Eternal Night (Skeleton Key)

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Eternal Night (Skeleton Key) Page 7

by Marian Tee

  “What?” she exclaimed. “No! Of course not! I’m sure they’re all lovely.”

  And for her to say that with a straight face, she either believed that with all her heart – or she was an even more accomplished liar than he gave her credit for.

  “I love my subjects as if they were my own children,” Hades murmured skeptically, “but even I would not go that far.”

  “You’re trying to scare me, aren’t you?” she said nervously.

  “If that is my future queen prefers to think.” Hades’ broad shoulders moved in a careless shrug. “In any case, you must keep in mind that as they will be your subjects, it also means that they will be yours to command.”

  Hades turned to face the doors to his kingdom again, but his mind was lost in the past as he remembered how, once upon a time, he had spoken of the same words to another woman.

  “Each and every one of them is as much yours as they are mine – and whatever you want, they will make it happen…even if it costs them their lives.”

  That had been his wedding vow to Persephone, and he had meant every word, never knowing that the queen he had chosen would choose to twist its meaning…and use it as her god-given right to dehumanize those that Hades had sworn to protect.

  Hades and Persephone

  The day was still and quiet, and for once the castle of the god of the Underworld did not ring with the sound of innocent laughter from children playing in the courtyard.

  High above his kingdom, Hades surveyed his land with bleak eyes, his heart still grieving for the humiliation that his people had suffered because of him.

  Even now, the mere memory of what he witnessed made him shudder in renewed fury while the desire to claim vengeance still throbbed powerfully in his veins.

  The centaurs had been turned into brainless donkeys, forced to carry on their backs lesser immortals that could never even aspire to possessing a fraction of their nobility and courage. The Harpies, fierce, brave warriors, had been hunted down like they were no different from ordinary fowl.

  And the list went on and on, Hades thought numbly. All around him, his people had suffered, and he had not known – because his own queen had deliberately kept him in the dark.

  She had plied him with wine and kisses and seduced him with sweet flattery and coy gestures. It was Persephone the way she had been when they first met, and it intoxicated him, so much so he had become deaf to the agony of his own subjects.

  If not for Thanatos deliberately crashing the party and reporting to him of the incidents taking place, his people’s agony would have lasted the entire night. But even then, she had tried to stop him from learning the truth, had even threatened to leave him if he followed Thanatos out of the castle.

  It was at that moment the spell his queen had woven over him was broken, and Hades began to see Persephone for who she really was. Just looking at her beautiful lying eyes was enough, and he knew, without seeing anything else, that something was terribly wrong.

  He knew that, but even, so it did not prepare him for the horrors that awaited Hades upon leaving his castle.

  Underworld’s beauty had not been spoiled by Persephone’s ball, but its heart had been trampled upon. All around Hades, he could only see unspeakable anguish, with his people reduced into slaves and pets subjected to the vilely capricious whims of the queen’s guests.

  Rage nearly blinding him, the god of the Underworld summoned for the winds, and they raged across the kingdom. Windows exploded and the guests began to scream and rush out of the castle.

  Rising to the air, he appeared in front of the stampeding crowd, hissing, “If I ever see any of your faces again, you will suffer a fate far worse than death.”

  Cries of horror rose from the queen’s guests as they fought among each other for the chance to flee.

  Hades then turned to his subjects. “Once the silver sun touches the sky, you have my permission to devour anyone who remains on our land.”

  “Are you happy now?”

  The queen’s words destroyed the bleak solitude Hades had isolated himself in, and he turned away from the sight of his kingdom to face Persephone.

  When he didn’t say anything, Persephone said bitterly, “You really are cruel just like they say you are.” She began to cry, and the sound of her sobs made the god of the Underworld clench his fists, knowing he was the cause of her tears. Even now, despite knowing her faults, he still loved her. It broke his heart to see her in such a state, but he also knew he could and would not regret what he had done.

  At her continued sobs, Hades said tiredly, “There is nothing for me to say.”

  Persephone’s head jerked up at the words. “How can you think there is nothing for you to say when you have taken away my pride?” she demanded shrilly. “I will never ever be able to show my face to anyone again. You have turned your own queen into a pariah!”

  Hades didn’t answer, knowing that perhaps in the eyes of one so young, his actions had been as cruel and humiliating as his queen thought they were.

  “Say something!”

  His temper flared, and Hades snapped, “Tell me then.” His eyes blazing with fury, he gritted out, “Tell me how you could have done such a thing to them. Tell me!” He wanted to say much more, to accuse her the way she had accused him, but Hades managed to swallow the rest of his words, knowing how it would only make his queen shed more tears.

  Guilt stung the queen’s conscience, and a part of her heart shriveled at the disenchantment she glimpsed on her husband’s face. But even so, vanity and pride had her lifting her chin and muttering defensively, “I do not see anything wrong in what happened. It was all done in the spirit of fun---”

  Hades let out a hiss of disbelief. “Fun?”

  Flinching at the revulsion on her husband’s face, Persephone momentarily faltered, unused to being treated thus.

  “They are our people, Persephone. Our people! There is nothing the least bit fun,” Hades gritted out, “about having our subjects turned into a goddamn freak show---”

  “They are our subjects,” Persephone screamed, “and I am your wife! You must take my side!”

  “Not when you are wrong,” Hades roared.

  In a fit of fury, she jumped out of the bed and grabbing the first object she could get her hands on, she threw a priceless vase at her husband. “How dare you treat me this way? How dare you?”

  She threw everything she could reach at him, but the god only had to wave his hand in the air for his powers to deflect them, and her rage took on a venomous and vengeful turn.

  “You promised me they were mine to command,” she hissed, “and they know it.”

  Hades whitened.

  “So if there’s anyone to blame for this---” She looked at him straight in the eyes. “It is you.”

  She walked away, leaving the god of the Underworld broken because both of them knew she had spoken the truth.

  “Welcome to my humble abode,” the god of the Underworld murmured with a rakish smile as he helped her off his stallion.

  She could only smile weakly and clung to his hold, Ever still mentally reeling at being ‘introduced’ to Hades’ subjects.

  And that was such an understatement, Ever thought with an inward wince. What actually took place was more like a parade that was even grander than what she saw on TV. And there had even been fireworks, only they were nothing like those on Fourth of July because these had been entirely made of magic, with the rainbow array of sparkles faithfully following the movements of Hades’ hands in the air.

  It was mesmerizing to say the least, but such wonders paled in significance as she found herself actually smiling and shaking hands with creatures she had only once read about. Ever would have happily reminisced about those moments for the rest of the day, but when they entered Hades’ castle, she forgot all about it and found herself gaping.

  “This is where you live?” she gasped. She had expected it to be glorious, like all castles were, but not this glorious. The receiving hall ha
d a domed ceiling, and from the topmost balcony an orchestra serenaded them with classical music.

  Seeing where she was looking at, he told her, “Most of mankind’s greatest composers are in that group.”


  “They seem to prefer working for me over living in the Isle of the Blessed.” He paused. “Your kind calls it heaven, I believe.”

  She couldn’t stop gawking at the live orchestra, and now that she was squinting hard at them, she could actually make out a few familiar faces like Bach, Beethoven, and Pachelbel.

  She let her gaze roam around the castle, and when she saw the artwork framed on the walls as well as the mosaics painted on the ceiling, she said slowly, “Those artworks…”

  He grinned.

  She gaped. “Seriously?” She glanced at the artworks surrounding her again and this time, she could make out those made by Picasso, Monet, and Van Gogh.

  “What can I say? I’m the perfect master to serve.”

  His complete lack of modesty made her laugh, and she shook her head at him, murmuring, “I can’t get over how different you are from how you are in books. I mean, have you even watched how they drew you in Disney’s Hercules---” The grimace on Hades’ handsome face made her giggle.

  “It is not funny,” he said, disgruntled.

  “But it is.” She couldn’t stop giggling. “I can just imagine what you must have been feeling---” She started to laugh, but the sound of it was lost in Hades’ sudden kiss.


  His hands cupped her face as he deepened the kiss, his tongue stroking hers until she found herself clutching his shoulders.

  When Hades lifted his head, he smiled in satisfaction at the way her clouded gaze seemed to beg him for more of his kisses.

  “Tease me all you want, milady,” he purred. “I look forward to retaliating this way.”

  Ever’s face flamed, and she muttered under her breath, “The books never mentioned you were a sadist.”

  Hades laughed. “I am the god of the Underworld, and it is my duty to punish those who have sinned. What else can I be but a sadist?”

  Footsteps reached them and Hades reluctantly pulled away from her, seeing Hecate and Thanatos heading his way. “I must leave you for a while. I have business to attend to with Thanatos.” He gestured for the goddess of necromancy to come forward. “Hecate, I would like to introduce you to my future queen.”

  Ever stiffened at the mention of the goddess’ name, recognizing it instantly. A sense of foreboding filled her as she recalled what she knew of the deity whose powers lay in the art of necromancy.

  When she came face to face with Hecate, Ever was prepared to see a furious-looking entity, but instead she found a middle-aged brunette dressed in a plain black gown.


  Hecate’s lips curved in a smile. “You are surprised at my appearance, milady?”


  Seeing the torn expression on Ever’s face, Hades said dryly, “She probably recognizes your name from Macbeth.”

  “Hecate also appears in a Disney series,” Thanatos interjected with a sly note in his voice. “You had blue hair in that one, didn’t you? And if I recall correctly, you also wanted to usurp Hades’ throne and---”

  “Shut up.” Fury caused a momentary lapse in Hecate’s concentration, and her disguise disappeared, revealing her true appearance, with hair and eyes that changed from black to red every second and nails that were almost three inches long.

  Ever jumped back. “Bloody---”

  Hecate’s red-black eyes swung to her.

  “---beautiful goddess, I am at your service,” she finished quickly.

  There was a moment of silence before Hades, Thanatos, and Hecate laughed.

  “I told you,” Thanatos said with a smirk. “She will take you by surprise.”

  Hecate sighed. “It is uncanny that she could do so. She really is our prophesied queen.” When Ever appeared startled and discomfited at her words, Hecate’s darkly painted lips curved in another smile, and her voice was soft and gentle as she said, “It is my honor to be of service to you, milady.”

  She hesitated for a moment before asking uncertainly, “Are you sure?” She cleared her throat. “I know you also served---”

  “You must be exhausted,” Hecate interrupted the young mortal smoothly. Looking at Hades, whose face had turned stoic, she asked politely, “May I take her to her chambers, milord?”

  Hades glanced at Ever. “Will you be alright without my company?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I’m not a child.”

  “I know.” He wrinkled his nose back at her, murmuring wickedly, “I guess I’m asking because I’m the one who’ll be missing you.” And with complete disregard of the fact that they had company, the god of the Underworld drew her back to his arms to give her a thoroughly deep kiss.

  When his mouth finally left hers, she could only stare up at Hades, whispering, “That’s three.”

  Hades was puzzled. “Three?”

  She shook her head. “N-nothing.” Wriggling out of his hold, she turned to Hecate, saying brightly, “I’m ready anytime you are.”

  “Then please follow me, milady.”

  Ever was about to take a step forward when someone suddenly captured her wrist and yanked her back. She tumbled into Hades’ chest with a gasp, and when she looked up, he was grinning.

  “Why are you counting our kisses?”

  “Not telling.” Her lips pursed in a now-familiar picture of stubbornness.

  Hades smirked. “Well, even if you don’t, I already do.” He bent his head.

  She stiffened.

  But it was even worse than she feared.

  The god’s arm curved around her waist before pulling her even closer to him, and as she opened her mouth to protest, she felt his mouth touch the side of her neck. A moment later, Hades began to suck on the tender skin, and Ever froze.

  Bloody hell, how could he do this when they were not alone?

  Her eyes squeezed shut, Ever not wanting anyone to see the way the god’s mouth on her skin was making her feel lightheaded with need.

  When he finally lifted his head, she collapsed against him, and Hades chuckled. He whispered to her ear, “You do not have to count, milady. This is not a dream, and my kisses are yours forever.”

  He waited for her to squirm or squeal in embarrassment, but again she surprised him with her reaction, which was---

  A grunt.

  The sound made even Hecate blink, and seeing it, he said lazily, “Be at ease, demigoddess. It is only the prophesied queen’s way of expressing her embarrassment.”

  “I see.” Hecate looked at her charge. “How interesting.”

  Taking hold of Ever’s hand, he brought it to his lips, murmuring, “I will see you later.”

  “Promise?” she asked in a small voice.

  “I promise.”

  Hades and Thanatos watched the two women walk away. When they were alone, Thanatos murmured, “Has she passed the test then?”

  Hades’ face became expressionless once more. “If you are speaking of the way I had her meet the people of this kingdom, then I suppose it is a test. I also had to do it, to ensure she is the right choice for the Underworld.”

  “I’d like to believe you, milord, but I have a feeling you’re lying to yourself. It seems to me that the test was for your benefit.”

  Hades didn’t answer.

  “Do you not trust her, milord?”

  “How can I,” he said under her breath, “after all my mistakes in the past?”

  “She is the prophesied queen.”

  Hades shook his head. “Do you truly believe that, Thanatos? It is too literal, and I do not recall either the Fates or God having a warped sense of humor.”

  The winged demon studied the god’s face grimly. “You really do not believe her to be the fulfillment of the prophecy, don’t you?”

  “No. I don’t. But the people believe it, the world believes it – even you, w
ho are closest to me, believe it, and that is what matters the most.”


  “Cease your worries, Thanatos. There is no need for it. Start the preparations for the coronation. I want it to happen as soon as possible.”

  Left with no choice but to obey his king’s command, Thanatos stepped back and bowed before taking his leave. Hades kept himself deliberately busy for the rest of the day, and by the time Hades came knocking on the door to Ever’s chamber, it was almost midnight and the Underworld had submerged itself in pitch-black darkness.

  A moment later, he heard Ever’s soft, tremulous voice calling out, “Come in.”

  She was seated before the vanity, her back to the door. Their eyes met through the mirror, and he said lightly, “I thought you would be asleep by now.”

  “I was waiting for you.” She turned to him, and Hades sucked in his breath. The silk robe had parted on her movement, revealing one silky long leg and the low V neckline of her diaphanous sleeping gown.

  He cleared his throat. “I hope you find your chamber to your liking.”

  She couldn’t help smiling, knowing that the fact that Hades had to ask such a question was proof of how used he was to such luxuries. Her “chamber,” which was really more like a suite of rooms, was as large as an NBA-regulated basketball court. All of the furniture was twice as big as what was usual, and everything that could be either plated in gold or studded with diamonds was.

  And that included every handle for every door and tap, she thought wryly. Seeing that Hades was still waiting for an answer, she told him helplessly, “It’s more beautiful than anything I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  “I see.” His voice was vague, Hades having a hard time concentrating on her words as her robe was now fully gaping open, revealing the generous swell of her breasts above her dressing gown.

  “Better even than what I’ve seen on…TV?”

  The last word caught his attention, and the look in her eyes made his lips twitch. “Yes, milady, I do know what a television is. I even have a Snapchat account.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You do?”


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