Medical Duo - Dr Chandler's Sleeping Beauty & Christmas with Dr Delicious

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Medical Duo - Dr Chandler's Sleeping Beauty & Christmas with Dr Delicious Page 26


  ‘Maybe you should’ve been the one going to med school. There’s room for more than one doctor in your family.’

  ‘I don’t think so.’ Between her fingers her glass twisted back and forth. ‘Would you ever consider finishing your degree? I can’t accept you won’t ever become a doctor.’

  ‘Funny thing, but since I’ve come home on a permanent basis I’ve started thinking about that and wondering if I should try and qualify. But I’m not sure I want to go into debt for it when Mum’s going to be paying huge fees for Dad to go into a rest home soon.’ When she opened her mouth he held his hand up. ‘Nik, it’s not possible. I’ve said I’ll be around for Mum now that Dad’s ill. I won’t break that promise. Or any others I get to make in the future.’

  ‘Fair enough.’

  ‘I meant that, Nik.’ He was watching her with wide eyes, as though he might miss any nuances in her expression. ‘I’m done with letting down the people I care about.’

  ‘I believe you.’ I doubt I’d trust you with my heart again, but I believe you mean what you say. She deliberately returned to his medical career. ‘So you’ve signed on for life at the Blenheim station, then.’

  He blinked, turned that intense gaze away. ‘I hadn’t thought of it like that. Just as well I really enjoy being a paramedic. It’s edgy, fun and helping people in stressful situations. Which reminds me, have you heard how Charlotte’s getting on?’

  ‘She’s out of her coma but the doctors aren’t saying yet if she’ll be all right.’

  ‘How are Mark and Ella? I can’t imagine what they’re going though.’

  ‘They’ve moved into a motel unit next to the hospital, and George is with them now.’ When Fraser’s eyebrows lifted in query she added, ‘George is their son. He’s two years younger than Charlotte.’

  ‘Weird how things turn out. Mark and Ella couldn’t stand each other at school, yet now they’re married with kids and helping each other through what has to be the worst time of their lives.’

  Yes, they’re sticking together, sharing the pain. ‘They’ve grown closer and closer over the years since they married. Charlotte came along before they married, and Ella always says that was the best thing that could have happened to them. She brought them together.’

  Wariness slipped into Fraser’s eyes, but he didn’t say anything, just let her carry on talking.

  ‘I hope more than anything Charlotte makes it.’ I worry that there was something more I could’ve done to save her.

  ‘We did our best, Nik. You were awesome with her.’

  ‘I’m that obvious?’

  ‘You forget how well I used to know you.’ His smile was tender, almost sad.

  ‘No, I haven’t forgotten.’ It was time to return the conversation to safer ground. Sitting up straighter, she looked around. ‘I wonder where our meals have got to.’

  The meals were scrumptious when they arrived. ‘Want a second wine?’ Fraser asked as they put down their knives and forks.

  ‘Yes, it’s so lovely out here I’m not ready to leave.’ And now that they’d managed to talk about everyday things for a while she’d relaxed even more with Fraser.

  ‘Two glasses of Sauvignon Blanc for two of my favourite people.’

  Fraser looked up into the face of Isabella Fowler. He leapt up and grabbed her in a hug. ‘How are you?’

  ‘I’m good.’ Isabella hugged him back then moved to Nikki, hugging her extra tight. ‘I hope you were going to poke your head into the kitchen before you left.’ She grinned at Nikki. ‘Got a spare apron if you’re tired of saving people.’

  Nikki laughed. ‘Not yet. Anyway, there was never room for both of us in your kitchen.’

  ‘You worked here?’ Fraser stared at Nikki. ‘You didn’t say.’

  ‘Why do you think I chose this restaurant?’

  Isabella sat down between them. ‘I heard about your dad, Fraser. I’m sorry. Is that why you’re back home?’

  ‘One of the reasons.’ He quickly changed the subject, not wanting to talk about the past and knowing how Isabella wouldn’t hesitate to ask awkward questions. One thing he’d learned growing up next door to her was that nothing but nothing was a secret with her. ‘Are you head chef here?’

  ‘I own the restaurant, along with my partner, André, from Paris.’ Her face filled with love. ‘He drove into town one day, had a meal at the bistro I worked at and the rest is history.’

  ‘She tied André from Paris down so he couldn’t leave.’ Grinning, Nikki turned to Isabella. ‘Or did you remove the sparkplugs from that old clanger he drove? I can’t remember.’

  Isabella touched her nose with a forefinger. ‘I had my ways.’ Then she went on, ‘I’m glad to see you two out together. I never understood why you split.’

  Fraser saw the instant denial in Nikki’s eyes and rushed in to save her from more difficult questions Isabella was capable of tossing up. ‘We’re not back together, just having lunch. I work on the ambulances too.’

  Thankfully, a waitress appeared. ‘Isabella, you’re needed in the kitchen. André’s arguing about a delivery.’

  She jumped up. ‘I’d better sort this out. André’s not known for his patience. Great to see you two. And if you can, work on getting back together. I’d love to dance at your wedding.’

  The silence was deafening. Fraser stared into the depths of his glass, waiting for Nikki to explode. When she didn’t he looked up slowly and was taken aback by the look of shock on her face.

  ‘She’s too much, isn’t she?’ he tendered.

  ‘Yep.’ Nik nodded. ‘Way out there.’

  So what do you think about Isabella’s suggestion? Is it too awful to contemplate? He took a mouthful of his wine. ‘Of course, there’s a lot she doesn’t know.’

  Nik’s mouth flattened into a line. ‘Can I ask you something?’

  Why did his stomach tighten? ‘Sure.’

  ‘Are you really home for good? When your dad’s in care and your mum no longer needs your help, won’t you want to leave again? Go back to university or Dunedin?’ Her finger scratched at a knot in the wood of the tabletop.

  His heart slowed, settled heavily. Nikki still didn’t trust him one hundred per cent. He wouldn’t have minded too much if he hadn’t kissed her again and finally woken up to the fact that he loved her, had never stopped loving her. He’d done a damned fine job of hiding his feelings from himself, but they were only lurking in the dark recesses of his mind, waiting to pounce on him when he least expected it.

  ‘I’m really home for good,’ he reiterated. ‘I’m no longer that teen who left Blenheim to get away from things I couldn’t face. I’ve learned family and friends are more important than anything. And this is where they are.’

  ‘I see.’ Her tone held too much doubt for that to be true.


  NIKKI stopped two metres from the door into Gavin and Patricia’s leaving party, apprehension suddenly gripping her, twisting her stomach. ‘Mistletoe? In September? Who’s dumb idea is that?’

  As if she couldn’t guess. Standing directly beneath the green, plastic ornament with its tiny white berries, Fraser looked too darned smug for his own good, waiting to kiss every female going through that door. He looked too darned good for her equilibrium.

  Unbelievable how much she’d missed him while he’d been in Christchurch. Work hadn’t been the same without him in the truck beside her, those all-seeing brown eyes not there watching her, without his easy way of cheering up patients.

  I missed Fraser. What did it mean? She couldn’t quite accept his assurances that he wouldn’t be leaving some time in the future and that kept a brake on her delving too deeply into what she might want with Fraser.

  Beside her Amber giggled. ‘It’s great. Only Fraser would come up with this idea. He’s also the only man on the staff worth kissing. As I’m sure you are aware.’

  Very. But she couldn’t begrudge him a few kisses with all the women. She had no right to exclusivity. They weren’t
a couple. Dang. Her mouth watered. Dressed in jeans that must’ve taken hours to squeeze those muscular thighs and tight butt into and a black open-necked shirt that exposed just enough chest to make her fingers itch, Fraser was the best sight she’d seen since—since she’d last seen him more than a week ago. At that moment Fraser turned round from charming the newest recruit and smiled at them. ‘Hey, ladies, welcome to Christmas in spring. Slip those jackets off and come in.’

  Amber nudged past her, digging an elbow into her waist. ‘Come on. This is fun.’

  Fraser didn’t notice Amber. His eyes were appraising Nikki slowly. Too darned slowly. As if he might’ve missed her too. Had he? Nikki sucked her stomach in, tugged her shoulders back. And stepped forward. ‘Evening, Fraser. How’d the course go?’

  ‘Nik, we’re not talking work tonight. But I’m glad you’re here. I’d have had to pull down the mistletoe if you hadn’t made it.’ A slow-burning smile lifted his mouth, caressed and teased her.

  ‘You don’t think you’ve got your seasons muddled up?’ Her return smile was slow and wide and caressed him back. Blimey, she couldn’t believe how good it was to be with him. Ten days since she’d last worked with him and she was slobbering like a puppy.

  Used to be you never wanted to see him again.

  ‘Only way to get a kiss from you so early on in the evening.’

  ‘You’re flirting with me.’ Double dang. This was over the top. Be truthful. There were too many days when she felt a strong pull towards him. The fierce physical attraction she’d felt that first day had not gone away, instead gnawing at her like a dog did at a bone. The fierce physical attraction she’d had for him since her teen years. Her brain and her body had regularly been at loggerheads over Fraser. Even more so now, when she knew better than to give in to his look that turned her knees to something with the strength of syrup.

  ‘If it works,’ he murmured.

  Amber tapped his shoulder. ‘I’m waiting for my mistletoe treat.’

  Fraser blinked, finally pulled those potent, earthy eyes away from Nikki. Draping an arm over Amber’s shoulder, he dropped a light kiss on her cheek.

  Amber chuckled loudly. ‘Aw, shucks. I guess you’re saving the best for Nikki.’

  Nikki scowled, suddenly afraid of where her emotions were taking her. On a ride to nowhere with Fraser? She’d be safer going home and washing her already clean hair. She may have forgiven him but she was not ready for anything more than the two kisses they’d already shared.

  ‘Nikki, come on.’ Amber’s voice boomed across the gap from where she was hanging up her jacket inside the room decorated with red and green baubles and streamers. ‘Give Fraser a smacker of a kiss. All in the party spirit, of course.’

  Shrugging out of her jacket, Nikki made to step through the doorway and was stopped slap bang in the middle by two firm hands on her shoulders. Under her top her skin tingled. Her heartbeat went into overdrive. Great. So much for regaining control over her hormones.

  ‘Not so fast, Nikki.’ His deep yet soft voice stroked her, cranked up the heat in her skin.

  Her stomach twisted tighter than a knotted rope. Her teeth jarred as her mouth snapped shut. But her heart seemed to clap encouragement to her brain for the crazy ideas suddenly forming about kissing those full lips just inches away. Forget keeping her distance. She suddenly wanted to be close to Fraser. Again.

  ‘You okay?’ he asked softly, too softly. His words caressed her cheek, squeezed her stomach, sent her senses spiralling with desire.

  Help. She gulped. ‘Why wouldn’t I be?’ she asked in a strange, childlike voice, while trying to ignore that sexy light stubble accentuating his strong chin.

  ‘How have you been?’ Fraser’s full mouth curved into a sweet, friendly smile. A harmless smile. Or was it beguiling? His eyes twinkled at her. ‘I missed you.’ He lowered his head towards hers and gently pulled her close, then those intriguing lips were caressing hers. In a tantalising, erotic way. Soft yet demanding, pliant yet strong.

  Nikki couldn’t have moved if someone had yelled, ‘Fire!’ Her senses filled with the scent of Fraser’s aftershave; subtle and alluring. Her shoulders felt branded where his fingers pressed. His breathing was light and quick. Her lips felt the manliness of his lips, and her mouth opened under his.

  Big mistake. Kisses weren’t meant to be so diverting, so dangerous. Pull away. She would. In a moment. One more second of tasting this man. Of feeling his lips, his tongue. Oh, wow, nothing, no previous kisses had prepared her for the weightlessness overtaking her now. Nothing had prepared her for the sheer need crawling up through her bones, her muscles, through every cell. Fraser was back.

  ‘Hey, you two, mind if we come in?’

  Nikki leapt backwards, out of Fraser’s embrace, her face turning scarlet. And stared into Mike’s grinning face.

  ‘Glad to see you’ve patched up your differences,’ Mike added. ‘Fraser, I don’t think you’ve met my wife.’

  Nikki escaped, going to sit at a table with Amber, who pushed a glass towards her. ‘Vodka with a twist to cool you down after that hot smooch.’

  ‘Danged mistletoe.’ She gulped a large mouthful.

  ‘And absolutely nothing to do with the hottest guy here, of course.’ Amber grinned.

  Nikki turned away as yet more heat scorched her cheeks. Her eyes found Fraser, latched onto him as he headed over to the jukebox. His strides were confident, the swing of his arms relaxed. Her tongue traced the edges of her lips, tasting him. The urge to run her fingers through his hair shining in the gleam from the rotating disco lights was sudden and fierce.

  ‘His choice is perfect for dancing,’ she muttered as music suddenly filled the hall. Her feet began tapping the rhythm as it filled her ears.

  Amber grinned. ‘He knows his stuff.’

  Tell me about it. My blood’s zinging around my body. My heart rate’s so high it’s dangerous. Again Nikki’s tongue traced her lips. ‘And doesn’t he know it.’

  Amber stood up. ‘Let’s start dancing. We’ll get everyone on the floor and make this party rock.’

  ‘Good idea.’ Better than ogling Fraser. Nikki looked around and her eyes locked with Fraser’s as he moved towards her.

  ‘Want to dance?’ he asked, the intensity in his gaze rocking her back on her heels. ‘You used to enjoy dancing.’

  The floor tilted dangerously. ‘You’re member.’

  His hand caught her elbow for the second time tonight. Without the barrier of her thick jacket his touch scorched her, dried her mouth. ‘I remember a lot of things.’

  Before Nikki could ask what, she was swung around in Fraser’s arms and danced across the floor. The words dried in her throat as his arms held her effortlessly and his thighs pushed against hers to direct her in their dance. She hadn’t danced like this since quitting the ballroom-dancing team at the same time she’d left Dunedin. And Fraser had been the only dancing partner who’d held her as though she might break. And the only man who’d made her want to shimmy in his arms so she could feel his hands move over her skin.

  The tempo of the music changed and Nikki reluctantly slipped out of his arms. Wriggling her hips, she was totally aware of him watching her with thought-diverting intensity. Her skin melted, her mouth tasted like a desert, and deep inside a hot, raw need poured through her. Desire so intense she thought she was about to explode.

  ‘I could do with a cold drink.’ She turned, pushed through the other dancers, making her way to the table where she glugged down the rest of her vodka.

  ‘Like another of those?’ Fraser asked from beside her.

  She blinked. ‘I’ll make it a lemonade this time.’ Sinking down onto a chair, hands clasped tightly in her lap, she watched him skirting the crowd as he strode purposefully towards the temporary bar, barely stopping to talk to anyone who tried to waylay him. As if he was focused on looking out for her, and no one else mattered.

  ‘Idiot,’ Fraser muttered. ‘Why the hell did I go and kiss Nikki like th
at? Here? Now? So much for trying to win her back by taking things slowly.’

  The devil of it was once he’d started he hadn’t been able to stop. Who knew what would’ve happened if Mike hadn’t arrived at that moment? He’d been lost in her. Her scent that reminded him of summer gardens, her beautiful face and stunning figure, that mass of shining hair spilling down her back. She was something else. Roasting hot. So sexy it was a wonder every man here wasn’t queuing up to dance with her. Except he’d beaten them all to her, unable to stay away.

  ‘Something else you’ve got in common with Nikki—talking to yourself.’ Gavin winked at him.

  Fraser winced. ‘Only way of getting the answers I want.’ Not.

  ‘Our Nikki stirring your blood, is she?’ When Fraser gaped at him, Gavin added, ‘I presume that’s who you’re muttering about.’

  Was he that obvious? ‘Need a hand here? I’m not into dancing all night.’

  Gavin’s eyebrows rose. ‘Really? With those moves? Go away.’

  ‘I guess that’s a no, then.’ Fraser picked up the drinks and headed for Nikki to hand hers over before going to socialise with someone else.

  Instead, he sat down right beside her, unable to walk away. He looked up at the ceiling to see if there was a puppeteer pulling his strings. Nope. Dropping his head, his gaze clashed with Nikki’s wide stare. Those azure eyes teasing, heating him, reminding him of making love to her after other dance nights. Dragging his eyes away from temptation, he noted the tension in her upright stance and her tight shoulders as she leaned back to put some distance between them. But the message in her eyes was in direct contrast to her body posture. That kiss had got to her too. Silently, he waved a mental fist in the air. Yes.

  ‘Want to dance some more?’ His feet were tapping in time to the music, his body humming with this muscle-tightening need to be holding her. To have her in his arms, to touch her, feel her sexy body moving in time to the music.


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