.

  "You are not who I need, Charlotte, but it doesn't matter. Either way, I win." He smirked with joy and the laugh that escaped his lips made me growl, the sound vibrating in my throat.

  The cloak that was whirling around him from the intense wind started to expand, wrapping around his body as a smug smile formed on his lips and he stared at us with an accomplished expression.

  He thinks he won.

  "NO!" Magnor shouted, and I looked back, watching as he and Orlando both shot bolts of magic towards Lucian with their bare hands.

  By the time the dual attack reached Lucian's spot, it was far too late; his body went into the ground where it was the easiest for Darkness to travel.

  Everyone stared in shock as silence reigned around us. I heard someone curse, and I glanced over and saw Noah, Hunter's familiar, lower Arielle to the ground.

  One look at her expression and I could see the shock and sheer fear in her amber eyes. I could also tell that her usual aura that would light the whole room when I focused on it, was extremely dim.

  She shrugged out of Noah's hold and raced down to the spot where Celestia had been. We all watched the heartbreaking scene developing before us, no one able to think of words that could comfort the phoenix-harpy familiar.

  Now that I was bonded to a familiar, I could feel the connection between myself and Gabriel, and I knew I'd feel an emptiness if it had been suddenly broken off with no warning.

  "CELESTIA!" Arielle screamed, clenching her fists as her shoulders lifted up and down.

  Her silence told me she was trying desperately to contact Celestia through their bond. To even get a link through thought would help ease her distress.

  But we knew better… or at least I did.

  Arielle slowly turned around to face us. Her amber eyes filled with tears as her body trembled.

  "I can't… feel… her." She choked out a sob.

  I bit my lip hard, unable to ignore how heartbroken her trembling voice sounded.

  She didn't deserve this pain, but I could see the spiral of guilt that began to show in her glassy orbs, those pooling tears starting to flow down her flushed cheeks.

  Magnor approached her, and though I wanted to comfort Arielle, I couldn't move. I was still trying to take in what had just happened, and the information that was revealed to us was repeating itself over and over in my mind.

  Old Darkness, Princes… who the hell are we? Or should I say, were we?

  Magnor reached where Arielle stood, and she bit her trembling lip before she spoke. "I can't feel… Celestia. She… she… there's no..."

  Arielle trailed off and more tears formed in her eyes as she started to whimper. "I tried. I wanted to help. But Celestia was so weak. I didn't want to hurt her more. Did I do wrong? Did… I fail her… my Mistress… she's gone?"


  The single word held weight to it and my thoughts immediately imagined the worst. Dead.

  I knew better though. I was sure that she wasn't dead. She couldn't die. I would feel it. We would feel it.

  The only worry I did have was where did Odion take her? If he took her somewhere that was filled with Darkness, wouldn't that risk her becoming a Forsaken? He wouldn't do that.

  He cares… he wouldn't have come to her aid if he didn't.

  He wouldn't have bonded with her.

  How did I know that? To be fair, I wasn't sure. My gut had never led me astray before, but deep down I knew if I was compatible with Celestia, he would be too.

  He'll protect her. I just… have to believe that.

  Yet, my eyes continued to sting as tears blurred my vision.

  I blinked, allowing them to fall, and they only multiplied when Magnor said nothing as he pulled Arielle into a hug. That's when she lost it, breaking down into a mess of tears and sobs.

  "Celestia! Come back! Mistress! I'm sorry! Come… back… please!" Arielle begged.

  I felt something land on my shoulder, and I turned to see Gabriel who looked just as sad.

  I bet it was hurting him to see Arielle completely shattered. I could feel the guilt and disappointment he harbored. Not just for Arielle, but for me as well.

  "She's not really gone… right Bri?" His voice echoed quietly in my mind as my purple eyes stared into his pink ones.

  No. My brother wouldn't allow her to die. We'd feel it. We're bonded to her and I have both blessed marks.
If she died… it wouldn't be long before I'd go as well. I can't confidently say she's alive or safe, but I have hope in Odion that he won’t let her die. It's in Celestia's hands now on what happens from here on out with my brother. As for us… I honestly don't know what we should do.

  "We need to find out who that man is and make sure Alpha Pure and Aslan are safe from any more attacks. The more time we waste the more damage and risk of shifters getting attacked or even consumed."

  I know… I… just need a minute.

  Gabriel nodded and unexpectedly wrapped his arms around me into a warm hug. I rested my head on his shoulder as my tears fell and stained his armor.

  I should have been the one to protect her. Should have been able to destroy that man with my power of light. We couldn't do anything.

  All of us were here and we couldn't even smash a simple barrier. Celestia suffered because of my lack of power. I vowed to protect her and now, when she needed us the most, I'd failed her.


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