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CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 4)

Page 8

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Arielle. It's me, Celestia," I cooed, wondering if I lowered my voice, maybe it would snap her out of it.

  "Ce...C..." She tried to speak but her eyes began to fill with tears as her lip trembled. "Celes...tia, Bru? Mis...stress? My Mistress?"

  The level of sadness and agony in her struggling words made me bite my bottom lip hard as I tried not to break down right there and then. I felt so guilty.

  I should have figured out a way to reach her, but my memories had been all frazzled.

  Either way, I'd stressed my poor loyal familiar to the point it was physically hurting her. The emotions that warmed between us told me the amount of stress, sadness, and anger she'd dealt with, and yet, none of it was towards me.

  She wasn't angry at me. She wasn't sad because of my inability to contact her or stressed that I hadn't done my duty as her Mistress.

  She was sad that she hadn’t protected me. She was angry that she'd failed me in some way and couldn't locate me. She was stressed by the thought of losing me forever.

  My beautiful, loving, Arielle was blaming herself for what happened when it was completely out of our control.

  Neither of us knew what was going to happen after the Awakening Ceremony. I didn't think I'd need Arielle at all and she was doing her duty protecting me from the outside.

  Yet, she blames herself… as if she could have possibly predicted this. My poor Arielle.

  "Arielle, I'm sorry." I immediately apologized and opened my arms for her.

  She blinked a few times, and very cautiously moved towards me, which only made my heart ache more.

  I could feel her uncertainty, but as she got closer and closer, more tears filled her tired looking eyes and I couldn't wait any longer, moving the final steps to wrap my arms around her.

  "Arielle. I'm real," I whispered in her ear. "I'm so sorry. So very sorry."

  "Real… Cel...estia? My Mistress... you're okay? Yo-you’re… alive… Bru?" She whimpered and hugged me be back.

  "I'm okay, Arielle. I was unconscious for the last two and a half weeks. I woke up yesterday, but I was disorientated. I couldn't think properly. I'm sorry, there's no excuse. I should have tried harder to contact you when I woke up."

  "Bru..." She whimpered, her shoulders moving up and down.

  "I'm here, Arielle. It's okay." I rubbed her back, and she met my watery eyes as my tears fell. I placed my forehead against hers.

  "But… what if..." She tried to deny it and I shook my head, our foreheads still pressed together.

  "We're going to be together forever, Arielle. No matter what barriers try to push us away, I'll never die and leave you behind. In life and in death. We will always be together, " I whispered.

  "Together… forever, Bru..." She looked right into my eyes and I smiled.

  "Together forever, Bru," I repeated, and she began to sob.

  "MISTRESS!" She wrapped her arms around me and cried, her sobs echoing in the hollow room.

  I hugged her tightly, rubbing her back and quietly letting my own sobs escape me. The hollowness in my heart was gone, and I could feel Arielle’s anxiety, sadness, anger, and fear begin to dissipate with every sob that left her.

  We'll always be together, Arielle. No matter what comes our way.

  "Arielle, you should get out of the water so you don't get sick."

  "No, Bru," Arielle replied and I stroked her head.

  "I'm not going anywhere," I said softly.

  "Bru...ree." She held me tighter, making me smile and lean in to give her a kiss on her forehead.

  Arielle had calmed down after a fifteen-minute cry, and now she wouldn't let me go. I didn't mind her sticking around, but I did want to finish bathing.

  Or should I say, start and finish bathing?


  I glanced at Momo who was sitting on Esme's lap and staring at us. Esme had been observing a little bit away from us, her legs crossed in yoga position with Momo sitting in the middle.

  Esme looked content, but Momo looked sad, to the point where tears began to form in her eyes.


  We both flinched, and Esme raised an eyebrow at Momo who reached her arms out to me.

  "Why is Momo crying?" I asked.

  "Momo. Celestia isn't leaving you. She's just having a moment with her familiar." Esme gave us a sheepish smile. "I think Momo is attached to you, Celestia."

  "Oh," I replied.

  Esme lifted Momo up and placed her back onto her float that was in the water. Momo immediately began to paddle my way, and when she reached where Arielle and I were, she grabbed my free arm.

  "BI...BOOO!" she sobbed, and I frowned, looking at Arielle who was staring intently at Momo.

  "Don't cry, Momo. See, I'm right here still." I glanced at Arielle who let go of me so I could pick Momo up.

  I set her against my chest and she hugged my neck tightly and snuggled into my hold.

  "BiBo! BiBi...Bo!" she cried.

  I grimaced, unsure what she'd said. I looked to Esme, but Arielle answered.

  "Celestia isn't leaving now," Arielle replied.

  Turning my gaze back to Arielle, I noticed her calm expression. Momo lifted her head up to stare at Arielle for a long moment before she replied.


  "No. She'll stay here for a little longer. It's not safe for her to come back right now. Even if she does need to leave, you can always come along," Arielle reassured her and reached out to stroke her head.

  "Bi...BOOOOO!" I flinched at her loud crying but noticed she had her hands out toward Arielle who looked confused for a few seconds. She reached out to take Momo from my hold.

  "Don't cry, Bru. We can share Celestia. That can be your gift for bringing me here," Arielle suggested with a smile.

  "BiBo." Momo sobbed and snuggled her head between Arielle's left shoulder and neck.

  I sighed in relief and looked at Esme who also wore a pleased expression. Then I absorbed Arielle's previous words.

  "It's not safe for me to go back?" I questioned.

  Arielle's gaze grew serious and she shook her head. "The High Council is looking for you."

  "Huh?" I asked.

  I noticed Esme rise up and walk to the edge of where Arielle and I were.

  "What do you mean they're looking for Celestia?"

  "Uh...." Arielle didn't reply, taking a good look at Esme. "You feel familiar, Bru."

  "Oh, right. This is Esmeralda Rainbow, Arielle. You can call her Esme. She's the mother of Sia Rainbow… and uh… it's a long story, but we're related… kinda?" I tried my best to explain but from Arielle's frown, I must have done a horrible job.

  "Who's Sia?" Arielle asked. "The name sounds familiar, Bru. Do we know a Sia?"

  "I don't think so. Odion felt the same way, saying something about me mentioning it to Orion. Maybe we just read it somewhere in Magnor's old books or something, but we'll explain the details later. The High Council is bad though!" I stressed.

  "Yes, Bru. Three days after you guys vanished, the High Council members came to Aslan and demanded your father disclose where you were hiding.

  "Huh? Hiding?! Wait, they came all the way to see Orlando?!" I exclaimed. Arielle nodded.

  "Who kicked them right out of his school." Arielle giggled.

  "You should have seen the main guy’s face. He uses dark magic too, but it feels way evil. Like evil, evil, evil, Bru!"

  "Martz," Esme grumbled and we both looked at her.

  "Who's that?" Arielle and I asked.

  "He's essentially the leader of the pack who ordered Sia's murder."

  "Murder, Bru?" Arielle looked confused, but I understood what Esme was suggesting.

  "We'll explain in a bit, Arielle," I assured her and replied to Esme. "Is he strong like Lucian?"

  "Yes. He's been alive since my time."

  "How can he stay alive for that long? I mean, you're alive longer because of the Dark World, but what about him?" I questioned.

  "There are potions Fae shif
ters can make to extend life. However, you have to drink them regularly, at least four times a year. He and the other Council members would drink it from a chalice. When it's close to their gathering date, they won't be as strong."

  "Is that time coming up, Bru? He looked old to me," Arielle pointed out.

  "Maybe… I'd have to check." Esme looked pensive.

  "Then we have to plan this out, Bru! School is closed because of the Council!"

  "They closed the school?!" I gasped.

  "Yes, it's too dangerous. There's Forsaken EVERYWHERE!" Arielle exclaimed. "When we arrived back from the ceremony, the forest was still intact, but it grew really dark outside of Aslan. Within a week, Forsaken were crowding the barrier and trying to get into Aslan. It was after the whole Martz evil guy came and was kicked out. Faelia had a vision and saw that Martz man has a full chamber of Forsaken in some weird basement thing, and he let them loose. Orlando told those students who were afraid to go home. Faelia, her men, your boyfriends, and my boyfriends are helping clear out any Forsaken that get through."

  "This isn't good. The progress is too fast. If we don't move quickly, the whole dimension will be taken over by Darkness," Esme muttered.

  "What do we do?" I asked, looking at her. "I don't think I'm strong enough yet to fight," I admitted.

  "You do feel weak, Bru. Are you okay?" Arielle asked, staring at me intently.

  "BIBO!" Momo lifted her head, looking back to normal. She studied me and tilted her head, lifting her arms. "Bi?"

  "No, she's not sad. Her energy is much lower than usual." Arielle answered Momo who lowered her arms.


  "Yes, she needs rest." Esme nodded and looked my way.

  "For now, why don't we get you some dry clothes, Arielle. Your Mistress needs to bathe. I can give you a detailed explanation on what I told Celestia. That way, when she's done, you can spend the night before you go back."

  "That… sounds good. I can stay the night? Why is this black so dark? I like it, but it’s different, Bru." Arielle glanced around the room as if she’d just noticed it.

  "BiBo!" Momo replied.

  Arielle lowered her gaze to her. "Oh. It's always like this? Okay."

  I gave Esme an appreciative smile.

  "I think that's a good idea. If Arielle is able to go between the Worlds, she can go back in the morning and tell everyone I'm okay and transfer the information you explained to me. Then we'll all be on the same page," I concluded.

  "Not all, Bru," Arielle replied.

  "Hmm? What do you mean?" I asked.

  "Orion's not at Aslan," Arielle admitted with a worried expression.

  "Huh?! Where did he go? Did he say anything?" I asked, my anxiety beginning to rise at the revelation.

  "We don't know, Bru. He… was kind of depressed. He wasn't at first and was very active in helping and stuff, but three days ago, he wasn't in his room. Finn checked everywhere, and the others are now searching around. Finn said he'd been crying at night and stuff… but I didn't really pay attention, Bru. When I go back, I'll help with the search, Bru!" she assured me, and I nodded.

  He must want some alone time. Could be because of what happened… maybe he's worried about me and Odion? Ugh, I have to tell Odion.

  "I'll talk with Odion about it. He'll know if Orion is okay… right?" I questioned Esme.

  She nodded. "Odion's bond with Orion is very strong. He should be able to locate him with no problem. If Odion and Orion are as similar as I'm assuming, he may have needed some space."

  I sighed in relief, but the hint of anxiety and worry still lingered.

  "Is there any way to tell the others that Arielle is okay and with me? I don't want all of our men freaking out with both of us missing."

  "BIBO!' Momo replied, and just like that, she was gone.

  "BRU?! WHERE DID SHE GO?!" Arielle exclaimed.

  "She'll be back in a moment," Esme reassured us. It took two minutes before Momo returned.

  "BIBOO!" She materialized above Arielle, who panicked and launched out of the water to catch her.

  I noticed her float was gone, and she had a hair tie with orange feathers in her hair that was now in a single ponytail, compared to her pigtails.

  "Why does that look like Hunter's hair tie?"

  "BiBo," Momo replied happily. "BiBiBiBi."

  "She told Noah that we were safe in the Dark World and I'd return tomorrow. She left her floaty cause it was heavy but saw Hunter's hair tie and wanted it," Arielle explained.

  "How did you get all of that by just BiBo?" I wondered.

  "Momo can talk to me like how we talk," Arielle replied.

  "Wait, what? I thought that's not possible. Don't you guys all have, you know, your own languages? You, Noah, and Gabriel understand each other because you all share phoenix qualities. But it's not like you understand Griffin, Asher, or Axel when they're in their familiar forms," I pointed out.

  "You have a good point… I'm not sure," Arielle admitted.

  "Momo is a Null familiar," Esme replied, leaving me even more confused.

  "Null?" I repeated.

  "What's… ACHOO!" Arielle sneezed.

  "BIBO!" Momo raised her hands and I sighed.

  "No, Momo. Arielle isn't playing a game."

  "Bi?" She tilted her head and Arielle sighed.

  "I think I'll go change out of these. The water is too cold for me."

  "You can come and take a hotter bath in my bathroom, Arielle," Esme offered.

  "Thank you, Bru," Arielle replied and sniffed.

  She glanced at me for a few seconds, looking like she was debating on leaving or not. I reached out and stroked her cheek. "I'll come over if I'm done before you," I reassured her.

  "Okay, Bru," she replied.

  "BiBo." Momo wiggled in Arielle's hold, stretching out to be held by me.

  Arielle gave her to me. "Momo, keep Celestia company."

  "BI!" Momo replied happily and cuddled against my chest.

  Arielle walked out of the bath, her clothes completely soaked. Esme strode to a closet and got a black robe out, and Arielle stripped from her clothes and put the dry robe on after Esme handed it to her

  "We'll be right back. If we're not done before you are, Celestia, Momo will show the way to my section in the house," Esme instructed.

  "Alright. Thank you, Esme." I replied with a smile and looked at Arielle who was staring at me.

  Arielle. If you need to make sure I'm here, just communicate like we usually do. I think she forgot that we didn't need to be around each other to communicate; her expression went from worried to happy.

  "I… forgot, Bru. Okay! Uh… I love you, Mistress."

  I love you more, Arielle. I'm glad you’re here.

  "I'm happy you're safe, Bru," she replied.

  I watched them leave before I sighed and looked down at my naked body.

  I totally forgot I was naked this whole time...

  Shaking my head to dismiss the thought, I decided to shower off before going back into the bath.

  Esme did say the water filtered every ten minutes, more than enough time for a new bath of water to magically flow through.

  Time to get clean and have some alone time.

  "I wonder if Orion is okay," I pondered aloud, looking at the ceiling. I'd finished a long, hot shower and washed my hair.

  By the time I was done, I checked in on Arielle who was still relaxing in the bath.

  She gave me a more detailed explanation of what was going on, and how Faelia was helping gather as many files from the libraries regarding the Council to put together evidence.

  As diabolical and sneaky as the High Council had been, they sucked at covering their tracks.

  I bet they didn't think anyone would defy them, especially a Fae as strong as Faelia.

  I let Arielle be so the both of us could relax for a few minutes, and now my thoughts were straying to the fact Orion wasn't at Aslan.

  He was the type to hide if something was bothering hi
m, but if Finn didn't know where he was, that wasn't settling well with me.


  I raised an eyebrow at Momo who was floating quietly in the water. She had that look in her swirling eyes and I lifted my hands, defensively.

  "Nope. Don't go teleporting Orion here."

  "Bibibibi."Momo paddled to me and I could see the mischievous smile that made her appear a lot scarier than usual.






  "BIBOOOO!" She began to glow again, and I cursed. Not again!!!

  A portal opened from above and something, or should I say, someone, fell right into the bath. I shrieked at the wave of water that hit me in the face and Momo began to sing happily.


  "Momo..." I sighed, lifting my hand up to move the wet strands of my hair away from my face.

  I glanced in the area where the person fell, and a head of black hair slowly came above the surface, lilac eyes staring in my direction.

  They immediately locked onto Momo who paused in her singing.


  "Momo. What have I said about teleporting me to unnecessary places," Odion grumbled.

  His eyes then locked onto my shocked ones and we both remained still.

  Oh fuck...


  We both turned our attention to Momo who hugged the head of the new unicorn float I'd made her. She closed her eyes and I could tell within seconds that the familiar was asleep.

  I can't believe this.

  "Uh..." I began, unsure what to say or do. I was now in the bath with Odion and noticing his bare shoulders, I was beginning to piece together the fact he was most likely naked beneath the water. "Hi?"

  This feels like one of those random 'coincidental' scandals that happen on those 'shows' that lead to the pleasurable stuff. I can't… no… well we have kissed… wait, did he even admit to liking me? Why am I thinking about this?!

  "Sorry. Momo likes to play tricks and teleport people." Odion’s cheeks tinted red as he lowered his gaze to my breasts.

  He blinked a few times and turned away. "I… uh… am going."

  "You can stay… I mean… if you want," I muttered. My logical side was not contributing to the conversation.


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