Cocky Roomie: A Bad Boy Romance Novel (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 1)

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Cocky Roomie: A Bad Boy Romance Novel (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 1) Page 7

by Faleena Hopkins


  Breakfast for dinner is one of my favorites. When I suggested it he told me he feels that way, too. Then he tore off his shirt and tossed it onto the floor, telling me he prefers to be shirtless when he’s home.

  “I noticed,” I smiled.

  Now we’re easily moving around each other while he sautés spinach, ham and onions for the omelets, and I fry up red potatoes with garlic, basil, salt and pepper.

  “Bummer we don’t have any bacon,” I tell him as I add a little more salt.

  “Mmmm. Bacon,” he mutters. “Did you go to college?”

  “This is not something I’m proud of, but no.”

  Jake flips the sizzling contents of his pan as he says, “I didn’t either. But I knew I was staying in construction. Everything I learned was on the job. Been working with Uncle Don since I was fifteen.”

  Reaching around him, I slide open the utensil drawer and grab a spatula. My arm brushes his naked lower back and electricity sparks. Jake glances at me as I retract my arm and turn over the potatoes. “Ten years at your job and you’re only twenty-five? Do you still love it?”

  He makes a face like that’s a crazy question. “Fuck yeah! That’s what men are meant to do. It charges up my battery!” His eyes drop to my pan. “You’re turning over every single one of those?”

  I nod, carefully poking each potato wedge until it rolls onto its soft side. “I like them to be evenly crisp.”

  I sneak a look at Jake and catch him smirking at me. A flush fills my cheeks and he laughs, shakes his head and places his pan on a dead burner. Cracking eggs into a fresh one, he hums to himself. We cook the rest of the meal in an easy silence. Without asking what the other wants to do in terms of duties, I set the table while he pours the orange juice. I turn on some music. He piles the food onto our plates. I butter the toast. He takes them from me and places them next to the omelets, says, “I’ve got it,” and carries both of our plates to the dining table.

  “Delicious,” I say after a few devoured bites. I didn’t realize I was so hungry, but he definitely worked up my appetite earlier. It’s hard to keep the images of him groaning in ecstasy away as he sits across from me just hours later. Friends. How am I going to be friends with this stunning man?

  “When was the last time you talked to your husband?”

  I wince, because after what I did today, it’s hard to hear that word. “He called a couple nights ago.”

  Jake’s fork freezes and his eyes meet mine rather violently. “He did? What’d he want?”

  I shrug it off. “Wanted to ask if I’d just give him the house outright since he earned the money to pay for it.”

  “Fucking prick.”

  I stare at him, because he literally growled that. I pick at my food and tell him, “Yeah. Edward wasn’t always that way, though.”

  “Yeah he was.”

  “What do you mean?” I squirm in my seat. Jake’s clearly angry, but this subject is still too near to my heart. Way too painful. He must sense that, because he goes back to eating, taking a couple slower bites before he changes the subject. “You ever been to the Botanical Gardens?”

  Stabbing a couple potato wedges on my fork, I say, “I parked there today to go to Piedmont Park.”

  “Yeah, that’s what made me think of it. Ever been?” I shake my head. “Let’s go tomorrow after work. I think you’d like it, Drew.”

  He goes back to eating like the invitation was nothing. It sounds like a date.

  What’s he playing at?

  I watch him eat as if nothing is amiss. After a couple bites myself, I softly say, “Okay.”

  “You want to carpool to work?” He glances up as he’s about to drink some orange juice. “It’s not a hard question.”

  I smile, “Sure. Yeah. That’d be great.”

  He nods, takes a sip, then asks like it’s nothing, “Was your husband the only other guy you’ve been with?”

  I drop my fork, and wipe my mouth with a napkin. “Why would you think that?”

  Did my voice actually just crack? Really? Come on!

  “You married at nineteen,” he says frankly, leaning back with toast in his hand. He takes a huge bite of it, his face totally casual.

  “I could have slept with other boys in high school.”

  “Did you?” he asks through the chewing. Now his eyes betray him. They’re suddenly on fire with curiosity.

  I pick my fork up and push my food around, keeping my eyes down. “I’ve only been with Edward.”

  “Until today.”

  Lightning cracks in my veins.

  I lay the fork slowly down. “Yes.”

  We can’t look away from each other. He sets his fork down, too, and leans forward to rest his elbows on the table. Under his steady gaze my heart starts pounding in all kinds of unusual places. What does he want me to say? That I want him? I do, God help me. But I will not sacrifice my sanity when I’m just getting secure footing.

  I hold my breath, waiting for what he’s going to say. His eyes are full of unspoken things and his muscles are bared to me, tense with determination to keep his hands off me, or on me, I can’t tell which.

  Frankly, I don’t know if I have the courage to turn him away.



  “I want to throw this table to the ground and pin you to this wall.” The stubble sways as he clenches his jaw. “It’s taking all I have to resist the urge of making you beg me again. I know I could do it.”

  “Well, that’s very assumptive of you.”

  He says, dead serious, “I know I could do it. But I respect you, and I respect what you’re trying to do. Starting your life up. A real life. Of your own.” He pauses. “I think it’s wrong that you’ve waited this long to work for yourself, have your own place, be in a city that has so much to offer you. I’m glad you went to the park today. I’m glad my Uncle gives people with empty resumes a chance. I don’t know what’s going to happen to you. You may not like it here after a while. You may move back. You may become Mayor one day, who knows?”

  I laugh softly at the idea. “Oh please, I’m not going to be…”

  “You have no idea what you’re going to be, Drew.” He holds my look with meaning. “You’re only just now trying to find out.”

  My smile vanishes because an ache in my chest has gotten too strong. “Thank you, Jake. That’s very nice of you to say.”

  “I don’t know how much more time I have before I go to Denver, but I need you to know this. You’re right. The main reason I won’t be stripping you naked every day until I leave, isn’t because I wasn’t planning on anything serious, and you want serious. It’s because I really respect what you’re doing, and I don’t want to confuse you. If I continued to fuck you the way I want to fuck you – and today was only a taste of that – it would make my leaving very hard for you to concentrate.”

  “You’re a cocky asshole, Jake. I would be able to concentrate.”

  “So, you want me to turn this table over and shred those clothes, and your sweet-tasting, tight little cunt with them?”

  The spark that snaps to attention is intense and immediate. “No. I do not want that.”

  “You’re lying. But that just makes it easier for me to keep my word. I won’t try fucking you again before I leave. I can’t make any promises for when I return.” He rises up, abs flexing as he reaches over and grabs my plate. “You done with this?”

  “I’ve lost my appetite.”

  “For food.” He lays one plate on the other, picks up my toast, puts it in his mouth, grabs the silverware and heads off. I watch his perfect ass until he disappears into the kitchen, thinking, my hands gripped onto that ass today, only it was naked then.

  My body is on fire and I’m very confused. Blinking around me, I have no idea what to do with myself. He may be the most obnoxiously cocky man I’ve ever met when it comes to awareness of his sexual skills, but he’s right about his abilities. One hundred twenty percent on th
e money. He’s amazing. He’s also right about how it would affect me. I can barely concentrate now and I’m only thinking about sex.

  Screw it. He can clean up the orange juices glasses. I’m going to bed…and to my vibrator.

  “Goodnight,” I call to the kitchen.

  His tone tells me he’s hot and bothered right now, too. “Night, Drew. Lock your door.”

  Lock my door? Is it really that hard for him to follow through with what he just said? That he wants me that badly is beyond wonderful. It makes me feel beautiful.

  I don’t want to go to bed alone.

  I stop and stand in the beginning of the short hallway that leads to my room. I stand here and tempt fate to help Jake and I throw caution, and reason, out the fucking window.

  Walk out, here, Jake. Come out of the kitchen and see me standing here offering myself. I’m waiting. Walk out and see me unbuttoning my blouse.

  The kitchen faucet turns on and I hear the clattering of pans being collected. He’s going to clean up our mess. He always does the dishes right after cooking. It’s one of the most shocking things about him, and I know it will be some time before he is done. Just long enough for me to second think this.

  Shutting myself in the safety of my room, it takes me a long time to turn the lock. When I do, my eyes close and I rest a pained frown against the cool wood door.

  I wish he’d break it down. I wouldn’t turn him away if he did. But he knows that.


  “M orning,” Drew mutters, as she appears in the kitchen.

  From where I’m watching the coffee finish brewing, I glance back and give her the once over. “Nice dress.”

  She looks down and touches the belt. “Thank you. I bought some clothes for work if I ever got a job.” A shy smile appears and she fingers a tiny locket around her neck. I linger on it, wondering if her husband’s picture is inside.

  I’m not going to ask.

  That’s a question for after coffee, if at all.

  I slept like shit last night. Dreamt of Drew spread eagle on my desk, touching herself and moaning. Only my office was outside at the job site and there were a bunch of my colleagues ogling her. I woke up hard as a rock and ready to fight at the same time. Fucking frustrating bullshit. But I meant what I said. I want her focused on setting her foundation. I know from being an expert in construction that without one whatever else you build will come falling down with the first thunderstorm. And life is full of them.

  “Milk?” she asks, opening the fridge and holding up a carton.

  I nod as I pour coffee into a couple thermoses. “How’d you sleep, Drew?”

  “Not well,” she whispers, pouring the cold, white liquid. We share a knowing glance. “You didn’t either huh?” she smiles.

  “Nah.” I twist the lids into place, hand hers over and walk to my shoes. “I’ll keep my promise though.”

  “What promise?” She picks up her purse and slides the strap on her shoulder.

  “To keep my hands off you until I get back from Denver,” I smirk. “You just wanted to hear me say it again, didn’t you?” I pick up my keys.

  “Maybe,” she smiles, slipping into her heels. She’s looking down to put them on, and her long hair falls softly in front of her face. She tucks some behind her ear so she can glance over to me and read my expression. She’s so fucking beautiful as she does this simple little gesture, and she has no idea how badly I want to touch her.

  This is going to be a bitch and half.

  “You’re saying you want to date when you get back?” she asks with a look that kills me.

  “No. I’m saying I’ll…never mind. I don’t want to talk about it.” Holding the door open for her, I grate, “I don’t know when I’m coming back, but if you’re still single when I do, I know I will fuck you again.”

  A shocked laugh escapes her and she walks by me, hesitating as our arms brush against each other. Our eyes meet and she says, simply, “You’re really full of yourself.”

  I chuckle, “Better than being a fucking, insecure pussy.”

  The office is a lot more interesting with her in it. I feel more awake than I have here in a long time, and I’m not the only one. Uncle Don is peacocking for Drew since she’s soaking everything he says in like he’s her favorite professor in a college she didn’t think would accept her. Eager to learn and pretty to look at – that’s an inspiring tonic for any man.

  Juan, Diego, Evan and Hank are all hanging around longer than they normally would, too.

  “Alright, enough questions,” I grumble to the group lingering around the front desk. “She’s got a lot to learn and I don’t have enough time to teach her.”

  “You could teach me, Jake, and then I’ll take over when you’re gone,” Hank smiles to Drew who instantly blushes. That sets me off. I’m the only one she blushes for, goddammit.

  “Yeah, Hank, because you and math go hand in hand. Blind leading the blind. Don’t you have a tank that needs emptying?”

  He chuckles and hits Evan on the shoulder. He eyes me with a knowing smirk. Letting a guy like him know I’m interested in Drew is like lighting a match at a gas station. His voice lowers. “Don’t need to know math to show a woman a good time.”

  Embarrassed, Drew’s eyes are cast down to her lap.

  I’m about to punch him when my uncle barks, “Hank! That’s sexual harassment and I won’t have it here. You got me?”

  The guys back off, everyone awkward.

  Hank grits his teeth and puffs his chest at Uncle Don. They all file out, heading to their trucks to go to the site where they won’t be back until the end of day, if at all. That’s a good thing. The air is tight, and I’m about to ask Drew if she’s okay, when my Uncle says, “Jake, I booked you a flight for Tuesday.”

  Drew and I both stare at him for a couple silent moments.

  “That soon?”

  He nods to me, laying down a three-ring binder in front of Drew. “Read through our company policies for me, Mrs. Charles, while I speak to my nephew a minute.”

  She nods as he motions for me to follow him.

  In his office, I shut the door and say with a lot more anger than I’d planned, “You’re going to watch over Hank when I’m gone? I don’t like how he looked at her.”

  Uncle Don sits on his desk and levels me with a wise look. “Hank was just riling you up.”

  “No, he can spot a prize when he sees one. And he’s a sexist fuck who needs a beating,” I growl.

  “Uh-huh. Do you have any idea how much you were staring at that poor woman, Jake?”

  My frown deepens and I shove my hands in my pockets. “I wasn’t staring at her.”

  My uncle chuckles and shakes his head. “Okay. Sure. But yeah, you were. You have something you want to tell me?”

  “Like what?” I shrug.

  “You ask her out? That fight you two had, was it a lover’s quarrel? What? Fess up.”

  I cross my arms. “We’re…friends. That’s it.”

  “You like that girl.”

  “She’s not a girl. She’s eight years older than me.”

  He whistles under his breath. “Hot.”

  I can’t help but smile, “Dude.”

  He chuckles while flipping on his computer. “Older women, younger men, it’s the new thing. I read what’s on the internet.”

  “I see what you’re doing, but I don’t do relationships, Uncle Don, you know that.”

  “Who said you have to?” He winks at me.

  Anger rises from my gut without warning and I shoot him a look. “Don’t talk about her like Hank did. She deserves to be happy. I can’t make her happy.”

  I walk out without looking back.


  O n the ride home, Jake’s quiet. He was very professional with me today, after he came to my rescue when the men swarmed around me. Ever since he spoke to his uncle, he treated me like I was just a co-worker. I’m sure he’s got Denver on his mind. That’s going to be a big change for him. Still
, I would have liked to catch him stealing a glance at me at least once. I guess he really is going to keep that promise. I was being silly when I thought what was between us could mean something more than just sex.

  Marietta Street flies by the window as fast as the clock ticks. It’s Friday now. Tuesday is just around the corner. He’s moving away and I’ll live in his home all by myself. Our home, I guess. But all the furniture, save for what’s in my room, is his. I’ll be surrounded by him, but he won’t really be there.

  I’m not looking forward to it.

  “Your uncle was nice for sticking up for me today.”

  Jake’s hands tighten on the wheel. He gives a curt nod. “Watch out for Hank when I’m gone.”


  More silence. More storefronts blurring past. And as we’re almost home, he reaches over and lays his hand on my thigh. The warmth from his palm is both soothing and jarring. I glance over to meet his eyes. “If Hank gives you any trouble, will you tell me?”


  “I’ll have my brothers take care of it.” He’s dead serious.


  He nods and leaves an empty feeling behind as he puts both hands back on the wheel. “Botanical gardens tonight.”


  “Yeah,” he mutters. “May as well make the most of the few days I’ve got left here. With my friend Drew.” He huffs through his nose.

  “You really don’t want to go to Denver, do you?”

  “Not at all. I’ve never been there. I’m sure it’s fine.” He makes the last turn onto our street. “I’m just going to miss my family, that’s all. And my city.”

  I touch his thigh, too, wanting to comfort him. “I’m sorry, Jake.” He relaxes and exhales.

  “Me too.” Pulling into the parking lot, he leans forward in concentration and breaks into a grin. “Oh shit!” Cutting a mischievous smirk to me, he puts his hand over mine. “Ready to meet my brothers?”

  As soon as Jake opens our front door, we are ambushed. I’d been warned they had a key and would be waiting inside, but I never expected how disarmingly handsome they would be.


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